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Posts posted by J-ride

  1. 2 hours ago, Lantis said:

    A close friend of mine once said that horses can literally detect fear, so if those motherfuckers see you nervous, they'll probably want to toss you out like an asshole


    And I dunno about Tron bikes....don't they leave laser trails for other vehicles to crash and explode on? 😅

    Also horses can sense if you know what you are doing.  My wife had a horse take off with her because I told her she needed to assert dominance and show the horse who was boss.  After I caught up to the horse that MF really looked like he had a great time running full blast with her on his back.  😂

  2. @RSG3Motorcyclists are way over-represented in fatal accidents though.  It's just the human body wasn't really meant to take collisions and rag doll at traffic speeds.  The stats aren't even close.  One of the surgeons at my hospital said that if you have an accident going over 50mph on a motorcycle your are almost guaranteed to lose an arm or a leg.

  3. 51 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

    I wouldn't go out of my way to ride on a horse but if an opportunity were to ever present itself I probably wouldn't turn down trying it out.   I'm not trying to skip myself across asphault at 65+ miles an hour on a moto though.  I'm all the way good on that.

    I grew up riding horses and was only hurt a few times.  Motorcycles are their own tier of danger.  I work in an ICU and I've seen some pretty low speed motorcycle accidents result in being crippled for life or dead.  It's just not worth it to ride a street bike.

  4. 6 hours ago, axeman61 said:

    I've never used an AirBnB, but from what I've heard, they USED to be way cheaper/more accessible than hotels. That's why the service blew up. But like everything, popularity ruined it. Nowadays I hear all the time about extra fees the renter imposes that make the Hotel a cheaper option, even if your pocket is hurting.

    This is true.  I really don't like the back end charging.  It's not about the money to me I just think if they want to charge that much then it should be included in the price.  Last place I rented added like 1200 bucks in charges at the end.

  5. 1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

    He seems to specifically be talking about buying pussy, by the way he's talking about how someone would get turned down offering a lady $50 for a night like it's the 90s. Not regular dating. He also seems to be pointing this message at people coming down TO the DR, saying if this keeps up, the women there are going to turn in to what "you guys" don't like about American women.


    I'm just laughing because even if all this shit is true (I don't know), this seems like some shit discussed in the dark corners of a forum or a subreddit. Not some shit you press RECORD on your own fucking face for. I'm socially retarded and I have more decorum than that. Even if you make a habit of buying pussy, you aren't supposed to be recording yourself soft-whining about prices going up. That goes WHEREVER you are.

    I really am starting to get tired of every person putting their degenerate lifestyle choices on the web like some kind of weirdo honor badge.

  6. 10 hours ago, BB_Hoody said:

    What's weird is what I mentioned earlier.  Now thisvall applies just to Doha. The locals are the minority. The vast majority of the population are immigrants with work visa. So its hard to really speak on Qatari's or their culture. Granted that's here in Doha. I'd probably have to explore outside the city to mingle with actual Qatari....


    So there isn't too much of a culture shock here. Most Westerners should be able to fit in. They have customs and social norms you'd expect to from Muslim countries. But yeah its cool over here. But damn do I miss the greenery of Alpharetta. Just seeing desert at the base is depressing lol



    From your pictures I am impressed by how clean the city is, but that's been my experience with a several 2nd world and 3rd world nations.  When I was in Hungary and Poland I was shocked by the lack of bums and crime.

  7. I honestly believe sleeping around is bad for both men and women.  I don't think sleeping around is cool and I've turned down a ton of sex from women who were in committed relationships especially.  I had a job that involved traveling with co-workers in the past and the amount of out of town hookups that occurred was pretty disgusting to me personally.  Womanizers IMO are just another type of addict and I don't really think there is anything good about the way that they live.  I have a friend who is probably the biggest womanizer ever and he has paid a hefty personal price to get all of those women.  His sons won't even speak to him.  Everything has a price to be paid.

  8. 9 hours ago, BB_Hoody said:

    Forget Fresh&Fit. This is solid advice that goes back centuries. A woman that lives a promiscuous life style should be a man's last choice for a wife.


    Put a promiscuous and a woman with few sexual experiences together. And you'll see a night and day difference between their demeanor, how they carry themselves and most importantly. How they view men.

    I do think women get a complex from sleeping around mostly because the guys who tend to sleep around the most tend to do women dirty.  But they seem to be willing to fight each other over those deadbeats so I'm not really sure what can be done.  In my own life the guys who married hoes all got divorced after a few years.  The military wives being the worst ones PERIOD.  Jodi is an absolute menace!


    I believe there is a sweet spot though, I'm not exactly hung up on female purity, but I do think you probably shouldn't wife up women who've had a bunch of one night stands.

  9. 2 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

    I think the difference is that even back in the early 60s, a woman like this would at least have to pretend not to be a walking red flag and this sort of thing would be frowned upon. Now she'll get a "you do you girl!" from all her idiot friends and from thirsty dudes hoping to tap.

    I think the big difference is the sense of community and shame actually keeping people in line for the most part.  Women still had kids out of wedlock then, but they were sneakier about it.  The parents would send the girl off to live with relatives out of town to have the baby in secret.  I guarantee you there are a ton of "younger siblings" who were out of wedlock kids of their older sibling.  Especially if you look back in the 1920-1950s, you will notice a ton of times that you have a 15 or 16 year gap in-between the siblings.  

  10. 26 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

    I'm not saying he didn't do it, but I'm skeptical when the same media and government that told us Saddam had nukes and that Russia blew up the Nordstrom pipeline tells us he shot down some drone when it seems like they're looking for an excuse to go to war with Russia. Fool me once...¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    CIA has been pulling so much false flag bullshit for the last 30 years I just assume they are behind every provocation for war.  

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