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Posts posted by Jurassic

  1. 8 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

    Outside of groceries and clothes, I don't feel like going to various stores much. 


    Do you all feel the same?

    Yes, I used to browse book stores and Best Buy roughly once a month. These days, I am more interested in shuffling around my amazon wish list and checking out related search products. A lot of stores have cut back on their impulse buy sections, my local Best Buy has Blu Rays in a dark corner on the back wall. Meanwhile, there is an aisle on vinyls next to the TVs. The goofy part is that vinyls are currently outselling CDs.


  2. 9 hours ago, elliephil said:

    Someone I know says that Kimberly is not a good character after labbing her in the cracked beta. Minimal amounts of plus frames, lots of options beaten by perfect parry/parry stance os. I'm not 100% certain what was tested but it seems like they had a focus group studying Kim's offense in the cracked beta, grinding out a 4 hour training mode session to see what works and doesn't work.

    Does that mean Kimberly relies on getting her level 3 super buff as a way to balance her shortcomings?



  3. Cooking Pot Roast in a crock pot:

    Prep: thoroughly rub in both gravy powder and ranch dressing powder

    Place the meat in the pot fat side up

    Cook for 8 hours (start on high heat for about an hour, then switch to low heat)

    Add carrots (cut in half or baby carrots) about half way through

    The meat falls apart easily, and plenty of meat juice to use

  4. My recipe for cooking bone-in chicken in a crock pot:

    ·  1/2 teaspoon black garlic powder

    ·  1/4 teaspoon black pepper

    ·  1/4 teaspoon onion powder

    ·  1/4 teaspoon turmeric

    ·  6-8 bone in, skin on chicken thighs / legs

    ·  1/4  cup low sodium chicken broth (Consommé as a substitute)

    Spray the inside of the crock pot with Pam to prevent sticking

    Cook time: 5 Hours on Low for 6-8 Bone In Chicken Thighs, Legs

  5. 2 hours ago, MillionX said:

    A wild guess--- MK12 will also be online-only, with all extra outfits/cosmetics being microtransactions....and of course the female characters will be look even more unappealing than ever before.  Good thing I don't truly care as much about that franchise as I once did.  It's a series I could still have fun with, assuming it's done "right"....but probably not for a full price anymore.

    I wouldn't doubt it. There was a lot of optional micro-transactions in the previous games, and with the current state of WB (and everything under it) I'm sure Nether Realm is being pushed to add more DLC.

  6. 14 minutes ago, BornWinner said:




    Also on the Twitter front:


    Search Engine Journal reported last month that Twitter advertising is down 40 percent, and more than 500 top advertisers have paused spending. Cannabis advertisers could help fill that revenue gap.

    The move could pose a risk of further alienating some Twitter advertisers, though. If major brands grow concerned about how Twitter is verifying cannabis advertisers and feel hesitant about having their ads appear near cannabis ads, Twitter may suffer even more prolonged pauses in spending from its biggest advertisers, Politico reported.

    Twitter will also have to train staff to determine when a cannabis industry ad is appealing to minors or glamorizing weed consumption. Without clear standards, which ads get approved could depend on who is assessing the ads, and that would make it harder for cannabis businesses to design impactful campaigns in line with the rules.


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