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Posts posted by M A R T I A N

  1. 7 hours ago, Volt said:

    @M A R T I A Nand whoever is a Metroid fan.


    This game looks really good. Honestly can't wait. What do y'all expect out of it?

    It looks like they’re bringing the stalker aspect back from Fusion with multiple types of robots that hunt you throughout the map.  I’m all for that. Metroid has this great capacity to tell sci-fi Horror stories and I always felt they peaked at doing that with Fusion.


    I’m  really curious to know what’s going on with the story and where it takes place in the timeline. Fusion pretty much sits at the end of everything so they could really do anything they want to move the story forward if it’s post Fusion.


    Pretty sure we see a Chozo sabotaging Samus during the trailer. Wonder what that’s about…

  2. 14 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

    Probably explains the changes in the armor. The Fusion suit seems always incomplete to me without the actual armor panels. 

    Well that’s cause it is incomplete. They have to surgically remove lots of Samus’ Power suit at the beginning of the game to save her from the parasite. The blue left on her design in Fusion is literally the parts of the parasite they couldn’t remove. 

  3. So….a new Metroid game and it looks like a spiritual sequel to Fusion basically. It looks real fucking good too. Color me shocked.😶


    Sucks that Prime 4 still seems so far away, but goddamn Dread looks sick. It’s just nice to see Nintendo still gives a fuck about the IP period. 

    Wario Ware, Fatal Frame, SMT5 and BOTW2 all look rad as fuck too. I think it’s safe to say Nintendo won this E3  lol


    Adding my Tekken main to Smash is pretty awesome too actually. They keep managing to surprise me with these characters man.


    Harada just posted this on Twitter lmao 





  4. 8 hours ago, RSG3 said:

    Well would you really say the combat is better, or would you say the combo system is better?

    I think the combat is better because the combo system is a little more free form and diverse.


    Once you learn how to really work Dante it becomes less about the back and forth between him and the demons and more about just dispatching them while looking cool. 

    With the occasional boss or enemy that will hit you with combat checks and keep it from being a COMPLETE power trip. Like the Proto Angelos in 5; those dudes make you step back and think and I really like that flow between enemies you can juggle for free and tougher mobs that get thrown in and force more of a back and forth 


    As opposed to the combat in 1 where I feel very limited in combo creativity by comparison. But hey maybe that’s cause I enjoyed the newer games first and have a bias 

  5. On 6/10/2021 at 8:15 PM, DoctaMario said:

    I finished the first DMC game today, haven't played it in a long ass time, but outside of the visuals looking like PS2 era visuals, I think it may be the best DMC game still. Yes, the sequels were more polished and the combat is crazier, but you can do some pretty wild stuff with the combat in DMC1 and the aesthetics and vibe of this game still curbstomps every other one in the series imo. 


    In Dark Souls news, I got to Sen's Fortress. Fuck Sen's Fortress 😂

    I’ve recently been playing them all as well (never played 1 or 3 so I went ahead and beat those) and I never knew the first game was so different from the rest. Atmospherically I think it probably takes the cake yeah, though I really liked the the Temen Ni Gru from 3 as a setting. Hard to decide.


    It’s strange….I feel conflicted. My first DMC games were 4 and 5 so it was a bit jarring to go back and play the more grounded game that is the first DMC. But the atmosphere and environment of Mallet island is pretty unbeatable as far as the sequels go.


    Yet, the combat in every game 3 and onward is such a vast improvement and I don’t really know if I’d trade that for a more realized atmosphere like 1. Though I will say, I’m playing through DMC5 again as Vergil finally and I’m starting to realize just how boring and uninspired a lot of the levels can be. I mean everything looks very much the same. You’re either in a city street or in some hell room inside the Qliphoth. Nothing is really that memorable, as opposed to 1 and 3 where I can remember a ton of amazing areas that stuck out. Especially considering they’d usually make fun use of backtracking.




