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The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?

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16 hours ago, purbeast said:

LOL and Daigo and the Ken army trying to say Ken ain't even top 5.


Fuck outta here...

Funny enough the thing that broke my drive to play SF6…a week before (iirc) my last tournament I was training in ranked and at one point I had fought Ken like 8 matches in a row. Then at the tournament  my last 3 matches were JP>Ken>Ken.

That was last week of September and according to Steam I haven’t played the game since lol. I really miss Manon but then I watch footage of SF6 or remember my last experience with the game and I don’t play. My last go broke me mentally.

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17 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:


This was an ok video. 

Adding delay getup: From a purely visual standpoint I absolutely HATE DWU because I think a fighter just laying on the ground to “dodge” an attack looks ridiculous and unintuitive. With that out of the way…I definitely agree with Justin saying that oki is a little too automatic in 6. I also like what he said about DWU making the other person miss their drive rush meaty. They can still meaty you after, but as we know most buttons in SF6 aren’t plus with DR so it would be interesting.


Nerf parry: Agreed, but only if we are also toning down some offensive options as well. Parry in its current implementation is dumb but I feel like a lot of offensive options in 6 are built with the strength of parry in mind. Just nerfing parry with no other adjustments would have a pretty big unforeseen domino effects.


Drive Reversal faster and refunds some bar: I agree with Justin that doing both of these might be overboard, but I’m not sure. Could work with the right number tweaks


Make some level 1’s more invul: yes god please. Hard disagree on Justin’s counterpoint about seeing level 3’s less being a bad thing. 

Nerf the heavy>drive impact checkmate in burnout: lol no. I actually that this specific situation is dumb, but I fundamentally disagree with improving burnout in any way. Being burnt out and close to the corner means you goofed up majorly earlier in the match. Hold that lol


Refunding more meter during supers: again lol no. 6 is already extremely generous with drive gauge the is 0 reason it needs to be upped even more

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On 1/11/2024 at 10:26 PM, Darc_Requiem said:

@TWINBLADESThat's the cheat code fam. If Alex Le wouldn't have saved Luke. He would have been replaced by his long lost sister Luciana in SF7. She'd have oversized calves, Sandblasts with Sonic Boom Frame Data, nothing but 7-3 match ups (including the mirror somehow), and the community would be too busy posting "Step On Me Mommy" memes and buying $20 swimsuit costumes to care.

Don't give them ideas

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4 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I'm sure Capcom already has a female version of every male character waiting in the wings. So the best we can hope for is they'll get repurposed for Dimitri's Midnight Bless in a new Darkstalkers game.

Let's not pretend like it's just Capcom 


Every fighting game developer has a contingency plan of "people don't like a character - make him a waifu" 

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56 minutes ago, Jocelot said:

Punk kinda just mollywhopped the dude that beat capcom cup champ iDom. That had to be the shortest set I've seen in a long time, damn.

Only to get whooped by the 16 year old Ryu player 🤣


Edit: This and watching the Cowboys get cooked by the Packers is making my day.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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these are promotional pieces from the chief animation director in the movie. They have nothing to do with the story, but there was a lot of stuff in the movie that also got cut out. The sega Saturn / psx Japan only sf2 movie game has some extra scenes like chin li doing kikoken to Vega, but they settled for chun throwing a couch at him instead 🤷🏻‍♂️. ( the Blu-ray collectors edition has a few of those deleted scenes and rest in good ol’ YouTube


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1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:

The sega Saturn / psx Japan only sf2 movie game has some extra scenes like chin li doing kikoken to Vega, but they settled for chun throwing a couch at him instead 🤷🏻‍♂️. ( the Blu-ray collectors edition has a few of those deleted scenes and rest in good ol’ YouTube

Best decision ever made. Chun Li hitting Vega with her couch is iconic. No one would remember her hitting him with a Kioken three decades later.



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4 hours ago, B R O W N said:

Meanwhile, Punk right after losing:




....bro has NOT played Tekken. 💀

Man’s literally saying nothing. What does being better than someone actually mean and how is forcing someone to guess wrong not a part of that? I can’t think of a game that doesn’t have that aspect, even if some do it more than others.


It’s rich this is coming from the guy that came up with Street Fighter V.

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4 hours ago, B R O W N said:

Meanwhile, Punk right after losing:




....bro has NOT played Tekken. 💀

I saw a YouTube comment that said Punk was basically LTG with skills and honestly I can see it. That post should be in scrub quotes. Has this  man seen the move sets of a Tekken character? Has he seen the roster size of a Tekken game? If he's bitching about a 20 character roster SF game, he's going to be for rude awakening when's trying to remember the matchup in a 3D fighter with three dozen characters with over 100 moves each.

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1 hour ago, Sonero said:


The moment the Japanese game gets some diversity, suddenly the main has to stay Japanese.


SMH, and on MLK day too.



To be fair is'nt first time SF get a non-jap main 😁



And tbh if story progress as i expect it to, Ken is going to steal Luke's spotlight story wise (Ken will get his revenge on JP, maybe Luke will work as sidekick and throw hands with Ed), just like in SFV Rashid was the "Hero" but then Ryu stepped in and handled the final Boss shit

Well, there the most robbed was poor Nash but this is another story lol

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32 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:


True, it should remain Ryu or a boring white guy for the next 17 games, frankly.


Doesn't really matter if they capitalize on a character they've  built up as Ryu's predecessor for years and years; people would legit reject the premise and call it "woke" these days before it even hit store shelves. 💀



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1 hour ago, B R O W N said:

True, it should remain Ryu or a boring white guy for the next 17 games, frankly.


Doesn't really matter if they capitalize on a character they've  built up as Ryu's predecessor for years and years; people would legit reject the premise and call it "woke" these days before it even hit store shelves. 💀



Did'nt said Ryu or white guy should be main in next 17 games


And Ryu will likely get stuck into trash sidestory where he needs to fight Akuma, because we will never get rid of Akuma because he sells (sadly)


Just laughed at idea Sakura should be main SF char, fucking parody character lol



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