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The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!

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6 hours ago, Lord_Vega said:

Actually... I have another interpretation of Kage story.


1- Sagat, Gouki and Ryu fought him. He even managed to defeat them, they were inflicted some damage (Ryu is even holding his belly as if being pretty tired). Gouki didn't seem to be meditating, the same after the battle with Sagat and Ryu...


2- I believe Kage is more like a Freddy Krueger. Freddy met the ones he haunted in the dream world, however, he could physically harm (and kill) them. Even though an "spiritual" being, he still can affect people in the real world


3-(like Ryu smelling Kage's blood).


4- That's why Kage's winning quote to almost the whole roster revolves around dying.


5- According to what he say about him being inside Gouki and keeping his own Kage at bay (meaning that the Kages might communicate between themselves), Gouki's Kage already "appeared" in the japanese version of SSF2X and was defeated by Gouki (when you finish the game against Gouki instead of Vega).


6- So I do believe that Kage actualy becomes tangible, being able to fight with its "owner". But of course that the fighter should be "receptive" for that. Think about an meditative state with an "opened" pineal gland. As long as it's open, the fighter is able to meet/fight it's Kage even in the physical plane. Of course that only endures for a small portion of time.


7- Come to think about it, even the part of Kage disappearing after learning that Ryu doesn't fear him anymore, resembles a lot how Nancy defeated him on the first Nightmare on Elm Street.

Merry christams dude!


Put numbers to doge the multiquote thing


1- Yeah i agree they "fought" him, but in the way you fight Kage

Specially the ones that struggled the most (Sagat and Ryu) seem surely suffering from the encounter, but don't seem the kind of pain from having took a physical beating, theyr pose make it look like they had extreme internal (spiritual) seizure

It's true that Ryu or Akuma could be compatible with somebody that has been knocked down, but that compatible also with have a seizure... key there is Sagat, in his case we see whole "fight" started with him sitting on a bench an after he was still sitting there, showing he did'nt physically fought or moved from there through the whole struggle... the pain imho is all spiritual, because there's no physical punch. Pain can be real though as pain is mental after all


Sagat say to him "you do not have the strenght to crush the SPIRIT of the king"

Sagat there was defeated in theory and looked like the seizure was so strong to make him unable to move, yet Kage had no choice but leave

If you're physical and can destroy your opponent body you don't need his "consent" or collaboration, you can just beat him up

But being a spiritual battle Sagat spirit being still not broken was enouh to make Kage leave


Ryu seem indeed exausted, the hand on the low belly thing may also be related to the "hara" where the ki is supposed to cbe generated





2- I agree to some extent, i think Kage may in theory kill  his victim (got no proof he can but no proof he can't), but not in same way as Freddy

Iirc Freddy could cause real damage in our world, like he cut you in the dream and you get cut in real life too


3-  Smell is still mental, Ryu say "i can smell your blood, i sense you are here"

I doubt is physical "real world" smell, Kage is not even bleeding so even assuming he have a physical presence and Ryu knows what his blood smell like, he would have hard time smell it

Imho there is either using a way to say he sensed Kage's bloodlust aura, or in his mind he associate SnH/Kage's presence with a smell of blood, wich would make sense after all


4- Kage's quotes are all about death because he's made of murder instinct, of course he will non-stop say stuff like that

But  the fact he speak about it does'nt necessary mean he can do it

To begin with most of these are "what if"s that we don't even know if can happen canon wise (considering Kage has appeared only to people with a link to SnH), but as in point 1 even when we are sure it happened, when he was "standing" over a defeated Sagat he could not land a finishing strike, only talk and leave


5- That's interesting did'nt know about the SSF2X thing

Btw i think Kage can just sense that Gouki is keeping his own SnH on a tight leash


6- See point 1, i think Sagat never moving from the bench before and after fighting his own kage and then Ryu's one is the proof everything happened within himself


7- Yeah that's true, concept there is pretty similar


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Changing topic, considering in SF6 Gill seems to keep his gimmicks undisturbed


was wondering if in current timeline Urien will play a role having his own faction with G-project army operating kinda like Shadaloo, after all he got some years to build his thing


Urien managing to build himself up to legit SF Boss is ever been interesting to me, like the idea of him being so much into science/genetic gimmicks combined with huge inferiority complex may lead to try do some crazy upgrade to surpass his brother also in a 1v1

But tbh i fear they will either never do it or if done treat him as silly filler boss figure... even if tbh given his nature it's hard imagine him estabilished for a long period lol



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44 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I'm curious to see what JP's connection to Gill is. He's go the Gill "Red/Blue" motif on his stage. That's no coincidence. 

I don't think it has anything to do with Gill. Red/Blue mirror Player 1/Player 2, same sides of the stage as well.

There is no indication that the Illuminati are involved at this time. Usually the base roster are related to the underlying plot and main villain. Depending on how the story is structured, they could introduce another story arc that involves SF3 characters.

