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The Sonic Thread: The Year of Shadow. It all starts with this.... Sonic X Shadow Generations 10/25/2024 followed by child murder in Sonic 3 movie on 12/20/2024!

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First screenings of the movie happened recently and impressions are mostly positive from what I'm seeing.


Edit:  There is an after credits scene confirmed by a few impressions.


Edit 2:  These impressions are making me even more hype.  The wait is going to KILL ME now



Edit 3:


i also want to bring attention to a fan project that I've been keeping an eye on ever since it showed up in my twitter feed.  Some fans have been working on doing their own version of animating a season 3 of Satam and it's been a project in the works for 10 years apparently.  They recently put up a video showing what they're pitch looked like at the start vs where they are now and saying it looks good is an understatement.

Edit 4:


I heard through my twitter feed that Kid Cudi was doing a song this time around for the Sonic 2 movie aaand the discourse regarding this was all over my feed  (examples include topics  of "ugh rap" to "Where's Crush 40?").   I was not a fan of "Speed Me Up" and I though the track that actually used music from the game that got denied was far better but ya know...Hollywood gotta attach names. The official music video for "Stars In The Sky" has released so you be the judge.


Edited by Sonichuman
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56 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

First screenings of the movie happened recently and impressions are mostly positive from what I'm seeing.


Edit:  There is an after credits scene confirmed by a few impressions.


Edit 2:  These impressions are making me even more hype.  The wait is going to KILL ME now



Edit 3:


i also want to bring attention to a fan project that I've been keeping an eye on ever since it showed up in my twitter feed.  Some fans have been working on doing their own version of animating a season 3 of Satam and it's been a project in the works for 10 years apparently.  They recently put up a video showing what they're pitch looked like at the start vs where they are now and saying it looks good is an understatement.

Edit 4:


I heard through my twitter feed that Kid Cudi was doing a song this time around for the Sonic 2 movie aaand the discourse regarding this was all over my feed  (examples include topics  of "ugh rap" to "Where's Crush 40?").   I was not a fan of "Speed Me Up" and I though the track that actually used music from the game that got denied was far better but ya know...Hollywood gotta attach names. The official music video for "Stars In The Sky" has released so you be the judge.


It's Ok. The kind of song that plays over the end credits but they still claim its the main theme for whatever money related reason. 


Doesn't sound like anything that would make it into a proper Sonic game tho. 


That Sonic fan cartoon project looks like it's come a really long way. That second clip looked right off Saturday morning cartoon block. 

Edited by RSG3
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6 hours ago, RSG3 said:

It's Ok. The kind of song that plays over the end credits but they still claim its the main theme for whatever money related reason. 


Doesn't sound like anything that would make it into a proper Sonic game tho. 


That Sonic fan cartoon project looks like it's come a really long way. That second clip looked right off Saturday morning cartoon block. 

That's really the only thing wrong with the song really.  If they actually got the mainstream artists that they HAVE to put on this soundtrack for whatever reason to sample any track from Sonic's OST library to make music out of I think things would go over way better. 

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7 hours ago, RSG3 said:


I heard through my twitter feed that Kid Cudi was doing a song this time around for the Sonic 2 movie aaand the discourse regarding this was all over my feed  (examples include topics  of "ugh rap" to "Where's Crush 40?").   I was not a fan of "Speed Me Up" and I though the track that actually used music from the game that got denied was far better but ya know...Hollywood gotta attach names. The official music video for "Stars In The Sky" has released so you be the judge

I fuck with Kid Cudi so this is definitely a step up from the last movie. I'm guessing the guy who doesn't like rap must not be a fan of the music associates with Knuckles 


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37 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

I fuck with Kid Cudi so this is definitely a step up from the last movie. I'm guessing the guy who doesn't like rap must not be a fan of the music associates with Knuckles 


People were bringing up Knux's music in the discourse saying a lot of those people being negative about rap were probably nodding along with his stages.


