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The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!

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2 hours ago, Daemos said:

Is Ken's headband on his arm because of the bullet wound from the comics? Might be a different arm but the positioning is sus.

The comic one seems to have a generic stripe of cloth to stop the bleeding on the left arm


The ingame one have his karate black belt on his right arm, maybe there as symbol of something (his will to get his life back?)


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12 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

Falke is in shambles. 

Rolento to Capcom:  "Am I a joke to you?"

9 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

Good example would be Bosch if really ends up be from Nayshall, burn great oppurtunity of get Indonesian/Pencak SIlat rep

How can he be a Pencak SIlat rep?  He has no style of his own, like our CAC. 

3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

She moved to Nayshall after failing to block the release of that terrible Velma show on HBO Max.

Eh.  That show was fine.  Was trying real hard to be Harley Quinn.

Edited by DarthEnderX
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30 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Fine? That show hates the franchise in it apart of. Its a goddamn dumpster fire. 

Yeah, see, I've never liked Scooby Doo.  So the fact that the show doesn't respect the franchise doesn't automatically trigger me to hate it.


Even as a little kid, I was like "so it's a show about people that hunt monsters, where the monster is ALWAYS fake...".  It was disappointment, the TV show.  It's like those awful ghost hunter shows, except it's not a reality show.  Somebody actually WROTE it that way.  More Real Ghostbusters please.

And you have these two characters that are always annoyingly useless and cowardly, despite the fact that the monster is ALWAYS fake.  You'd think after the 50th time they'd be like, "Well, that story SOUNDS scary, but it's just gonna be another old guy in a mask."


So, yeah.  If you don't actually like Scooby Doo, Velma's got some good gags and meta humor.  Instead of being an assault on my childhood.

Edited by DarthEnderX
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4 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

She moved to Nayshall after failing to block the release of that terrible Velma show on HBO Max.

Lore theory: the Velma HBO Show was also part of JP's plan in order to frame Velma as well as Ken. Since she got involved in the events of Nayshall, she had to be neutralized as well by destroying her credibility and reputation.

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7 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

Fine? That show hates the franchise in it apart of. Its a goddamn dumpster fire. 

There are more interesting titles that adhere to their IP's aesthetics and mythos that were cancelled lol.


I think the things is that Velma is an experimental bait. They even going for 2nd Season, problem is that people are watching it even they dislike it.  


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9 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

How can he be a Pencak SIlat rep?  He has no style of his own, like our CAC. 

Yeah, that's true, but that also mean at very end he's supposed to have his own unique style (wich could wink hard at PS), canon whise they could have even pretended he already knew PS but in MC you see him just focus on using new western techniques he's learling at Luke's gym to expand his range of tools


Dutch name and southeast asian look could have winked hard at Indonesia, his travel to MC to seek strenght could have worked as parallel to PS tradition of the Merantau (travel) 

And ultimately PS is one of the most recent and trendy martial arts that came out in recent years and SF still need to cover  (we almost had one in SFV iirc, but was dropped*)


Essentially was trying to fond a way Capcom could use to make Bosch a cool, useful SF character (playable in future) with RL nationality and martial art, rather than some npc guy from made up country with made up style 🥲



*not sure about this or is memory playing tricks lol

Kinda sure there was concept for south east asian soldier/mercenary looking girl, but not sure she did PS as style, even if would be easiest pick lol

Edited by CESTUS III
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9 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

So, yeah.  If you don't actually like Scooby Doo, Velma's got some good gags and meta humor.  Instead of being an assault on my childhood.

Even if it wasn't a Scooby Doo show Velma will still be a dumpster fire. Velma is a vile and unlikable character. That bitch is so judgmental about everything around her and contributes more to every problem she loves to complain about. The show is more interested in pointing out and making references to a bunch of TV tropes than trying to tell a compelling murder mystery. It's desecration of Scooby Doo is just its biggest offense. 

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11 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

More Real Ghostbusters please

That show was practically my childhood! I only knew about the Ghostbusters from the cartoon, so when I learned that it was a movie first (in like 1989 lol), I lost my whole entire mind. How much of a fan am I? Well, I built a functioning replica Proton Pack not too long ago.

