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...currently watching True Blood again, season 1... this hippie girl "Amy" that "Jason Stackhouse" hooked up with is hot as hell, dammit... she doesn't have any significant bootymeat but she's all around adorable/gorgeous in every other way...and apparently she's fine with being naked on the show.  Yeahhhhh I'd eat the hell out of that. 


I'm also aware that my baby Janina Gavankar shows up in this series at some point, so I'm looking forward to that.  Janina was also on Vampire Diaries as well, playing an ancient witch named "Qetsiyah"

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cheh, I'm surprised this didn't occur to me before, on the subject of the ongoing saga that is "DSP"... the "chargebacks" and pay reversals or whatever that happen.... to him or any streamer/personality, really... I suspect this is the likely scenario.... it's probably not always a person just "trollin'": (edit---the latest "detractor" shit I've been watching is->>> here...)


  • Little kid/teen, let's call him "Goofus" got Mommy and/or Daddy's credit card, and make the donation, tip "cheer" whatever...for a large amount...let's say $500+.
  • Mommy and/or Daddy notice this soon on the statement or checking it online, whatever and are like WHAT the hell?!
  • They do whatever they can to get it back.  Our boy "Goofus" is now in big trouble with Mommy/Daddy.  Ohhh they are highly pissed 🤣

On another note--- waking up wayyy early leaves a lot of time for so much other stuff.  It's rare that I've ever needed an alarm clock for morning stuff since I'm (regrettably sometimes) the "early bird", usually up by 4 or 5, sometimes earlier....but I have all this time to surf the net, watch youtube, get caught up on some tv show, exercise, a bit of gaming, etc...and I can usually take my time getting ready for work....and of course a side effect there is it's incredibly rare that I've ever been late for work or classes back when I was in school.  heh, by the time most people wake up, I've already been grocery shopping or doing all kinds of other things

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yeahhhhh bruh it's time for more....--Cheapskate Tactics:

So...someone happened to retire today, and of course there was some snacks I let that be my lunch for the day.  This person also brought donuts in the morning, so that was some extra breakfast there...and I cooked up some sausage links earlier at home.... so I spent absolutely nothing to eat today, unless you count the few sausage links that were purchased earlier, which only cost 2.26  before tax...for a box of 12 links (always Jimmy Dean brand for me; love that shit)....and I think it was 5 links this morning so that's  45 cents.  I only  had 3 links remaining out of that box and I ate those a little while ago....75 cents.


Also... it's coming up on 8 months with no curbside trash pickup now, at 20 bucks monthly that works out to around $160 saved right there.  I actually cut up 2 pizza boxes this morning so they could easily be thrown out in small trash bags (*which are really just grocery store bags; why buy actual trash bags when you get store bags for free? 😄)

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Woot! It's my birthday today. It's funny how now that I'm in my early thirties I kind of dread the days approaching to my birthday, but then I feel appreciative of all the experiences that led me to this point. I think with work, school and other responsibilities in our lives we start to take living for granted and zone out to the tragedies and maladies that have affect our fellow man on a daily basis. 


Heh... I guess I'm getting more contemplative as I get older...

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sheeeeit, Broforce is awesome shit, man... I already have sooo many "Bros" at this point--haha and the names are gold---I got "Brobocop", The Brominator, "Brade"(Blade), Rambro, Brommando, Bro Dredd, Indiana Brones, etc. etc.  <--yeah I'm late to the party there but this game is The Shit, and it's perfect in portable form now on Switch.


The latest little DSP update from Memology---  

some weirdo goes wild gifting everyone subs... I'm talking HUNDREDS of gifted subs... annnnd of course Phil is ungrateful and doesn't seem interested in any sort of celebratory thing, like new sub goal events or whatever.... he said the following once they hit 1000 (*nearly 500 of them being gifted by that 1 dude):

"There is no 1000-sub goal; there never was.  ... am I happy to get a ridiculous amount of subs and you guys are going to get access to all the new Spidey emotes and everything coming up? Yes!  Do I want pressure on me to to do goals and shit for something I didn't plan for? NO! hu huh, so there's no 1000 sub goal!"  🤣

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^yeah surprisingly I never played them, but they do look like something that's definitely my style.


I'm watching more Tru Blood; episode 11 now... the redhead on here is hot as HELL, man...goddamn.  I think this is the same girl that was later Daredevil's girlfriend in that netflix show....

quick internet research says---- yep it's her... Deborah Ann Woll Absolutely of the finest on the show, easily.  


*oh of the other fine ones just got killed, it looks like.... damnnnnnnn....but she had vamp blood in her at the time... if this was CW show rules that right there would be enough to turn her (die with vamp blood in your system), but it doesn't apparently work like that on this show, unfortunately.

