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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread

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ohhhh I just remembered that Batman Animated Series box set should be out by now there's something else I need to spend money on... there's so much entertainment out there to be acquired and enjoyed, so little time in life 😞 


Fox & Friends this morning--- Katie Pavlich is on... sadly it's a longer dress she has on but the lower legs look INCREDIBLE right now.  Somewhere out there, srk's own "Shaft Agent" really, REALLY needs to check this shit out, man...this visual is delicious. 


hahah I am still watching that Phil halloween stream replay... one dude in the chat posted the following (with a bit cheer): "did you wipe up the dried cumstain before she sat on the couch?"  ooooooh yeah that most likely got a ban....YEP he's gone 🤣 


edit 2-- GTG has of course his "Special Report" on the situation.


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1 hour ago, misterBee said:

Alright boys it's time for a rebranding.  Post any name suggestions you may have for this place here.

Any particular theme you are looking for? I want to give you serious suggestions instead humorous ones like this Seriously Rad Kommunity or the Bee-Chan Clan. In the case of the latter I'd be Darc Requiem, Patriarch of the Requiem Family subsidiary of the Bee-Chan Clan. Of course I'd sit on the council with Dangerous J, Patriarch of the Transformer Family subsidiary of the Bee-Chan Clan 😉

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On 11/2/2018 at 12:59 PM, Deadly_Raver said:

@DangerousJ  I find myself not liking the siege Prowl as much as the oldschool, but that Six-gun tho. 👍 




Man I had to turn it off.  DSP is AIDS.  I don't know how Vault Boy is able to suffer through those clips to make a vid, but kudos to him.

Man, I said the exact same thing, on the old site.


O.G. Prowl is still the best Prowl.


He and the rare Bluestreak with the actual blue parts, remain two of the best models (same base) of all time, imo.

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3 hours ago, misterBee said:

Alright boys it's time for a rebranding.  Post any name suggestions you may have for this place here.


So original, lol. about Mexican Uppercut?


I kid.


Um... FightingGamesOG?













Edited by JHDK
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Serious name until suggestion until Bee-Chan gives us a theme.


OSF (Option Select Forums)

GNF (Got Next Forums) : Was going to go with I Got Next....but thought better of it for obvious release.

FT10 (First To Ten)

OHT (Old Head Tech)


Or if we want to keep it simple. @JHDK 's suggestion of Hadoken. HDK you could even make a quarter circle forward motion part of the D😉


Well I'm old....don't know about the rest of yall)_

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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You know you're getting old when...


cis and trans makes you think of isomers in Organic Chemistry, not  gender


You can remember when comic books were only $1.00


you could just pop in a video game and start it instantaneously without downloading patches


you had to use a physical map to plan a trip to a new place the day before.


multiplayer  only existed when 4 guys sat in the same room with 4 controllers


90% of TV shows and music all had rousing opening themes


you can remember a time when animation meant handdrawn/cel style art exclusively













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ha, I don't recall $1.00 comics, then again I got into it way late for my generation...didn't start regularly buying until Spawn and Image Comics became a thing in '92.... around that time I think they were something like $1.50 to $1.75...somewhere in that range.


*old style multiplayer-- sheeeeeeit that brought back a few great memories of my old college buddy; I remember playing a lot of Phantasy Star Online  in local split-screen with him and his wife... and other days some more of his friends would be over with an extra Xbox and we all had good times on system-link 8-player( I think it was 8?) Halo multiplayer.


It is a shame that great tv intros are a thing of the past... which reminds me---catching up on True Blood lately, I am surprised it and other HBO shows still have that.  There is a regular intro sequence and music that plays each time, and TB has a good one; I already have it on my ipod now (in my growing "Vampire Stuff/Themes" playlist, of course)

...latest episode I caught featured more of "Antonia" and damn that woman is a FINE one... just looked her up and the name is Paola Turbay.... a bit older than I initially thought (she is 47 but looks younger, imo) but quite gorgeous.  I enjoy ending themes my general TV theme collection/playlist has those covered too.  It was just recently I finally found the Night Court ending theme that includes the funny laugh at the end; for some reason that was a tough one to find.  Night Court's theme music was done by the great Bill Conti, btw.... most recognize that guy as the one that gave us the iconic "Gonna Fly Now" Rocky theme.


