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Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars

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it was cool to finally see a new vid on Code's one I found just now: 

I wish they'd bump up the movement speed on this... vampires should NOT be moving around as slow as regular humans.  I prefer my vampires to be zipping around as fast as folks like Dante, Virgil and Bayonetta at least.


even better----customization:


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it's that time... another Bloodlines 2 clan reveal:

😍 I need a time machine so I can go to the future and play this immediately...and the other one...AND that Werewolf Apocalypse game too....damn what a time to be a gamer that loves this particular kind of subject matter...sheeeeeeeeit 

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1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:

Sounds like the Terminator theme at the end there..


And a chainsaw sound... Ash from Evil Dead?


Sounds like the rumors were accurate.

Yeah they seem spot on. I know I'm in the minority but I really don't give a shit about guest characters. I play MK for MK Characters. At least the first Kombat Pack has three characters that matter to me.

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sheeeeit it's amazing how times have things have turned the main Capcom fighters generally going downhill in overall quality and aesthetics, imo.. (I haven't been excited for Street Fighter since the first version of SF4 was out...and UMvC3 was the last *real* Vs to me....that other one that came later looked like quite a downgrade, imo)... here we have the folks behind Mortal Kombat going out of their way to make the shit as awesome as possible with tons of fan-favorites and a visually appealing style of presentation, and even more effort put into the story and overall lore of that universe.


On another note---

Dead Cells-- the Golem continues to be probably the hardest goddamn enemy in the game, he may as well be considered a "boss" character if he had slightly more health.... Golem is large and powerful but still FAST... the dude has a dashing punch that does obscene damage---on my last run just now I had tons of health yet he was doing at least 50% with the dash punch!  Besides the punch, he can also pound the ground, causing sections of the ground to rise up for a moment.  If this hits you it stuns (on top of damage)....which GUARANTEES that he gets a follow-up with that monstrous dashing punch.  Trying to run away?  Too bad the Golem has this magical grab "effect" that can pull you back from apparently anywhere on the it doesn't matter how fast you managed to get away or where you went.  This effect reaches you through any walls, floors and ceilings....oh and all his other moves come out insanely fast so you only have less than 1 second to react to anything he does. strange thing is that I'd rather they NOT tone this shit down... it's not like he stands in the way of beating the game anyway or is impossible; he's still beatable and I hate when companies tone certain things down to make it easy.

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sheeeeeit, Warhammer Chaosbane is OUT, folks... I just got it and it's already better than I was expecting; off to quite a good start here.  I started as the mage character "Elontir", which is my usual thing for action-rpgs like this.  


One little gameplay detail that is interesting---as mage, there's some spells that can be controlled with the R analog stick...I like that; it makes perfect can still be moving the character around AND the spell at the same time this way.  ha, Diablo 3 should've done a few spells that way (on there, the spell just goes wherever you have the character facing, or all around him if it's an area-of-effect thing)

here is 1 of many reviews out there on it:



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whoah I was not expecting this— Devil May Cry 5 is part of the E3 sale on Xb1 right now…sheeeeeeeeeeitttttttt that might be MINE before the sale is over... it's 40.19.  Sekiro is also on there for 47.99

...and for anyone who missed out for some silly reason--- Shadow of War is only 20 bucks.  
...damn and Killing Floor 2, Jump Force (I already have it tho), Capcom Beatemup Bundle, Red Dead 2, and so much more....the amount of good stuff in this sale is crazy...

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Dead Cells...

sheeeeit, I remember thinking "Wave of Denial" wasn't shit when I was starting out in this game, now it's one of my top picks every time... the force also knocks bombs away from you.  It's also good to get some super-cheap kills by forcing enemies off edges, essentially being a 1-hit kill on them that way....then there's the fact that it stuns them, guaranteeing you an easy follow-up with whatever....this is on top of the little bonus damage if you blast them into a wall...all this from 1 ability and it's always on a VERY short cool-down.  


Well, later today, the real E3 begins.  It's sad to see such a fall from grace though.  It wasn't that long ago that E3 was something I would've considered taking a few days off work for, just to catch everything with an increasing # of companies dropping out of it, the show is reaching the point of being irrelevant. 