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I had a dream that the story of SFV (ASF mainly) was adapted into an anime series. Charlie, Chun, and Bison looked great. The feeling I got was that it was an attempt to correct and enrich the story from the game. It was also much darker. The best part was that VA for Bison was not Gerald ‘Constipated’ Rivers.


I think my subconscious is on to something here. Alongside SF2, SF5’s story is the most potentially epic and inclusive chapter in the series. So many characters could make their animated debut.


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3 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

Velma is a vile and unlikable character. That bitch is so judgmental about everything around her and contributes more to every problem she loves to complain about. The show is more interested in pointing out and making references to a bunch of TV tropes than trying to tell a compelling murder mystery.

I can argue with none of those points.  


But I also like Rick and Morty, who are also unlikable.  And I'm easily amused by TV tropes references.  And I didn't go into it expecting a compelling murder mystery...because Scooby Doo.

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10 minutes ago, DarthEnderX said:

I can argue with none of those points.  


But I also like Rick and Morty, who are also unlikable.  And I'm easily amused by TV tropes references.  And I didn't go into it expecting a compelling murder mystery...because Scooby Doo.

At least Rick and Morty are entertaining and the show doesn't glorify Rick's behavior (The first two seasons didn't). It made an effort to show just how much of a broken man Rick is and gets called out all the time. 

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5 hours ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

@bakfromonNot sure if you're aware, but the plot guide is inaccessible at the moment. I had looked at it about a week ago, so it couldn't have been for too long. Just wanted to let you know.

That's because Microsoft Nuked everything with it's newest OS update. I haven't been curating the plot guide since 2018, I left those duties up to @Lord_Vega. Hopefully he's kept a copy of the most recent plot guide. I can't help you guys I'm just a spectator to all of this. 


Remember that my plot guide was supposed to be a community effort not just left upon one person. I might have access to an older version I have to check my PC. 

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Ok found a way to access it on my PC here's a viable link.


Super Street Fighter Plot Guide II(2022)


Just to reiterate again: I can no longer curate the plot guide. Even though I started it years ago  I no longer have the time to maintain it or to keep updating it. I originally bestowed this duty to @Lord_Vega with @Miðgarðsorm acting as transliterator. I downloaded the most recent copy and I opened the link for anyone to operate on (much to my dismay 😒)


I'm just hoping the community doesn't treat this open invitation as some opportunity to make it into another Wikipedia page. Please treat the plot guide with some dignity and update it with RELEVANT STORY INFORMATION.....Please 🙏🏾


20 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Once the plot guide is back up there needs to be way to increase its visibility on google search results. I find it concerning that Vasili plot guide is still the first search result when it hasn't been updated in 10 years. 

Yes, I want this, but since it's open source as of today I don't want it to become another Wik page. I want people to curate as much viable information as possible. I don't want tier lists unless it's something that is tangible like height, and weight, (bust & hips even 😏). I don't want things listed in the comics (Udon for example). I want things that are actually listed in the games or source material.


If anyone wants to take the time to download a copy please do so. ☝🏾

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I don't have the time to do all the work the guide would require. I don't even have the time to finally launch my own blog with the articles I sloooowly updated in the meantime, since practically every day there's some new info about something with the potential to change everything... just two days ago UDON's editor Matt Moylan confirmed on Twitter that Ingrid as the goddess who bestows Pandora to the fighters in the SFxT comic was HIS OWN IDEA... I was right all along, lol. Except for my conclusion that he took the idea from the plot guide, as apparently he just based it upon her English storylines.


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11 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

*not sure about this or is memory playing tricks lol

Kinda sure there was concept for south east asian soldier/mercenary looking girl, but not sure she did PS as style, even if would be easiest pick lo

You remember well. The fourth one from here:


Copypasted from the old forum:

