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Posts posted by Jurassic

  1. On 9/27/2023 at 11:35 AM, DangerousJ said:

    When you guys were kids, did you have more than one game console per generation? (PC doesn't count)

    As an adult, do you own multiple or 1?

    I usually get one console during each generation.

    When I was a kid, I had an Atari, an NES, then a SNES. I played SNES through high school.

    After college I had a PS2, PS3, and PS4. I usually sell off a console when I don't care about it anymore. I only have a PS4 but I focus on PC gaming these days.

  2. Twitter / X currently buried in lawsuits by vendors regarding unpaid bills. Musk really is trying to burn it all to the ground.



    Liss-Riordan isn't involved in the severance lawsuit noted above but has several pending cases against X. She is representing six companies—so far—in a class-action lawsuit alleging that it refused to pay bills. The class-action complaint in US District Court for the Northern District of California points to a Business Insider report that said, "in response to concerns about not paying vendors who provided services to or performed work for Twitter, Musk told Twitter employees, repeatedly, to 'let them sue.'"


    An exhaustive list of complaints and pending cases is included in the article:


  3. Jack Perry suspended indefinitely.



    During the AEW All Out post-show media scrum, Nick Hausman of Haus of Wrestling asked Khan whether there had been any punishment for Perry. Khan then confirmed that Perry has been suspended indefinitely.


    “He’s been suspended indefinitely,” Tony Khan said. “I think we’ve suspended everybody in that investigation, and then took further action after that, based on what happened and came out of the investigation. As for Jack, we suspended Jack as a participant in an incident backstage, and Jack hasn’t been around. That’s all I can say about it. At the time, we did suspend him, and he hasn’t been at AEW since AEW All in backstage in London.”


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