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On 9/7/2018 at 7:49 AM, *.:White ShadoW:.* said:

Woot! It's my birthday today. It's funny how now that I'm in my early thirties I kind of dread the days approaching to my birthday, but then I feel appreciative of all the experiences that led me to this point. I think with work, school and other responsibilities in our lives we start to take living for granted and zone out to the tragedies and maladies that have affect our fellow man on a daily basis. 


Heh... I guess I'm getting more contemplative as I get older...

It's a little late but...............................Booty on your birthday!!  




She's looking for your present.  Little does she know.................We're all looking AT it.   

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Sheeeit, a bit more of the Fable 2 ranting -- on my mind since the topic of "bad game design/moments" came up in another forum....

I can't help but continually bring this up, as it is THE worst, most anticlimactic garbage I've ever seen in all my years of gaming (*I started way back with the Atari 2600). It's like if Rian Johnson was at the helm there, going for the "SUBVERSION" nonsense.  Oh you thought it would be a grand final battle with the main villain? NOPE, GOTCHA! WE SUBVERTED YOUR EXPECTATIONS! ISN'T THAT CUTE!? LOLLL" Get the hell out of here with that foolishness, man.  It wouldn't be out of place for a giant "internet troll-face" to pop up on the screen at that point.  This was the first time I've sat in complete disbelief with what just happened for the final "battle" scenario in a game. 

This was such a profoundly stupid way to do things; words don't even do it justice....almost single-handedly ruined the overall experience of that you're eating whatever your favorite thing is---let's say it's a pizza...get to the last slice and as you take the final bite you notice a giant clump of mold and roach legs there inside the breading. That's what Fable 2's final boss "encounter" is.  It's tough to *not* go on a rant about this as you can tell...still irritates me to this day, all these years later.  

(*almost forgot to just post the shit--- basically:

  • Lucien is the all-powerful supervillain that shot you when you were a child, and kidnapped your sister.  Lucien also shot your dog at some point.
  • A magical musicbox you collect drains away his godlike powers at the end, so now he's just an ordinary human...but still making some longwinded speech.
  • At this point either the player can kill him in 1 hit....or Reaver will shoot him if you take too long, with the quip "boy, thought he'd never shut up."
  • Lucien falls off the edge and dies.  That's it.  He doesn't transform into anything or comes back somehow....because he was human when you or Reaver killed him just now.  Yeah, THIS is how the main villain of the story dies, folks...literally easier than fighting a common bandit at the beginning.  No epic final battle, no transformations or cool spells going on...nothing.  Not a goddamn thing....just some old dude who is now powerless getting shot or slashed and falling off the edge of a cliff.)


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Thanks to Million for reminding me about this on SRK1.


Happy 19th Anniversary Dreamcast!


How do i Love thee ? Let me count the ways...


Soul Calibur, Power Stone 1and2, Rival Schools 2:Project Justice, MVC1, MVC2, CVS1, CVS2, Shenmue 1 and 2, Grandia 2, Crazy Taxi, KOF 98-2002, SF3: Third Strike, Toy Commander (Im the only one who remembers lol)

Chu Chu Rocket, Resident Evil:Code Veronica, Jet Grind Radio, Dead or Alive 2, Sonic Adventure 1 and2,  Skies of Arcadia, and.... Virtua Tennis 1, and 2k2!



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man, the Dreamcast may have single handedly saved many sailors careers, including mine.  Just like you, we collected all the soul calibur and sc 2, and we had the fortunate luck of having someone with a hacked VMU which allowed for all the MVC2 characters.  That poor machine never saw rest when I was there and I even left it with the crew so that they could continue to have at least something reliable for those nights out at sea.  I tried to grab another one when I got back to America, but settled for the PS2 instead.

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2 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

man, the Dreamcast may have single handedly saved many sailors careers, including mine.  Just like you, we collected all the soul calibur and sc 2, and we had the fortunate luck of having someone with a hacked VMU which allowed for all the MVC2 characters.  That poor machine never saw rest when I was there and I even left it with the crew so that they could continue to have at least something reliable for those nights out at sea.  I tried to grab another one when I got back to America, but settled for the PS2 instead.

My Dreamcast is sitting in my TV cabinet right now.  In a few months I'll replace the disc drive with a SD card reader and keep an entire collection of Dreamcast ISOs on the console itself.  It'll be great. ❤️

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ohhh yeah I forgot---I also had Jet Grind Radio, CvS1, Project Justice and Third Strike.


