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The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!

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3 minutes ago, YagamiFire said:

Curse? A crossover with SNK characters that fit perfectly into the setting and game style is in no way a curse. It is perfection for guests. The ONLY kind of guests I would want (and my two top choices)

 I would've much rather had Cody and Maki.


I mean, sure, SNK characters are still far beyond shit like Negan in Tekken or whatever the fuck MK1 is doing, but, be real, you think we won't get there soon, now that the gate is open? 


We'll get Power Rangers, Ninja Turtles and who the hell know what other crap Capcom has up their sleeve, if it means $$$.

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Some stuff, starting from design

3 hours ago, Chun-Li_Forever said:

Fun thing is i think to knowwhere they gt idea, looked instant familiar, but just realized lot of his costume seems a re-elaboration of Slammasters Wraith


but also of course from previous fucked-up-bison concepts we got in the past



The long white hair also gave me War (Darksiders) vibes, but that's more likely a stretch and not necessary in devs mind



Also as soon i heard about horse i thought about HNK Raoh but reality is that he rather he does it more as Kenshiro


and on general remind much more Jukei



wich is not so crazy considering dude have demonic purple aura powers too (and he's been imho an influence also for things of Akuma's development)




Also there was a scene with our avatar where imho wink hard at LotR Nazguls... wich figure wise have even some sense too considered they're basically ghosts powered up by evil power


Btw as said in another post we still got Raoh reference in moveset


Edited by CESTUS III
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5 hours ago, Daemos said:

Yeah that's my thinking. The violet half of his body is still poisoned from the power of nothingness and the purple half is the Psycho Power regenerating. I would wager that in SF6 Bison is trying to regenerate himself so he is going after every residual piece of Psycho Power to reclaim it and find himself.

I have the idea Psycho Power was purposely distributed to Ed, Falke, Cypher and Gorilla as back up plan


Not even just for the power (Ed) or PP related abilities (Falke, Cypher) but we see he seems to have amnesia, and i believe if he recover intellect (Gorilla) will recover his memories too


Wonder if JP's AMNESIA org hint he may have to do something with Bison's lost of memories, wich could make sense since he's the one that most would like to keep Bison away and is pushing to get much more manipulable/young Ed as new Shadaloo leader (to have himself one step behind ruling shit from shadows)


My guess is Bison's body has been dormant under Shadaloo HQ rubbles for years where Ryu left him, and got awakened by either guys doing psycho power shit in labs or for the PP growing inside Ed


Is possible with lost of memory identity/personality at the moment does'nt have even plans and he's just roaming around the world attracted by this energy (Psycho Power) that resonate with him


Is interesting also we have the Mexico thing, because we know in the past he already was interested in Mexico/Thunderfoot Tribe lands back when he killed T.awk's father... maybe these lands have some Psycho Power related natural properties that  don't require machines


Last is interessing he used his powers to "resurrect" (technically was still alive) the dying horse, i think this new trick may come from the benefic Ryu's ki still stuck within Bison's body... since by Ryu words that power is made to protect life

I'm not even sure is "hado" what's inside Bison, i believe is even possible Ryu's energy purificated Bison's Psycho Power (like he did on himself in Necalli fight turning Satsui no Hado in regular hado) turning it into Soul Power... wich indeed he know hae pro-life properties too (see preserving Rose's youth, as direct opposite to Bison's PP aging him fast)


Bison using even a life-protection power for something wrong is cool and i think was foreshadowed by Oro's speech about fact any ki can be used for good or for bad



Oro swiveled on the ball of his foot and leaned out against the porch post.
"Psycho Power, Ki, the power of Yoga, the Satsui no Hado."
And Soul Power too, Dhalsim added silently. Oro closed his eyes and rested his chin on his hand, muttering.


The hermit closed his eyes and spoke quietly, his words mingling with the breeze.
"Yes. Power itself is neither good nor evil. Even in the case of Psycho Power, or the Satsui no Hado."



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3 hours ago, Dracu said:

 I would've much rather had Cody and Maki.


I mean, sure, SNK characters are still far beyond shit like Negan in Tekken or whatever the fuck MK1 is doing, but, be real, you think we won't get there soon, now that the gate is open? 


We'll get Power Rangers, Ninja Turtles and who the hell know what other crap Capcom has up their sleeve, if it means $$$.

That's "we're doomed" mindset i honestly don't share at the moment


Guests are'nt necessary negative in my eyes, and i say it when still i HATED hard Guests in other fighting games in the past

I was the one claiming game (Soul Callibur 4) was irremediably ruined by the fact i seen fucking space scifi crap in my medieval fantasy game, having bad thoughts about mothers of guys replying to me "duuuuude whatareyou saying, Darth Vader is dope so cool"


Guest to me is ultimate fans betrayal in the moment nature of the game is polluted by getting a character from outside that does'nt respect the world style, and get shoehorned in for money to please the "i don't care it's cool bro!" crowd


SF did'nt crossed that line

Actually SF waited LONG time before do it, and when they did, has been adding Terry and Mai... two of the most compatible characters (Fatal Fury is closer to SF than KoF style) from the most compatible rival (but twin) company

Characters that resonate hard that with our japanese 90s fight games fetish, and that put largest smile on our face (one does'nt have heart if did'nt) when our childhood dream was realized when they first clashed in Capcom vs SNK

Move have been done with brain and taste, crap like get MK or TK negan or Star Wars SC is VERY far from what Capcom just did


Suddently it's like "we" ignore the fact there's undeniable shared DNA that never bothered us (SF fan maybe don't like KoF skinny bitches, but Fatal Fury still have special place in his heart)


For reasons we all know Fatal Fury is PERFECTLY stylistically compatible with Street Fighter world/aesthetic, so does example SFEX Arika characters (who in some way are even "existing" in SF canon universe since SFV, i remind just to piss people off lol)


Terry The-Fooking-Legend Bogard in to me is a presence that will enrich SF6 cast more than same slot could used fro lot of mediocre but official SF char (and list can be really LONG)


Reality is i consider Mai Shiranui the weakest part of S2 and would NOT have used that slot for her

Still SF fanbase voted hard for fucking Sakura instead Elena,Laura,Menat,Kolin,Makoto,Mika,Poison,Viper or whatever other waifu that could have helped increase SF6 variety cast

I would INSTANT erase Mai slot and give it to one of these many SF girls

But they voted Sakura


Mai Shiranui as OG Fatal Fury it's stylistically 101% stylistically compatible with SF

Mai Shiranui use an unique style of Ninjutsu that look so different from anything currently in SF6, will not be a fourth ansatsuken hadoken shoryuken tastu rep

Mai Shiranui while not needed/wanted by me, still will HELP SF6 cast variety more than most voted SF fanbase pick. Let that sink


I live in paradox universe where fucking commercial guest marketing gimmick respect the game soul and best serve its spirit (wich for OG SF was DIFFERENT styles clashing in crazy variety cast) much more than SF fanbase does


I'm not even enjoing this, i WISH SF fanbase was good and had taste

Instead i got Akuma in Season1 with SF fanbase saying "about time should have been start cast!!"