    If I had to absolutely pick a game and the rest go away, I dunno man, it’d probably be 3 or 5. 4 actually almost escapes the problem of samey environments for the first half but then they just funnel you through the entire game again with Dante which is MAD lazy.


    Also, you’re playing Dark Souls? Oh Lordy. I love hearing a first timer’s stories in Souls games. 😀


    Curious how long Sen’s Fortress will hold ya’




  6. 4 hours ago, JHDK said:



    @M A R T I A N




    I maxed out the reporter, and got Gift of Gab.

    I am also laying pipe to Piper.


    +15% experience for a banging implication, is so very choice.

    Me and Piper already retired to our skyloft above Concord, where we watch our slaves tow the land while sitting and reflecting on how much time we wasted playing fighting games with bad netcode.


    I think she sticks around cause she’s impressed by my bobble head collection.


    It ain’t much, but it’s honest livin’. 😬




  7. 3 hours ago, DarkSakul said:

    I feel Sonic CD is part of of the mainline series, it both did and didn't happen as the story revolves around time travel and time manipulation. 
    If you don't get all the time stones and fix the past, Robotnik does a "Thanos Snap" his Death Egg back into existence like nothing you did matters. 
    But if you get all the time stones, you do you own Snap, you save time and the events of CD technically never happens. 

    This is both what made the game really cool, while also having terrible pacing issues the entire time and why I can never really recommend it as a “classic”, so to speak. The time travel mechanic was a really cool idea with a lot going for it, but it was never one of the Sonic games I took time to learn the stages for. So getting the “true” ending becomes really tiresome looking for the correct signposts and finding terrain that allowed you to pick up enough speed to actually time travel. Not to mention you’d lose access to that chance for the rest of the level if you accidentally bumped into a wall while diemension hopping lmao.


    That intro though has yet to be topped. Shit absolutely SLAPS, especially back when I was a kid. Only intro that even come’s close is SA1 or Mania.




    3 minutes ago, iStu X said:

    It’s technically a prequel movie before the games even started (even before the Vita game I believe). So them looking young doesn’t particularly bother me. But I still feel like they’re both horribly miscast

    It’s not even an age thing with Whalburg. It’s just nothing about his look or demeanor whatsoever says “Sully” to me. I can’t picture this guy cracking jokes on the side of an Appalachian cliff with a cigar in his mouth. 

  9. 24 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    Sonic 2 and 3&K (this is one game, lets not kid ourselves here) ABSOLUTLY hold up. Some of the finest platformers of their time to the point they continue to influence developers to this day (The Entire Sonic Hacking community, Sonic Mania, Freedom Planet to name a hand full). Sonic 1 doesnt hold up as well but thats because its the blue print that Sonic 2 and 3&K built upon in order to be as great as they are. Sonic starts to fall apart when transitioning to the 3D realm but a lot of that is due to his style of game design not really being suited to 3D (3D Platforming and lightning speed aren't a great mix and take a ton of work to get right. Segas only managed it a couple times


    Ya'll are better then then regurgitation garbage IGN opinions.


    Couldn’t have said it better. That IGN quote has been in my head for this whole discussion lmao 

  10. 8 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

    Where have you been? Fans that grew up on the Adventure games tend to hate on the Genesis ones. They hate the fact that Sega panders to classic fans instead of them.

    Sure, I guess there’s that section of people. I think Stu just dislikes the series in general though. Which is whatever, I just find it surprising because even people that don’t like Sonic games are usually hard pressed to admit that a lot of the earlier games are classics.


    6 minutes ago, iStu X said:

    Why? I’ve always been pretty vocal about my dislike of Sega and Sonic. 

    and I also said that there’s very few sonic games I find worth playing. Which is true. And even then they barely pass as playable to me. 

    I guess I’ve never seen those posts. 

    I am deeply saddened by this news. Sega has either created or at least enabled SO many dope games IMO. 


