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  1. +1
    Wellman reacted to iStu X in Anime and Manga Thread: Isekai must Die edition   
    I buy my manga digitally now through comixology. If there’s a series I really, really love or I can’t get digitally I’ll buy physically. 
    for instance I have physical copies every volume of Hi-Score Girl released so far in the west since it’s not available on comixology. 
  2. +1
    Wellman got a reaction from Hecatom in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Astral Chain being a 100% Nintendo is worrisome only because I don't know if they have any teams in house that can replicate action systems if that game. The setting and all that is stock anime future sci-fi but the actual game mechanics are something else. Hopefully they will still collaborate with Platinum in the future on the hopeful sequel.
  3. +1
    Wellman got a reaction from Psychoblue in Anime and Manga Thread: Isekai must Die edition   
    I have and will never collect any manga fully, unless it is like a 1-5 volumes long. Closet I got of current collect is an incomplete Ratman run.
  4. +1
    Wellman got a reaction from RSG3 in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Astral Chain being a 100% Nintendo is worrisome only because I don't know if they have any teams in house that can replicate action systems if that game. The setting and all that is stock anime future sci-fi but the actual game mechanics are something else. Hopefully they will still collaborate with Platinum in the future on the hopeful sequel.
  5. Insightful
    Wellman reacted to Sonichuman in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Interesting excerpt from the Platinum interview
    Lucasfilm recently signalled that it’s making the Star Wars license available to new game developers again. Have you already put your pitch in?
    Kamiya: I’m glad you brought this up because I just bought the full Blu-ray boxset and I’ve been watching all the movies over the past few weeks. I’ve just got to Episode 9 and I’m going to watch it right after this interview!
    Inaba: 9? Why watch the last trilogy?
    Kamiya: I love 9!
    Regarding working on a Star Wars game though… it’s a very well devised world. There’s just so much depth and character in that world that it’s almost terrifying to have to be in control of it for a game. I’d have my ideas for what I’d want to do for a game, but do those fit with the Star Wars franchise?
    For PlatinumGames we could think, ‘we have a lightsaber, we slice at some guy and he goes flying, we do a mid-fair combo and then pull out a whip lightsaber and start getting at ‘em’, but what if the powers that be say, ‘you can’t do that with Star Wars’? That would be trying at times, possibly. So when we hear that it’s available, part of me is like, ‘gimme gimme gimme!’ But then part of me is also like, I don’t want to get tangled up in something that could get messy.
    What do you think, Inaba?
    Inaba: You mean about episodes 7, 8 and 9?
    Kamiya: No, about us doing a Star Wars game!
    Inaba: Honestly, I feel the same way. It does feel attractive to be able to work on it and it’d be a dream in some ways. But I also feel like we would just make the fans pissed if we worked on it. Star Wars has such a fully developed world I feel it might be hard for us to add something. I think fans would be angry at what we would do, so it’s a difficult proposition.
    But you’d take the call?
    Inaba: We’re not in a position to be turning down meetings with Disney! (laughs) We’re not that elite yet. We would be honoured to have a meeting with them, yes.
    Kamiya loving 9 is probably making keyboard warriors go crazy right now.
  6. LOL
    Wellman reacted to MillionX in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    haha Chronic the Hedgehog would be pretty funny.... surprising I haven't seen anything like that before; surely someone would've designed that easy joke at some point in all these years?  You could just recolor Sonic to green, give him some halfway open eyes, with the constant "I'm high as fukkkkk, mane" facial expression... and of course he's not quite as fast as his cousin, the original fact he's kinda laid back about everything in life.
    ...hmm...imagine LSD the Treefrog... he would have the power to cast incredibly realistic hallucinations for his enemies...maybe even warp reality a bit...
    Anyway... the dlc for Dead Cells is well worth the 5 bucks, folks.  I've been playing this game non-stop once again.  The new areas and enemies are interesting...and there is a new "Cultist" outfit that's significantly different from all the others.... most outfits are unfortunately just palette-swaps of the same thing, basically, but that cultist outfit is something else and looks cool:
    I'll double-dip and get this for my XB1 version as well; I have enough reward points to just use that to buy it, actually.
  7. +1
    Wellman reacted to AriesWarlock in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    In a bizarre universe where the oppressed are on the brink of oblivion, Dandara has awoken to reshape the world. Welcome to a unique 2D metroidvania platformer full of mystical creatures and boundless exploration. Support black female leads!