Instead i got Sakura most voted for Season2

All while some of SF fanbase even shit on devs for adding unique, sumo rep Honda to SF6 start cast (thanks gods)

All while lot of well thought, well designed, highly compatible with SF core style characters got shit and gone forgotten for decades, while lame concepts that hit the "cool" childish taste prospered

All while devs through years gave up on our ability to appreciate a coherent SF design, so they started just shameless turn into waifus less successful ones because you can ever bet on fappers money


Time to admit at least so far "SF fanbase" hurts SF spirit and devs freedom to express it, much more than dirty guest Terry Bogard currently does




Edited by CESTUS III
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Just bought Ultimate Pass, will come with 2 stages


- Bison is getting the current Shadaloo Lab for sure since nobody else is using it (Ed had it in the trailer but is 'nt his stage)


- So guess Elena getting Kenya with bunch of cool animals having good time watching humans throw hands for no apparent reason


- Other may be South Town (Fatal Fury city), and have there both Terry and Mai... would like see Andy and Joe (and possibly as many of OG FF crew) in the background cheering fighters.

Would be fun as fuck if in case of Terry or Mai being involved vs a SFer, they root for their FF buddy or get desperate if he/she lose lol

South Town location in theory is somewhere-Florida so would not overlap with Metro City, retcon likely being we will just pretend it's ever been there, wich for canon is'nt particular problematic since original FF story was very limited to the city(with Geese being local crime lord, not much different from Final Fight)


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I watched the Japanese version of the trailer. Norio Wakamoto (who has been voicing the character since Capcom vs SNK) doesn’t voice Bison/Vega anymore.



He is now voiced by Taiten Kasunoki (Nagoriyuki in Guilty Gear Strive). This could be seen as Wakamoto passing down the role since he is 78 now, but I think this actually indicates something in Bison’s story. Wakamoto reprised his role as Johnny in Guilty Gear Strive and is likely to reprise Cell in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, so I don’t think he isn’t voicing Bison again because he is incapable of doing it or the like. This along with the fact that Bison’s story in this game is that he apparently has amnesia brings me to this theory.


SF6 Bison isn’t Bison. He is one of his spare clone bodies that gained it’s own sapience and began to travel the world. His “amnesia” isn’t that, he’s literally a different person wondering why you called him Bison. He has no memories not because he lost them, but because he never had them in the first place. He has a different voice now because this isn’t the same person that was in SF5. But that is just a theory.




Edited by BornWinner
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6 hours ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

No memories. Now I'm really interested to see the win quotes.

If the task of our avatar is to bring back his old memories, so we might get his old self again for the WQ. If I'm not mistaken, Ed already accepted to be NS leader when we meet him in WT. So his arcade mode story comes before WT interactions.


4 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

SF6 Bison isn’t Bison. He is one of his spare clone bodies that gained sapience and began to travel the world. His “amnesia” isn’t that, he’s literally a different person wondering why you called him Bison. He has a different voice now because this isn’t the same person that was in SF5. But that is just a theory.

I thought the same at first, but Vega's actual body got the same crackings (right hand and face) seen at the end of A Shadow Falls when Ryu hits him with the Hadoken of love. It seems to be the same body, even though Capcom went on and revealed that Vega lost his body and was in his spiritual form back in Shadaloo CRI. That might be the case of his conscience?

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Cool detail i did'nt noticed at first, Bison ever have crossed arms and never touch the horse's reins,so basically he's controlling it directly with his mind rather than ride it like normal person would do

And it (the horse) have pale azure light in his eyes, likely sign of Soul Power(or hado) used to keep it alive and possibly of it being mind controlled


Btw horse gave me an idea, crazy theory time


SFV had Rose telling us that Bison triggered some sort of Apocalypse


What if Bison will rebuild SFV team, and they will be some sort of Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?


Bison could easily be Death, he's some sort of immortal with skull as symbol, now have dark hood/cape and he's even riding a dying horse lol

FANG could easily be Pestilence (due poison)

Claw guess can be Famine

Rog could work easy as War being violent and focused on material things/money


Was a theme already touched with FInal Fight Streetwise too, so maybe they're familiar with it



Thanks to @OPTIMUS124

Bison's JAP voice absolutely destroy ENG one imho


Edited by CESTUS III
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18 minutes ago, Lord_Vega said:

If the task of our avatar is to bring back his old memories, so we might get his old self again for the WQ. If I'm not mistaken, Ed already accepted to be NS leader when we meet him in WT. So his arcade mode story comes before WT interactions.

Kinda hoping the connection with our avatar helps him remember the Master-Student connection he once had with Rose.


I know that's asking for too much, but it'd be nice.


Even though it was only mentioned once in Alpha 3, it's something I'd like to see expanded on.

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2 hours ago, Lord_Vega said:

I thought the same at first, but Vega's actual body got the same crackings (right hand and face) seen at the end of A Shadow Falls when Ryu hits him with the Hadoken of love. It seems to be the same body, even though Capcom went on and revealed that Vega lost his body and was in his spiritual form back in Shadaloo CRI. That might be the case of his conscience?

Yeah, his body having the same damage he had in SF5 is stopping me from going full conspiracy theorist with it. I just find it odd that he has a new VA in Japanese since Wakamoto is still active and VAs over there usually don’t change outside of controversy, health issues, and death. Bison being a spirit could explain his situation. Ghosts having amnesia is a pretty common trope and it would explain why no one could get a hold of him despite there being sights of him.

Edited by BornWinner
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32 minutes ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

Kinda hoping the connection with our avatar helps him remember the Master-Student connection he once had with Rose.


I know that's asking for too much, but it'd be nice.


Even though it was only mentioned once in Alpha 3, it's something I'd like to see expanded on.

Yeah, that would be great. Even with his own master... remembering how he killed him with the Psycho Crusher.

"The move I'll teach you was the one I used to kill someone... maybe the same fool who taught it to me! Bwa ha ha ha!"

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1 hour ago, bakfromon said:

You know, ever since Teppen introduced Ryu redesigned with a cowl the fashion sense seems to have spread to his rivals (minus Ken)

Teppen Ryu is my most favorite Ryu redesign


It a smart and keen redesign, 


It's remains in character and the color palette stay the same from dominance to hierarchy. 

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22 hours ago, Dracu said:

Street Fighter has fallen pray to the curse of guest characters. There's no going back now. It was good while it lasted, lads.

I know how you feel, I would probably be fuming if I heard Bison was out and his spot was taken by another guest character. But now that I am more level-headed and sober from the reveal excitement, I'm gonna say that as far as guest characters (from other companies) go - I think Fatal Fury is probably the best candidate.

Fatal Fury characters and their playerbase in the 90s felt like our spiritual cousins. We were created from the same mold and were there for the collapse of the golden age of 2D fighting.

I think it was wise for Capcom to go with SNK and specifically FF has the characters can easily integrate in our universe and vice versa. If this was any other company I would be totally against this, like I have always been.

Having said this, I don't want anymore guests for the rest of SF6's life. Hopefully this makes money and I am sure Capcom will make this season look and play like a dream.

I'm also going to add that IMO, CvS2 is top 3 best fighting games ever made. If this opens the door to CvS3 I would be ecstatic.

Edited by Daemos
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12 hours ago, BornWinner said:

Yeah, his body having the same damage he had in SF5 is stopping me from going full conspiracy theorist with it. I just find it odd that he has a new VA in Japanese since Wakamoto is still active and VAs over there usually don’t change outside of controversy, health issues, and death. Bison being a spirit could explain his situation. Ghosts having amnesia is a pretty common trope and it would explain why no one could get a hold of him despite there being sights of him.