It's still irritating that the "Custom Character" mode was cut out of the North American version of Project Justice(*I suspect it was due to pure laziness).  I would've played the hell out of that mode, as you know I love just about any game with a decent create-a-character mode.  Sadly, I doubt Capcom will ever resurrect Powerstone or Rival Schools.  There is no hope.  The Powerstone collection on PSP will likely be the last we ever see of either franchise.  The Kingdoms of Amalur IP was recently acquired by THQ Nordic if I recall.... so even THAT has more hope of being brought back at this point.


I hate how some of these companies have so many great IPs that they just let sit around forever.  

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cheh, it surprises me to see so many people preferring werewolf over vampire when that topic is up... in most shows and movies, the werewolf "condition" truly seems like a damn curse the writers intend it to be...  you'd still grow old and die eventually... still get hurt, and depending on the lore, you only have superhuman strength, agility and healing when transformed.  Even if we go with the CW version, where they have a pretty good deal (they get superhuman strength, speed/agility, senses and healing even while in human form if the curse has been activated)... transformation is still shown to be an unimaginably painful thing....characters describing it as "like every bone in your body slowly breaking"...and yeahhhhh fuck THAT.  On top of that, they typically don't even remember what happened while in beast form. 

Compare that to vamps, who typically get: superhuman strength/speed/agility, supernatural healing factor, enhanced senses, magical "charm/compulsion" ability, various transformations depending on certain lore, AND immortality + immunity to sickness and disease...and flying in some stories..oh and invading your dreams in some stories.  The pros far outweigh the cons.  The bonuses list for the wolves comes up short in comparison.


*watching more True Blood again... I see that Anna Paquin didn't mind getting naked on this show...niiiiice.


*ha, that "cool dude" they're passing off as "Jimmy Olsen" on CW's _Supergirl_ was on this show, I see.  That's still one of the most hilariously wrong casting choices I've ever seen, man....they got one of the geekiest little characters in comic book history being played by this tall "Mr. Cool Ladies' Man" guy.  It's not just a race-swap, they've turned him into a completely different character on that damn show... oh and he fights crime too....has a costume and everything; he's the "Batman" on the show, basically.😄

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They should have just made him a new character honestly. After 3 seasons, his role feels the least essential imo. 

He was in superhero mode less in S3 but it still strains the credibility when he has no superhuman powers,no military or law enforcement training and yet he kicks butt flawlessly.


The only interesting thing is he gets to be Lena Luthors bf now. 

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While I enjoyed Luke Cage season 2, I think it tried to do too much with the characters and plot. Bushmaster was awesome with a solid balance between being a menacing wild dog and a relatable guy. I have to give props to the effort the faux-Jamaican cast doing their best to come off convincingly "Jamaican", but I think the whole thing with the...



Mariah Dillard's daughter turning  matricidal and "evil" and Luke being angry and morally ambiguous for seemingly no real reason felt meh. Also the forced chemistry between Luke and Danny didn't go as well as Marvel was probably trying to do, it simply fell flat for me. To be honest, the whole angle of leaving villains a chance to escape and keep killing innocent people thing is getting old.   Luke doesn't have to be a cold blooded killer, but a simple leg snap or arm break can go a long way in stopping them from doing more  harm. This finger wagging BS after wading through a sea of enemies shtick just seems nonsensical.


With the Punisher for example, the antagonists had to build sufficient distance between Frank because they knew the outcome of a confrontation would not be pretty. This made the scenes have a stronger sense of tension and also more realistic.


I'm really starting to think the whole 13 episode format these writers are being forced into hinders them from doing a well paced story. They preemptively end a major plot point only to start weak subplots near the end that often feels forced and contrived.


Speaking of which, I just started watching Iron Fist season 2 and I'm already disappointed. Villains with childish motivations and soap opera-like drama. I think they should force the actor who plays Danny  to always wear a disguise or mask in major fight scenes so that a competent fighter can replace him for most of the action scenes, because he's hardly improved since last season. He can't use the excuse of not having ample time to learn the choreography anymore.


Just a personal reminder on why The Punisher is definitely my favorite Netflix Marvel series.

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True Blood-- I'm up to season 2 now... there is a seriously fine cougar that appeared on the show now....the old shapeshifter that takes Tara in for a while.  Holy shit she looks nice in this scene as I'm typing this.  I would've been her boy-toy anytime....she seems to have a bit of this "hot gypsy" look.

  • *heh, the detective on this show seems so much like a new-era Joe Don Baker.  This guy is "MITCHELL!" 😄
  • *there's some niiiiiiice shots of Anna Paquin tittymeat in the opening of season 2....very nice. 
  • *Anna Camp is another cutie on the show, playing the wife of some preacher/cult-leader(haha is there even a difference?)....definitely a good one.  Heh, the preacher better keep that on a tight leash... it looks like Jason Stackhouse IS going to tap that eventually.
  • Looking some info up earlier... I found out that "Jason Stackhouse" actor is an Aussie?!  It's always interesting how some of them can perfectly mimic the American/Southerner accent.  I would've assumed he was a real southerner, perhaps from Louisiana specifically.

