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Posts posted by J-ride

  1. 2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    For Prince? Easy. Pancakes, basketball, and women related to his wardrobe 😉  I'll have to get back to you on MJ though 😂

    Every story about Prince is so fucking outlandish.  He was definitely on another planet.  My favorite story was that skit on Chapelle's show where Prince schooled everybody in basketball ACTUALLY happened IRL.

  2. 1 hour ago, Daemos said:

    Karens are a uniquely American problem. I'm sure they exist everywhere and throughout history but the intensity and frequency is off the charts in the US.

    edit- that twitter account is pure entertainment btw.

    I think Karenism seems to be strongly tied to Gen-X and the lack of women getting punched in the West.  I've had women act like they want to start shit with me a few times even though I am nearly a foot taller and 75lbs heavier.  Female privilege has them walking around completely delusional.  I'm just slightly above average size and I could beat the shit out of nearly any woman without breaking a sweat.

  3. 2 hours ago, BB_Hoody said:

    I think mankind needs to realize there's limits to what we can do. I'm not gonna speak on transgenders, and what they can and can't do. I'm just saying that man shouldn't be trying to fuck with biology and nature. 


    Somethings are just the way they are. And we have to learn to accept what we cannot change and make our peace with it, best we can. People gotta stop trying to change everything to this extreme. Learn to adapt

    I'm personally pretty skeptical of transgenderism and the medical treatments that are "helping."  IMO it's way too polluted by fanatical ideologues to have any legitimate claims. 


    I work at a research hospital and I can find endpoint data on all the other medical procedures but for some reason there isn't a whole lot of data at my institution about the survival rates of post op transgenders.  It just seems awfully convenient for "THE MESSAGE."  🤔

  4. 1 hour ago, Emptyeyes_ said:

    Lol. Overweight and underweight conditions. Neither are cute to me, especially because I've been in both worlds, and had to have balance for once. You're either petite, average, or a healthy thick weight, regardless if you're a man, or woman in my preferences.

    A girl's attitude is pretty big deal for me, I married the woman I did because she keeps the house peaceful and doesn't start fights over petty bullshit.  I don't expect a girl to look like a model, but I just find women who are out of shape to be unattractive because they are most likely lazy. 


    I'm also in decent shape for my age, so it's not like I don't take care of myself.

  5. 17 hours ago, Hecatom said:


    I had a girl like that, not saying it will be the same for you, but, for us it didn't end well.

    TBH, as soon as she started to shown those signs, and I became less engaged with the relationship, so I didn't put all in the relationship.

    At the start she was more centered, but as time passed she became more and more isolated, making the relationship mostly the only thing in her life, I never understood how people allow themselves to be like that, or become the relationship to become like that.....

    Yeah IMO the worst ones are the couples who have a dual social media account.  I sent a flirty message to one of my friends who has one and when his wife responded back about how she was a married woman I told her my message was for her husband.  😂

    I've lost several long term friends due to their relationships and I call my best friend's wife THE WARDEN because of how often she won't let him do anything.

  6. 59 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

    ...."Male" culture is constantly getting shakeups.

    With every generation we have seen changes.

    All thanks to new technologies, changes at societal levels, economic changes, etc, etc.


    We have seen changes on how men interact between each other, how interact with women, seen how the value of men for society is lower and lower.

    We have also seen how their problems are either seen as a joke or ignored.


    So yeah, I would say that we have seen plenty of shakeups on those last 100 years, hell on the last 30 we have seen a lot of changes.

    Just the advent of social media alone has created a lot of changes.

    I have a nearly 3 year old son and I plan on raising him under stoic principles.  My biggest gripe today is women are constantly asking for men to be more sensitive and then punishing them for listening to them.  I saw a young dude cry at work and the women who previously preached about men needing to show their emotions were the first ones in line making fun of him. 


    The cognitive dissonance is MADDENING.

  7. 1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:

    ....I'd say I have mostly good relationships with men at work /school and with my father and male relatives. I don't know if you can easily translate that to a romantic relationship with a woman in the initial dating stages. Straight men tend to be more honest and women need a certain level of duplicity to entice them.

    I realize I am one of the most sensitive squiggas on here who grew up in a loving 2 parent home and mostly stable relatives  which is rare in today's society.


    Sexual  intercourse is an important thing that has over the last few decades had more building blocks put in our way imo.

    While Im glad women are slowly being paid more and have improved their lot in life, they are more likely to initiate divorce and break up  a stable home life if they arent getting princess treatment.  Thanks to online dating and other avenues, it is easy for straight women to move on and usually with either money or other advantages due to biases in the courts.

    I grew up in a ultra traditional household and was taught to be a perfect gentleman.  This really hurt me a ton when it came to dating which is why I refuse to raise my son the same way.  


    In general I usually never assume romantic interest from women unless they just really throw themselves out there.  Even then, I swear half the time they will instantly retract if you show even the slight bit of interest back and then act like you are the bad guy.  I usually assume women are just seeking attention and that they aren't into me about 95% of the time.

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