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Posts posted by ToreyBeans

  1. My wife played SF6 for the first time this morning. Although she *really* wanted to use Chun, she ended up playing Luke  (who she feels is a brodude lol). The very first thing she wanted to do with him was his “haduuken” taunt.

    She felt right at home with using Modern controls and combos came to her more than they had before. We played some SFV before we got into SF6, and we easily had more fun playing SF6 and had some laughs to boot! I didn’t think my honey would enjoy SF but she thoroughly enjoyed the experience. 

  2. I can definitely see that the spirit of Street Fighter II is alive and well in SF6. Here are a few things I've considered: looking at the classic costumes, the characters look closer to their SF2 iterations than any other sequel, the fun versus screen with just the characters' faces is something we haven't seen since probably SFA, I mentioned that the super shadows have been brought back, the battle damage feature is returning after a long absence, looks like Capcom is upping the ante with the bonus stages (I mean big rigs and fridges tho?? Lol), the character select screen mirrors the WW8 in SF2, Blanka's and Dhalsim's SF2 stages have returned, shoot even the SF2 movie theme got remixed (again) for the game. I remember that SF4 was supposed to be a reimagined SF2, but it feels like it was derived from other games. SF6 though hits the nostalgia harder. We just need that classic music rearranged for the game. 


    7 hours ago, Daemos said:

    Wait a minute, that barber shot of Guile is his arcade ending? 



    I feel like the most we're gonna get in regards to some decent storytelling won't come from World Tour or Arcade mode. I think the comics coming next month are pretty much gonna be it for a while. I don't expect WT to give us anything substantial besides offering exposition to the newcomers on who these "masters" are and what they're doing these days.


    Arcade feels like it's gonna be close to SFV's version, which isn't bad per se, but isn't likely gonna offer us the juicy bits. However grinding for artwork is fun (especially if special conditions are involved). We don't need to see another cinematic story mode with "Ryu and his merry warriors" as @Miðgarðsormhumorously mentioned. Mortal Kombat can keep that whole format... SF6 needs to do its own thing. Whatever that looks like I'm hoping for a home run of a story.


    Fingers crossed, we eventually find out what's happened to the Shitennou. One of the guys I know from the gym who casually plays SF was disappointed about them not being in the starting lineup.  Maybe the four bosses are gonna make Capcom money in a year 2 or 3 package. 

  4. 23 minutes ago, Daemos said:

    It's his birthday!!!!! (It's the 17th in Japan)





    Happy Birthday to the boss of bosses! THE KING OF KINGS! May the planet squirm and writhe in despair beneath your big black boots forever! 🥰

    Maybe I should consider it a good thing that my birthday's the same as dictator's??


    I'm holding onto 39 quite a bit. There's no going back after 5:20 tomorrow evening!!

  5. I dunno... I love the music from SFV (and the entire series as a whole)  just as much as next person, but I don't need classic tracks to enjoy the SF6 music. The hip hop influence I think is par for the game and the musical production value is actually pretty high, especially listening with my ear buds. Zangief's new theme feels very much like something I'd expect in a post SF3 world: hip hop beats, with a house sound all while having that Eastern European sound. I danced to it and it's a fun theme. I feel like all the returning characters definitely have great themes that fit each character differently. Terayama-san and company knows how to make every theme work.


    As I've said before, we're likely getting classic remixed themes. The development team is looking to please everyone, so hopefully those themes will be packaged with the classic costumes. If not, maybe the themes will grow on some of y'all....? 


    Decided to post the playlist so no one gets left behind lol


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