    Gonna pour one out on a Dreamcast for the homie Stu. Cause Sega haters gotta go unfortunately. Gonna pay @HD-Manto do some stabbin’


    10 minutes ago, Camacho said:

    I enjoyed the first 3 Sonic games as a kid, but they don't hold up now. 

    How so? I’ve never really heard this complaint. Personally I think there are aspects about the very first game that make it a chore, like the less intuitive level design and the lack of spin dash, but other than that I find those first three games pretty approachable still and why they remain classics to so many people.


    Tight controls, bright and colorful spritework that still looks appealing (so much so that literally thousands of indie games have popped up over the last ten years mimicking styles like this), great music as always, and the sequels being an improvement upon its predecessor in pretty much every way.

  11. 34 minutes ago, iStu X said:

    1) you’re assuming a lot based off what I said 

    2) how dare people have different opinions. 

    You literally said “Sonic and Sega as a whole sucks”. Like...ok fine, feel that way, it’s just shocking to hear lmao.


    31 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

    What you consider the first 4?
    Me it's Sonic 1, Sonic CD, Sonic 2, and Sonic 3 and Knuckles 

    Oh sorry. Sonic 1-3 and S&K. I guess in my head I never really thought of CD as a mainline game but it really is...

    I dunno, I think Sonic games have rightfully earned a bit of a stigma. I’ve just never agreed when people imply there haven’t been great games out of the franchise. 

  12. 52 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

    Small spoilers for Resident Evil Village


      Hide contents

    The reason why Heisenburg calls out Chris for Boulder punching is because in the Japanese version he calls Chris a fucking gorilla. Japan has been calling him a gorilla since 5. The lines basically trading one meme in Japan to one in the US.




    When he yelled this out I had to pause and just literally laugh out loud. I love that they went there lmfao. 

  13. 3 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

    I am glad to see I am not the only one who walls off a settlement 

    Depends on the settlement. I feel like sometimes it just simply WILL NOT work. I remember years ago trying to wall off Spectacle Island and it was just such a pain in the ass that I stopped even trying. Here in Abernathy it's a very neat and shapely rectangle that doesn't cover TOO much ground and I can even make most of the walls the same material. There's also a matter of leaving your turrets space to shoot outside the walls, which can be hard without the two sided grate walls or placing them on the exterior.


    With this place I'm trying to setup lots of watchtowers and assign snipers to them to cover the exterior, while having turrets mostly as a last measure deterrent , majority of them pointing towards the inside of the camp. We'll see how that works out. 


    If anyone manages to climb in here, and I'm not there to snipe them from above, they'll be met with....harsh prejudice, to say the least, 

  14. On 5/17/2021 at 3:55 PM, JHDK said:

    If you drop guns on the ground and scrap them from the workbench, it expands your building limit.


    I have destroyed so many laser guns to achieve Ghettoplex over 1/3 of Sanctuary.


    I just got to that island myself, I think.


    I have 8 or 9 maxed water filters churning out purified water/cash, so far.

    I just used the mod to remove build limits. The limit is only there to save on performance after all.

    Ended up being one of those nights again. Spent just a little bit too long building and by the time I look at the clock it's already 5AM. 😞

    On the plus side, I think Abernathy Farms has become my new favorite settlement. Amazing patch of land already set up for agriculture, comes with livestock and 4 settlers to start, tons of worthless junk to scrap, and it has the highest vertical build limit at a staggering 20 stories. So naturally I built my castle as high as possible...above all the filthy peasants. 




    Hard to see neon letters up against this sign, but it says "Martian Trap House". 😎


    Also gives you a really sick view of Concord, Sanctuary, Red Rocket, ect. 



     Got a nice little work area to myself up here, and a stairway to heaven for going back and forth between the shops and my house. 




    Finally got the crops sorted out and the shops setup this morning. Complete with a shitty break room in the back because I'm a merciful God. 





