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The Sonic Thread: The Year of Shadow. It all starts with this.... Sonic X Shadow Generations 10/25/2024 followed by child murder in Sonic 3 movie on 12/20/2024!

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GOD DAMMIT....I'm pretty sure I got spoiled on something else that happens in the movie...this tereime it wasn't a thumbnail.  The title of the video spoiled me on it.  There's a chance its a lie still since it didn't show it in the thumbnail this time I can't even glance at my youtube feed anymore now.  I literally clicked on youtube and BAM there it was.

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On 4/9/2022 at 8:49 AM, BornWinner said:

The one who should not be named is trying to take legal action because he thinks he owns the concept of Knuckles having parents.



...this dude is going singlehandedly kill the knux mini series isn't he?


I'm all for "artists" (quotes can not be big enough for Penders) getting their credit for their work but this man is somehow being a bigger troll than I thought possible about this.  If the character doesn't have the same name and doesn't look the same then they aren't the same.  Trying to have control of a concept like 'Knux's dad' is so fucking vague that its dumb AF.  I hope Sega and Paramount grind his ass to dust if he tries it.

Edited by Sonichuman
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2 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

...this dude is going singlehandedly kill the knux mini series isn't he?


I'm all for "artists" (quotes can not be big enough for Penders) but this man is somehow being a bigger troll than I thought possible about this.  If the character doesn't have the same name and doesn't look the same then they aren't the same.  Trying to have control of a concept like 'Knux's dad' is so fucking vague that its dumb AF.  I hope Sega and Paramount grind his ass to dust if he tries it.

He could also try to use this sue to muscle his way into the Knux mini series. It wouldn't surprise me if he's willing to drop the suit if he gets to work on it. 

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I haven't read the entire Archie run of Sonic nor have I read the entire Archie Knux run so a good chunk of this information is new to me



Fuck me...Penders is potentially responsible for sabotaging a movie that would have taken place after the 2nd season of SatAM.  I'm sitting in a barrel of salt right now that I was not prepared to be sitting in.

Edited by Sonichuman
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40 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Sonic 2 did $71 million on it's opening weekend. Our boy doing low end Marvel numbers. The marketing push paid off



Happy Chris Hemsworth GIF by Marvel Studios


Edit:  One thing I will say about this is I'm seeing Sonic fans butting heads with Sony/Morbius fans on Twitter.  I don't know how much of it is real though but I've definitely seem people trying to defend Morbius in my feed and its WWEEEEEEIIRD.

Edited by Sonichuman
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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

Edit:  One thing I will say about this is I'm seeing Sonic fans butting heads with Sony/Morbius fans on Twitter.  I don't know how much of it is real though but I've definitely seem people trying to defend Morbius in my feed and its WWEEEEEEIIRD.

I had a feeling someone like that would happened. Remember when the first movie dropped and Birds of Prey fans blamed the Sonic movie for theirs bombing? It was weird. 

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6 minutes ago, GreyFoxx said:

Been 4 hours since this post and checking in to make sure you survived the Theater visit?

I survived the theater.  I'm gonna type of my more deeper thoughts on the movie but the short thing is I liked it.  Overall enjoyed the movie and I think its definitely better than the first movie.  The movie took a moment to get going but once it did it truly did become a Sonic film.  There's a lot to love in this film as a Sonic fan and I can't wait to watch it again.  Some of the trailers were a bit misleading on what actually happens exactly and I'm fine with that since Marvel's trailers do that too.  I can easily see why people say this is the best VG film adaptation.  The movie is cute, fun but it definitely has flaws.  I gotta put my son to bed then I'll be back to try to give more of my thoughts on it.

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Ok so first first I'm gonna try to get thoughts out as unspoilery as possible before I get into the spoiler thoughts.  So those 2 things I got spoiled on were 100% true.  1 thing was in the script leak  (which was atleast 75% wrong so no telling if the script was old or not but I'm glad most of it was fake) and the other thing I wasn't expecting them to do but the moment that something is explained my mind immediately went " that's how you guys are gonna do this eh?".