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16 minutes ago, Daemos said:

I don't think it has anything to do with Gill. Red/Blue mirror Player 1/Player 2, same sides of the stage as well.

There is no indication that the Illuminati are involved at this time. Usually the base roster are related to the underlying plot and main villain. Depending on how the story is structured, they could introduce another story arc that involves SF3 characters.

I think it feels like an obvious hint at Gill. The "Paradise" thing in red and blue, the droning on balance and order, the vague religious feels that comes with Gill.

It doesn't mean he's going to play a big role in VI, it could just be background lore without much significance, but that poster screams Gill and its stuff.

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7 minutes ago, Phantom_Miria said:

I think it feels like an obvious hint at Gill. The "Paradise" thing in red and blue, the droning on balance and order, the vague religious feels that comes with Gill.

It doesn't mean he's going to play a big role in VI, it could just be background lore without much significance, but that poster screams Gill and its stuff.

Not talking about the poster. We're talking about JP's stage.


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2 hours ago, Daemos said:

I don't think it has anything to do with Gill. Red/Blue mirror Player 1/Player 2, same sides of the stage as well.

There is no indication that the Illuminati are involved at this time. Usually the base roster are related to the underlying plot and main villain. Depending on how the story is structured, they could introduce another story arc that involves SF3 characters.

Hopefully SF6 will keep current spirit of make it big, and planned in advance to expand the story together with future DLC Seasons


Iirc we had confirmation World Tour will expand with new characters (wich make sense, our avatar will get new Masters to learn from), hope the expansion will be linked to a progress of the canon story too


SFV felt half assed stopping at  ASF with the cool stuff




yeah right


I can see JP being the Boss of Vanilla arc, but guess things will move from there

S1 already will bring the inevitable Akuma showing up and will be hard wink at Ryu fans that Ken got the spotlight to punch in the mouth JP (something i like for Ken, less for JP) because Ryu have greater shit to do -wink-, wich would mirror Ryu Final structure a lot lol


As you said wonder also how they will handle SF3, guess Alex vs Gill of SF3 days will be the biggest thing to settle in some way

Timeskip feels too long to just push events till SF6, so i guess we will be already in a future where Alex already "defeated" Gill, maybe we will discover what Gill found interesting about Alex

Would be cool also if we will know bit more about Tom


Wonder also if they will follow up with G or just let him go

Considering he was a loved character and that in Season 5 they keept work on his involvement in the story would feel strange if they just ignore his existence in SF6


Then we have Seth

I dislike Seth but he/she's still around as far we know




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7 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

Then we have Seth

I dislike Seth but he/she's still around as far we know

I would like him to come back but the way they  left Seth's story in 5 basically means he's on his way to being stark raving mad. Bison's punishment knows no ends!

I also really want a resolution or an update on the endings of SF3. It would be a great disservice to those who waited for a story past SF3 to get none.

But if I were to guess based on that poster then Urien's ending likely did not happen which means Gill is still around but he's probably more like a televangelist now than a true messiah (which he never was!).


I wouldn't be surprised if Capcom pull a Nash on us with Alex, and have Alex be half red half blue like Gill's ending (or some other skin deformity/power). Would realize his potential that was noted in SF5 by Shadaloo. Think it would make for an interesting twist for the character and show how corrupt Gill is. Alex would be the zombie Nash of SF6 in effect.


Edited by Daemos
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4 hours ago, Daemos said:

I would like him to come back but the way they  left Seth's story in 5 basically means he's on his way to being stark raving mad. Bison's punishment knows no ends!

I also really want a resolution or an update on the endings of SF3. It would be a great disservice to those who waited for a story past SF3 to get none

Personally would like to NOT see Seth again, but this guy


Street Fighter 6: New Details Revealed, Including Character Customization  and 4 Returning Fighters - IGN


and the female version black and white (with hair) remind SFV trannyseth

Street Fighter 6 Beta Gameplay - All Character Creation Options - YouTube


make me think at some point Seth like tech will be involved.. character creation options are made to give us variety for our avatar, but are also used for stages background characters and NPCs we will fight in World Tour

If they created these cyborgs i think they will be used at some point in the story... be it Seth, Bison or somebody else


6 hours ago, Daemos said:

But if I were to guess based on that poster then Urien's ending likely did not happen which means Gill is still around but he's probably more like a televangelist now than a true messiah (which he never was!).