  1. Rejected characters presentation
    We present the rejected characters who weren’t ultimately accepted in the game. A whole array of full-fledged personalities!
  2. Indian superstar
  3. Shin is an Indian fighter who also can dance and sing. He’s a super popular actor, who stars in over than 100 movies per year! His story revolves around his matches against other fighters from all around the world. His dream is to star in a movie alongside Fei Long. He’s obsessed with white clothes and socks. His fighting style is showy just like an action movie, and he uses various objects like sticks, clothes, hangers and even bikes.
  4. Malaysian woman
  5. A woman fighter from Malaysia. A tomboy who regularly bests men and loves to fight. In her past, she fought against a Malaysian tiger who exceeded 3 metres, and got huge scars in the left upper part of her body; nonetheless, she discovered the thrill and excitement to fight against a strong living being, her joy of life. She’s a survivalist who spends the majority of the year living in the forest. She fights using silat.¹
  6. A sand giant
  7. A girl who controls rocks and sand using a mysterious power who resembles Soul Power. Her name and origin are unknown, and her whole existence is shrouded in mystery. When she fights, she summons a sand giant; she then sits on its head, and moves freely in that space.² Giant’s attacks are extremely powerful, and it can throw big boulders at the opponent. When the giant sustains damage, its body quickly restores itself.
  8. Alaskan huntress
  10. A girl who lives in the Alaskan tundra, a master huntress. Despite her appearance, she possesses an inhuman strength, and is capable to freely hurl and throw even big men. A wild rumor circulating between street fighters says that BWA superstar Kimala once challenged her, and was soundly beaten. Her age is unspecified (and she herself doesn’t know for sure). She basically thinks that fighting = living = eating, and consequently fights against strong opponents, thanking the land and all the living beings. She lives with her father and 5 brothers, all hunters like her.³
  11. The fighting cuisine researcher
  12. A fighting cuisine researcher. She’s a wild lady who kills barehanded all the animals whom she then cooks. She can make her opponents faint with her strong hook. When she was a little girl, she was attacked by a giant bear, and lives to overcome the fear she felt then. She maintains a public blog about her life, and plans to publish a book by the end of the year. Contrarily to El Fuerte’s, her cooking skills are actually good.
  13. Buongiorno⁴ (the name of her team?)
  14. An Italian girl. She grew up watching anime and reading manga, and became obsessed with the (wrong) Japanese culture. Her hobby is cosplaying, and she produces all her clothes by herself. She believes she can do anything with her fighting spirit.⁵ She actually can use Soul Power; although she herself doesn’t understand well the true nature of her powers and believes that ki is the materialisation of her fighting spirit, she has been tutored by Rose. Her true name is Margherita, but it’s commonly shortened into Rita.

¹ So silat was in the cards… Just take Yayan Ruhian and put him in SF, Capcom!
² It’s not so visible in the image, but she has a cat near her. Ah, the good old Studio Ghibli influence over fighting games… One could write an entire essay about it.
³ She seems just like a young Son Goku, just with a living family around her…
⁴ Italian “Good morning”. I’ve already translated all the writings on her costume.
⁵ She sounds a lot like Italian cosplayer and talent Yuriko Tiger, very famous in Japan. Even Margherita’s incitement catchphrase sounds like hers.


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Those are easter eggs. The canon has been purified from her presence!


Anyway, Shin (Bollywood) sounds like an amazing idea. They could really have fun with his animations. If they base him off “Disco Dancer” (look him up!) he could be one of the most epic and original fighters ever!

Edited by Daemos
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29 minutes ago, Miðgarðsorm said:

He's talking about UDON only, mind you. Capcom can still do whatever they want, and they did use Ingrid again after they vetoed her use to UDON back in 2017. First came the costume for Karin in January 2018, then Ingrid appeared in Ring of Arcade last year.

The thing is, Capcom will basically always use Ingrid in perpetuity in some capacity or another. When you have an IP it's best to put it in stuff occasionally. Her being barred from Udon SF stuff is certainly a good thing, however.

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1 hour ago, Miðgarðsorm said:



I don't have the time to do all the work the guide would require. I don't even have the time to finally launch my own blog with the articles I sloooowly updated in the meantime, since practically every day there's some new info about something with the potential to change everything... just two days ago UDON's editor Matt Moylan confirmed on Twitter that Ingrid as the goddess who bestows Pandora to the fighters in the SFxT comic was HIS OWN IDEA... I was right all along, lol. Except for my conclusion that he took the idea from the plot guide, as apparently he just based it upon her English storylines.



