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Posts posted by rukawa_kaede

  1. On 10/19/2020 at 7:50 PM, DoctaMario said:

    You have excellent taste in CV games, those are among my favorites too! I find people who started with the older games are more likely to play and enjoy the metroidvanias than the other way around although even most die hard metroidvania people like at least Rondo. 


    i think SotN, while certainly a bit overrated, is still a great game and was a pretty big risk to take at a time when the series probably DID need a new direction so as not to end up like Mega Man. I've played it quite a lot even though when it came out, it took me awhile to really get into it because it didn't have a lot of the things I liked about CV. But I think it stands up as one of the best metroidvanias because it seemed like IGA spent so much time trying to recapture what made it so great in the first place, that the subsequent metroidvanias only showed how great it really was. 


    That said, I'm a hardcore CV fan, and if it says Castlevania on the cover, I'll spare no expense and at least give it a chance, so when Konami would decide to go in new directions, to me it meant that while it may not turn out the best, it would at least be something different. So I loved the LoS direction, just like I liked Judgment, and I even had a really good time with Grimoire Of Souls. So I don't understand someone being a fan of the series for a long time and not wanting to see it potentially take new and interesting directions. It's not like you can't play the old games until you're dead if you don't like the new ones. 

    late to this


    I do care about the series but I lied before lol. iI have played other  Iga games as well like the lament of innocence and curse of darkness but i never really liked them, the level design was a little to repetitive for me.  By the way since you're a hardcore Castlevania fan you probably remember the canceled Castlevania game for the dreamcast.



    It looked so good same aesthetic as the N64 Castlevania games i was looking forward to it but then it was later canceled due to demise of the Dreamcast, quite a shame honestly.

  2. On 10/17/2020 at 2:47 PM, DoctaMario said:

    I'm actually 9/10 sure peepeepoopoo is Mayhem. Nobody calls people phaggoats and homos with the frequency he does and he's done that a bunch. I just caught up in the thread. All 300+ posts. Jesus, I could have been practicing Tetris stuff and there I was reading all that bullshit. There's a part of me that loves arguing politics, but looking back on all the time I've spent doing it, I feel about as good about the use of that time as I do the time I spent learning SF4 ☹️🔫

    looks like he is, you and dangerousj can confirm it for yourselves if you login in shaft's discord

  3. 3 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

    I legit don't understand this line of thinking from people. If you played and knew the series, LoS (1 anyway) is Castlevania in spades. I suspect the only people who think it's "not Castlevania" are people who played SotN, Rondo, and a couple other random CV games (probably the Sorrow games, now THOSE are games that don't really feel like Castlevania imo) and based it off that. 

    interesting you say this


    I didn't say that actually, it was a friend of mine who said it. I was going to quote it but i was running out of time so I made it my own.


    I think you're right my friend started with SOTN and he fucking loves that game he also has played all the Castlevanias thereafter. He has never touched the older games.


    SOTN I think is overrated after i beat circle of the moon i stopped playing all of the igarashi games.


    I started with the first castlevania in the nes and i prefer the older games than the new ones with simon's quest and castlevania 3d being some of my favorites.








  4. I liked LOS1 as well but I couldn't finish LOS2,the modern setting and stealth missions killed it for me. Back to LOS1 I remember I beat the game on hard from the start. It's one of the few games that let's you change the difficulty setting from the beginning without having to beat the game first on default difficulty. That being said the game was still a little easy, bosses weren't much of a thread, I pretty much beat them with the same two hit combo + dodge, rinse repeat. Satan was the only one I had a hard time with. Everything else was great, the graphics, the setting, the soundtrack was good although it didn't have any of the music any other of the castlevanias are known for I think I only recognized one track from super castlevania IV and that was it. What the game needed was to incorporate more castlevania elements to make it feel more like a castlevania game. They could have done that for the sequel but instead they focused to much on the story side on the second part rather than the gameplay IMO. 

  5. 9 hours ago, misterBee said:


    I understand the appeal.  It's a good action game with a lot of style, but it's not like it was the first of its kind or necessarily even the best.  I just don't know why some fans act like it's the greatest game to ever grace the Earth.  The obsession fans have with Bayonetta sequels (or the lack thereof) seems disproportionate to the quality of the actual games themselves.


    Not shitting on Bayonetta - I liked it a lot.  Just seems a bit over-hyped on the internet.

    Since it became a nintendo exclusive after the sequel they are over hyping it even more reaching levels of smash annoyence at this point. 


    I still can't finish the first game I got bored with it. 



  6. 5 hours ago, Scanman said:

    Cisco is way ahead of you, unless you are also Cisco which I doubt.

    Also I'm suprised that dude showed up again, he was on SRK -super- early on. One of the great trolls along with Serp (who is also on this site I think).

    I don't think Serp has made an account here yet but he still around on discord. He said a while ago he was thinking in making an apology thread on SRK for all the trolling he did or something

  7. 15 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

    Gonna be honest.

    What some folks call playable on rollback is as garbage as bad delay.


    Having your opponent teleporting every 1 or 2 seconds is not playable, yet some morons claim it to be better than having a match with barely any delay just because is rollback.

    Fuck that shit

    why would i even care about rollbacks when all i'm trying to do is to land this combo which if done properly most likely will work in an actual match in person?!


    delay fucking sucks in the other hand.. hey i know Jump K won't land because there's lag so i must buffer it before it connects: online tactics



  8. 23 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

    I honestly can't think of a game that has better delay netcode especially with the ability to reach as far as Japan. ISPs are a factor too, you can have a decent speedtest trying but if your ISP sucks, you'll still get crummy connections. 


    That said, I'd rather play someone with a crappy connection using delay netcode then rollback. Rollback is the absolute worst of the connection isn't good. 

    hmm now  I think you're going insane

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