The English VA is the same, so I don't think this has anything thing to do with the story. Have you heard Bison's brutal delivery of lines? Bison's voicing is very taxing and Norio, as he ages, probably couldn't commit to the entire SF6 product lifecycle which usually runs for 6-8 years. It was time.

The new Japanese guy is great. A different take on Bison reminiscent of Nishimura (Alpha Bison) and Bison from the SF2 Animated movie and V series. He also sounds a lot like Raoh. He sounds serious and dangerous. Nishimura still has the best laugh from what I can tell.

Speaking of Gerald, I was hoping they would change him ( @ShockDingoplz) . He obviously received new direction as his line delivery has improved, but it's still sounds off to me.

Edited by Daemos
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Posted (edited)

Re: Bison's aesthetic and PP color.

After reviewing the videos (don't ask how many times I've replayed them), I've come to the most straightforward explanation to what's going on.

Same SF5 Bison, amnesia, his body isn't poisoned, he's just badly hurt on one side from Ryu's attack which can get in the way of harnessing and controlling his power.

The Green, Violet, Blue, and Purple Ki are all Psycho Power. Bison has historically  had all these colors to represent Psycho Power in canon games and art. Capcom has now decided to give us a canon perspective on why they exist (also it has the practical benefit of making sense of what's happening on the screen).


We see Bison using the ghostly green/violet/blue ki for basic attacks and some parts of basic specials.  Often using all these colors in unison like his LV3. The color becomes more pure purple for big specials or OD specials (Psycho Crusher being the most noticeable one). So visually lighter colors = Not a Special Move, Pure Purple = Special Move.

During his taunt and first round win pose, we see his arm in the former go from ghostly green/violet to full purple and in the latter it bursts purple and then he calms it down to violet. This lends itself to Purple PP being the most powerful or most "negative" form of the ki. But this degree of control and manipulation is also proof of mastery over the technique, like how Akuma can turn his fireballs red after charging them. It's not random.

Some people are drawing parallels to Soul Power, but during the Alpha series Soul Power and Psycho Power were often very similar color. Because they are fundamentally the same ki just used differently - like the force.

The counter argument to this is JP's specials are all pure purple with some black and maroons. But by now we know that JP is the weakest and newest PP user in SF6 yet his specials aesthetically lend themselves to be stronger (even if he does not channel the ki through him directly). This doesn't make sense as the animations of characters in SF usually give you a sense of the character's power level.

Re: Other stuff

- Best Bison theme in the modern era. Gives me James Bond villain with a nice build up.

- The Raoh 1 finger impale SA2. Perfect.


- If you slow down the video you will see that Bison's SA1 is actually a knee press now. Like his feet are literally targeting your knees before he smashes your face in.


- SF2 outfit 2 looks off. The proportions are great but the way the shoulder pads move, crouching stance, and the blandness/stiffness of the fabric looks lower quality than everything else. @CESTUS IIImay know what I mean as most of the SF2 outfit suffer from this.

- He's noticeably not smiling a lot, which I think is intentional as the Capcom announcement implies. He's looking to bring his smile back in the story. Real deep stuff.


- They changed his height to a more believable 6'0 from 5'11.


- OD Psycho Crusher's arm positioning looks identical to SF2 The Movie The Game Psycho Crusher. First time in a canon entry.

- Psycho Mines ❤️


- No teledashes? No Bison warp? Come on.


- Much like SF5, a new campaign of getting back his cape will begin. We succeeded last time when Capcom finally gave us Alpha Bison.


Edited by Daemos
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9 hours ago, bakfromon said:

You know, ever since Teppen introduced Ryu redesigned with a cowl the fashion sense seems to have spread to his rivals (minus Ken)


Yeah seems they like this kind of rough up shit, personally i love it because it leave them lot different ways to play on it and ultimately we end up with different designs wich is what matters


In Akuma's case we got essentially a combo of 2 SFV designs, put the bear skin from right-one on left-one and you basically have SF6 Akuma, specially the very first leaked art when still had the red hair color scheme that now became his #2 in SF6



Of course they gave up the bear skin being too large (even if judging by paw/claw size, the point was show off AKuma killed exceptionally large one) because would have interfered to much with our view of his torso, in another post i compared it to the smaller one that Zodd use



and in SF6 they put particolar attention on show the extreme conditioning/training Akuma's body went through in timeskip years, first time i seen it it instant remind me how Oro's body was descripted in the side-story

"It was a fist that looked too sturdy for an old man, too sturdy for any mortal man, a tangle of rock-hard bone and sinew honed by countless years of training."


Bit OT

Curious thing is how they designed Ryu body muscle structure in SF6

Not only he does'nt look extremized as Akuma, he's not even ripped as Ken

Ryu's muscles seems to most relaxed they're ever been (in contrast to Akuma's who seem to clench them hard 24/7), yet we see that he can muscle up harder than Ken at will, see when he's doing his training first time we see him in World Tour mode, his arm before touching the cherry blossom get huge and ripped (similar to when he does the SHin Shoryuken)



It's cool how they designed him like a sheated sword, dull appearance as long there's no need to use it, but sharper than ever when he chose to pull out the blade

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On 6/8/2024 at 4:32 AM, -PVL93- said:

By the way Charlie died for nothing twice now while this is technically Bison's third return from the "dead" 


So much for the heroic sacrifice at the end of SFV story

Ah, but, if Bison wasn't really dead, is Nash?


On 6/8/2024 at 7:20 AM, CESTUS III said:

Guests are'nt necessary negative in my eyes, and i say it when still i HATED hard Guests in other fighting games in the past

It REALLY pissed me off in the last SamSho game.  Where the game started wasting fully half of it's DLC Seasons on guest characters.  Some on some real "Wtf are you doing?" sources like For Honor or some Chinese mobile game.


We coulda had Gen-an, or Sieger, or Andrew or Gaoh instead.  But nooooo...


18 hours ago, Lord_Vega said:

If the task of our avatar is to bring back his old memories, so we might get his old self again for the WQ.

Quite possible.  In the gameplay trailer, we see the interaction where he doesn't know who Bison is.  But in his reveal trailer, we see that scene of him trying to absorb the psycho drive in the Shadaloo stage.


The first is probably your character first meeting him.  And the second could be the conclusion of a questline you do with him to get him as a Master.  And absorbing the drive results in him regaining his memories.


12 hours ago, bakfromon said:

You know, ever since Teppen introduced Ryu redesigned with a cowl the fashion sense seems to have spread to his rivals (minus Ken)

They're saving it for *gag* Violent Ken...


Edited by DarthEnderX
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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Daemos said:

Re: Bison's aesthetic and PP color.

After reviewing the videos (don't ask how many times I've replayed them), I've come to the most straightforward explanation to what's going on.

Same SF5 Bison, amnesia, his body isn't poisoned, he's just badly hurt on one side from Ryu's attack which can get in the way of harnessing and controlling his power.

The Green, Violet, Blue, and Purple Ki are all Psycho Power. Bison has historically  had all these colors to represent Psycho Power in canon games and art. Capcom has now decided to give us a canon perspective on why they exist (also it has the practical benefit of making sense of what's happening on the screen).