That's why this needs to be a community effort



I've literally seen a half a dozen or so people who claim to have canon SF sites on Twitter and YouTube. Most of which are already in the stages of  just fledgling out.  There are people who have multiple access to source material.

We've all been trying our best over the years to culminate the best SF lore source possible. I believe our community has the best English canon source that rivals sources that are straight from Japan. 


@Miðgarðsorm @Lord_Vega @Doctrine_Darkand I have all done our parts in providing the community. Multiple translations and transiterations. Multiple access to overseas source materials. ALL FOR FREE! Just because we're willing to share with you.


We need help in branching out! We need more people willing to translate. We need people to curate the information. We need more people willing to donate the time. This is all a giant task we're asking for and I knew this starting out. 


It's a thankless position and one which Capcom themselves can easily over ride overnight because they own the properties. 


But seeing as how they are still commandeering from the fans in terms of fan made source material (Lucia having the surname Morgan). Fanmade concept ideas (Ryu's SF6 costume concept being straight from a fan art). They obviously deem our time invested worthy of being implemented into the games and this should be documented as well. 


We all can't do this alone and this was meant to be a team effort starting out. We have the tools to make this more of a community effort but we can't just do it by ourselves. Community is key and I'm just hoping that we can get our plot guide project out there for people to want to honestly engage in. 

1 hour ago, Hawkingbird said:

Is there a way for edits needing approval before they can be made? 

We need a moderator of sorts for that. I and @Lord_Vegaacting like one before this project became open. There were fewer people providing things back then so it was easier. Now it's more than likely going to become harder. 

There's so much info in the guide now and I'm kinda skeptical that this being open source just for the sake of convenience will open the doors to debauchery. 


None the less, the Google algorithms keep the older plot guide on the forefront so our newer one isn't susceptible to being discovered by newcomers who may or may not want to add whatever they feel is relevant. 


This can all change the instant we make things more aware which is why we need people to moderate and curate the information. 


I'm not trying to dump this whole project on just a few hands. I know the weight of this and it's not something to be taken lightly upon by just a few people. We all have lives outside of the threads and SF as a whole. These things need to be taken into consideration too.

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8 hours ago, bakfromon said:

That's because Microsoft Nuked everything with it's newest OS update. I haven't been curating the plot guide since 2018, I left those duties up to @Lord_Vega. Hopefully he's kept a copy of the most recent plot guide. I can't help you guys I'm just a spectator to all of this. 


Remember that my plot guide was supposed to be a community effort not just left upon one person. I might have access to an older version I have to check my PC. 

I have a copy saved on my hard drive, I can check what version it is a bit later.

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13 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

At least Rick and Morty are entertaining and the show doesn't glorify Rick's behavior (The first two seasons didn't).

I don't see how Velma glorifies her behavior.  She's clearly portrayed as being wrong, it continuously makes things worse, and everyone calls her out on it.

8 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

Once the plot guide is back up there needs to be way to increase its visibility on google search results. I find it concerning that Vasili plot guide is still the first search result when it hasn't been updated in 10 years. 

To be fair, most people just use the SF wiki now.

7 hours ago, Daemos said:

Ingrid did not have to be involved with SFxT!

Better there than in a canon SF.


Edited by DarthEnderX
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22 minutes ago, bakfromon said:


We need your help as well. You have a massive following on social media interested in SF lore. Can you put the word out for anyone that would be interested in helping us in this endeavor?

Absolutely, I'd love to give shout outs in my video as well. Let me know what established guidlines/ mission statement  you guys want and I could make a video and or image and put it out on twitter. I think we should really stress on quality and dedication to getting the truth from official sources, cause some folks like to bring in stuff from the comics (had a guy reply to me that Dan could do the SGS when he probably doesn't even know the technique exists) or make stuff up on the fly; in some of my YT comments I've seen people bringing stuff without any real basis.


I'm down for the push, let's all make this happen!

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@bakfromonwish could be of any help, but my english is too shitty for anything useful 😄


I may help with images if you need it, example if you need profile pics for characters adapted all to same format


2 hours ago, bakfromon said:


We need your help as well. You have a massive following on social media interested in SF lore. Can you put the word out for anyone that would be interested in helping us in this endeavor?

