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Posts posted by mykka

  1. 5 minutes ago, Daemos said:

    Right now things that interest me before release:

    1- Netcode Confirmation

    2- JP Reveal

    3- Are we getting Arcade Mode? Are we getting a cinematic story mode or is World Tour the new story mode?

    4- What is the business model being used for SF6? Is it the same as SF5 with a single purchase and microtransactions being purely cosmetic (no P2W) ?

    5- When/how will they announce the first season and how will they sell it?

    I'm thinking they learnt their lesson about not having an Arcade Mode, so I believe it will be there.


    Hopefully the first season wont be just the 4 characters we know about

  2. 11 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

    Antifa wants to harm Neonazis. 

    Imagine being this delusional. Or at best sheltered. Just stop. Antifa are fascists, as much as they claim not to be. You know who also fought the "right wing bigots"? Stalin. Mao. Castro. Pol Pot.

    The left loves to play words games, and twist them to fit a narrative to justify their violence. They are abusive, and they come after anyone that doesnt fall in line with their radical ideology. I've seen it with my very own eyes. Clearly you're very sympathetic to their terrorism... a shame.

  3. All media is biased and propaganda... CNN and MSNBC aren't liberal whatsoever, they love to engage in cancel culture, dog piling, framing people, creating narratives, and pushing woke ideology. Saying Fox is the only one that is anti liberal just cause you disagree with their views is dumb. They are all on the same boat.

    Calling people "bigots" these days is hardly a great argument considering how they call anyone right of Marx a nazi white supremacist. Saying liberals now only censor people for their "bigoted views" is just crazy. No, they censor for ideology reasons and to stifle debate, since a lot of what they believe contradicts itself and has no basis in facts, it would crumble under scrutiny.

    As someone who is mixed race and gay, I've gotten some of the nastiest homophobic racist comments from these people and their "allies" for me not going along with a lot of their nonsense beliefs, you either bow down to their mantras or they will target you in a brutal manner. They love to project their own racism and homophobia. Just this week I criticized Kimberly's designed and got mobbed on twitter for being a racist. That's the point we're at now.

    Far right and far left are one and the same, the horseshoe theory is real. However one is deemed acceptable these days, and the other isnt. That's the problem. And while we're fighting, tyrant oligarchs from the WEF are taking over while we watch. That is what we should be fighting hard against, but we're distracted by nonsense.


    Now, can we get back on topic?


    @CESTUS IIII wouldn't be surprised to see Lily redesigned, but so far all the newbies have turned out exactly like their character art in the leaks. Lily has gotten some flack online for being a "stereotype", so we'll see.


    @Dragonfave723Kinda hard to tell if that's really her or not. I wouldnt mind if they made her design a bit more interesting tbh, but we'll see. Her tunic needs more detailing for sure.



  4. 17 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

    97% of the future DLC characters are'nt Juri or Sakura popular, but Juri is already in and Sakura will steal only 1 slot (1 slot too much, but that's me being grinch)


    Rest of DLC slots will end up to somebody else, would say of these Ibuki have high chances because she's one of the most popular waifus left out

    I'd say in terms of popularity left:


    1 - Sakura

    2 - Makoto

    3 - Poison

    4 - Karin

    5 - Ibuki

    6 - R. Mika

    7 - Rose

    8 - C. Viper

    9 - Laura

    10 - Menat


    The others have less of a fanbase. Sorry to Elena, Akira, Decapre, Juni/Juli, Maki, Ingrid, Lucia, Falke, Kolin. Wont say they have 0 chances, but they are slim.

  5. 39 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

    Nah, Ibuki high chances stay about the same, if anything Ibuki and Kimberly are so different/opposite that it may encourage a rivalry


    SF3 had only 3 missing females and i think when they will add SF3 all of them have decent chances


    Ibuki - Never missed a chapter: SF3-SF4-SFV, they must like her... plus nobody in current/leaked cast cover traditional "ninja" character

    Last, for what's worth, it was one of the recognized spray tags

      Reveal hidden contents

    more graffiti names from the capcom/sf6 website : r/StreetFighter


    Makoto- Pretty requested waifu, have a loud fanbase that waited with blueballs for the whole endless SFV arc, think will be easily DLC material


    Elena- She may have a bad rep, but SF6 seems to consider ethnicity variety important for a SF cast (i do too, even if for different reasons), and before Menat birth Elena has been the only rep of whole african continent... i think with their marketing gimmicks Elena may have decent chances due background

    Sad part is i fear i will not get funny savannah stage


    Ibuki is popular but not Juri or Sakura popular. We'll see. So far she has had a 100% track record, but with SF6 they might change things up. I dont think those spray tags mean much tbh

    I really dont care for Makoto but she's an obvious DLC. Elena had her reputation ruined in SF4, not sure if Capcom will ever bring her back which is unfortunate.

  6. People are losing their minds over the slightest disagreement these days, let alone the big issues.

    I got cancelled on twitter yesterday for not digging Kimberly's design and being accused of "racism" and stuff like "we all know why you dont like her". These people dont know me or even follow me. Clownery.

    I wont even mention the LGBT mob, since being gay myself, you're constantly being attacked for having the wrong opinion, very cultish. It's like a purity spiral with these activists. Thankfully I have found sane LGBT people there that are chill with me, but how long we'll last on the app without getting banned, only time will tell. Probably not long, we're one misgendering away.

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