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  1. LOL
    elliephil got a reaction from Hecatom in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    Rush the token gay dog
  2. +1
    elliephil got a reaction from MillionX in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Stuck in training at work for 10 hours today. Maybe 2 hours of content to actually review. I'm trying to formulate whether or not there is a way I can finish training, go to the gym, come back in time to review, and then leave work for the day. Pay 4 gainz.
  3. LOL
    elliephil got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    Rush the token gay dog
  4. LOL
    elliephil reacted to Hecatom in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
  5. LOL
    elliephil reacted to Lantis in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    You might think I randomly name dropped that game....

  6. LOL
    elliephil reacted to Mattatsu in The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2   
    Lmao, my wife asked me to watch a YouTube video of turtles fucking the other day and it was hilarious. We were dying. The male kept saying “wow” every three seconds 
  7. +1
    elliephil reacted to KimuraLOX in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    ^They use Dutch angles for pretty much every scene.
  8. +1
    elliephil reacted to Sonero in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Except you aren't.
    How much of the raw vaccine data have you looked at? How many different statistical analysis have you run on it?
    Where are your data tables on post CoVid adverse effects? Did you break them down yet or are they still raw? Have you worked out long term adverse effects of CoVid versus adverse reactions of the vaccine yet?
    This is the truth of the situation: not only have you not done any of this, you aren't going to do a damn lick of it either. The research is going to be some numbnut linking you a sketchy website where somebody looked at the data and came to a conclusion. Then you're going to out trust into that person's conclusion over others.
    Which means your gonna end up in the same place you said Dangerous J was because he trusted his work colleagues in the medical field.
  9. +1
    elliephil reacted to Sonero in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    The problem with that image is that it doesn't quite match up with this situation. if I have to choose between two options, 1) is randoms on FB that don't know anything involving medicine or 2) people who've studied it, done the research and  know how to read and interpret data, which should you choose?
    Hell let's pick the authority here, noted serial killer Ted Cruz or my doctor whose father was feeding him info he was actively working on over at John Hopkins?
    For fuck's sake, you learn to evaluate sources precisely to avoid shit like this. Yeah, Big Pharma, and basically US corporations, have a big problem in that they've done enough criminal shit to where the public doesn't need to trust them. But were at a point where I was linked an article critical on mask use and one of the sources they cited was an article that showed that mask use was a good deterrent.  Not only do mothefuckers not know how to read, the people they read incorrectly ALSO don't know how to fucking read either.
    Unfortunately the anti side isn't exactly fighting on an even keel. They are doing the same appeal to authority just on a different set of presenters. I understand why in a chunk of cases. But it doesn't change the situation of it being as much of a similar appeal to authority as the one you're claiming Dangerous J is exhibiting.
  10. +1
    elliephil reacted to RSG3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    To protect big businesses who fail at YouTube everyday and look like fools. Now when someone pulls a Federation Force we can't point at laugh at the lopsided Like to Dislike ratio. 
  11. +1
    elliephil reacted to MillionX in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    ok finally it seems updated for me, the "dislikes" situation... this is so stupid for so many reasons...
    the channel owner can still see the dislikes, apparently. the word "dislike" is still visible, and clickable...but it doesn't show the number, while the "Like" number is still the functionality is still there, the number is just hidden for whatever silly ass reason.  
    WHAT is the point.

  12. LOL
    elliephil reacted to Phantom_Miria in The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2   
    That looks like a criminal bad take at a "pineapple on pizza is good" level.
  13. WTF
    elliephil got a reaction from Phantom_Miria in The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2   
    lawl amirite fellas
  14. +1
    elliephil got a reaction from Hawkingbird in The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2   
    There is no way the original KI plays anything like 2013 KI. I don't even know if we are talking about the same thing. If I recall, combo breaking in the old games had to be done really quickly otherwise you eat it all. KI 2013 isn't like that.
    That's like saying Street Fighter V goes on with the same ideas as Super Turbo. Like, yeah technically. But in execution? They play way differently.
  15. +1
    elliephil reacted to Hawkingbird in The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2   
    Because there's more to the 2K13 game than long combos. Most players won't even go for them if you get too predictable with combo routes or have an eye for which strength button was used. 
    Original game didn't have throws because Rare at the time thought they were cheap. That obviously didn't take for the new game. 
  16. +1
    elliephil got a reaction from DoctaMario in The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2   
    Again, I'm going to assume we aren't talking about KI 2013 lol. I never played og KI any more than casually on super nintendo with friends.
    Also, be a man. Play Hyper Fighting.
  17. LOL
    elliephil got a reaction from Volt in The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2   
    We are men of refined tastes, we only play SFV and Strive 😃
  18. LOL
    elliephil reacted to Sonero in The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2   
    You don't have to be, that game is ass too.
  19. Insightful
    elliephil reacted to HeavensCloud in The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2   
    For those that didn't know the development team behind this game 8ing is the same team behind UMVC3.  So yeah this game could be kind of nutty.  
  20. LOL
    elliephil got a reaction from Bigtochiro in The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2   
    Imagining Storm going haw haw haw at like shoulder height of a sentinel lololol
  21. Thrilling
    elliephil reacted to Vhozite in The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2   
    🧢 🧢 🧢 
  22. LOL
  23. +1
    elliephil reacted to FlyingVe in The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2   
    Well, 90% of the rollbacks are basically imperceptible, as its barely rolling back anything.
    Basically, the game assumes whatever you were doing at the moment the packets dropped is what you were doing during. So, if you were doing f2, it would assume you are still hitting those buttons.  When the connection is reestablished it resets the game to reality. All rollback does is let the game play as normal during those drops under the assumption that most of the time, the drop only lasts a frame or two so the rollback is irrelevant. Many people I think, over complicate what "predictive" means in this context. As mentioned at the beginning, most of the time, the rollbacks are only a frame or two and are imperceptible.
    Common problems with rollback games are games that try to transmit too much data (see SFV trying to sync background elements and physics), or the rollbacks themselves not being sync'd (see SFV or the SNK net code).
    An important thing to remember is, a bad connection is still a bad connection. What rollback does, is expand the range of what is acceptable within a good connection, and hard cap the amount of input delay (most rollback games have 2-3 frames of delay still).
  24. +1
    elliephil got a reaction from Chadouken in The Nintendo Switch Thread   
    I bought Odyssey. Going out to the gym and I'll play it a bit when I get back. I have this issue where I feel buyers remorse immediately after any purchase that's more than $20 lol
  25. +1
    elliephil reacted to FlyingVe in The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2   
    To be fair to SFV, when it came out it did have good net code relative to others. For a decent chunk of the last console generation, KI was the only game with good net code, and the old Arksys Delay code was still considered fine.
    Other games having good net code is a really new development, maybe one of the few good things that has come out of COVID.
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