So despite this movie having flaws, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie.  I had a smile on my face through the majority of the movie.  I wasn't sure if it was just because I was a Sonic fan but my wife who isn't one seemed to enjoy it...probably not as much as I did but she thought it was cute.  The main issue this movie has is pacing and it's mostly contributed to the humans  (not Robotnik).  This movie could probably at least cut 10-15 minutes by trimming some inconsequential stuff.  Tom, Maddie, Agent Stone, and at times Rachael I didn't even have a problem with.  I actually chuckled at some of Rachael's antics in the movie but there times where the movie was trying to be funny with the humans and it wasn't quite landing or a scene had just overstayed its welcome.  Anytime Sonic, Tails, Knux, or Robotnik were on screen the movie seemed to be firing on all cylinders so it's even more strange to me when I hear reviewers saying "WE WANT MORE HUMANS" ...really?  You want more non action and sub plot that isn't relevant until its forcibly becomes relevant out of nowhere?  Ok...


I also had a hard time finding Wade entertaining at all in this film.  He was a bumbling idiot in Sonic 1 but there were some moments that did make me laugh with him in Sonic 1 and I didn't get that at all in this movie.  When he shows up, none of his antics made me laugh this go round.



Ben, Idris, Colleen, Jim...all did their thing and were the standouts of the movie. Ben is doing an amazing job filling the shoes of this universe's Sonic in terms and I'm sure as the franchise continues and Sonic gets closer and closer to his game's counterpart in terms of confidence that he's just going to to get better.  Colleen's Tails for this movie was also great and hearing angle from her as a Sonic fanboy who's just been watching him from afar before meeting and befriending him was great.  What can be said about Idris as Knux?  When people said he had Drax from GotG energy they weren't kidding.  He's probably my favorite out of the 4, I'm talking about.  He's not exactly a meathead like Boom knux is and it's more so just him being ignorant about things and being super straight forward and to the point.  Jim seems to be having the time of his life on screen playing a more unhinged character.  He brings even more amounts of ham than when he first played Robotnik in the first film. 


Action sequences were great!  Sonic and Knux going at it through out the film, Sonic running across the water to stop Robotnik and Knux,  and THE FUCKING CLIMAX WITH THE DEATH EGG ROBOT.  So much to love with the last sequence that I can't talk about here. 


One major gripe that I have with this movie is...again they seem to be completely allergic to using music from the games in this film aside from making a GHZ ringtone.  THAT'S IT.   That's all you get.  It's sooooooo disappointing.  They had several major opportunities to use music from the games that could have worked or even bothered to use Leitmotifs at least but no...absolutely nothing.  Sonic's snowboarding down a mountain...we can't get even a TINY BIT of a music reference to Ice Cap from 3 or from Sonic Adventure?  There's a god damn dance off that occurs in this movie...NOBODY CAN MAKE A REMIX OF A SONIC SONG FOR THESE CHARACTERS TO DANCE TOO?  FUCK...I CAN GIVE YOU EASILY PROBABLY OVER 20 TRACKS SITTING IN MY LIBRARY...IT'S NOT THAT FUCKING HARD.  THE FINAL SEQUENCE!?  Nothing at all?   You can't give me an orchestral sweep of the Final Boss theme from Sonic 2?  You can't even be bothered to try to use any of Robotnik's boss themes from any of the games and just orchestral it up to make it work for the scenes?  I bet if you asked Alex Moukala to score this and you gave him the boss themes from the games he'd be able to do it.  This is beyond disappointing at this and I'm actually pretty frustrated that we have this massive library of music that his franchise is known for...a plethora of genres that this music has touched over the years and we can't even be fucking bothered to try to use or reference any of it aside from GHZ...TWICE.  I'm just gonna move away from this topic...

