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Posts posted by ToreyBeans

  1. 5 hours ago, Vhozite said:

    Just went to a wedding. Super happy for the groom (one of my friends) and I enjoyed the ceremony. 


    But Jesus fucking Christ I hate the pomp and circumstance. I want to see the marriage happen, eat/drink, and go home. I wasn’t even apart of the wedding and I’m fucking exhausted.

    Also gonna say some sexist but I need to get it off my chest. The way (some not all) women act during weddings is absolutely insufferable. I will gladly stay single the rest of my life if it means I never encounter this behavior again.

    You would've appreciated my wedding. No bridesmaids  (or groomsmen for that matter)... With the exception of the minister, who's my best friend and our photographer who's a friend of ours, it was all family. My dude went long, but we ate good afterwards and the rest of the night was BLESSED.

  2. Yeah man... I stopped playing once I got to Diamond. The fatigue really started to set after we got SF6 footage. My mind's been training me to want the new hotness and not the old busted joint. Shoot, I occasionally fire up SFIV and after about five minutes I realize that was a mistake. Lately I've been messing with Final Fantasy VII Remake, but not nearly enough to make a dent in my progress. Still a newlywed so I'm spending plenty of time watching Bleach with Wiferena and eating good lol.

  3. So I've been comparing the animations for Ryu and Ken for the moves that they have in common. I honestly thought they had identical animations for their standing light punch, heavy lunch, and light kicks, but there are actually slight variations between the attacks. The distinction was much more visible in SFV than in SF6's current state. I was pretty surprised that Capcom didn't cut and paste Ryu's animations directly onto Ken!  Come to also learn their Tatsus have different start up animations and hand positioning. I inspected the Hadoken and Shoryuken animations too but I didn't notice any distinctions between them. Check em out!














  4. I'll be honest enough to admit that during the beta, I was pressing HP+HK to do v-trigger to make my moves safe and bulldoze with a nice comeback lol. But yeah, no can't do that! Had to play actual footsies and even though I was a Five Star Silver Ryu, my footsie game could certainly use a boost. I'm just grateful for the progress I made and I'm not gonna let the learning curve trip me up. I had fun with SFIV and SFV and I'll be dawggone to request changes built into the ecosystem of the game. I'mma git gud or I won't - no excuses necessary. 

  5. 19 hours ago, Sonero said:

    Sabin's weird PC master race take

    I really don't understand his take about why folk won't join PC master race... He shouldn't be speaking for everyone, cuz straight up, I like my PS5 and tryna build a PC doesn't make sense for my budget. That's some serious propaganda fake news that man's believing




  6. I might mention something controversial here, so here goes.... After listening to both Hiroki Takahashi and Kyle Hebert lend their voices for Ryu, admittedly for the first time since SFIV, I think Kyle Herbert did a better job with it. Helps a lot that the English voices are now synced with the characters' lip movements, which is wonderful by itself! 


  7. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU!!! Ugly Ken is not supposed to exist in this game!!!! What the actual heck is that second picture of a carryover from SFV is that supposed to be?! Must be all the stress from everyone thinking Ken was divorced, strung out, a drug lord, tryna get the kids back, brainwashed by Dictator, and too violent for everyone. At least he doesn't have a head full of bananas.

  8. 1 hour ago, BornWinner said:

    If I have any flaws with this game, as far as I can tell, you can only have either Japanese or English voices set. No mixing like how it was in SF4 and SF5. Always thought that was a good feature.

    Actually!!! The option is in the game! If you go up options, under language there's "character specific settings". It's just grayed out during the beta. Vocal mixing is back y'all!!!!! 

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