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Posts posted by ToreyBeans

  1. 21 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    The only animation, off the top of my head, that sticks out like a sore thumb is Chun Li's St.MP(?), it looks jank to me. At work, so I haven't seen the video yet. I did chuckle when @HeavensCloudbrought up the dude has PlayFEXL hashtag. It's a shoestring budget game, so I've give a pass, but that game is jank animation personified.

    I don't know man, maybe it's cool to hate on new things or something lol

  2. Ya know, all things considered we got it good with the animations with SF6. Of course they are not perfect but they are definitely better than SF5. Thinking back to SF2, that game had some interesting animation strings and I NEVER hear any complaints about them. Take for instance, the shotos' walk animations are super weird with their feet and knees going in multiple directions even as they move back and forth. 


    When CVS/2 dropped, the animations for the Shotos were designed to look incredibly close to SF2's and the weird walks were corrected. But by the time SF4 came the animations needed H E L P. Sure the key frames looked solid, but the in between frames and quick speed of most moves didn't make much sense in motion for a large amount of the cast.


    I guess what I'm getting at is every iteration improves on several aspects of the animation process and might lose certain qualities, especially when animating in 3D. We'll see if the later seasons in SF6's lifespan end up like Sakura in SFV or if they continue to get better. Given the direction we've seen so far, I'm feeling cautiously optimistic.



  3. 2 hours ago, Daemos said:

    don’t you love it when news sites and influencers plunder our discussions for content and never take the time to credit us or even Megashock?

    Yup pretty annoying... They recently had a piece about the comparisons on the character select screens over the years and completely bit off my thoughts on them. Fine, but it's a bit slimy to not give any credit.... I mean we should ideally be one big happy FGC family, but when stuff like this happens it's definitely a bitter kinda thing.

  4. Astute observation!! Can't wait to find out how JP is related to Amnesia. So I'm guessing the drones shot Tsujimoto, especially since Ken left the "safehouse" and the drones were trying to tail him... The gravity of the story reminds me of SF2TAM.  Cammy assassinated Mr. Sellers, we saw Shadaloo drug smuggling and Ken was getting brainwashed.


    I really need some relief from all the darkness we've seen in the three issues (including #0). I guess Luke is comic relief, but man even he was ruffled by the frame job. Li-Fen I guess was moreso to lighten the mood and offer more insight with the deepfake, but I was so focused on what happened with Ken that I couldn't get myself to even smile when she talking with Chun. I needs the resolution now Capcom!

  5. 3 hours ago, Maravilla said:

    What do y'all usually do when a new fighting game  comes out? I've only played 3 but for those 3 I usually go into training for like 3 weeks before anything else, I try out characters, combos,etc. after I get comfy with the characters I choose I then go online in casuals. 

    First thing I do is go into the story/arcade mode and clear it with all the characters. I like to get a general feel of each character before I get serious with training. I like to watch YouTube for strategy and do a few bnbs in the trials before I go into casuals and eventually ranked once I'm comfortable with the characters and my opponent's strategies. The time I usually take to get to ranked may take a little longer because I wanna invest time into World Tour.

  6. I honestly… 



    did not expect Mel to be so moody! And he has a mouth on him too? Luke was chill enough to let the dirt roll off his shoulders. Well I guess he probably gets it from his dad. I mean Ken clowned Rufus so hard, we haven’t seen him since Street Fighter x Tekken! I digress though…


    I was pretty shocked at how Jackson died. The shot was bad enough, but then the explosion too? Charlie’s death didn’t hit the way Jackson’s did. The insurrection is probably JP’s doing. 

    Another thing about JP… He has some sort of accent (the th sound turning into z), but it’s not even there in the game footage. Maybe even that’ll be explained?

    I’m curious about whether we’ll see any characters from the comics in the actual game.




    9 hours ago, Daemos said:

    The character themes are what is really off. I don’t see them growing on me.

    I thought the same thing about the MVC2 music, now it's legendary. The music in SF6 is still new, but we'll see what happens towards the middle of the game's life. Maybe more people will enjoy it, maybe it'll continue to be polarizing. Either way I'mma continue enjoying it!

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