Yeah based on the fact Gill seems to keep do his thing as if nothing happened Urien SF3 big move likely never happened (and if did achieved not much), plus we know that SFV changed some/lot of the SF3 old Gill-Urien lore


Gill revealed himself, and started to spread his SF3TS message


Gill (Street Fighter)


wich is the same we seen on SF6 building, but the lack of an apocalyptic event (as SFV Black Moons falling on earth should have been) is likely making his progress slower than he wishes (as desperation would have pushed people to seek a Messiah)... on other side, the fact he can do it so publicly in Metro City hint his work progressed undisturbed


Interesting thing of SFV changes is that seems Urien promised to "destroy that accursed prophecy" as some kind of oath/life purpose, considering Urien resources and Gill tolerant approach to "let him be" i think if we will see Gill do his thing in SF6 is reasonable expect Urien to be in too and try whatever he can to crush his plans... maybe the tower explosion thing is not happened, but idea may get recycled and happen in future? Who knows


After all the Urien that SFV gave us even more than power for himself seems to seek to destroy Gill's vision where he's somehow godly and because of that they are'nt equal/brothers

Urien's desperation after their fight seems to have replaced SF3 simple ambition


I'm curious to see if they will follow up

Urien is one of my fav characters and hope he make it to SF6, even if Marisa getting bunch of his and Gill moves (as all 3 use pankration as fight style) give me bit of bad vibes


7 hours ago, Daemos said:

I wouldn't be surprised if Capcom pull a Nash on us with Alex, and have Alex be half red half blue like Gill's ending (or some other skin deformity/power). Would realize his potential that was noted in SF5 by Shadaloo. Think it would make for an interesting twist for the character and show how corrupt Gill is. Alex would be the zombie Nash of SF6 in effect.

Tbh i don't think we will see a red/blue Alex unless is later story development, in case he lose a second clash

I would find more likely and interessing we will simply see Alex and Gill cross paths again... maybe the revelation of what Gill found interesting about Alex (after their first fight), his plans for him and if we are lucky even some backstory about Tom and why Urien (that as far we know never meet him) seems to hate him*


*even if that may have very simple reason, maybe Tom fought and defeated Urien before fight and be defeated by Gill, wich would have inflicted to Urien a double humiliation

But would still not explain why Tom fought or meet Urien

Gill case is easy, he seek strong fighters around the world for his utopia... but Urien never looked into this shit, as disprect normal people and usually if fight them there's another reason that brought him there, not pure love for fighting (Nash, Chun, Rog all times there was some business sitution having him there)

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Not sure if already noticed/discovered,  i was looking for something else but think may have found fun thing




Of course the knee strike pose is different but dynamic feels pretty similar, even imagining the SF special being actually designed to jump above enemy's fireball and punish him with diving knee lol

Considering Saga it's the char Gill is mostly based on, guess is possible it's not coincidence 😄

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I'm just really excited to see the continuation of the story.


Based on what we know about Ken, his path is definitely going to lead him to JP.


But I'm wondering how everyone else's path is going to look. Like Ryu's.


Guile and Chun are always investigating things behind the scenes, so they'll undoubtedly cross paths with JP.



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2 hours ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

Like Ryu's.

If Ryu doesn't stand up and stand by his Ken's side, I'm gonna throw a hissy fit. That boy almost died for Ryu several times now! So Ryu better set aside Oro's boulders for one minute and fucking show up for the only human relationship in his fucking life!

Edited by Daemos
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Tbh i doubt Ryu will play much part in Ken's adventure, wich probaly it's good to not risk steal spotlight from Ken


Judging from Ken SF6 win quotes seems to me Luke will be one to help him, we know he will be in Nayshall

"Sorry for the trouble back in Nayshall. I'll make it up to you...sooner or later."

Here he speak about past, but these are written that way to stay, like these quotes are supposed to stand true even after have played main story events



Kimberly seems will be involved too...

"It's time to drop the spy kid routine. You don't want to dig any deeper into this."

...likely to investigate on her uncle's involvement (Kim quote)

"Mr. Masters, can I...ask you about my uncle?"


Would probably drop there Jamie too, if they want them to be seen as sort of trio


10 hours ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

But I'm wondering how everyone else's path is going to look. Like Ryu's.

They may keep him without much role (just like SF3) and maybe open later a side story arc when it's Season 1 time and this guys show up


Every time I see the man I just think ( DAMN Akuma looks so sick in SF6 ) :  r/StreetFighter

Edited by CESTUS III
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14 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

Akuma don't have plot.  He just roams around and punches face.

He does have a plot that affects the main story directly. His simple story literally has progression and you see its physical impact on the character through time.

The short version s that  he's locked in a long philosophical/spiritual battle with his Gouken. Both fighters represent two perspectives/reactions/interpretations of Goutetsu's teachings. All their actions since the death of Goutetsu have been an expression of their PoV and also an effort to prove to the other that "they're right" and "I told you so".

Ryu is merely a pawn in this chess game.

In SF5, Akuma's SNH defeated Gouken's Mu, but the door was left open for Mu to return.SF6 s unlikely to be the fated Akuma v Ryu battle, but we could get a NPC Gouken/Akuma battle, and we could get a taste of Ryu under Oro's influence.

The troll should be dead or utterly defeated in SF7.