Yeah but i thought through years they "evolved" (in the sense they chosen through time a direction for the design) to estabilish full purple as the "official" current canon look of Psycho Power


Then we got Ed, wich raised some questions... but there could have been to show Ed himself is'nt evil nor brainwashed to feel negative emotions (needed to feed PP), so what we see in his azure is... probably closer to Soul Power, while switch to more purple tint when get serious about hurt opponent


See it in Bison imho could have different meanings

One possibility is psychological... if truly lost memory he may currently be not as focused as he used to be on plan most evil shit, but be more bad guy by natural inclination with this instinctive impulse to seek Psycho Power... i'm thinking something like him recovering memory would switch him to "oh yeah, that's what truly i am, seems fitting"


But i'm more thinking at straight body explanation, thinking how evident is Ryu's purifying hadoken left a mark in his (Bison) completely Psycho Power infused body, like a powerful cure injected in a very sick person would attack the virus

I'm thinking these two scenes (timestamped)

Ryu showing how he learnd to not suppress negative ki, but to purify it turning SnH into normal hado ki


and how Ryu's hadoken does'nt looks like just struck Bison like the big slap of an ocean wave, it clearly went inside, filled and remained in Bison's body, even Bison's expression seems to say he's feeling something unusual (Bison for sure is used to "normal" ki attacks) just happened to his body after being hit by this new thing

I keept also the part where Bison hit Ryu first with his Psycho Power and Ryu tank it just in same way, because i think was done on purpose to show some sort of symbolism about the difference between their ki effects

You punch me and my skin get bruised, my abs hurt... but that's the external side

I punch you in return and the damage goes much deeper, inside the body bones and vital organs get all fucked up beyond point of reparation


I still believe this scene is heavily influenced by JoJo's scene of Straizo's internal body collapse for having been filled by the Ripple (SF Soul Power)


The fact SF6 Bison have clear scar marks of this event for sure have a meaning (beyond show us is same body), as Capcom LOVES to express story through design


6 hours ago, Daemos said:

Some people are drawing parallels to Soul Power, but during the Alpha series Soul Power and Psycho Power were often very similar color. Because they are fundamentally the same ki just used differently - like the force.

Yes i absolutely believe that too

Specially considering at very begin Bison used to be a Soul Power user

Soul Power have his azure, while turn purple becoming Psycho Power when it's used differently

Same way "hado" would pass from azure to red when the soul of the user step into SnH mood


Then yes the body of negative fueled ki (Bison or Akuma) or even just too extreme ki (Oro)  user is transformed in the long run, kinda mirroring the IRL concept that live filled with negative energy have visible physical effects, think the classic of super stressed people getting balding soon lol


Oro showed us that to the core all ki is ki, a very skilled Master can simply change the color of ki based on the use and direction he give to it, in his case not even having true intention but just tricking his own ki he actually wanted to kill Dhalsim


Now we also have Ryu being able to switch for 1 sec into SnH mood to unleash the physical potential of his arm/fist, then punch the opponent without red ki on the fist, then we see red ki on the ground under his feet (result of the upward push)

Basically Ryu using SnH to strike you with similar power of if intended to murder opponent but removing last moment the "deadly" part, like striking you with the backward dull side of a real katana


6 hours ago, Daemos said:

- SF2 outfit 2 looks off. The proportions are great but the way the shoulder pads move, crouching stance, and the blandness/stiffness of the fabric looks lower quality than everything else. may know what I mean as most of the SF2 outfit suffer from this.

Tbh i think proportions (legs) are part of the problem too

Feel this model have been shaped to work best on new design, and SF2 alt just got shoehorned there feeling kinda awkward (almst gave me fanmade mod vibes), then sure lot on the costume did'nt got applied properly... tbh i never been fan of SF2 one (i started appreciate it with cape in SFA, cape is imho a must in his classic design), but is'nt for that reason watching trailer i seen the alt and though "i'm never using this shit, new design for life!", is due quality

Actually i liked Bison in SF4 and he was sporting no-cape SF2 classic, but looked sharp as fuck there... in SF6 feels rounded rubber shit and an animation problem will mention after further add this impression


It's not new problem to SF6 either, to this day i still find horrible how SF2 costume looks on SF6 Ryu (wich is problem since i hate play as dad-beard Ryu too), they completely messed up lmao

Malicious side of me believe they don't care alts don't look as good, because they want to push new designs anyway... i refuse to think competent artist does'nt realize how much SF6 alt Ryu sucks lol


Last you also have that more realistic style of SF6 make classic costume ridicolous if you don't rework it, do it 1:1 make one look like a cosplayer... there's a reason Marvel movies reworked a lot their superheroes


But on bright side new design looks great and will work even greater in the destroyed lab stage

May be wrong but i feel like he made his metal protections just grabbing pieces there lol, cool way to show Bison instictively trying to return his former self even without memory


On Bison i must sadly add i also find it the very first SF6 char to negatively impress me on animations, there's some kind of fluid constant slowness in most of his movements that soften a lot the strikes feel, on theory you should play on slow and fast to sell idea of explosive movements and impacts with bodies

To use a bit a boxing/kickboxing way to talk he feels a lot the "pillow hands" kind of guy with no "whip", like even when put his weight on it his punch will push you, but not open your face or knock you out.

Feels to me like they wanted to continue the (imho ok decision) direction of having Bison on the slower heavier/powerful side they started in SFV, but to sell well that you need great crushing strike vibes and dude got shit service at that

I say, compare it with recent Akuma's addition and it's easy see what i mean, Bison feels underwater

Too bad because some of his new stuff (the big Raoh punches or the knee squashing shit) would have worked GREAT with proper animations


6 hours ago, Daemos said:

- No teledashes? No Bison warp? Come on.

Lore wise i think could be cool if at least in story he will start to use them after putting his hands on Cypher


He seems to not use other finesse tricks too, like in SFV he had telekinesis in his forward throw, now got none

Overall i think SFV one was the apex in terms of Psycho Power manipulation, while lost of memory pushed Bison's fight style to a more primitive state


Also his stance returned from SFV's "who care i have magic" pose to a much more grounded fighting pose that bring him closer to SF2/SF4

Also some moves show a brawling brute strenght movements that feel someway different from the past, wich is normal as memory loss for sure impact technique too some extent


Even if we know he keept most of it, even Double Knee Press that we know lore wise being  maybe most "recent" trick he learned (iirc stealing it from Adon)


Wonder if Bison's amnesia is total, would make hard get info about his past wich was for sure one of most interesting parts



Edited by CESTUS III
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46 minutes ago, DarthEnderX said:

Ah, but, if Bison wasn't really dead, is Nash?

