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Posts posted by YourFavGrandpa

  1. 1 hour ago, DarkSakul said:

    Another $60 to a pair of Joycons that lacked any sort of connectivity? It's a hard sell for me specially after I found this

    You're right, it is a very hard sell. But when you take into account putting in the Joycons into the Grip that comes with the console, it's manageable; but still small as fuck. I bought the attachment so I could use my Split Pads in docked mode w/other games. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Volt said:

    Isle of Armor is at its best when played parallel to the main story.


    And honestly, the DLC makes the game sooooo much better, it's insane. It adds a lot of pieces that the base was missing, especially on post-game.

    I haven't bit on the DLC yet because of work and monetary concerns. I have I think about 1/3rd of the game done so far w/Plant, Water, and Fire badges obtained by beating the collective asses of the gym leaders, not to mention Marnie and her goons 😆

  3. The basis for the thread is simply straight-forward, consisting of New Year's Resolutions (or shit you wanna get done) in 2022.

    The emphasis for resolutions is mostly on gaming, but personal resolutions are definitely allowed. I'll start us off. 

    Resolutions for 2022:

    • Beat 75% - 80% of my NSW backlog before Triangle Strategy comes out
    • Spot a XBox Series X in the wild (and subsequently purchase it)
    • Have everything lined up to go to Japan (planning on going in mid-January 2023)
    • Grow my business to 10+ employees (I have two currently, three if I count myself).
  4. Resumed my progress on Pokemon Sword in preparation to play BDSP at Christmas. The goal is to have the base game done by Christmas and then decide if I want to play the DLC. I also plan on starting playing/clearing my Switch backlog after the Christmas holidays, and hope to clear out pretty much all of my Switch backlog sans the drawn out ones (and RPGs) before Triangle Strategy releases in March. 

    Also, we move:

    (I have this preordered)

  5. Got my 1tb MicroSD card in the mail today. Followed the Ninty guide of copying stuff over from one MicroSD card to the other, and all of my downloaded games work just fine. I was worried it would give me issues with stuff like my Animal Crossing save.

    Man, if I lost my ACNH island; my ass would be in the other room sleeping past my birthday over how mad my wife would be over starting the island over.

  6. 2 hours ago, Maxx said:

    You broke.. He's cheap.. You not the same 

    It's not exactly the same, yet it's similar; because it can be viewed from either perspective. 

    Kinda like there's a difference between having money and keeping money. Ye supposedly has a billion dollar fortune ($1.8 billion according to Google), yet he bootlegs OF content from reddit. Given his "celebrity" status, and the fact that he more than likely makes more money than any of us in a lifetime picking up a penny off the ground; there has to be some inherent level of financial control he exercises. 

    Now take doing the same thing, from the perspective of being broke. Hell, that's most of us nowadays; myself included. 

    Tl;dr: Perspective (and the matter of perception) matters more than you think.

  7. Was looking at tickets for Hard to Kill for the 8th of January, and they're pretty decently priced. 

    Only bad thing is that the event is in Deep Ellum (which is like THE nightlife center in Dallas), so parking at the venue is gonna be a bitch. If I go, I'll probably have to use Uber or Lyft to get to the venue from the Park and Ride, or take the train in and walk to the venue.

  8. 12 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

    I can only name three and they're all EDM or Psytrance.


    Exit planet Dust


    Mystery of the 13 Crystal Skulls


    I'm only naming those because I actually own them.  I won't count mixes as you said Albums.

    I can add a fourth to the list. 

    Fat of the Land was one of those albums for me in my mid-20s. Absolute banger of an album, with really no bad tracks to speak of. 

    So, things have been pretty busy for me with work as of late, and we're in our slow season right now. Around Thanksgiving is when hours should pick up again, as more people will travel by car during the holidays this year due to airline issues; and we'll be busy well into 2022.

  9. 14 hours ago, RegH81 said:

    Anyone have or used the Hori Split Pad Pro on Switch? I'd like to get an alternative for my JoyCons when I can't always take my 8bitdo with me.

    I have a pair. I took mine with me on vacation in July when I went to Florida, and they stayed attached pretty much the whole trip. Them shits are comfortable for anyone with normal size hands and above.

  10. speaking of stuff being erased ... 

    Anyone got any tips on moving Switch games off of one MicroSD card onto another? I've heard horror stories like the one@purbeast posted above before, but have been fortunate enough to not have the game moving process yet until this weekend. From what I've researched so far, it looks to be a simple process (copying nintendo folder on the old MicroSD card to desktop, then copying to the new card).

  11. 7 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    I don't shop at Walmart either. I literally has to be the last option. I've spent like $70 there in the last 20 years. 

    The problem with Walmart for me is that they're normally the first place I check for physical Switch games. There's three of them in my fucking town; and the selection at each is different. There's been times where I've ended up having to get a game I wanted from Target or even Gamestop because Walmart either didn't have the game at all or people bumrushed the store early morning to get said game. FWIW, I absolutely avoid paying retail MSRP for games unless I have no further option.

  12. So, the last time I went to a wrestling event in general was when I was in high school, when I hooked a couple of my homies at the time up w/tickets to a WWE house show at the Oil Palace about an hour away. Now that I've pretty much thrown about $250 already towards this trip to the Dynamite/Rampage tapings on the 15th next month between my tix and a overnight stay less than 1/2 a mile from the venue; I'm curious about how AEW does their tapings/live stuff. 

    Doors open at 5pm for entry, with the event starting at 6pm. Am I under the correct understanding that they'll do 2-4 dark matches before the live show (presumably taping AEW Dark during this time), with say a half-hour break to clean and sanitize the ring between the dark matches and the Dynamite taping, then 30-45 mins to do the same thing before taping Rampage? In that original figure, I've not included the close to $150 I've spent on shirts between PWT and the NJPW store. 

  13. On 10/24/2021 at 1:18 PM, Dayaan said:

    Scary and expensive...


    The old Model M's can easily sell for $500 in good shape, there's that big of a market for them. Model F's go for I think $1k?

    That being said, I pulled away from getting the Pixel 6 Pro due to a combination of supply issues, along with a not-so-clear path to pay the phone off.

  14. I don't know if it's been a recent addition, but NJPW World has VOD episodes of both AEW and Impact if you subscribe to the platform. I know for AEW, you can't really watch full episodes unless you subscribe to cable or services like Youtube TV. Impact, iirc is subscription-only through their website.

  15. I had put the kibosh on being able to attend an AEW event recently because I thought that New Orleans was the only show ...


    Imagine my surprise when AEW announced they were coming back to Dallas, and a even further shock that I would be able to go by myself sans the wife, and my wife gave her blessing ... and tickets are on sale tomorrow at 10am ...

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