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Posts posted by M A R T I A N

  1. Upgraded to a Ryzen 5 3600 today from a 1600. Now I'm finally starting to get the performance I wanted. This combined with a RX 580 has been slamming everything at max settings. Even stuff like Avengers and Hunt: Showdown. I really wanna see Arkham Knight on this thing. 


    I also got an additional fan and 2 more terabytes of HDD, but apparently there's not a single fucking store in my city that's selling SATA power cables so I gotta wait a day or two to even use it while Amazon brings me the goods.


    I think this build will keep me very happy for a good and long time until I decide to get a 3080 or whatever AMD is cooking up. 👍

  2. I am such a sucker for retro style horror games. I am constantly trying to recapture my first moments with SH1... So it's no surprise this looks interesting to me, but I figured someone else might get a kick out of it. 


    Haunted PS1 Demo Disk



    From their official website description:


    "Roused by the crackle of static, a lingering sense of dread crawls across the floor. You sit alone in your room. A dimly lit memory repeats in your head. 17 demos too horrible to describe keep you from your bed. Each one is a personally crafted nightmare. You've tried to tell others, no one understands. A CRT you don't remember owning flashes to life. Frozen in place you look upon the flickering screen to spy a dismal, bloodied scene. A cracked and faded jewel case sits close beside. A pale grey plastic box sits in front, emitting a low whirring noise. Will you take to the controller or let yourself be taken over?"


    Seems like a cool little throwback to a lot of PS1 era stuff. I love the idea of making a game like this parodying those random demo discs that would come with gaming magazines, or even other games. It's got a really great style to it. Gonna check it out, possibly tonight. 


    It's free on their website, by the way. 



  3. I never really thought of SFV having a boss, considering it didn't even launch with one. Arcade and Story weren't even there. Adding a new character later and calling HIM the boss seems lame. 


    If anything, I still think of Bison as a boss because he was always at the end of Survival mode. 


    Maybe I'm in the minority on this but, to me, if the boss is playable they're not really a true boss. Gill was a true boss in 3S. Or Kronika. Or Motaro. 


    They gotta have shit that would be way too cheap for any real player to get ahold of. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    Ah curse of being the smart black kid in school. I foolishly let my grades dip and still didn't help me any. Wish I could do that all over again.

    "Smart" might be a bit strong of a word for me but, people (especially kids) definitely have expectations about the way you'll carry yourself just by your skin color. 


    Being mixed like me might even be arguably worse. I don't remember who said it, but "Too white for the black dudes and too black for the white dudes" has kinda been a common sentiment in my life. 🤣

  5. 5 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

    Now i am trying to remember if it was you or Phantom Angel the one who his name is Tyrone and everyine made jokes because of that.

    And speaking of which, i have not seen that nigga in a forum for quite some time.


    I saw him on PSN, but dunno where he frequents now.

    That was Phantom, lol.  It became a meme because it's literally his real name. 


    He made a random post in SRK GD like last month. I also played DBZ with him not too long ago. I think he mainly chills in the Barcelona Discord. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

    Have you seen the GG fans that try to deny the anime part? They want to think GG is all metal. Characters like Ram and Elf grind their gears as they break what they perceive GG to be. 

    I've always loved this idea. As if the old GG games are any less or more anime than Xrd. Those games have always had a wide and wild variety of different designs. Justice looks like a straight up Gundam dude, in the same game that has Bridget. 


    Dudes fooling themselves. 

  7. Wait, is Volt saying he literally took a mini vacation over some off hand joke I made? Jesus christ. 


    If you actually felt attacked over that that, I don't know what to say to you. It was a joke dude. A pretty tame one at that. We poke fun at each other for all sorts of reasons here, I really don't see how you can go and cherry pick that one post and put a stake in the ground over it while keeping a straight face. 


    Like seriously, wtf? I could care less whether you're Christian or not. Believe what you want and I'll fully support your right to believe it. I can't belive I have to even say this shit. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

    Your dog kind of looks like mine in that pic

    I couldn't for the life of me tell you what breed he is either. I've seen this breed dog multiple times now and I still can't find an answer, lol. I heard they're a mix of Chiuahua and Poodle but, eh, idk. 

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