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On 12/31/2022 at 10:40 AM, Daemos said:

The short version s that  he's locked in a long philosophical/spiritual battle with his Gouken. Both fighters represent two perspectives/reactions/interpretations of Goutetsu's teachings. All their actions since the death of Goutetsu have been an expression of their PoV and also an effort to prove to the other that "they're right" and "I told you so".

Ryu is merely a pawn in this chess game.

That may be how it looks if we focus only on Gouken and Akuma, but reality is Ryu will walk his own path


Not because he disagree with Gouken's teachings (wich he hold on high regard), but because he needs to find out his own way

at 6:35



Ryu loves Gouken like a father and greatly respect his achievements/teachings on the whle Mu side of the thing, and indeed his evolution so far had him trying to get closer to Gouken's techniques (see Denjin Hadouken, Shin Shoryuken)... but he does'nt takes it as an absolute dogma: "questioning others, themselves, or even gods."


He realized as long he does'nt find his answer he have to stay open-minded, wich require don't embrace anything as the absolute truth, not even Gouken

Still he can be sure about what he consider wrong (Akuma's path) though


For what's worth in SF6, after years of timeskip, Ryu's moveset shows what seems to be little hints of SnH: SA2 while on power-up state have clear purple tint, and even more important his default SA3 show his fist charging red ki


Interesting part will be know if this happen because he's still not good enough to totally suppress it, or if in these years he improved so much to be able in moment of need to draw strenght from both kinds of energy

Would fit what was said of Goutetsu

"was also a user of the Satsui no Hado, the only known person who could use the power without falling into its darker aspects (possibly because he only used it sparingly and wisely). This was also how his two students were introduced to its power."


If these hints in the moveset are intentional, "sparingly and wisely" would fit what we see in SF6 moveset


It's curious also that desperate version of SA3 switch to no red ki and "denjin" effect

Wonder if only reason is that denjin version is more powerful wich indeed is (desperate SA3 > SA3) or if he would not trust himself to control SnH in a such critical situation, as desperate version require the opponent is beating the shit out of you, wich may make harder to control murderous intent... would fit Ryu put opponent's safety (and his own spiritual balance) above obtain a "victory" achieved potentially losing control, wich for him would be a way greater defeat

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I had a dream about Bison today. He shows up in SF6 looking young again, he's caped, and he reveals he was hiding in a subterranean lair all this time. He was fighting Ken in Guile's SF6 stage and his win quote against Ken oddly mentioned him dying 3 times before SF6 (which in my headcanon means A2 Death > SF2/SFA3 Death > SF5 Death).

This confirms that Bison is coming and/or I need help. :bison:

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4 hours ago, Daemos said:

I had a dream about Bison today. He shows up in SF6 looking young again, he's caped, and he reveals he was hiding in a subterranean lair all this time.

Are'nt all Bison body clones all around same age (guess some generic "physical peak" these clones fast grow into)?

Thought just the white hair one of SF4/SFV looking same age as others but having white hair on V was just to symbolize the stress on the body caused by PP consuming the body through time, but face wise seems about the same


One thing i'm curious about is if in SF6 will stick to usual model/standard or will apply some change, like when he passed from SFA huge one to later leaner versions




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5 hours ago, ShockDingo said:

Happy New Year, folks! I hope you're all well!


The holidays allowed me to finish little something I had brewing, enjoy!



Cool idea


As somebody that woul like if EVERY char get a stage (or at least a personal variation of an existing one), for Q i would like something have that Gotham harbour at night 50s detective stories vibe 😄

You know that shady dirty harbour at night with cranes, containers, merchant ships and smuggling going on, kind of place you would expect to see vintage Batman jump out and beat up some mob thugs lol


Or something bit more modern but still old vibes, maybe some 80s america athmosphere in some dirty dark alley with weak streetlights and neon signs of night clubs and bars  being visible on the background but not much close, like to sell you the city imagery but making clear Q ambushed you far from busy streets

Tbh if was set at night and did'nt had MGG members watching, SF6 Metro City stage would be close to perfection already to me, just give me different time of the day variant of this






Night with drak blue and gray as dominant colours, nobody around aside cats and rats, streetlights adding weak yellow light to the mix

Maybe as background NPC just some drunks or hobos sleeping that may wake up and run away after fights cause some noises

Either case would like music to have something like this going on



 or if have to be more lively to fit SF6, i say go Lupin route




Edited by CESTUS III
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12 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

Are'nt all Bison body clones all around same age (guess some generic "physical peak" these clones fast grow into)?

Thought just the white hair one of SF4/SFV looking same age as others but having white hair on V was just to symbolize the stress on the body caused by PP consuming the body through time, but face wise seems about the same




He definitely seems to inhabiut his prime bodies at around the same age (which implies a degree of vanity). But what I meant was that he had black hair in my dream. Personally, I prefer if they keep his white hair going forward.