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cheh, I happen to know a dude that wanted to get into the whole "streaming games on Twitch" thing as a "job"...but he never really went anywhere with it for some reason... but I'm 100% sure this guy would've been even worse than our infamous ol' buddy Phil. (*there's some more details about this "character" I'll eventually tell people about some day but not now for certain reasons)

...and back on that for a second... the more I think about the spectacular disaster that was his Halloween stream... the more I wish we got some behind-the-scenes dirt.  Oooooh he was big-time pissed once Kat left, man....and he blamed the whole thing on a particular "detractor". (Tevin)... I'm starting to think that off-camera during the break, she didn't just leave the house...she left that sham of a relationship for real, and will never return....and blaming the situation now (and no doubt later on) on general online trolling is just an easy scapegoat or cover-story, designed to cast him in a more sympathetic light.  

This continues to be way more intriguing than anything a soap opera show-runner could come up with.  I'm always wonder what's going to happen on the next "episode" of this shit, man 🤣

Edited by MillionX
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10 hours ago, MillionX said:

cheh, I happen to know a dude that wanted to get into the whole "streaming games on Twitch" thing as a "job"...but he never really went anywhere with it for some reason... but I'm 100% sure this guy would've been even worse than our infamous ol' buddy Phil. (*there's some more details about this "character" I'll eventually tell people about some day but not now for certain reasons)

...and back on that for a second... the more I think about the spectacular disaster that was his Halloween stream... the more I wish we got some behind-the-scenes dirt.  Oooooh he was big-time pissed once Kat left, man....and he blamed the whole thing on a particular "detractor". (Tevin)... I'm starting to think that off-camera during the break, she didn't just leave the house...she left that sham of a relationship for real, and will never return....and blaming the situation now (and no doubt later on) on general online trolling is just an easy scapegoat or cover-story, designed to cast him in a more sympathetic light.  

This continues to be way more intriguing than anything a soap opera show-runner could come up with.  I'm always wonder what's going to happen on the next "episode" of this shit, man 🤣

Worse........................than DSP?  Worse.............................than LTG?   He must be like the Carnage of terrible players!!!  His power is so similar to theirs, but so incredibly strong that it puts them to shame!  We must learn more of this person as soon as we can.  The future of online gaming entertainment may well depend on it!

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A new era  for Transformers begins....

Peace through tyranny!

Megatron Mondays  -  You've come a long way in 35 years!


1984 G1 vs 2018  SIEGE




2006 NERF vs 2018 SIEGE



2015 Combiner Wars  vs 2018 SIEGE



2016 Titans Return vs 2018 SIEGE





All this and Masterpiece Version 2 (far left)






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On 11/4/2018 at 9:17 PM, Darc_Requiem said:

@JHDKSerious name until suggestion until Bee-Chan gives us a theme.


Probably want to keep it fighting game related since i am toying with the idea of making a simple site to go with the forums.


On 11/4/2018 at 7:38 PM, DangerousJ said:

Are we rebranding for legal reasons or just to set us apart from og srk?

Since this place didn't catch on as the replacement for that place as intended, might as well develop a separate identity now.


Thanks for the name suggestions guys.  I'll think about it and see what I come up with.  Gotta do catch-up for work since I've been gone for a while, but once that's out of the way expect the branding change to come relatively soon!

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I finished Castlevania  Netflix Season 2 yesterday.




Great art/animation

The Ep 7 fight. BALLING!

Probably one of the more complex portrayals of Dracula Ive ever seen.  Vicious, but still sympathetic. 

The characters of Hector/Isaac/Carmilla/Godbrand



The first four episodes are a bit slow.

It felt like the heroes at the Belmont house was mostly killing time. The "villains" were so intteresting that the heroes felt like the secondary focus.


Overall 8/10


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Well, I'm sure the ultimate political fanboy that is my Dad will ask if I naturally I'll just have to lie again.  Truth of the matter is that I simply don't care as much as he or most people do about this shit.


Castlevania season 2-- I'm almost finished with it... just 2 more episodes to go.  BRUHHHHHH .... Carmila could turn me anytime, any damn place, woo lawd yes 😳

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Remember folks ,The "D" in Delta stands for Dookie.


How disgusting. I normally am not someone to jump to legal action but you don't know what pathogens are present, whether it's a human or dog etc.

And they didn't even give a refund!


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@DangerousJ What do you feel about this?


The shopkeeper is branded an Indian stereotype in a documentary about the cartoon character.

Campaigners are upset about his cliched “immigrant” job, “thank you, come again” catchphrase and nearly unpronounceable surname of Nahasapeemapetilon.