Edit:  I'm on twitter for 5 secs and an example of some stuff people are saying came up

This response is pretty fucked imo. 

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Producer says they're planning to do a full blown Sonic Cinematic Universe


Supposedly Tails might be getting a solo film as well?  You know how I dislike this whole counting chickens before they hatch thing but at this point with all the reviews out for this movie so far....have at it.  Go wild.

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6 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Producer says they're planning to do a full blown Sonic Cinematic Universe


Supposedly Tails might be getting a solo film as well?  You know how I dislike this whole counting chickens before they hatch thing but at this point with all the reviews out for this movie so far....have at it.  Go wild.

Yeah agree. Lets have the second movie succeed first. Sure you can plan stuff like that but why say it publicly?

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18 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Yeah agree. Lets have the second movie succeed first. Sure you can plan stuff like that but why say it publicly?

Yes I think that's where they fuck up. It's natural to think of growth and where you go with something, but talking about it publicly is a mistake 99% of the time. Even Marvel fucked this up with movies like Iron Man 2. 


Keep your plans to yourself lol. 

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19 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

Haven’t recognized it in the latest videos, but they did play Emerald Hill a year ago for the logo announcement.



Listening to this and the supposed ad above its near identical aside from flourishes in the beginning.  Even has the rings sound in it from the orginal teaser which kinda makes me sus.

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5 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Yeah agree. Lets have the second movie succeed first. Sure you can plan stuff like that but why say it publicly?

At least they got one successful film under their belt before this sort of talk started. Most other studio don't even get that far when discussing cinematic universe plans. 

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Ain’t no way there are critics that hate that Colleen is voicing Tails in this movie.




Schwartz and Elba are great Sonic and Knuckles. Much better than I had thought and not just a name to add to the billing. Doesn’t mean you can dunk on the one voice actor that is not a celebrity and from the games. Wish more adaptations would do this.

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27 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

Ain’t no way there are critics that hate that Colleen is voicing Tails in this movie.




Schwartz and Elba are great Sonic and Knuckles. Much better than I had thought and not just a name to add to the billing. Doesn’t mean you can dunk on the one voice actor that is not a celebrity and from the games. Wish more adaptations would do this.

I'm not even sure how I'm supposed to respond to "This Sonic movie has too much sonic in it"

confused the rock GIF by ALL SEEING EYES


And then the throwing shade at Colleen who they KNOW voices the character in the game.  That's pretty internally triggering for me.   That's like throwing shade at Cullen for voicing Optimus in the live action Transformers movies.  I'm almost curious to know who would put up something this dumb.




Lol at some of the responses...Sonic fandom wants this critics kneecaps.  They already came for AfroSenju's kneecaps earlier.

Edited by Sonichuman
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I hope this is great. I really want to see people enjoy things. Out of all the videogame adaptations (especially with that first trailer) never would have thought Sonic would have been the one to break the cycle. 


13 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Producer says they're planning to do a full blown Sonic Cinematic Universe

No Way Do Not Want GIF


Lets keep things focused.

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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

Fowler says the movies are not going to follow the games chronologically and will instead be kind of like a melting pot moving forward


Really curious if that leak regarding the script from way back is true.

I think that's the best way to go about it. We shouldn't be waiting on like the 4th or 5th movie to get Metal Sonic, Shadow and other iconic characters from the series. 


Though I'm curious what the film series will do with Eggman. Having the same main villain won't work as well in film as it does in games. 

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3 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

I think that's the best way to go about it. We shouldn't be waiting on like the 4th or 5th movie to get Metal Sonic, Shadow and other iconic characters from the series. 


Though I'm curious what the film series will do with Eggman. Having the same main villain won't work as well in film as it does in games. 

I mean if they eventually move from dealing Eggman directly they could have G.U.N. play antagonistic role.  There are a few things they can do that don't have to have Eggman as the main threat.  Just depends on how they approach it.   Something else that the movies having going for it for at least some time is that Jim's family mentioned they enjoy him playing Eggman so he at least has a semi stake in it.

