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Posts posted by GreatDarkHero

  1. This week has been hella busy. 


    So I am going to see if I can edit something else. The next vid I am editing will have at least one SFV match and one KOFXIV match in their interlude as the vid will primary deal with DOA. I am debating on getting VF5U as well to upload some cool ass matches. 

    As of right now, I am getting some decent matches here and there, though much like @SkortI'm hitting the cancel function a lot of the time because people keep trying to come up in here with them 1 bar connections. And, I'm enjoying the living hell out Rose's sexy swimsuit mod variation. 

  2. Okay then. 




    Woke up. Played some KOF98UMFE and some SFV. Strange experience on the latter, much the surprise of absolutely no one here. After  going online ranked for about an hour to to put Rose's sexiness and Soul Power on full display... a man like myself will ask but one question: 


    Is there a specific reason why there are so many Cammy's? I have fought at least six of them before going out to get some breakfast and a coffee. 

    Because, IIRC Cammy had to deal with a few nerfs, although, the said nerfs would not be enough to tear her ground game apart. Not completely. 


    I was also able to encounter a decent Bison, to which I was able to record. 



  3. 5 minutes ago, N-Tactix said:

    His story wasn't finished. He just keeps getting away with everything. If SF6 continues off 3S then he may finally get his comeuppance. 


    Besides, Gill himself was just a over glorified tech demo, I said this before in the old SRK. Now that the series has jumped to 3D, he does not have much novelty. Even then, he's pretty boring and can't hold a candle to Bison or even Urien ironically. 

    A sentiment that I strongly agree with. 

    From both the mechanical and the narrative perspective. Hopefully, this will ring true. 


    Aaaand, speaking of Bison, I just ran into another one as I typed this line. 

    He's somewhat irritating to fight as Rose. I at least recorded the match.

  4. Gill: "I find your lack of faith quite intrusive." 







    But, let's be real here. I'm not *that* big of a fan of Gill either. Does he ever actually get any sort of retribution for his own nonsensical activities? It *is* common knowledge that he got roasted by Gouki at some point. But, Gill just used Resurrection. Granted, I do prefer villains being roughly as strong as the protagonist or even several steps ahead (for narrative storytelling value and good writing) but come on... 

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