I think they went too far on the marketing in the trailers.  A lot of the good scenes in this movie were already shown in the trailers which is what I was afraid of when they were releasing so many.  It's why I had to try to stop myself looking at anymore of them cause I'm sure a lot of the scenes would been even better if I didn't know they were going to happen beforehand.


Overall again really enjoyed the film and there were parts that I couldn't mark out cause, the movie theater I was in contained majority families with kids so I wasn't able to feed off audience excitement as the film was going on.  I'm sure if I had chosen a later time it probably would have been filled with more fans and it would have been better but I had to keep myself from popping off.   If you're a Sonic fan at all I easily recommend it cause you'll probably get a kick out of it as much as I did.  If you're not as big a Sonic fan you'll probably enjoy some of the antics here and there but this movie definitely feels like it was made more so towards the fans of the franchise and I love that about it.  Now...onwards to more spoilery thoughts!


Spoiler thoughts and Impressions


G.U.N. LITTERALLY SHOWED UP OUT OF NOWHERE.  Looking back it's extremely vague hinted at it but Rachael's wedding being a whole sting operation was dumb as hell lol but I could not help but laugh that the priest was also in on it.  They brought Shemar Moore into this movie for this and I'm just....whatever lol.  The writing for this was so paper thin and I know it's a kids movie but you mean to tell me that G.U.N.'s plan was to watch the Wachowski's at the wedding for the chance to capture Sonic that he may or may not show Hawaii...away from the mainland.  This plan is DUMB AF.  What would they have done if Sonic didn't show up?  Nothing?  G.U.N. is trying to go for a Batman Gambit which makes no sense because the only thing they probably know is that Sonic is out stopping crimes but him stopping crimes has nothing to do with this wedding.  I don't follow the strategy here at all.  The General explaining why G.U.N. was made felt like it was pulled straight out of Avengers when Nick Fury was explaining to the heroes why they were researching into making more powerful weapons.  I mean it works I guess. but still them coming out of nowhere at the wedding was dumb lol.


Sonic actually breathes in an air bubble while he's underwater and I LOVED THAT.


The way how they explained how the Master Emerald came to be was an interesting angle.  So the Chaos Emeralds are in fact in the film and apparently Longclaw's tribe and the Echidnas have been at war with each the Echidnas took the Chaos Emeralds and fused them together within the Master Emerald.  The moment they started talking about the Master Emeralds origin, that's when I knew that Super Sonic was going to make an appearance.  AND BOY DOES HE.  The Master Emerald gets shattered and the Chaos Emeralds are freed from within and at the very last second they make Sonic turn Super and he utterly decimates the Death Egg Robot in the process  (MAAANN...if heard even a riff of "Live and Learn" or "Open Your Heart" here I was have fucking lost my shit but of course they couldn't even do that).  It was surreal seeing Super Sonic on the big screen like this.  They did a really great job with him and I fucking loved the Sonic 06 reference when he used his foot to tap the robot over.  Knux just grabbing all the pieces of the Master at the end and just kind of squeezing all the pieces together to fix it felt like it was straight out of the games lol.  Sonic relinquishing the Chaos Emeralds after the fight and them going...????? is probably going to be a problem.   They just fly straight up into the sky and fly off somewhere.  I'm surprised they didn't do the Dragonball thing and just scatter throughout the Earth but we don't know if that happened or just made it look like they got beamed into outer space.  Guess we won't know until the 3rd film....SPEAKING OF 3RD FILM..


Shadow is coming.  This was the first thing that I got spoiled on and he's in the post credit sequence.  He doesn't have any dialogue but they pulled his lore straight from the games (so far just SA2...don't know if they're going to go into Shadow the Hedgehog lore or not but I'd be fine if they didn't bring in the Black Arms).  G.U.N. mentions files and a lab that they discovered from 50 years ago and you see a cryostasis pod come up from the ground straight from SA2 and Shadow's in it and his eyes open.  I am EAGERLY wanting to know who they are going to try to get to voice this character.  I'd rather they do like they did with Tails and pull from the VO's of the games but I don't even know who I'd pick to voice Shadow celebrity wise if I absolutely had to.    As long as they can get someone who can play brooding and super serious then I think it's going to be great seeing the dichotomy between this universe Sonic quipping against that.


