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Posts posted by JustBooming

  1. 19 minutes ago, Sonero said:

    I have yet to play Ranked with this game. I kinda don't want to. Gonna keep messing around with characters until something makes me feel like taking it more seriously.

    That's my feeling now, still have to decide on a main and find that secret sauce that makes things click. Same with @VhoziteI believe (difference being I'm crap)


    2 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    hopefully that changes after my surgery in a couple weeks. 

    Sorry if I've been inattentive, but first I've heard of that, and I hope that it goes well!

  2. 9 minutes ago, delete_me said:

    even if I wait for it there's a solid 75% chance I'm getting hit.

    I worry about the same: can do it fine when I'm in the special kids' training mode for DI counters, but in a match, muscle memory ( to boom, as one example) takes over and it'll take a good long while to break that habit, if ever.

  3. 28 minutes ago, HeavensCloud said:

    Is the 1 million players gift the drive tickets?  Also, how long does it take to unlock the alt costumes?

    I don't know, I claimed the gift ingame while online a few hours ago, and it looked just like titles. And once you're a decent level, you can just spaff ingame zenny to get costumes, maybe about 15 mins per costume.


    Edit: Just tried the same with Lily, no dice. Bah.

  4. Did anybody else just randomly get 7700 drive tickets? I was having connection probs, went to WT mode and unlocked Dhalsim's alt. I didn't receive it ingame, but when I did get back online, I got a notification saying I'd got the DTs and the costume. I already accepted the 1 mil players gift.

    Edit: Only bought the base edition.I'm gonna spend it quick!

  5. 1 hour ago, Pair of Rooks said:

    Yeah, no. After 35+ years of fireballs I ain't changing.


    How about trying the fireball as a hcf move? That's helped me in the past with such nonsense. Still a fireball motion, and one that's in your muscle memory.

    Edit: I appreciate that it's not a lot different from starting from 1, but mentally mapping the fb in some circumstances to be a hcf has genuinely helped. 

  6. 4 hours ago, HD-Man said:

    Saw sort of an exploit to unlock alternate costumes a tad faster in World Tour mode while browsing youtube. Gonna have to get a bit further in the mode to unlock that part of the city tho so I can see if it checks out

    Around the Masters Foundation, there are a tonne of low level NPCs carrying bronze nuggets, if you inspect them you can see those. Gotta beat them in under 9 seconds to get the nugget, but that's the fastest way I've found

  7. 2 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

    As someone who doesn’t know much about VPN’s, is there any risk of the Capcom’s kicking in my door if I do this?

    I fucked around doing this with VPNs just an hour or two ago, and they all screwed up after a 15 min period then download/decrypting time going to shit. Check Discord for @misterBeeinsights, he knows far more than me about this

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