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Posts posted by M A R T I A N

  1. On 5/11/2021 at 7:33 PM, JHDK said:

    @M A R T I A N




    I just got a:


    Never Ending Double-Barrel Shotgun.


    Fuck me.


    Time to pump up gun stats, methinks.




    Named it... God Mode.

    Lol yeah that was my first playthrough too. There's so many unique weapons to find in F4 man. Wait till you find *The Baseball Bat*. 


    You got me curious about revisiting the game, so I looked up some info and recent mods on it...Turns out there's actually a mod that enables Achievements even with mods enabled... 





    You try to escape the Commonwealth but somehow they just keep pulling ya' back in.... 



  2. 3 hours ago, JHDK said:

    I am playing through Fallout 4, now.


    Fuck me, this is a lot of fun.

    I've been doing the same, but with New Vegas. I've also played it many times before so...maybe it's not so much the same thing actually.


    Still, it's crazy how much of a better experience both those games are on PC. I haven't even applied any mods, I just kind of revel in the fact that I can play the game with little next to no performance issues, half second load times, and silky smooth 60FPS. 


    I know it's kind of silly, but the idea of playing through 4 again on PC was kind of sullied for me when I found out mods disabled Achievements. I mean, I get it, but it kinda sucks not being able to go back and check out those milestones, and if I ever wanted to platinum the game I'd have to pretty much forget about anything I accomplished on the modded playthrough and do it all over. Maybe there's a way around this that I just don't know about. 


    Meh. How far are you and what kind of character are you going for?

  3. 3 hours ago, DarkSakul said:

    That movie was good if you were 11, if you are in your late 30s its fucking awful.
    It's the kind of movie you watch when there nothing else good on TV and you have no internet 

    I am expecting teh new Mortal Kombat to be even worst

    Looking at the reactions, it's nice to know this post would've been appropriately neg-bombed on old SRK 

  4. 6 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

    I wish CC2 got another chance to develop another game like Jojo Eye of Heaven. 

    Really? I didn't really like that game. I much preferred All Star Battle, which they also made but in a more traditional fighting game style. 


    I think it was trying to do something Anarchy Reigns did much better, but, maybe that type of Jojo's game just isn't for me 


    I still think HFTF is the king either way 👑

  5. 3 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

    Japanese footage of the Demon Slayer Arena Fighter by CC2


    Damn. I honestly would've preferred they just entirely ripped off Ultimate Ninja Storm and slapped in Demon Slayer characters instead of whatever this is. This looks rigid and contrived, to me at least. 


    Looks about as good as that One Punch Man game that released not too long ago. Which wasn't really good at all. 

  6. Sorry for all the Spidey posting but, I'm getting a lot of mileage out of the camera mode. 




    This Enter The Spider-verse costume actually animates in stop-motion style like the movie. 😩 Looks jarring compared to the rest of the world at first but, after awhile the novelty has really grown on me. 


    For anyone that hasn't seen that movie, you can see the animation style demonstrated pretty clearly here:




    It's a pretty apt description of the game so far too actually lol

  7. 14 hours ago, Vhozite said:

    Monster Hunter is mid ass game but niggas won’t let you criticize any aspect of it.


    You can criticize it all you want, but don't be surprised you're getting pushback when you're faulting the game for being  "too easy" because you're grinding early game monsters like a goober. 😂


    It's like playing nothing but Arcade mode in a fighting game, then never coming back because "man this game is too easy". 

  8. 1 hour ago, Vhozite said:

    Lol miss me with that “nah you gotta play 20/30/40 etc hours to get to the real game” shit. Im already at a point where I’m constantly killing the same shit over and over again to farm mats. I’m not gonna keep doing that on the off chance the game might eventually get challenging. Why the fuck are they already recycling content if the “real” game is farther in?

    Why are you grinding low rank monsters to farm low rank materials? Especially if they're already "way too easy" in the first place. You should be blasting through that stuff to get to the end game, where most of the challenging content actually resides. 


    If you're still doing main story quests 30/40 hours in, that's on you lol. You can get to Master Rank stuff in like 8 hours or less. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Chadouken said:

    I went looking for cloudstone in 4-3 and realized I could get 10s of thousands of souls real quick using Soul Ray on the flying sting ray thingies. So I may have spent a little bit of time in that area 😂

    Pro tip: the final boss area for that world is the best spot to farm Souls in the game. If you use the storm ruler, you can just knock those fuckers out of the sky and you're right next to an archstone for quick and easy rinse and repeat. 👍

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