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Posts posted by ToreyBeans

  1. 1 hour ago, BornWinner said:

    If I have any flaws with this game, as far as I can tell, you can only have either Japanese or English voices set. No mixing like how it was in SF4 and SF5. Always thought that was a good feature.

    Actually!!! The option is in the game! If you go up options, under language there's "character specific settings". It's just grayed out during the beta. Vocal mixing is back y'all!!!!! 

  2. 1 hour ago, Daemos said:

    I will be offering a 10,000 Bison Dollars (!) reward to anyone who can mine the SF6 beta for ANY information about the whereabouts of Bison.

    If you have the beta key, this is your chance to help the hungry children of the world and save the Amazon rainforest too. Your kindness will not be forgotten.


    I think Bison will drop with the rest of the Shitennoh in May. Only a hunch~!

  3. Okay - so Capcom is really doing things right... But tell me why even the sound effects for just making a choice sound so pleasant and chill?? 


    Also liking the improvements for ranked! Glad it's back to being character based - no more having to create a second account or concern myself with dropping rank! Seems like it won't be so unforgiving on dropping rank, but I definitely wanna know what will happen on a DC. 


    And... Eternity is interesting lol

  4. 1 hour ago, delete_me said:

    I probably sound like a broken record but Punk seems to be maturing backwards. For the last five years he was the rebellious, dumb teenager who blames the world for everything bad that happens to him but now he's approaching middle school and is publicly claiming he doesn't want to play with someone anymore because they stink. 


    Watch him start wearing diapers by the time SF7 gets announced.

    I agree man... I'm starting to wonder if Punk and others might need to have an advisor of sorts to prevent this kinda stuff from happening. I'll gladly take a GG @ whoever over seeing any player get eviscerated because they won. Or even outright ban like Pertho said for unsportsmanlike conduct. Capcom will definitely step in if Punk continues this behavior during the CPT. Case in point:



    In the meantime, I'mma sit back and watch this Benjamin Button story unfold 👀

  5. 26 minutes ago, Skort said:

    For anyone interested in applying for closed beta. 


    Thanks for the link! And also to whoever mentioned that Capcom ID would be a thing, I signed up in June, which made applying an absolute breeze. Good lookin out! Hope we all get in... 


    BTW, Capcom knocked the announcement way out of the park. I'm entirely impressed with the presentation, and it's probably my favorite reveal so far. 4 SF2 characters, the main modes finally getting displayed and most of all the game looks like so much FUN. 


    Also noticed that CFN will be back for SF6. Hmmm....

  6. Speaking of final bosses, I wonder what Capcom's gonna do about G in SF6. Nakayama-san said that G was the final boss of SFV (how lolol). Maybe that completely unrealized idea will actually make its way into SF6? Besides that, I've already noticed that items that didn't go into SFV are already being implemented into SF6  (e.g. the newest SF6 stage looks a whole lot like the SFV prototype stage and F.A.N.G's background in his character art). I remember reading a while back from X-Kira (again lol) that SF2 costumes for Ryu and Ken would be coming and now Ryu will pretty much have it. Oh speculation is so much fun~!

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