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Posts posted by mykka

  1. On 7/7/2023 at 1:59 PM, Dracu said:

    Oh, I saw this before but never realized Shao Khan was supposed to be "General Shao". This is a great roster. Kind of too great to be true. Guess we shall see.

    Considering it doesnt have Rain or Kenshi, I'd say its not true

  2. 3 hours ago, Lord_Vega said:



    Also, in SFV, she mentions that some Dolls might not want to be saved. THAT would also be an interesting story. A Doll that wasn't brainwashed, but was evil herself.


    I'm thinking its Xiayu/Jianyu. Still in their fighting uniforms, and Xiayu still has her warrior face paint

  3. 22 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

    Juli the only doll that has any remaining family? I find it odd how the trauma the dolls should have almost never comes up.

    I think they could've reunited with family, we just dont see it in the artwork. We know Aprile has her brother Maggio, I'm sure they were reunited at some point. But yeah, the doll storylines could go anywhere they wanted it to


    The wildest theory I've read is that AKI is actually Marz 

  4. On 6/3/2023 at 8:02 AM, Shakunetsu said:

    lol Chunli doing shopping for Ryu, they are now starting building connection.


    However Sakura is established one.

    Dark Sakura is making her debut in SF6...

    On 6/4/2023 at 4:09 PM, CESTUS III said:

    Sagat/Adon - Muay thai moveset and gears

    Dudley/Balrog - Boxing moveset


    I would be more than fine with Adon and Dudley replacing Sagat and Balrog in this game

    On 6/4/2023 at 5:05 PM, Daemos said:

    - Ninja village with Ibuki with a cameo by Geki or Geki 2 would be great.


    Rose + Tarot card minigame in her Italian abode. We can see cameos by Menat/Maggio etc.


    - If Capcom can pull off a tasteful Kenyan locale for Elena, I'd also be down for that. It'd be like learning stuff from a different culture and we get meet some of her tribesmen.


    Yes to all of these, please

    On 6/4/2023 at 8:44 PM, Chun-Li_Forever said:

    A Bond with Chun-Li: 4


    I totally agree, she is totally rocking that casual outfit and I'd love to see it as a DLC costume for her

    On 6/5/2023 at 10:16 AM, Counterstrike said:

    Cody,Guy,Maki and Lucia have all been given the SF treatment so that leaves out Haggar,Dean and Carlos. Anyone of these characters would be a welcome addition to the cast ,each boasting modified designs and  movelists.  Win win in my book!!


    I dont think Maki really counts. She was basically copy/pasted from CvS2 onto a port of A3 that barely anyone had access to...

    I still want her to make an appearance in an official mainstream SF title, and there is demand for it too

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