You guys could ask help to EvilCanadian too, seems nice guy and he have pretty big following too, iirc on YT and Twitter


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2 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

To be fair, most people just use the SF wiki now.

I use it a lot, tbh it's pretty useful tool  and cool site as long you know you should take as true just the stuff that have the small number to indicate official source with links


Problem is often you will find lot of stuff without any source, and average guy will take it as true because it's on teh internet so must be true 😆


To make it even more tricky it's not even all false as there's stuff i know to be true/confirmed but they don't add source, wich create a gray area


Fun thing some of them surely lurk Story Thread, because happen often to see profiles updated with stuff we had here lol



Better them than Eventhubs (who lurk us too) i guess lol 😄

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4 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

I don't see how Velma glorifies her behavior.  She's clearly portrayed as being wrong, it continuously makes things worse, and everyone calls her out on it.

The show expects the audience to root for Velma even when she does foul things like when she read Daphne diary to the entire school and suffers no consequences for it. The handful of times she is called out it gets swept under the rug and Velma learns nothing. 

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7 hours ago, ShockDingo said:

Absolutely, I'd love to give shout outs in my video as well. Let me know what established guidlines/ mission statement  you guys want and I could make a video and or image and put it out on twitter. I think we should really stress on quality and dedication to getting the truth from official sources, cause some folks like to bring in stuff from the comics (had a guy reply to me that Dan could do the SGS when he probably doesn't even know the technique exists) or make stuff up on the fly; in some of my YT comments I've seen people bringing stuff without any real basis.


I'm down for the push, let's all make this happen!

It occurs to me that a good way to drum up some SF interest might be to do some powerscaling stuff with them and vs match-ups. The community that would have a lot of overlap with interest in SF has A LOT of interest in those sorts of videos and they can be quite fun. Just an idea I had.

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4 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

The show expects the audience to root for Velma even when she does foul things like when she read Daphne diary to the entire school and suffers no consequences for it. The handful of times she is called out it gets swept under the rug and Velma learns nothing. 

This reminds me of when people say She-Hulk "suffers consequences" in the finale where she literally has god rewrite the universe because she feels like suffering consequences for her own bad actions is deeply unfair 🤣

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6 hours ago, Daemos said:



A lot of thought is put into him it seems. Perhaps he is this game's Kolin. Or this game's Azam.

Love the first in particular, even with same color scheme less saturated colors blend much better than ingame (and usually i'm bit hater of use the 3 primary color in same CS, but in Bosch it works, likely due brown skin making good secondary)


Hope he may be this game Kolin/Ed, as long he have good roots to be a SFer


Make me also curious he shows to have to some extent already his own style, even if unseen... even in first clash he uses vanilla Luke moves, but he already have his unique fight stance

Also the flying "dive kick" he uses to attack our CC seems to don't have much to do with Luke's teachings or style lol


Curious to see what his "final" style will look like, i'm still hoping my idea of see him learning techniques by former SFers unavaible for us as masters will come true, would make him feel like he really did a growth path similar to ours... or just make him Pencak Silat looking, you damn useless fucks 😆


Would add Bosch (maybe DamnD and Rudra too, but need to see them better) already seems to be visually closer to main cast than Kolin and Ed were in ASF




PS: May add poor Azam should have made it, i can surely point some main cast chars that deserved much less the slot lol

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1 hour ago, CESTUS III said:

PS: May add poor Azam should have made it,

I disagree. Not every NPC should take a slot IMO unless they have a really good idea (and Genie from Aladdin is not it). And there's no guarantee that a character like Azam won't be developed into something sad like Falke or Lucia.

Considering how long these characters take to develop and the likelihood of 4 character per season, Capcom should be really picky about "new" characters going forward.

Like Bosch should really be special if he wants to join the roster (and have some hidden fighting style we don't know about) because there are about a dozen petit Asians in the franchise that are aching to return to the spotlight.


But I'll keep an open mind since both Ed and Kolin ended up being great characters gameplay-wise.


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9 hours ago, Daemos said:



Is there any info about his nationality yet? 


Bosch looks like a southeast asian character from his eyes and skin color. 