    I love this settlement because it's a very large space to work with but also very compact and neatly shaped. Spectacle Island is amazing as a building platform but the large size and location are both intimidating and inconvenient in a lot of ways. This location is very midland, cozy, and gives you a lot to already work with. 


    Now I just gotta figure out what to do with the rest of this land under my house...




    (Ignore the slave shack where I make everyone sleep)

  15. 21 hours ago, RSG3 said:

    The building has to be the aspect of F4 I hated the most. That game really ground my gears in a lot of ways, but the building was the absolute limit for me. I ignored it and just did the crafting for guns and armor. 

    What about it, if you don't mind me asking, was so hateable? I'm just curious.


    As far as the whole "build a space and farm resources" trope goes I think it has a lot of customization and functionality. Especially after the new content they added like radial power distributors so you don't have to have powerlines connected to EVERY SINGLE device. 


    Not a fan of the mat grinding? Building too tedious? 



  16. 19 hours ago, JHDK said:

    @M A R T I A N


    I decided to start building so as to keep my communities in shape, in Fallout 4.


    I might have a problem.


    Somehow 3 days worth of play have elapsed, and I haven't killed a single thing, and Sanctuary Hills is beginning to look an awful lot like Metroplex's ghetto cousin decided to sprawl out on top of it.

    Yeah the settlement stuff has always been really fun to me. I'm waiting till I get a little closer to endgame to work on those because there's a very ideal spot you can colonize once you get far enough. It's basically a giant island all to yourself. 

    Contemplating whether or not I'll use mods to alter some stuff like removing the build limits, making power lines longer, ect. So far I have yet to use anything that actually changes the gameplay, just visual and performance enhancements. I do have one mod that allows you to have a companion AND Dogmeat, considering that was the original intention while the game was still being developed. The characters you travel with will even verbally acknowledge Dogmeat since the audio files are actually in the game. Pretty cool.


    Decided to bring Pepper along this time. I always go with Valentine, usually.




    I think she's making that face because I just stole something.


    We have good times out here in the Commonwealth. 

  17. I didn't even notice some couldn't be upgraded. Damn. That almost seems like an oversight. I wonder what the patches/DLC for this game will look like, assuming that happens. 


    And yeah, while I love the setpieces and cutscenes the unskippable and slower sections do already make for some annoying moments on a second playthrough. Like the first section of the game where you're walking through snow in the dark; genuinely freaked me the fuck out on the first playthrough. On repeated ones, it's kind of just agony walking to the next area in slow motion. 


    Mercenaries seems cool too, I'll have to check that out more. Only cleared the first stage with an A so far. I do miss the RE5 style of mercenaries though with all the characters and their unique loadouts and abilities. Probably still my favorite version of it to date 

  18. Oh, I also finished RE8. Took about 15 hours according to Steam. 


    I really wanna do a video review so I'll hold off talking about it too much here, but man, I pretty much agree with you @Hawkingbird. Was a fun ride from start to finish.


    Loved the RE4 vibes. Graphically they continue to push the bar, music and sound design were very on point, voice acting... Was a bit hit or miss honestly, but I think that's a pretty common theme in RE lol. It still somehow has that cheesy charm to the dialog that these games have had since day 1.


    The enemy variety is awesome and a much needed change of pace from 7. That was always one of my biggest gripes with that game despite loving it. Duke is awesome and so are all the new guns. The map is awesome. The puzzles are awesome (maybe a tad too easy) and the secrets are awesome. So much awesome to go around. 


    I think the game is just a TINY bit too setpiece heavy, but I guess that's largely during the first half and most of them are honestly really fucking cool. Cool enough not to skip them on my second playthrough even. 


    Overall, I enjoyed myself immensely. I think this game is definitely superior to 7. I have a lot more to say than this about it though so I'll save that for the video script. 😉


    EDIT: Bonus little Twitch clip from when I was streaming. You actually get to see me realize my fate and just give up in real time, lmfao. Spoilers obviously.


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