I also interpreted the white hair in SF5 as a sign of strength not a weakness since the devs outright stated that he is at his most powerful ever and historically in anime white/lighter hair symbolizes powerful transformation. Obviously PP has intense stress on the body, but the implication in SF5 was that this body could take all moons activating and then some.

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2 hours ago, Daemos said:

He definitely seems to inhabiut his prime bodies at around the same age (which implies a degree of vanity). But what I meant was that he had black hair in my dream. Personally, I prefer if they keep his white hair going forward.

In theory if he have a fresh new body the standard is black hair, white was something that happened with time and shit (SF4 to SFV+PP boost)


But if they did'nt improved bodies tech is possible next time he will show up already filled of PP and white-haired like in SFV, even if also SF6 body (before ingame events) starts as black hair


After all is unlikely Bison will show up weaker than in SFV, and if tech is the same of old bodies that mean white hair indeed

2 hours ago, Daemos said:

He definitely seems to inhabiut his prime bodies at around the same age (which implies a degree of vanity). But what I meant was that he had black hair in my dream. Personally, I prefer if they keep his white hair going forward.

I also interpreted the white hair in SF5 as a sign of strength not a weakness since the devs outright stated that he is at his most powerful ever and historically in anime white/lighter hair symbolizes powerful transformation.

Body wise SFV Bison was same Bison of SF4, wich started with black hair

I think the hair going white are result of the extra power he started to store in SFV, so both imho are true, white hair are the result of him being more powerful than ever but also putting his shell body under a unprecedented pressure/stress


White hair in anime can also be used to show extreme stress of some kind, just to pick some famous examples think Toki (SnH) or Guts (Berserk)... or even more easy comparision Tetsuo (Akira) hairs passing from black to white as result of getting big Psychic Powers

Considering we know as a fact that PP consume Bison bodies (pushing him to search perfect host) we have no much reason to think SF4 (SFV) one was different, specially considering there was no canon big tech discovery/progress about his shell bodies

Keep in mind that Capcom on general LOVE the idea of destructive ki eating you from the inside like cancer to the point you literally become hollow, they did often... see Akuma, Oni or Seth alts

Or even the way Bison dies in ASF crumbling like a  clay pot

(wich was a wink at Straizo death to keep parallael between SP/PP and JoJo lol)





2 hours ago, Daemos said:

Obviously PP has intense stress on the body, but the implication in SF5 was that this body could take all moons activating and then some.

I don't doubt that you believe it, but personally i don't buy that at all tbh 😄

SFV one was still SF4 body, and Bison still needs to find a legit host that can store PP without suffer the backlash

Actually to link with point above, an huge apparent plot hole i ever thought ASF have is that if SFV initial PP boost was already changing his appearance to never seen before extent (white hairs), he would have been consumed even faster after the moons were activated and fully charged, without (as far we know) a new superior body to host it


Also maximum capacity gave me doubts, if Nash fight showed us something is that while more powerful than usual SFV Bison with Moons (with level of charge of when they fought) does'nt seem to be so powerful to the point of somehow be out of scale,  would argue bunch of characters are likely more powerful, but let's not go OT:D


At least for how it was showed the gimmick was that you don't fight a Bison at 500% self, but more like a Bison at 150% compared to his usual self (numbers straight out of my ass to explain the concept 😄 ) that if defeated can draw new PP from the machine to regenerate his energies

Nash was able to defeat him, then the machine sent new PP


Essentially SFV Bison body we seen already felt like it was like a full or even overflowing bottle (the body) connected to a giant barrel (the moons), the PP amount was immense and would likely allowed him to regenerate multiple times (wich IS big deal, no doubt) if Moons were'nt deactivated , but impression is they could not do much to expand the bottle maximum capacity (unless of course, at the price of burn SFV body very fast)


So i'm not sure what Moons getting even more PP would have achieved (beside allow him to regenerate more times), considering the bottle is ever the same size and progressively more frail


All this unless Bison had a secret new unseen body ready to be filled with his soul and tons of moons-stored PP (a new, bigger and possibly more PP resistant bottle), this would work i guess, but so far we had 0% indication from canon he had it already or that he discovered the tech to build it,  just 100% theory on my side about how he could have made it work



Edited by CESTUS III
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I disagree (as you already know).

My take comes directly from Bison's SF4 prologue.

The scientist makes it clear to Bison that the SF4 body was designed to handle PP completely. There is no reason to not take this dialogue as truth. Bison did leave a little earlier than the Scientist advised but by the time SF5 rolled around there was no indication that the body got weaker or would get weaker. On the contrary it got even stronger which implies some behind the scenes rejuvenation/upgrades in the years between SF4 and ASF to prepare for the final battle. 