Think this will take further knowledge on SS techniques,  but impression is Nash did'nt even had his own ki (vital energy), what he got was gifted him by SS and stored in the forehead gem


To the point he can't replenish it himself by being a living being, but he's more like a charged battery fueled by a consumable energy


In fact i see often people talk about Nash SFV sacrifice, but reality is told  by Kolin


"sadly you're already dead"


Nash sacrifice has been in SFA days, he could have lived his life but chosen to leave everything to try stop Bison


In SFV SS never offered him a new life, they only gave him one chance to get revenge, but if we stick to story he was dead regardless... him having kamikaze style explosion attack speaks volumes about the mood his whole mission


Then everything can be, if they want Nash back they can have Nash(or some sort of Nash) back... for what's worth SS likely scanned his whole body to build the missing pieces in SFV, and tech is so evolved that even Eleven can copy body colors (don't need to stick to white rubber look) as we seen imitating Urien's look


They possibly also recovered somehow memory from the body, see him recognizing Guile in ASF


Maybe lore wise they can build a fresh new Nash that look just the same of SFA days

Even if tbh is one of the last chars i feel the need of currently, 4 char year (including possible future guest) make me strict on what i need

Lucky i got Elena for Capoeira, now #1 is Sagat/Adon repping Muay Thai and Tahiland, anything else can wait


1 hour ago, DarthEnderX said:

It REALLY pissed me off in the last SamSho game.  Where the game started wasting fully half of it's DLC Seasons on guest characters.  Some on some real "Wtf are you doing?" sources like For Honor or some Chinese mobile game.


We coulda had Gen-an, or Sieger, or Andrew or Gaoh instead.  But nooooo..

Bravo, ShamSho truly is one where i got pissed by guest... while was'nt crime against humanity as some other cases (american scifi star wars crap in muh SC made my range pretty wide), still was missing the target

For honor is western game (first problem) that's set on another era too, to me felt very out of place

One could argue SS itself already got anachronistic euro knights like Sieger(wich agree would have been much better) or Walter (waaay weaker addition), but feels different


Meanwhile ShamSho Hoamaru in Soul Calibur felt like best guest SC ever got, absolute style compatibilty... japanese stylization+correct context


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I always felt the Nash we ended up getting was the "rushed" version. One that was created with a limited amount of time.


Kolin: "A little issue with...resurrecting Nash."


Urien: "A little...what?"


Kolin: "Shadaloo's plan for world conquest: Operation C.H.A.I.N.S. I've received information, that there's only a short amount of time left before they execute their plan. For us to restore Nash's body in time, I need you to provide me with the empty vessel, Eleven, from your laboratory."


I've always believed if the Secret Society had more time, Nash would've been fully revived. 


During the cinematic story, you could see the Eleven all in Nash based on how he acted around others. Very little to say and often looking very spaced out. He really did come off as an empty vessel that was powered by a battery. 


I've always felt the Nash in Vs mode (Win quotes) was an accurate depiction of how Nash would really act if he was fully revived. Yes, he was still focused on revenge, but you could see his personality shining throughout. He even laughs to himself at times. 


As for Bison, I wonder how strong he is compared to his SFV version.

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10 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

Ah, but, if Bison wasn't really dead, is Nash?

We see in Guile's SF5 ending that they recovered the body. So he finally got a burial. That's not to say he is completely dead, but generally if there is a body then they are dead. The only way I imagine him being alive is through a data upload from Eleven. Nash can live on as a G-soldier.

9 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

Lore wise i think could be cool if at least in story he will start to use them after putting his hands on Cypher

I think from a gameplay perspective, they probably avoided giving him his teleport because they might be planning on adding the teleport specialist (Cypher?). Which is sad. Bison isn't a charity giving all these young wannabes his biggest hits.


6 hours ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

As for Bison, I wonder how strong he is compared to his SFV version.

Definitely weaker. Although I am impressed with that SF4 Scientist who actually didn't lie when he said the SF4/SF5 is the strongest body yet. He kept his word.

Now I am not sure if he is weaker because he doesn't completely remember his mastery and skill yet or because he is actually weaker (damage, age, etc.)

We've always known that Bison can either fight like a martial artist or a wizard like the anime, so he could be switching to fighter mode in 6 because he's more unhinged. We'll see.

Either way, I am very pleased that he is just out there doing his thing. I hope he chills on the Dictator stuff for now because we know he will inevitably become the boss of some future SF game. 

It appears that the cinematic where he absorbs the Psycho Drive may be when he finally recalls who he is. There are tiny images of all these fights from past SF games floating in the vortex (which kinda looks like a giant face). Our avatar probably helped him on his quest, and in return Bison chooses to train you as a gift for your assistance.

Very interested to see all the character interactions, and how his arcade story will play into World Tour.


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Posted (edited)

So I had to play catch up last night with this thread, and it finally brought me to this image:


What rattled Elena here?


Launch/Season 1 was all about highlighting the SF universe in the aftermath of ASF. How the universe thrived and how the power vacuum affected the underworld. Notably, Bison was a constant shadow lingering in the minds of most everyone. This "Neo-Shadaloo" story arc (which started in SF5) more or less concludes for now with Bison's WTM.

We then get 2 guest characters back to back - Sort of like an intermission for the story. I think there will be a time jump of a few months here.

Then Elena shows up. I think Elena is important and her addition at this time is no coincidence because she is the start of the second story arc of SF6. Elena will  bring to light the G/Alphabet Company sub plot from SF5 as she is currently the only direct connection to it. 

So I'm probably reaching here because this is just a random trailer quickly put together, but could Elena be witnessing the start of the apocalyptic events that Rose foresaw in 5? Elena became one of G's chosen fighters (along with Hakan and Dan). Could this be the direction SSF6 will take the general story?

Edited by Daemos
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10 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

Yeah but i thought through years they "evolved" (in the sense they chosen through time a direction for the design) to estabilish full purple as the "official" current canon look of Psycho Power


Then we got Ed, wich raised some questions... but there could have been to show Ed himself is'nt evil nor brainwashed to feel negative emotions (needed to feed PP), so what we see in his azure is... probably closer to Soul Power, while switch to more purple tint when get serious about hurt opponent


See it in Bison imho could have different meanings

One possibility is psychological... if truly lost memory he may currently be not as focused as he used to be on plan most evil shit, but be more bad guy by natural inclination with this instinctive impulse to seek Psycho Power... i'm thinking something like him recovering memory would switch him to "oh yeah, that's what truly i am, seems fitting"


But i'm more thinking at straight body explanation, thinking how evident is Ryu's purifying hadoken left a mark in his (Bison) completely Psycho Power infused body, like a powerful cure injected in a very sick person would attack the virus

I'm thinking these two scenes (timestamped)

Ryu showing how he learnd to not suppress negative ki, but to purify it turning SnH into normal hado ki

Just to throw this out there but the Japanese description page for Vega (Bison)  on Steam mentions that his power has been altered when referencing the "Psycho Mine" attack. The English translation also mentions a shift in his power but the Japanese context is more in line with his power being transformed, mutated, or altered.

Even though I don't believe the attack is new because he's had variations of this attack in the past, it's just the way they describe it in Japanese makes it sound like his inner power is different in some way.





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Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, bakfromon said:

Just to throw this out there but the Japanese description page for Vega (Bison)  on Steam mentions that his power has been altered when referencing the "Psycho Mine" attack. The English translation also mentions a shift in his power but the Japanese context is more in line with his power being transformed, mutated, or altered.

Even though I don't believe the attack is new because he's had variations of this attack in the past, it's just the way they describe it in Japanese makes it sound like his inner power is different in some way.

Yeah I read that but decided to ignore it until I see it in the game. Because like you said, everything he is displaying thus far (with the exception of his arm pains) is something we've seen before. He's 100% Bison as far as I can tell.

Would be cool if Bison's acquired experience and understanding of the MNK will pave the way to a kind of immunity to it in the future or a technique that neutralizes MNK.