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39 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I mean if they eventually move from dealing Eggman directly they could have G.U.N. play antagonistic role.  There are a few things they can do that don't have to have Eggman as the main threat.  Just depends on how they approach it.   Something else that the movies having going for it for at least some time is that Jim's family mentioned they enjoy him playing Eggman so he at least has a semi stake in it.

G.U.N. will need a central figure to work as antagonists. If they were responsible for the creation of Shadow in the film series I can see that. Without a character like that they will just be fodder. 


Mephiles would make for a good Thanos level villain but I don't know if the fanbase would want the movies to take from 06.


Edited by Hawkingbird
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Just now, Hawkingbird said:

G.U.N. will need a central figure to work as antagonists. If they responsible for the creation of Shadow in the film series I can see that. Without a character like that they will just be fodder. 


Mephiles would make for a good Thanos level villain but I don't know if the fanbase would want the movies to take from 06.


I don't even know if they wanna attempt to touch 06 but it could definitely be salvageable without the baggage.  Mephiles/Solaris as main antagonist with Silver still coming from the future to stop his future from happening....just...don't touch Elise.  Stay faaaaar away from Elise.


They could use some form of Gemerl and have him made from G.U.N. instead of Eggman.  There's some places they can definitely go but it depends on how this universe shapes as we go forward.


They don't have stick firmly with the games if they can come up with a decent enough original antagonist after hitting some of the major points in the series. 

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3 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I don't even know if they wanna attempt to touch 06 but it could definitely be salvageable without the baggage.  Mephiles/Solaris as main antagonist with Silver still coming from the future to stop his future from happening....just...don't touch Elise.  Stay faaaaar away from Elise.


They could use some form of Gemerl and have him made from G.U.N. instead of Eggman.  There's some places they can definitely go but it depends on how this universe shapes as we go forward.


They don't have stick firmly with the games if they can come up with a decent enough original antagonist after hitting some of the major points in the series. 

As much shit as Sonic 06 rightfully got I think the story beats it was going for was one of the better parts of the game. Mephiles and Silver would be the most salvage aspects of the game. Hard agree on Elise.


A gun created Gemerl would be neat. I think the player punch would hit harder on film than his debut game.

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2 hours ago, RSG3 said:

I report content creators who do that. Don't know if it does anything tuo...

I probably should since I know what it is now.  I tried to look away quick and scroll back up like it'd make me forget what I saw but nope...its burned into my retinas. 

Edit:  it'd be nice if they didn't put the spoiler in the thumbnail to be considerate of people who don't want to know but I know thats asking a lot from douchebags.


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Fan viewing of Sonic 2 was tonight, Twitter feed is filled with people saying they enjoyed it.  I have to wait until Sunday to see it so I can go with a friend of mine.  I'll be picking up the comic this Fri more than likely



Producers say that if Jim decides to retire then they aren't even going to try to replace/recast Robotnik



If you're interested to know what's in the comic and aren't planning on picking it up the Game Apologist talks about the contents here


Some interest things like the Zones are actually legit different dimensions and not all a part or just a place in a different area in this universe.



God damn man...I wish I could go see this Friday since I"m off cause I feel I might miss the popoffs from the fans and feel that energy in the theater.


Edit 2:


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35 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

You know I would be seeing Sonic today but I've been sick the past few days. Hopefully I will better at some point this weekend 😑  Typically if I don't see a movie opening night. I don't see in theatres at all.

Man I was sick as hell last week. Something going around. 

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Apparently GameApologist managed to avoid spoilers...until RIGHT BEFORE HE WAS GOING INTO THE THEATER TO WATCH THE MOVIE


Also gonna give warning about subliminal spoilers on social media.  Meaning they aren't directly talking about who or what happens in the post credit sequence but when you see the conversation pop up in your feed you start to ask yourself "Why are they having this conversation?" when you already know the answer to that question.

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