There was also no indication in SF5 that Bison even wanted or needed to switch bodies again. Otherwise FANG would've taken this into account when trying to activate all the Black Moons. We only saw Bison with 1 BM activated, FANG would've at least known if pushing it further would've destroyed Bison's body. (And no there is no indication that FANG would betray Bison like that at all)

Yes PP/SNH are destructive inwardly, but they also can make one godlike and invincible. Clearly there is a genetic and skill factor that allows practitioners to mitigate the damage.  Bison had both at the end, but he did not foresee Mu's effects.

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3 hours ago, Daemos said:

I disagree (as you already know).

My take comes directly from Bison's SF4 prologue.

The scientist makes it clear to Bison that the SF4 body was designed to handle PP completely. There is no reason to not take this dialogue as truth.


That's cool, forgot that one 👍


I take it as truth but notice what they say there, it's all in the vid 😄


They never speak about unlimited PP (back to SF4 Moons were not even a thing), they just say new body will be more powerful and able to handle the full extent of HIS (Bison's) psycho power (implying he could not wih his previous SF2 one) if he have the patience to give it time to fully develop in the capsule... wich Bison does'nt even do and order to them to get him out immediately, because as he say he don't care about SF4(SFV) body, as he plan to make "his" (Ryu) body his permanent home


Again, that's the important part, Bison himself there say to don't consider SF4(SFV) body a definitive solution 


Nothing we see there hint SF4 body was designed to store all the PP coming from the Moons (wich again, were not even a thing in SF4), it's just said that if Bison waited for it to be complete, would be able to use his own PP at full force without backlash



To use the example of previous post essentially vid just confirm SF4(SFV) Bison is a bigger bottle than SF2 Bison, and would have been even bit bigger if waited some time


In SFV Moons gave him PP till the bottle is full, then the rest stay stored in the barrell, ready to refill the bottle again as soon get empty

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On 1/2/2023 at 2:18 PM, Daemos said:

I had a dream about Bison today. He shows up in SF6 looking young again, he's caped, and he reveals he was hiding in a subterranean lair all this time. He was fighting Ken in Guile's SF6 stage and his win quote against Ken oddly mentioned him dying 3 times before SF6 (which in my headcanon means A2 Death > SF2/SFA3 Death > SF5 Death).

This confirms that Bison is coming and/or I need help. :bison:

Hopefully he'll show up all nice and sparkly, to save us from JP like he did Seth...


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On 1/2/2023 at 9:16 PM, ShockDingo said:

Happy New Year, folks! I hope you're all well!


The holidays allowed me to finish little something I had brewing, enjoy!



Nice! I've been getting into a NG/2I phase alongside just 1996-1997 era Capcom binge. I am still sceptical though that SF6 will actually address the loose ends from SF3.

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9 hours ago, N-Tactix said:

Nice! I've been getting into a NG/2I phase alongside just 1996-1997 era Capcom binge. I am still sceptical though that SF6 will actually address the loose ends from SF3.

The easy thing is that beside having lot of cool characters for the most part SF3 does'nt have big impact on SF whole story so far (if we don't count Secret Society support to destroy Shadaloo in SFV)


Most of SF3TS endings lead to nowhere leaving the characters open to do anything or are even "what if" that did'nt happened




The ones that may have some (small or relevant) impact on SF6


Ken: winning 3 times American Championship is why they keep call him Champ in SF6


Chun Li: explain why Li Fen is with her and why she's now a Kung Fu master, quitting interpol career


Twelve: Now this is very interesting (ironically coming from the char i give less fucks about lol), i completely forgot it

Seems Urien's labs executed a new procedure on #12 (Twelve) and #14, wich apparently boosted incredibly its regeneration ability to the point that Doctor Kure call it "never dying warrior", and as side collateral effect seems it gave Twelve self awareness too

This open some things if they actually want to follow up

-What #12 (Twelve) will do now that became a sentient being

-If gained self awareness too, is #14 much more powerful? In theory is not even one, but two evolutive steps above Twelve (and #12 already had tons of abilities compared to #11)

-Why #13 has been jumped or was'nt ready yet

- Probably surely me coming from similar debate with @Daemos, but may all this body regeneration new tech help Bison finding finally the perfect host body? Seems exactly what he needs, a body that will ever regenerate itself

- Random af


all this shit remind me a lot Asrafil from Yasushi Baba SF2V manga

this guy out of Bison's labs

Gli avversari di Ryu

that every time got destroyed was able to regenerate itself and each time evolve his body to be resistant toward what destroyed him

Though they may chose to ignore all that because fuck Twelve


Oro: we don't know if he ever managed to meet and train (for short or long period) Ryu during these years of timeskip.

Judging by moveset SF6 Ryu is just a continuation of his SF3 self, definitely did'nt switched to Senjutsu or Ansastuken-Senjutsu combination, he's just Ansatsuken as ever.


But we see hint of SF6 Ryu showing a brief glimpse of SnH (we don't know if on purpose), if intentional is possible that he may have learned that trick from Oro.