Its funny because unlike many other "white" Simpsons characters, he's largely had positive connotations surrounding his character. A ladies man, hardworking, and loyal to his friends. But apparently an immigrant who owns his own business and speaks in an accent is so unheard of and discriminatory...







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Well, Benadryl saved me from what was sure to be at least 2 hours of Dad's political rambling/monologue, sparked by the recent election... but I know that only delays the inevitable to tonight... I'll call him back in a minute to get this out of the way... anyway, that medicine is so great, was like "missing time" phenomena... I took just the 1 pill, was listening to some live stream on youtube then suddenly it's 3-something am and I'm waking up...then suddenly it's 6 am.


One of the most gorgeous women in the building had on a super tight dress yesterday... holy shit, man she is off the charts...middle-eastern look, like she's Arab or perhaps from Egypt..somewhere over there...definitely one of the good ones...... it's absolutely rigoddamndiculous how hot this girl is.  On her "worst" day she probably only drops down to an 8.5 or 9 on the hotness scale for me.  It's insane.  The great tragedy is that she just happens to work for the HR department. 😩

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@White Shadow


I'm torn.


While I can understand Indians disliking the character especially if they were being bullied, part of me was happy that in the 90s , there was an Indian character in a western TV show. Apu and Dhalsim were the main 2 Indian characters that were in mainstream in 1990s. As a kid, I got a few cracks about "thank you , come again" and "chutney squishies", but it was mild. I actually think Temple of Doom was worse than Apu bc people in a pre internet area thought Indians eat creepy crawlers, and did Kano esque heart removals. I asked my dad and while there was a Thuggee cult . They mostly were robbers and strangled people and worshiped Kali in a non bizarre way)


Nowadays, there are quite a bit of Indian actors  in prominent shows and on TV, (Davos from Iron Fist, and Ray Nadeem on DD, etc) so I guess Apu comes off a lot worse. I guess the best thing would be to maybe move him from Kwik E mart into some other  job. However, since hes been around for almost 30 years, I dont see if it would make a big impact now.


I would keep him on the show regardless and keep him as a generally good, loyal guy. Simpsons has a lot of stereotypical characters, Willie the Scot, Fat Tony, Quimby the JFK analog , Bumblebee man.  IF they remove one, then theyd have to remove all of them in time. Honestly, I think that Raj  guy from Big Bang is worse than Apu from what I've seen.



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You know you’re Indian when…



you refer to any older unrelated male as “Uncle” or older unrelated female as “Aunty”


Tea/coffee without milk/cream is the Devil’s work


You have more hair on your chest than your head(guys)


You are dissuaded from pursuing a career in entertainment or athletics


Your goodbye to your parents at an airport is 10x longer than any white folks


You always pour water into a dishwashing soap or handsoap bottle when its finished in order to prolong the soap.


You always show up to an event 2 hours later than the indicated time (Not me lol)


You wear longsleeve dress shirts everyday even in a casual workplace/school


You have to hide your lover from your parents if he/she is black

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ha, that last one was hilarious to me... 


*always showing up late I thought was just an "american black person" stereotype... some folks (usually older generations) referred to it as "colored-people-time" which always made me laugh 🤣  Fortunately for me I've always been a rebel to that particular stereotype; like for work I'm almost always there early (in the past several years it can be counted on 1 hand the # of times I've been late)'s so easier and less stressful to simply give yourself plenty of extra time to get there...and it has the advantage of getting a good parking spot.


...y'know, part of that issue of punctuality for me was taught by being in the marching band... especially at college level... when the director said we were to meet at a certain time, it was always understood that he really means 15 minutes before that so we can start *precisely* at the state time---so "meet back at the band room at 6 pm" really meant 5:45....if you showed up at 5:51 you were "late".

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I liked the action and extemely pointless gore in Castlvania but everything else was hot delta dookie stains.   I usually like Warren Ellis but this show was all over the place.   We had a good thing going with Dracula but the didn't really build on it like they should.   Like nigga they give us flashback time with him and instead of showing us with Alucard and Lisa we get pointless seen with more killing.   Still not as pointless as old girl Carmilla beating the snot out of hector.   Damb they made hector a whole bitch XD

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holy shit man... watching True Blood and just got to the season 4 finale... so much awesome shit just happened in the last 2 seasons....Eric ripped 4 or 5 dudes heads off in less than 1 second while Bill staked someone and just like that the immediate threat was eliminated....then another major character that's a werewolf got their brains splat on the kitchen stove by a shotgun....there's so much here.  This show speaks to me. 👍

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