He can looks like filipino character even he isn't supposed to be and he isnt a filipino. He can also be a malaysian, hawian and indonesian character.

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23 hours ago, bakfromon said:

Just to reiterate again: I can no longer curate the plot guide. Even though I started it years ago  I no longer have the time to maintain it or to keep updating it. I originally bestowed this duty to @Lord_Vega with @Miðgarðsorm acting as transliterator. I downloaded the most recent copy and I opened the link for anyone to operate on (much to my dismay 😒)


I don't think that's a good idea. It will become a wiki. I remember there was a bug a few years ago and the file became open for everyone to edit. I remember finding that Juli was meant to be Noembelu on the AAC text of Juli (or Hawk, don't remember). I asked my old friend to check on it and she said that it wasn't on the original jpn text. Who knows what else got changed and I dunno if it was there in the first place.


Open it for everyone to edit won't solve our main problem: we need good japanese translators  (human translators) that won't throw a fit when questioned and/or corrected.

Does anyone knows the guy at SFWiki that writes the jpn translations? Maybe he could  help.


@bakfromonsince we both have little to no time, maybe choosing one or two more adms would help to solve the problem?


Of course, I do think that the guide should be as it is: canon texts translated/transliterated from the japanese or copied from canon materials/sources  (like the Super Nintendo/Mega Drive manuals) ALWAYS giving the source of such info/material.  We shouldn't diverge to fanfiction or guesswork (maybe a section for latter?).


That's not the most updated version of the plot guide. I DL it on my PC at home so I  could edit it better without being logged out and losing what I've done (it happened a few times). I can send it to you by the end of the week (sat or sun).


22 hours ago, bakfromon said:

@Miðgarðsorm @Lord_Vega @Doctrine_Darkand I have all done our parts in providing the community. Multiple translations and transiterations. Multiple access to overseas source materials. ALL FOR FREE! Just because we're willing to share with you.





It's a thankless position and one which Capcom themselves can easily over ride overnight because they own the properties. 


But seeing as how they are still commandeering from the fans in terms of fan made source material (Lucia having the surname Morgan). Fanmade concept ideas (Ryu's SF6 costume concept being straight from a fan art). They obviously deem our time invested worthy of being implemented into the games and this should be documented as well.

Not only that. It's like a huge archive of texts that Capcom provided over the course of the franchise that are long forgotten. THEY should be the ones archiving and translating this online. Who still remembers how Guile and Nash met? The 3 stories with Smalt Raven? I'm pretty sure most of the western audience related JP to the 2 students that learned Psycho Power thanks to the plot guides and threads like this (and a little bit from the 30th Collection).


Instead they gave it to a third party to compile and resume the info with errors and inconsistencies (more than SF already have) without even double checking it. it was more an copy/paste from that darn ecyclopedia.


13 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

I may help with images if you need it, example if you need profile pics for characters adapted all to same format

That would be interesting. Specially for the Shadaloo CRI exclusive characters. Who knows that, with SF6, they won't nuke the site.

On 5/14/2023 at 6:29 PM, Hawkingbird said:

Once the plot guide is back up there needs to be way to increase its visibility on google search results. I find it concerning that Vasili plot guide is still the first search result when it hasn't been updated in 10 years. 

That's because it's in GameFAQs. We should find a way of hosting it in someplace that can be easily found. Maybe im pdf instead of docx format?


23 hours ago, Daemos said:

That Matt is one of the propagators of the Rose/Bison one soul bullshit. Ingrid did not have to be involved with SFxT! He's always up to no good!

That's Capcom's fault that created it, not Moylan's. Now, the SFxT was absolute bullshit (and Capcom is the one to blame for approving it).


16 hours ago, ShockDingo said:

 I think we should really stress on quality and dedication to getting the truth from official sources, cause some folks like to bring in stuff from the comics (had a guy reply to me that Dan could do the SGS when he probably doesn't even know the technique exists) or make stuff up on the fly; in some of my YT comments I've seen people bringing stuff without any real basis.

And on FB, people still believe that Ryu tapped into SnH when he scarred Sagat. Not only that, one even told me that Gouken forbid the Shoryuken and that Ken and Ryu learned by spying on him doing it.....

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