As far we know Goutetsu was only guy able to switch in and out SnH at will, but being Oro possibly the character with deepest undersanding/mastery of ki in entire SF world (and ability to even switch his type of ki), would be likely the most qualified man alive to teach it

Plus he would have have no moral objection

"Yes. Power itself is neither good nor evil. Even in the case of Psycho Power, or the Satsui no Hado." - Oro speaking to Dhalsim

Plus will not even be first time Ryu ask another Master to help him deal with SnH, see Dhalsim in SFV


Gill: definitely NOT happened, but interesting potentially show us how he can transform people using people just using his own power (as he does on Alex), unless it's all an allegory (after all we see also sea splitting and all) that should not be taken so literally

Remind me how he gave Kolin ice powers in SFV

Btw we know as a fact in SF6 Gill is still promoting publicly his cult (we see signs on buildings in Metro City)

This also tell us Urien's ending either did'nt happened of had no much impact

Curious also about the JP stage thing, if end up being something


Q: Now CIA started to investigate seriously on Q on large scale, open with potential story involving C.Viper (who's already investigating about him)


Alex: he may have his rivalry with Ryu going on as new reason of life, but tbh to me seems just one more field where Luke stole his shit lol... SF6 very first trailer pushed hard on Luke as young american rival of Ryu

They will likely involve Alex to face whatever Gill will do in future though, and we still have to discover what Gill noticed in Alex that make him important


Sean: his ending does'nt tell us much beyond him sucking, but confirmation he's part of Ken's entourage mean he will likely want to do his best to help Ken with all shit happening to him in SF6


Elena: being in France may make her interact with Manon (or Remy) if she's still there

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9 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

Though they may chose to ignore all that because fuck Twelve

Twelve is Charlie Nash!

But yes I agree that the tech being used for these pods would be useful for His ambitions.

The other SF3 characters that I think could still have something to say/do are Alex and Necro. Alex because he does have that untapped potential thing that we never saw, I am very supportive of his turn to Gill as I think it will make him (and Gill) more interesting characters.


Necro can fit into the SF6 motif easily and these street-level missions suit him and his girl well as they continue to try to stop Gill's deception.

We can also assume from the ads in Metro City that Urien's ending probably did not happen, so what would a defeated Urien do all these years under Gill's eye? (Make Bison a new host body for all the trouble he caused? SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN!)

All other 3S endings (besides these and what those Cest mentioned) really lead to deadends or are inconsequential to SF6.


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Urien is the one i'm most curious about,  he have so much potential to be a wild card 


of course Q too, but chances are they may want to keep the mystery and do nothing with him, while Urien if have to continue exist as character MUST do something abouf SFV humiliation  


An Urien-Bison alliance where both plan to kill the other after targets are reached would be entertaining way to keep them active plotting on the side lol


Necro now is free and escaped fron Russia with Effie, one thing i said a while ago is i would find them to fit perfectly NeoShadaloo, if after timeskip is still same shelter to give freedom/new hope to lab escaped misfits.

Ed sf6 design hint currently does'nt seem under Bison influence, he looks like a young rebel (give me Berlin wall era vibes, kind of guy that would have escaped Berlin east for freedom... something i see in Necro too), so after all in sf6 NS may still be perfect place for Necro and Effie 


Alex idk, feel will be treated as cool character without much to do(see sfv) till it's Gill turn to be big boss again 


Outside that as said feel Luke cannibalized his chances to do new things, feels like Alex could have been perfect to play Luke WT part if written slighty differently, but of course i see why SF6 team wants to push "their own Alex"

And tbh despite being way less cool some traits make Luke better for the WT role... well he was created to play that part after all 


Tbh i think beside american politics weirdos that will ever hate him, at the end of WT Luke's popularity may get similar boost as post-ASF Rashid... from the little i seen he seem to cover well the big bro/senpai role they gave him, his attitude feels pretty down to earth/relatable (a la Rashid) and "human" compared example to Bosch who feels more typical SF character


I  think if done wisely Alex an Luke can both be developed well and walk different paths, is just bit hard overcome the initial obstacle one has been designed as the 2.0 lol 


Personally would like them to scrap to a draw, greet each other for the fun fight and promise to do it again 

Would prefer Alex winning, but tbh Ryu already should give Luke the humbling beating lol and you can't (and don't want) give new protagonist too many Ls


Or maybe  Alex indeed serving Luke the same humble pie Ryu gave him in SF3, and be like "if you want to beat Ryu you should at least be able to defeat me first!", but that would require sf6 team having some reverence for SF3 that tbh i never seen in any post-sf3 game* and, again, they already pushed Luke-Ryu rivalry (them "vs" the holy SF2 classic, just like SF3 people back then)



*even if SFV people have been pretty respectful about Gill and seems almost as if they wanted to clean his record as Boss material thinking SF3 was too subtle at hint his potential. 