Robotnik absorbing the power of the Master Emerald into himself is an interesting angle that has never been done in the games.  He always has his machine's that he fixes up to use it but he's never absorbed it into this self which was kind of cool to see.  It looks like he was using a form of Chaos Control in the movie when he was warping around but they don't expressly say that.





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@SonichumanYeah I thought the movie was good too. At work, so I have to keep this brief.


The wedding being a sting made me laugh because when I first saw that Shemar Moore was her fiance', I wasn't it buying it. The credits were awesome. They basically summarize the entire movie in game form and I want that game LOL.


Edited by Darc_Requiem
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@Sonichuman@Darc_RequiemI agree with all of it. Movie was fun and some of the music they could have tapped for some scenes would have made me spread all the popcorn. I fully expect some scenes on youtube with some inserted music for sure once it hits physical or digital. I might need to read thru my Sonic Lore Encyclopedia i haven't busted open. Also Jim is on his A game this time around.

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On 4/10/2022 at 9:17 AM, Sonichuman said:

Happy Chris Hemsworth GIF by Marvel Studios


Edit:  One thing I will say about this is I'm seeing Sonic fans butting heads with Sony/Morbius fans on Twitter.  I don't know how much of it is real though but I've definitely seem people trying to defend Morbius in my feed and its WWEEEEEEIIRD.


TBF, Morbious is not as bad as people made it seem to be.

Is not good, but is not the worst thing ever like many reviews claimed.

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12 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

One major gripe that I have with this movie is...again they seem to be completely allergic to using music from the games in this film aside from making a GHZ ringtone.  THAT'S IT.   That's all you get.  It's sooooooo disappointing.  


This happens for 2 reasons most of the time.

A) Money, having the OST of the games in the movies can cost them a lot, since they are forced to pay royalties  not only for the movie, but also for any time the movie gets released on Blurays, streaming etc.

Those deals are alway done separate from the Ip's and characters.


It is the same reason why most adaptations tend to do their own thing instead of adapting the source material 1:1

By making them distinct enough, they are considered a separate instance of the character, allowing to in terms of law to not be considered the same character, so the royalties are not as pricey as if it was 1:1.


If they were to do a 1:1 they will be forced to pay royalties to other parties, like if they were to done something based on the Archie comics, they are now paying royalties to Sega, Archie comics and anyone else involved depending on how archie made their deals with the artists involved with the hypothetical story that would be adapted.


B) For a movie to have its score considered Original (For awards mostly), it needs to meet certain criteria.

Like percentage of songs used from other sources, how many remixes has, etc


It is why, even on movies of an ongoing franchise, like trilogies, Cinematic Universes, anthologies, etc, you see them doing new songs and doing variations of older ones.


Also, I think that there are some guild requirements tossed in, forcing studios to meet them.


Edited by Hecatom
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On 4/11/2022 at 12:21 PM, Hecatom said:


This happens for 2 reasons most of the time.



Only thing though is I'm having a really hard time believing that its less expensive to have a remix or remade orchestral track from the gamea than a mainstream artist.  There's a section in this movie where they play a Bruno Mars track in it.  You think the amount they are gonna pay to him would be less than if they just did a dance remix of a track from the games?   They used Gamechops in the first movie...why not this time?

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Saw Sonic 2 today.


My favorite parts were all of the game/level designs, obstacles, aesthetics, etc.  they sprinkled through the movie. 

Knuckles is the franchises Starfire.  Which is fine. 

Tails is so insanely gay for Sonic. 😂

A loooooot of the human centric dialogue was cringe as fuck to me. 