Edited by Daemos
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Posted (edited)
38 minutes ago, Daemos said:

Yeah I read that but decided to ignore it until I see it in the game. Because like you said, everything he is displaying thus far (with the exception of his arm pains) is something we've seen before. He's 100% Bison as far as I can tell.

Would be cool if Bison's acquired experience and understanding of the MNK will pave the way to a kind of immunity to it in the future or a technique that neutralizes MNK.

So remember that in order for Psycho Power to function properly Bison had to purge all the "good" from his soul and become as evil as possible? Then he was interested in Ryu's power because he thought that was the key to what he thought was ultimate power. Ryu actually gave him a fraction of his power, only it wasn't the SnH that Bison wanted, it had been purified through MnH.


Bison had planned for Ryu to succumb to the SnH because it's in the same vein of negative power as Psycho Power, thus he could control and convert it to his own power. He probably thought that Ryu defeated Necalli through the SnH which is why during their final battle he was urging Ryu to show him the power he used. Bison was willing to accept any power Ryu presented to him in order to use it and turn it against him. He miscalculated the purifying effects of MnH  and unknowingly tanked a Hadoken that would ultimately cut him from Psycho Power. Once he absorbed the power that Ryu hit him with he thought it would give him a power boost, but instead, it's doing the opposite and hurting him.


This is probably why Bison had a good laugh once he finally realized what Ryu had done. He had given Bison the power he always dreamed of but at a cost. He's still able to use Psycho Power,  but only at the cost of his body deteriorating faster than normal. Psycho Power was always detrimental to one's body which is why Bison had to go through so many clones in the first place and why he wanted Ryu as a host. Ryu's Hado is clearly still in Bison's system due to the blue hues his energy is taking. Psycho Power has been consistently depicted as purple in modern games like SF4 and onwards. Psycho Power hasn't been depicted as a green or blue since the sprite eras. So we can tell that Ryu's Hado is somehow still affecting Bison's Psycho Power because of the modern depictions of the energy.


Because Hado is just another energy like Psycho Power we can see Bison still using it in his attacks to the same effect. It's just the aftermath of him trying to use it and convert it into Psycho Power because it's not pure Psycho Power we can see how it's now hurting Bison more. We can tell he's not even as evil as before because he saved the life of a dying horse. Of course, it was only for his own uses but one has to wonder is someone really that evil if he's out there saving random wild animals from the brink of death.


Edited by bakfromon
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Posted (edited)

Spot on theory @bakfromon

We'll be interesting to see how Bison processes this experience and if this "shift", if it actually is real change in his lore and not a bad press release, is something that ends up benefiting Bison's ambitions or not.

It always seemed to me that Bison wanted to battle the strongest version of Ryu no matter what form it took, but he did not foresee MNK like you said. He seemed somewhat surprised (and overjoyed) at the end of ASF. So I'll be glad if Capcom understood this the same way to build on his story and motivations.


17 minutes ago, bakfromon said:

Psycho Power has been consistently depicted as purple in modern games like SF4 and onwards. Psycho Power hasn't been depicted as a green or blue since the sprite eras.


Still no reason why it won't change in 6. There are a lot more PP users since then, and a lot more PP visual effects on screen potentially. This could be Capcom's way of differentiating them from one another for practical and lore reasons. Bison's being able to harness all the colors of PP is well within character. 

But wait and see is probably best at this point. Hope Capcom don't leave us hanging.

Edited by Daemos
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I just remembered that a couple months ago, we had that leak that S2 was going to be Bison, Elena, Mika and Sakura.


What do you guys think the chances are that it might actaully be true after a fashion, and Mika and Sakura might either get revealed for S2 later, or are the first 2 characters of S3?


Edited by DarthEnderX
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10 hours ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

I always felt the Nash we ended up getting was the "rushed" version. One that was created with a limited amount of time.


Kolin: "A little issue with...resurrecting Nash."


Urien: "A little...what?"


Kolin: "Shadaloo's plan for world conquest: Operation C.H.A.I.N.S. I've received information, that there's only a short amount of time left before they execute their plan. For us to restore Nash's body in time, I need you to provide me with the empty vessel, Eleven, from your laboratory."


I've always believed if the Secret Society had more time, Nash would've been fully revived.

But you should ask yourself two questions first


They WANT to fully resurrect Nash?

My first impression is no... he's used as a weapon with a kamikaze mission in my eyes, i think they had no plan or use for Nash after Bison's assassination


They CAN to fully resurrect Nash?

My first impression is no here too... the way Kolin says that "sadly he's already dead" seems to imply an irreversible condition and that best they can do is keep him charged up


10 hours ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

During the cinematic story, you could see the Eleven all in Nash based on how he acted around others. Very little to say and often looking very spaced out. He really did come off as an empty vessel that was powered by a battery. 


I've always felt the Nash in Vs mode (Win quotes) was an accurate depiction of how Nash would really act if he was fully revived. Yes, he was still focused on revenge, but you could see his personality shining throughout. He even laughs to himself at times.

ASF Nash and VS mode Nash are supposed to be the very same Nash in current SFV undead condition


We seen undead Nash can still show emotions (he used the little time he got at Kanzuki's base with his old friend Guile) and shows free will, when he chose to use part of his power (probably even at expense of his mission) to save Abel from Psycho Power

He also shows to be able to think and express opinions, see when he recognize Rashid turned-off the Moons too late


He seems like a terminator at first because... well, death make change attitude a bit, but mostly because he's 101% focused on his mission, he knows to have limited time on earth and want use it all for the mission


10 hours ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

As for Bison, I wonder how strong he is compared to his SFV version.

Easiest bet would be say "weaker"

SFV Bison had the same body, more advanced use of PP (having not lost memory) and most important the Moons/cheating machine active


Good question would be if current  Bison with his new powers would be able to match SFV Bison without Moons/cheating machine


But reality is we are just speaking of CURRENT Bison, not his SF6 arc as a whole... is easy imagine at some point he will collect everything he needs and become the most powerful Bison evah

On anime narrative  perspectivewould be only way to make him a threat again, considering that SFV Ryu smoked him, and that SF6 Ryu is much much stronger than SFV one


4 hours ago, bakfromon said:

Just to throw this out there but the Japanese description page for Vega (Bison)  on Steam mentions that his power has been altered when referencing the "Psycho Mine" attack. The English translation also mentions a shift in his power but the Japanese context is more in line with his power being transformed, mutated, or altered.

Even though I don't believe the attack is new because he's had variations of this attack in the past, it's just the way they describe it in Japanese makes it sound like his inner power is different in some way.



That's interesting thanks

If have anything to do with Ryu's , is interesting notice on both Necalli and Bison fights Ryu used attacks that strike the abdomen area, and Bison now just do the same

Wonder if is because hara being there




It's supposed to be most important ki chakra, so if your attack aim at opponent's ki, make sense aim there


4 hours ago, Daemos said:

I think from a gameplay perspective, they probably avoided giving him his teleport because they might be planning on adding the teleport specialist (Cypher?). Which is sad. Bison isn't a charity giving all these young wannabes his biggest hits

It did'nt stopped them to give JP a teleport though


To me most logical explanation is current Bison having lost memory forgot some of the most advanced uses of Psycho Power (how to do them and even that he can do them)


Teleport, Levitation, Telekinesis were all tricks he did in SFV


Also the change of stance show how regressed to something more primitive and similar to his previous self (SF2/SF4)


2 hours ago, Dragonfave723 said:

Apparently, Bison's horse has a name. But, we must wait. 

