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Posts posted by M A R T I A N

  1. Just now, Volt said:


    I'm looking at his medium normals right now, but sure, talk your talk. 🤣

    Wtf does that have to do with what I said? I said he has plenty of moves involving his sword.


    2H,5H, j.5H, 236X, and his level 1 all use his sword. Nobody is asking for any of those moves to be mediums. Imagine Janemba's huge ass 5H being a medium. I'm good. 

  2. 12 hours ago, TheDarkPhoenix said:

    Dang everyone moved over here for him and he bounced? lol

    Yeah, this was always my main thing about it. Like, we probably had at least a few dozen people straight up abandon SRK over his ass and then he up and leaves over some mild bit of sarcasm. I understand he's going through hard times this year, but, at some point I have to ask how much of your behavior can really be excused over that. 


    Dude never has a problem making jokes on race, gender, religion or age, but God forbid a hair of sarcasm is thrown his way. I've never really understood some of the stuff Pertho wants to put a stake in the ground over, but he's always been willing to die on those various hills. 


    I dunno. I hope he's doing well and the break he's taking provides him whatever he's looking for. 🤷🏾‍♂️

  3. 7 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

    Said it many times, Finn should have been the main character. From the very start he had an interesting story to build upon and it was all pissed away. 

    That's how I feel about a lot of these characters from the ST honestly. Just wasted potential sitting there in front of our eyes. That's why Force Awakens is one of the only new movies I actually enjoyed and don't find to be an almost complete piece of shit. It setup a lot of characters that could have really interesting arcs but none of that stuff is ever fleshed out or committed to. The property was playing hot potato with directors and writers and it's insanely evident from the botched narrative these 3 movies have. 


    Like, I don't know how you can have such a wide and vast toybox of great characters and world building already, only to do the most trite and thoughtless bullshit possible with them. Finn being EX Stormrooper is interesting. Rey being a complete orphan and not knowing her past is interesting. Poe being a hot headed pilot with a shady past is interesting. Old man Luke is interesting. Abandoning both sides of the force and searching for something new like Kylo wanted to in TLJ is interesting. Hell, even Palpatine's return could have been made into something interesting, but that wasn't earned at all. 


    I really hope we start getting some great character and world building from these movies again, now that Star Wars is under new and improved management.... Mandalorian, Clone Wars, Rouge One, Force Awakens..... These are all signs to me that if you let an Star Wars fan do his thing, really great things can come from it. 

  4. Despite hating the movie overall I thought TLJ definitely still had some redeeming qualities, old man Luke being one of them. 


    Honestly, I actually like a lot of characters from the sequels and their chemistry together, but watching the ST is like watching a bad player play chess. They've got all the pieces they need to do something amazing, but all their choices are underwhelming or don't even make sense. (just go with my bad analogy) Rouge One and Force Awakens are the only ones I don't consider to be heavily flawed films like the others. 


    It is indeed hilarious though to see all the peeps that talked shit about the prequels for years start going "well maybe they weren't all that bad" after the ST played out. 🤣 As silly as those movies could be, I'll always give them props over the ST for trying to tell a pretty ambitious story. 


    These new movies are made out of obligation, not inspiration. I think that's one of the biggest reasons why they ended up the way they did. 🤷🏾‍♂️

  5. 50 minutes ago, RegH81 said:

    Yo, they are really putting characters from Dragon Ball G---- Ahem, I mean characters from that show we don't talk about in FighterZ? Huh. 

    This been happening since early season 2 with GT Goku breh. 


    They said early on they want to appeal to ALL fans of Dragonball with their roster additions, not just the more popular series'. I respect their commitment to that.


    Frankly, I hate GT in almost every way, but it did have some cool designs and some characters that would make for fun fighting game dudes. 🤷🏾‍♂️

  6. Oh OK, so they can show you an in-world path on the street during races but not for regular GPS navigation? 




    I also love the immediate pop off right when a race starts. Rubber hasn't even screeched yet and these dudes are already lighting each other the fuck up. Look over and the girl in the passenger seat is already sitting on the windowsill shooting back lmao. 


    Claire is rad. 

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