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The E3 Sheeeeeeeeiiiiiittttt:


Escape looks interesting enough for me, but I’m already thrilled just to have Horde back in the mix yet again. …oh and I’m still dealing with the hype of apparently being able to play as a goddamn T-800…holy shit, man… 


There’s a certain friend who is very odd about Gears, man…the guy always buys them…yet he always plays the shit ONE time (to do story mode and perhaps 1 round of Horde…just 1.). I’m not sure why he wastes his money on something he will only play once.


Phantasy Star Online 2?!?!?— Dumans are still in there, apparently… I’m assuming because that character in the thumbnail preview has the 1 glowing eye. They showed up in Phantasy Star Portable 2: Infinity…very cool character type. Like Kenpachi from Bleach, if they remove the eye-patch their “true power” is unleashed for a while and they become even more godlike.


hahah I just saw a gun that shoots guns in Borderlands 3… yes…other guns are the “bullets” for this gun😆


ohhhh shit they're about to show new Borderlands 3 stuff on the IGN Mixer channel...and probably Twitch as well I'm sure.

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yeah I got on just to get the free new DLC since it's only free for a certain period of time....this has reminded me that I never got to the level cap in that... my Salvador was the highest character at 61, and if I recall the last increase they did made 72 the cap.  I still hate that they drop the experience soooo low once you hit a certain point... like I played my level 56-ish Kreig for a minute on just True Vault Hunter mode, and enemies were only giving me a pitiful 4 points of exp....when we all know that when your character is "supposed" to be in TVHM you get way more than that per enemy.


In other news---Phantasy Star Online 2....

ha, it's been such a long time I forgot when PSO2 was originally released so I had to do a quick internet search---July 2012 That Company took about 7 years to finally decide on bringing that out here.  Sooooo many fans gave up on that shit YEARS ago, man.  It's like this was an odd, long-term practical joke this whole time.


And now... the greatness that is Carrion is finally on its way:



Doom Goddamn Eternal, folks:


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and here we go with Outstar's latest vid on the new Bloodlines 2 trailer



So the Dragonquest dude is the latest Smash DLC character, I see...the star of what is probably THE most popular RPG over there in Japan....  oh how very, very surprising that is. 😆

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20 hours ago, misterBee said:

Ubisoft and Bethesda had some cool stuff.  You're such a hater. 💔

Dude you are on an island by yourself. You are the first person, and I'm not using hyperbole, I've seen stick up for those two conferences. Ubisoft started off well enough with Watchdogs and then shit the bed the rest of the way. Bethesda literally showed a bunch of CGI trailers with no gameplay outside of Doom Eternal. Worse they had some obvious plants in the crowd cheering every announcement. It was sad man. I hate FFVII and still thought Square brought it.


Edit: @misterBee Just read this. I sounded WAY more aggressive than I thought. It was meant to convey surprise. Sorry man.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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20 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Dude you are on an island by yourself. You are the first person, and I'm not using hyperbole, I've seen stick up for those two conferences. Ubisoft started off well enough with Watchdogs and then shit the bed the rest of the way. Bethesda literally showed a bunch of CGI trailers with no gameplay outside of Doom Eternal. Worse they had some obvious plants in the crowd cheering every announcement. It was sad man. I hate FFVII and still thought Square brought it.


Edit: @misterBee Just read this. I sounded WAY more aggressive than I thought. It was meant to convey surprise. Sorry man.

I think I'm more chill than a lot of people when it comes to e3. It's the end of a generation.  There are going to be fewer announcements.  Lots of games are also going to be in early development.  People have unrealistic expectations.


Meanwhile we've got some people losing their minds over here with the Nintendo conference but I thought it was just a snoozefest.  A bunch of ports, multi-plats, games that we have known about forever, and a sequel announcement for a game that probably won't come out for like 2-3 years. 🤷‍♂️


e3 is supposed to be a trade show but 'gamers' who have no idea how things work have inflated the hype to the point where it's some kind of spectacle and people demand EARTH SHATTERING ANNOUNCEMENTS all day.

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ah, finally found a video of someone showing off a little of every game in Contra Collection:

(and of course, the person playing isn't that great at Contra, least they don't seem quite as bad as the person playing Bloodlines 2 in that IGN vid... on another note---I never quite got why so many people consider Contra to be one of the hardest games back least the NES version wasn't that difficult to me.  I don't recall it ever getting to the point of "bullet hell" like so many shootemups typically do, and the bullets from enemy characters usually are very slow and easily dodged in that series)

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