  8. LOL
    Wellman reacted to KingTubb in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    I immediately thought of a shitty version of "chronic the hedgehog" 
    A pot smoking sonic but he only smokes mids and rolls joints with gum wrappers 
  9. LOL
    Wellman reacted to Dayaan in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    As a member of this fandom for almost 20 years, I have to (unfortunately) agree. It'll happen. Wall Street pyramid scheme Sonic drawings are coming. Stay tuned.
  10. LOL
    Wellman reacted to Hawkingbird in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    This tweet might have unintentionally created another meme character for the Sonic fandom to latch on to.
  11. +1
    Wellman reacted to BornWinner in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    In the span of Robert’s career as Sonic:I found Colors and Generations to be legit good. Other than that, I can’t recommend any of the games besides those two.
  12. Sad
    Wellman reacted to Disciple0fAnrky in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars
    Dammit man
  13. Insightful
    Wellman reacted to BornWinner in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Roger Craig Smith announces he won’t be voicing Sonic anymore.
  14. +1
    Wellman reacted to RegH81 in The Nintendo Switch Thread   
    Update on my dad's Breath of the Wild progress. He wanted to find Hetsu because had a ton of Korok seeds so I told him where to go. Figured I'd let him find out the Master Sword was there on his own. But he doesn't have enough hearts to yank that sucker out. He's been getting those stamina upgrades. 
    Meanwhile in Age of Calamity, ZELDA's POWER HAS AWOKEN!!!
    Girl just went to one of my least used characters to one of my mains! Ooooo I want this Zelda for Smash!
  15. +1
    Wellman got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
    Ah the days when Marvel legit sold a swimsuit issue in Europe of its most popular female characters.
    Won't see that from the Big 2 ever again.
  16. Insightful
    Wellman reacted to Disciple0fAnrky in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Slowly came to the realization that the vampire lady isn't goth at all and just a southern Baptist.   I can already hear her georgia accent
  17. +1
    Wellman reacted to RegH81 in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Sourcy hit 100K subscribers. Also his animated Smash Ultimate victory screens have gotten attention from the VG press. This vid includes some of his previous Sephy victory screens with some new ones. 
  18. LOL
    Wellman got a reaction from Disciple0fAnrky in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Naw, Yumiko is fucking awesome ain't no disrespect not matching girl with the ability to make paper manipulation awesome and badass.
  19. +1
    Wellman got a reaction from AriesWarlock in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
    Ah the days when Marvel legit sold a swimsuit issue in Europe of its most popular female characters.
    Won't see that from the Big 2 ever again.
  20. Insightful
    Wellman reacted to iStu X in The Nintendo Switch Thread   
    They did it...those crazy sons of bitches did it. I figured they’d never bring these to the west. 

    The best thing about these Sanrio amiibo cards being in one pack is that when they were released inJapan they came in packs of two and were blind packs. It also obliterates their after market value. Right now a full set of the Sanrio amiibo cards goes for about $250usd. 
  21. +1
    Wellman reacted to Disciple0fAnrky in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Yomiko Readman > james pond 

  22. +1
    Wellman reacted to RSG3 in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Probably gives them a good deal more freedom, and it let's them fuck under paying likeness royalties. 
  23. LOL
  24. +1
    Wellman reacted to iStu X in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Not enough to where it’s unplayable. I know some maps have a really hard time doing multiplayer but that’s about it. 
    I 100%ed the game and sunk almost 100 hours into it with zero issues playing
  25. Insightful
    Wellman reacted to RSG3 in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Todadys scoop. 

    They got me again. I own this one digital. Best Buy has Panzer Dragoon as well...probably double dio there as well...*sigh*
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