Cool, from trailer did'nt realized at first he had such white mane, it make him even more a tribute to Kakuoh (manga or action figures version, in the anime is all black)



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4 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

What do you guys think the chances are that it might actaully be true after a fashion, and Mika and Sakura might either get revealed for S2 later, or are the first 2 characters of S3?

A long time ago I used to say here (to the dismay of some) that Capcom already decided and started working on Season 2 and 3 before the game was even released. They had Bison ready to go because Bison was already in development more than a year ago.

I believe in the graffiti wall and I believe in the flags (if you remember them).

I've been reading in Eventhubs comments that some guy predicted S2 (4 out of 4) a couple of months ago. I think I remember the leaker you are referring to @DarthEnderX, they somewhat accurately described Bison and Elena's new appearance (2 out of 4).

So based on all these RELIABLE leaks, ingame stuff, and my gut feeling, I'm gonna predict that all these characters will be added in SF6 over the next few seasons:

New Iranian Male Character (Flag and Leak)
R. Mika (Graffiti) 

Sakura (Graffiti and Leak)

Hakan (Flag)

Vega (Flag and Leak)

Sagat (Flag and Leak)

C. Viper (Leak)

Alex (Leak)
Ibuki (Graffiti)

4 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

Teleport, Levitation, Telekinesis were all tricks he did in SFV


Also the change of stance show how regressed to something more primitive and similar to his previous self (SF2/SF4)


I honestly think these are not related to his current state too much. He levitates during Psycho Crusher, his SA3 and CA.

I'm sure he can teleport through those wormholes of his otherwise how is he traveling from one continent to another to find himself. I read somewhere that Ruined Lab's country is listed as an "arctic" region in World Tour. He's not getting on planes with that horse.


And the stance is probably related to his memory but also his "Fight you on your own level" stance of fighting. These are just battle design and gameplay elements.

It's too early, we'll see what's up. I'm hoping we get clarification on Rose, SF2/Akuma, the last 7-10 years, his past (pre-SF1) and his future.


4 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

Cool, from trailer did'nt realized at first he had such white mane, it make him even more a tribute to Kakuoh (manga or action figures version, in the anime is all black)

Okay but is Bison braiding his hair or did he find him that way? And if he is, where did he learn this! That's all I want to know.


Edited by Daemos
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5 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

I just remembered that a couple months ago, we had that leak that S2 was going to be Bison, Elena, Mika and Sakura.


What do you guys think the chances are that it might actaully be true after a fashion, and Mika and Sakura might either get revealed for S2 later, or are the first 2 characters of S3?



Lot of personal taste involved, so drop at least this on spoiler lol


Feel like 3 F 1 M is strange gender ratio for SF standards, even if is true SF6 itself gone super weird on new characters having them majority females

For what's worth found old shoop of my ideal S2, got only Elena lol



Maybe is possible S2 you say was back-up selection they planned if the agreement with SNK did'nt went good, no idea


Btw Sakura already in S3 will not surprise me in the least, as sadly at this point is clear compared to SFV the seasons are more focused on sell at all cost (likely due higher production prices if not pure greed) and sadly thanks to beautiful SF fanbase Sakura-ah is apparently a must and we will get her before many other more deserving girls


Is sad but i already gave up dreams of what SF6 final cast will be like, guest or not guest, 4 chars is too little to reach anything close to what i would like, already started make peace with myself to enjoy what we have and not what we hope to get


All i can say is that even if by moral stance i'm more kind of guy that between SFer and Guest would ask for SFer, this case is god example of have no solid rule of what i consider best for SF


Bison-Elena-Mika-Sakura to me would have been much worse S2 than what "traitor" Capcom is giving me as we speak, both as personal taste and under the point of view of cast/styles variety


To begin with i'm more on favor of old ratio as general rule i prefer get male fighters in SF, they usually bring more "fighter" kind of character(pretty rare i pick girl as one of mains... Makoto, some Kolin, bit of Mika. Marisa moveset is fun too, but that's about it)...

And now with character creation males offer also a more universal kind of moveset, while usually use female styles/moves for male characters have bunch of problems mostly because on female characters animations there's a feminine sexyness that better stay on female only chars to dodge weirdness lol


So now i will get 2 instead 1, if that season happened i would probably have got 1 male fighter (Bison) few weeks from now, then none for whole next year

Instead with current i'm getting Bison soon, Terry in October, then around six months later Elena wich was my very fav female pick, adding hot girl, new stage/nation and new important martial art


Straight comparision


Bison = Bison

Elena = Elena

Mai ? Mika. I don't know, both bring me fanservice super hot jap girl with epic bouncing. Probably would slighty prefer Mika due scrappier style and Gief related lore, but no drama get one or the other

Terry >>> Sakura. Terry is a Legend. Terry is in my SNK top3 right after Joe Higashi and Geese Howard*. Terry is male fighter with scrappy style and lot of cool moves, both to play as and to steal for character creation. Terry to me is good addition as Cody (most comparable SF pick i can think, both for style and role/star status), and Cody would have been extremely welcome in my ideal S2. Great addition.

On other side Sakura, possibly the SF char i despise most, or at least in SF worst3. Don't like her farce concept, don't like her popularity making it a guaranteed lost slot in each SF, i don't like her moveset bring more (for SF6 would be 4th already) variations of hado-shoryu-tatsu that in my ideal world would be limited at Ryu and Ken, with their styles being differentiated as much as possible too

Terry v Sakura to me is like guess if i prefer eat Swiss Chocolate or St. Bernard dog turd


Guess current S2 overall wins hard thanks to last lmao

Also we are getting 0 ansatsuken shotos this year, the "you MUST accept one for season" curse we put on ourselves has been broken lol

Ideally would have liked even more an hybrid between these two options: Bison, Elena, Terry, Mika

But tbh would have picked other females instead Mika too... for sure Makoto, Laura and maybe Kolin would have stole her spot if was up to me


For S3 i like to hope Elena open up a SF3ers streak that start with S2 end and continue with some of S3 begin, but who knows at this point lol


My biggest S3 fear is that since some consider Sagat a shoto, if fucking Sakura sneak in he (and Muay Thai/Thailand) may be out of SF6 till 2026, wich is fucking nightmare to me, MT is too important martial art for not getting rep in SF asap



*damn i even have already a Terry Bogard in my copy, guess i can free a slot LOL



2 slots actually



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2 hours ago, Daemos said:

A long time ago I used to say here (to the dismay of some) that Capcom already decided and started working on Season 2 and 3 before the game was even released. They had Bison ready to go because Bison was already in development more than a year ago.

I believe in the graffiti wall and I believe in the flags (if you remember them).

I've been reading in Eventhubs comments that some guy predicted S2 (4 out of 4) a couple of months ago. I think I remember the leaker you are referring to @DarthEnderX, they somewhat accurately described Bison and Elena's new appearance (2 out of 4).