As soon as the one group revealed himself (we know the one) I audibly groaned because I knew what was coming and the mid-credits scene proves me right. And made me audibly groan even louder. 

The scene before the final battle in the temple was super shonen nonsense to me which made me roll my eyes. So did the final battle. But as soon as they said what the McGuffin was we all knew what was going to happen. 

it sounds like I’m bitching a lot but over all I enjoyed the movie. Just some parts were just really rough for me to get through. 

Edited by iStu X
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23 minutes ago, iStu X said:

Saw Sonic 2 today.


My favorite parts were all of the game/level designs, obstacles, aesthetics, etc.  they sprinkled through the movie. 

Knuckles is the franchises Starfire.  Which is fine. 

Tails is so insanely gay for Sonic. 😂

A loooooot of the human centric dialogue was cringe as fuck to me. 

As soon as the one group revealed himself (we know the one) I audibly groaned because I knew what was coming and the mid-credits scene proves me right. And made me audibly groan even louder. 

The scene before the final battle in the temple was super shonen nonsense to me which made me roll my eyes. So did the final battle. But as soon as they said what the McGuffin was we all knew what was going to happen. 

it sounds like I’m bitching a lot but over all I enjoyed the movie. Just some parts were just really rough for me to get through. 


12 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Run @iStu Xwe can't hold back @Sonichumanmuch longer 😉



I don't go after people for having differing opinions since actually having a conversation and actually trying to see things from there point of view might be more enlightening...even if I hard disagree which actually I don't with Stu.   The movie has a very thick layer of cheese in it and the cheese at times is far more thick than the first movie.  The movie has heart but that heart is cringe lol.  It seems like when hollywood tries to make a family movie they can't help but layer on the cheese and it often times it feels like only Pixar, Disney, and Dreamworks can keep the cheese to a minimum.  There was a conversation in the movie I believe near the end that Sonic was having with Tom and Maddie and I may face may have twitched slightly at the cheese and it felt pretty awkward.   The movie is being held back by humans and unfortunately it's probably going to persist until this run of the franchise dies cause they gotta force their Sam Witwicky to to have the normies to channel themselves in to.  Not hating on James or Tika since they did their jobs and they're doing their best with what they got and I actually semi like their characters but it's pretty clear that this movie would have been better without them in it.

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1 hour ago, HD-Man said:

What's different in the Whitehead remasters? Excuse my ignorance, out of the loop on newer Sonic games 

Whitehead recreated the games using his custom engine that replicates the physics of the original games (Sega apparently lost the source code for CD). On top of the new engine he restored all the cut content of those games. That includes the restoration of hidden palace zone for Sonic 2. It also made Tails playable in Sonic 1 and CD and Knuckles in all three. 


It's without the shadow of a doubt the definitive versions of those games. It sucks that Sonic 1 & 2 have languished as mobile games. I wish that Sonic 3 & Knuckles got the same treatment

Edited by Hawkingbird
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41 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Whitehead recreated the games using his custom engine that replicates the physics of the original games (Sega apparently lost the source code for CD). On top of the new engine he restored all the cut content of those games. That includes the restoration of hidden palace zone for Sonic 2. It also made Tails playable in Sonic 1 and CD and Knuckles in all three. 


It's without the shadow of a doubt the definitive versions of those games. It sucks that Sonic 1 & 2 have languished as mobile games. I wish that Sonic 3 & Knuckles got the same treatment

Gonna also add to this that he redid the special stages for Sonic 2 making them WAY better.  The pipe is in 3D and runs at buttery smooth 60 fps.




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This video actually covers both the original tracks, the prototype tracks and also of course mentions the relationship between the original's and MJ's "Jam".  Really hard to hear but apparently the track original track actually samples "Jam" directly right before the loop.  Not talking about the notes..talking about there's a part that actually samples the Jam words in "Jam" but because the quality of of the Genesis chip I never noticed it until he pointed out.  Still really hard to make out.

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