But they mostly ignored rest of SF3




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Urien should be a separate antagonist to Bison, an alliance isn't something  between the two only downplay Urien's relevance, significance and appeal


After everything he had been through with Gill and Secret Society, he shouldn't be another one lackey or secondary partner.


And also Bison will never be supposed to be Urien's lackey that bad route for there character development.


Urien is better doing his own secret society from the traitors of secret society with few better members than those were loyal to Gill and the organization, the difference is he isn't like Seth because he operates outside Gill's perspective.




The one I'm really bothered and only worried now is Sean status quo. If they don't like him to return at least have him some sort of good fighting game character retirement and character development that focus on other endeavors like fighting in fighting competition but not as big as Ken and actually now winning.


Instead of making him young and away from the other Sf3 youthful cast, to just elaborate he wasn't returning compare to his fellow young generation of SF characters, like Ibuki, Elena, Makoto, Yun and Yang.




Dan should be a side character some either acts as an Assist to Blanka or Sakura, someone that is an NPC or a background cameo character from now on.  Dan much like Sakura is finding ways to earn money at this point of time and age, sell themselves. Dan resolution to fight is already been concluded as he beat Sagat.


and Sean is the better one to return because he has more reason to FIGHT and ENGAGE to the other fighters, That is his primary MOTIVATION to be become better as a fighter compare to Alex and etc. His not stuck on just wanting JUSTICE served or a GUY set to do vengeance.  His among those the Ryu like motivation that is about improvement.


Those guys that are centered on organization and main antagonist that there motivation is all centered to those thing are also the conclusion of there reason to fight. 

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I found something interesting in the "How to make Capcom fighting characters" book that I wanted to ask here. In the section on Birdie, Nakayama says that his Critical Art where he uses his chain as a jump-rope "is also a sort of 'revenge' on behalf of a certain canceled fighting game of the past". What canceled game is he talking about? Capcom Fighting All-Stars?

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10 hours ago, Phantom_Miria said:

I found something interesting in the "How to make Capcom fighting characters" book that I wanted to ask here. In the section on Birdie, Nakayama says that his Critical Art where he uses his chain as a jump-rope "is also a sort of 'revenge' on behalf of a certain canceled fighting game of the past". What canceled game is he talking about? Capcom Fighting All-Stars?

I guess it's possible CFAS could have planned to add him in later moment, even if he was'nt in the"vanilla"  list we seen


But given the exagerate/comical/crazy vibes of that CA would not that be surprised if was supposed to be this guy

Darkstalkers Anakaris GIF - Darkstalkers Anakaris Mummy ...


new super move, and the cancelled game is



Wich was surely bigger sucker punch than CFAS being cancelled (even if i liked lot of things i seen of CFAS), so may be the revenge thing even if i don't get much the revenge joke lol


Just my theory btw




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this mighty thread


What are your expectations for SFV newcomers after timeskip?


My 2cents


Necalli: dude had ton of potential but i fear that chance is gone with SFV and they will send him go back sleep


FANG: Will likely be a NPC for AKI story arc, but if chinese waifu is poison-based like him i doubt we will see playable FANG


Rashid: Well, we know he's in question is how will be integrated into SF6... guess discover FANG is still alive and doing shit will be enough


Laura: Best Matsuda. For whatever reason fear she will not make it, even if she would fit great SF6 vibes and art style


Ed: So much can be done with him and Neo Shadaloo that would take a dedicated post, just very curious to see what they will do with him


Falke: think/hope she got downgraded to NPC for Ed's story together with Knife and Gorilla


Menat: She's supposed to be early 20s now, her age (and potentially Maggio's too) make her very easy candidate to bring some young blood to SF6. Guess at start will just report any sign of Bison return to Rose


Zeku: This is a tricky one... we left him as Mayor Cody's advisor, but for whatever reason i'm not sure he's still Mayor... MGG rebirth make me think they got bold, and that may mean no more Cody? Cody as Mayor would have stomped them for sure lol

Curious about that


Abigail: Iirc we seen his garage as WT location, but feel like we may see him just as NPC... but maybe it's just wishful thinking on my side, because i want Hugo's return, far more interesting giant


Kolin: likely just doing her Kolin shit for Gill, guess we may see through her actions current Gill situation (i feel just like in V Gill himself will NOT show up early)


Lucia: She would fit a lot current story, even if i don't like her. Maybe timeskip will give her more FF Lucia vibes


Akira: Not sure, feels like she just was fans request marketing gimmick. Even SFV did'nt made much effort to estabilish her as part of SFV/SF story

She would fit SF6 and she's easy money though... 50/50?


G: They need to bring him back, but now idea what his story progress could be like... interessing he had around 5 yeaars to roam the world and spread his message

Wonder if they will follow up with Elena, Hakan and Dan joining him in V



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