So based on all these RELIABLE leaks, ingame stuff, and my gut feeling, I'm gonna predict that all these characters will be added in SF6 over the next few seasons:

New Iranian Male Character (Flag and Leak)
R. Mika (Graffiti) 

Sakura (Graffiti and Leak)

Hakan (Flag)

Vega (Flag and Leak)

Sagat (Flag and Leak)

C. Viper (Leak)

Alex (Leak)
Ibuki (Graffiti)

Cool, do you have any link to this flag link?

Wonder if Iranian could be Cypher


Btw there's also some sort of mistery around flags in WTM , near to Haggar's Stadium there are ropes with many flags... nome nationalities are repeated but in way uncompatible even with current cast (example not enough jap ones), that made some believe update after update will indicate total of all nationalities represented in SF6 final cast


Maybe we're talking same thing lol


2 hours ago, Daemos said:

I honestly think these are not related to his current state too much. He levitates during Psycho Crusher, his SA3 and CA

Yeah i know he does it there, but i'm talking about his classic levitation with crossed arms like in SFA and SFV in particular where he does it a lot... so far we never see it in SF6


Tbh to me make sense, i truly believe is the most fitting portrait imagining a Bison that lost memory... keep the most raw/instinctive utilization of Psycho Power and be unaware of most advanced stuff that probably took him years to learn


Iirc JP himself hinted PP is not easy to learn, saying he got to handle that power only recently


I like to believe like other fighters Bison too trained through chapter years to perfection himself and lear new abilities, SFV Bison truly seems a man that improved A LOT his Psycho Power craftmanship compared to SF2 days one

So loss of memory inevitably is loss of techique/tricks and think his SF6 style represent that "regression" properly


I think SF6 Bison still can of course teleport/telekinesis, but don't remember how to do it and more important he does'nt remember PP CAN do these things

I imagine it like him being someway told (maybe watching a vid or talking to FANG or whatever) he can levitate or teleport and be like "oh, let me try." -> "muahahah good, this will be useful"


2 hours ago, Daemos said:

I'm sure he can teleport through those wormholes of his otherwise how is he traveling from one continent to another to find himself. I read somewhere that Ruined Lab's country is listed as an "arctic" region in World Tour. He's not getting on planes with that horse.

To put it blunt Capcom give no fucks about these aspects, would not bet canon legacy over these kind of reasoning tbh


We got Necalli travelling whole world by walking or moving as a blob

We got Juri going by huge ass motorcyle from Brazil to UK, you can say "by boat" but reality is capcom just don't give fucks and do things


Dhalsim have his fucking 6tons elephant everywhere he is, or Sagat used to have his giant tiger lol


At times we need to set our trust accordingly to gimmicks Capcom does lol


3 hours ago, Daemos said:

And the stance is probably related to his memory but also his "Fight you on your own level" stance of fighting. These are just battle design and gameplay elements.


To me have regression meaning, SF6 have great attention for these subtle details


A cool parallel may be Akuma that when in burnout regress to his alpha stance, showing that while in Akuma's stance case is still a valid one (being Akuma "special" fighter), there's still a downgrade represented by return to a stance from the past*



SFV crossed-arms Bison was so confident on knowing the extent of his own PP abilities that refused to even take a fight stance with defensive purpose (a guard with hands ready to parry and block, the creation of space between your head/torso and opponent), he did'nt even took a stance that allow dynamic movements either like somebody confident to still react in time standing there with stiff straight legs  (to think he used to even teleport instead dash he really did'nt need proper weight balance on legs lol)


Current stance is return to what come more natural to him, probably result of Lerdrit training he seem to have got at some point... after all we see he still remember part of his former style, beside specials even some complex (fake)martial arts maneuvers like his kicks backthrow


He may have lost memory but is clear lot of his fighting style, specially the physical part is still stuck in his subconscious mind... what he temporary lost imho is pro tricks shit lol



*where i disagree in that Akuma pic is that SF6 Akuma does'nt have SF4 one,


remind much more SFV one


and probably even more opened to reach one day Oni stance


basically Akuma stance is a constant evolution of the form

SF6 > SFV > SF4 > SFA/SF6 burnout

SF2/SF3 being out because shameless sprites recycle lol


5 hours ago, Daemos said:

It's too early, we'll see what's up. I'm hoping we get clarification on Rose, SF2/Akuma, the last 7-10 years, his past (pre-SF1) and his future


At least with Akuma we got final confirmation he fought Bison in SF2


What interest me most are his first body human origins, early Soul Power training, other two disciples and all that shit... doubt i will get any, maybe just mention of him killing his own Master (with artwork if we are lucky)


5 hours ago, Daemos said:

Okay but is Bison braiding his hair or did he find him that way? And if he is, where did he learn this! That's all I want to know.


Know is a joke but googled a bit and may be a thing in mexico,


so likely just found it already like that 😁

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On 6/8/2024 at 6:07 AM, CESTUS III said:

Is interesting also we have the Mexico thing, because we know in the past he already was interested in Mexico/Thunderfoot Tribe lands back when he killed T.awk's father... maybe these lands have some Psycho Power related natural properties that  don't require machines

Did anyone else notice this about the whole Mexico thing?


@Miðgarðsormbrought this info to my attention that Dhalsim had been the one to sense Bison in Mexico. We all assumed that Lily was the culprit but with the new evidence, we know Bison was in the area with his horse. Another interesting thing about this was that in his arcade story, Dhalsim mentions he felt the SnH. We know that SnH and Psycho are on the same wavelength, we also know that Bison is "infected" with Ryu's Hado which seems to be conflicting with his Psycho Power manifesting stably. Perhaps Bison is trying to convert the Hado in his system into SnH to convert into Psycho Power for better use?

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7 hours ago, CESTUS III said:


Maybe we're talking same thing lol

We are. 🙂

The unaccounted for flags are: Thailand, Iran, Turkey, Kenya (Elena now), and Spain.

7 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

At least with Akuma we got final confirmation he fought Bison in SF2

Yeah I read that a couple of pages ago. I'm not completely the convinced yet that he "killed" him. Most of these artworks in world tour are symbolic more than literal, as Akuma was alluding to another time in his life where he was doing tournament circuits. Regardles, if Capcom want to retcon it again, then it needs to be reconciled with Viper Aftermath which is still the most complete explanation of that chapter's end.

I'm gonna reserve any further comment on this loaded topic until we see this from Bison or even Viper's perspective (she was leaked by the guy who guessed 4 out of 4).


1 hour ago, bakfromon said:

Did anyone else notice this about the whole Mexico thing?

Good catch! But Lily seemed to be suffering from these dreams/nightmares for some time. Was Bison in Mexico for years before he decided to "gallop" around the world? Or maybe what Sim felt and what Lily is talking about are two different things, possibly unrelated.

Anyway this makes sense. I was secretly hoping Necalli redemption arc is coming but this theory seems more likely now.


1 hour ago, YagamiFire said:

The amount of planning and thought that has gone into SF6's story and the direction of it is actually really impressive for Capcom.

Yeah I think people need to hold out judgement on the general story of World Tour until the end of World Tour. It seems the interweaving chapters, quests, and plot points are all pre-written and they plan to drip feed us the actual story of 6 in tandem with the character release schedule.

This reminds me of SF5 when Ryu"s "special training" was left intentionally ambiguous in ASF only for Capcom to dedicate an entire character and character story in the form of Kage to explain what really happened then.

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