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  1. +1
    B R O W N reacted to HD-Man in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Based off what the PG-13 rating let Marvel get away with in Multiverse of Madness, the Blade reboot will be just fine. Need I remind everyone of the numerous swears and Wanda did to certain ppl in that movie lol
    The Blade movies issues will probably come from ppl constantly comparing Ali to Snipes and possibly not accepting him in the role. Might also be an issue of Ali not being a martial artist in real life, so his physical scenes may not be as intense
    We'll see tho 
  2. +1
    B R O W N reacted to TheInfernoman in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    WOMEN WEDNESDAY: Cosplay Edition
  3. Insightful
    B R O W N reacted to Seth Vega in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    We broke The Creator's rules and this shit show world is the result of that. Good job everyone. Giving too much power to women is one of the biggest reasons why the world is garbage. It was not always like this compared to the previous ages of man. Even since the Golden Age, things just kept on getting worse and worse until we got to our current age called the Iron Age.
  4. Love
    B R O W N reacted to OPTIMUS124 in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
  5. +1
    B R O W N reacted to Darc_Requiem in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
    Oh if the trailer is any indication it's going to be great. I'm still stoked. She Hulk has always been a cool character.
  6. +1
    B R O W N reacted to Hawkingbird in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
    The CG is spotty but hopefully they can clean it up by release. Loving the classic She-Hulk I'm seeing. Also, that David Otunga cameo
  7. +1
    B R O W N reacted to Darc_Requiem in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
    When I saw 1:43 in the trailer....

    The CGI is shaky. It's not bad but it just seems off. It was my biggest concern going into the show.
  8. +1
    B R O W N reacted to DangerousJ in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
    She-hulk trailer  
    August 17 release!
  9. Insightful
    B R O W N reacted to AriesWarlock in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    Saudi Arabia Now Owns 5% Of Nintendo
  10. +1
    B R O W N reacted to iStu X in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    Man, I love Steven Universe but funny is funny. 😂
  11. +1
    B R O W N reacted to RSG3 in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    For as long as they continue to get away with it. This shit is mad election fodder, for both sides. Dems get to run on gun regulation, and GOP gets to run on "THEY WANNA TAKE YOUUR GUNS!!!" 
    They like this shit. It works for them. They won't stop till we replace them with people who actually want to get shit done. 
    And yes many right wing dumb fucks claimed Sandy Hook was a false flag. Alex Jones is literally being sued into oblivion 9ver it right now. 
  12. +1
    B R O W N reacted to Hawkingbird in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    Our politicians will never crack down on it. Long story short, demos are too chickenshit to enact anything that will lead to real change and the organizations that enable this shit to happen literally fund the opposing party so they won't dare bite the hand that feeds. With the latest mass shooting, a person like the prep is what the average mainstream republican is it could be seen as attacking their base.   
    This is not even getting into all the systemic issues that causes incidents like this to occur. 
  13. Insightful
    B R O W N reacted to Chadouken in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    I don't know why, but I've got a terrible fucking habit of eating shrooms and then going on a rampage stomping the shit out of some turtles. I have no idea where the fuck I get that behavior from.
  14. +1
    B R O W N reacted to BornWinner in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    The fact that it’s not just Fox News peddling this crap, but the idiots on Twitter as well really gives me a migraine. If it’s not video games, it’s anime. If it’s not anime, it’s unrelated celebrities.
    I wish people would just stop trying to throw out their conspiracies when it’s obvious why the guy who had the N-word written on his gun would do this. No amount of getting rid of media would’ve changed people like him.
  15. +1
    B R O W N reacted to Hawkingbird in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    It's amazing how often Fox news will go down this road when we have three generations now that has grown up on video games. Only uninformed boomers will be into this shit at this point and they are dying out
  16. LOL
    B R O W N reacted to Hawkingbird in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    One thing that's pissing me off about Elden Ring is how enemies especially bosses is how long they delay their attacks. These assholes wait for me to roll three times before bringing down their weapon. Input reading bastards!
  17. +1
    B R O W N reacted to Sonichuman in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    Ahh we fucking go again
    Can we NOT go down this alley again?  We've been down this multiple times.  WE ALL KNOW...what's at the end of this alley.
  18. +1
    B R O W N reacted to Darc_Requiem in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    There have actually been rumors of GTA and Mario Kart sequels. Xenoverse on the other's going to keep going until they add Farmer With Shotgun as DLC. And there are lot of characters to go before they get to him. 
  19. +1
    B R O W N reacted to iStu X in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    Which game will outlive us all? Mario Kart 8, GTA5 or Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2?
  20. +1
    B R O W N reacted to Sonichuman in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    Fall Guys is now on every platform is has gone free to play with cross platform support
  21. +1
    B R O W N reacted to Sonichuman in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    I'm listening to Joe's first ep review of the Halo show and I was fully expecting him to be hyperbolic but god damn he's being pretty fucking fair to this.  A lot of the issues I have with the first episode and things that I liked are pretty much aligning with my thoughts on it.  I had forgot for a second exactly how dumb Kwan Ha's rationale and reactions were in the first episode but it was definitely dumb writing.  For those who don't know Kwan Ha was a insurrectionist on a planet that was essentially holding out against the UNSC because they're afraid that they're just putting out propaganda (which is probably half right).  They really just want to be free and have their freedoms and don't want a government to tell them what to do and how to feel (which sounds....INCREDIBLY FAMILIAR).  So they're establishing that they just plain don't like the UNSC in the beginning of the episode but then roughly about 15-20 minutes in that he fucking MURDERED by the Covenant.  Again bodies exploding, people getting vaporized, people getting sliced and half and stabbed by energy swords, women and children decimated  (there's a specific scene where they make this a point where children got put in a bunker and an Elite pretty much lays waste to them after knocking the door and and he kills everyone in the room like fish in a barrel).  Chief and his crew show up and clean house but by the time they finish there's nobody left except Kwan Ha.  Kwan Ha's father and the people who were there witnessing the Chief and the other Spartans trying to help them actually take up arms against the covenant and Kwan Ha sees this happening amidst the chaos.  So when Chief brings her aboard the ship and the UNSC tries to get her to give a statement letting other people and other colonies know that they are not the enemy and the Covenant is a danger to all, she essentially tells them to go fuck themselves and if they put her in front of a camera she's going to tell them that the UNSC was responsible for killing everyone.  

    Fucking mind reboot when it came to this moment. 
  22. +1
    B R O W N reacted to Hecatom in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
  23. +1
    B R O W N reacted to Sonero in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Its my birthday.
    Kiss my ass, bitches.
  24. LOL
    B R O W N reacted to MillionX in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    I mean really... imagine a dude apparently thinking it's "charming" to text a picture of his doody to someone he's trying to fuck.... like "yea, babygirl wut you doin'...?  I just dropped this fatass log a minute ago...take a look..."
    I just did a few searches... and so far nothing recent comes up.  I'm still not sure how this dude was able to go on without getting caught up by police... it destroyed his online career basically but I've heard no updates lately.
    Here's a recent vid I just noticed in a youtube search though:
  25. -1
    B R O W N reacted to zatalcon3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Will Shoryuken ever come back?
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