I'm still way behind on the netflix marvel shows... Luke Cage season 1, never finished the first Iron Fist, never even started on The Punisher.... I might watch Daredevil finally since I know the incredible, delicious Deborah Ann Woll is in that.  I never cared before since I've never been a fan of Daredevil as a character in the first place....just seemed like such a boring character, imo.  The only non-superhuman hero I've always liked was of course Batman....anyone else is usually lame to me.

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reminds me ---shows that go bad--- Heroes is the first that comes to mind for me.  I absolutely loved season 1 of that...but then it quickly went down hill BIG was sad what happened there.  The show had huge potential.


Oh and in terms of animated shows---

Inuyasha...enjoyed it at the beginning, then got tired of the eternally meandering's like the writer(s) forgot what the characters were supposed to be doing, or where the story was originally supposed to go, so fuck that.


Naruto--was good only until Sasuke vs. Naruto at the waterfall, imo...everything after that in part 1 was trash.  Shippuden caught my interest for a while in the beginning, but that era fell off too.  


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1 hour ago, MillionX said:

reminds me ---shows that go bad--- Heroes is the first that comes to mind for me.  I absolutely loved season 1 of that...but then it quickly went down hill BIG was sad what happened there.  The show had huge potential.


Oh and in terms of animated shows---

Inuyasha...enjoyed it at the beginning, then got tired of the eternally meandering's like the writer(s) forgot what the characters were supposed to be doing, or where the story was originally supposed to go, so fuck that.


Naruto--was good only until Sasuke vs. Naruto at the waterfall, imo...everything after that in part 1 was trash.  Shippuden caught my interest for a while in the beginning, but that era fell off too.  


Naruto is one of those things that you just gotta read instead of watch. Animated version has too much non-canon filler and Shippuuden has huge stretches where they drag things out and use subpar animation.  Manga has none of that crap. 

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ohoooo that can-o-worms topic of race-swapping has been on and poppin' again today, with rumors of Cavill being out as Superman (though he's since re-affirmed that he will still be Superman), and some people talking about Michael B. Jordan as Superman... with of course some people I happen to watch being totally find with that (Collider and J. Campea)... it really just doesn't make sense to me.  It's just as visually wrong as if you cast a big 400 lbs. slob of a dude to play one would accept that fatass pig as Peter Parker...people would just laugh at whatever dope in casting decided that would be a good choice....doesn't matter if he's the greatest actor in the world; he's still 400 fucking pounds and shouldn't be playing that character.  Superman is an alien, sure----but he happens to be usually drawn to look like a human white male with dark hair and a certain build.  Having Snipes, Jordan or whoever brown to play him is just as wrong as if we cast Danny Devito for the part. 


I suppose character accuracy doesn't mean shit anymore in the modern era for some people.  Let's have Tyra Banks play Amanda Waller too....and maybe Bill Goldberg as Goku.  Oh and can't forget we should have Tara Reid playing Chun Li and Tom Cruise playing Dhalsim for a new Street Fighter film....because that makes perfect sense, right?  Sure. 


Casting choices for real people---what about a biopic about Oprah Winfrey?  We should obviously get Megan Markle to play her.

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On 9/10/2018 at 5:58 PM, DangerousJ said:

I know Mondays are shitty but Kiryu really plunged this guy into darkness.

9 -29 seconds 



That wasn't half-bad. I remember in OG Yakuza 2 you could unlock a start of the fight heat move where you beat somebody's ass with a live lobster, but it's been a while since I played that game. From another video I watched, it seems to have been replaced with Kiryu beating people up with a pair of Leeks... Which is cool, but not quite the same



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I went back to playing CoD MW2. Now that it's backwards compatible for Xbone I wanted to see how it holds up. Ehhh graphics are meh 9 years later and it is noticeable. Having said that the game still has a fun exciting campaign and I'm enjoying it again. Music still holds up well. Not to get political but based on the game's timeline of being 2016 you could believe in some alternative dimension this is how Russia would "meddle" with the US resulting in us going to war with them. 

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I got conned into downloading Destiny 2 the other day.  Mother fucker.


I knew it was going to be a pain.  I KNEW it would be irritating in places.  I still didn't know the worst of it.  


This damnable bag of shit wants to disconnect every five minutes over something or other.  If you have to go to a cutscene, God help you.  I got up to hit the restroom and came back to a disconnection.  Nope, I disconnected that shit from my PS4 and my life has never been better.  Screw that damn game. 

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