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The SF6 Thread: Akuma Incoming!

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18 minutes ago, -PVL93- said:

Costs for who? 


For the publisher. Hosting data on the servers costs money



Unbeknownst to probably most of the millions of PSN users out there, the free downloadable content they are enjoying are not really free, and in fact come with a price - but at the expense of the publishers. 16 cents is the price that the publishers have to pay for very Gigabyte of content downloaded from the PSN.


16 cents... that's not much, right? Wrong. Imagine a demo that is sized at exactly 1GB, downloaded one million times. That would amount to an added US$ 160,000 cost to the publisher, and understandably, they're not all too happy about it.


Edited by AriesWarlock
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32 minutes ago, -PVL93- said:

Lol a source from 2009


Also both Sony and Microsoft abolished the policy of requiring pay from developers to release patches a few years ago 


It was the news that let the average Joe know about "PSN bandwidth fees".


I don't know if such fees have been abolished.

Edited by AriesWarlock
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4 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

It was the news that let the average Joe know about "PSN bandwidth fees".

It's also been 15 years since the news you linked and the policies could've changed a million times over since, for better or for worse 

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5 hours ago, -PVL93- said:

It's also been 15 years since the news you linked and the policies could've changed a million times over since, for better or for worse 

It still costs more to develop patches separately over a longer period of time rather than release something all at once.

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5 hours ago, -PVL93- said:

It's also been 15 years since the news you linked and the policies could've changed a million times over since, for better or for worse 


Which is it? You first said they abolished the policy, now you say policy could have changed. Got a source?

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Just now, AriesWarlock said:


Which is it? You first said they abolished the policy, now you say policy could have changed. Got a source?

I said they removed the payment requirement for issuing patches. I don't know anything about bandwidth fees

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9 hours ago, Pair of Rooks said:

I'm actually in favor of such fees. It pressures devs to actually care about package sizes so I don't have to effectively redownload the whole of SFV for a balance patch.


Tier it, sure, but put it there.

Then Epic would need to foot that bill. The issues of having to redownload the whole game was an UE4 issue. I hope this has been addressed in UE5.

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18 minutes ago, elliephil said:

I thought sf6 used RE engine? Or are you just speaking generally?

It does but UE5 is the most heavily used game engine. So, if they haven't fixed the issue, it is going to be present for the majority of games out there. Few developers use their own engines these days. Capcom has the RE Engine. There is the Decima Engine from Guerrilla games. Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio (Like A Dragon/Yakuza) has the Dragon Engine I can't think of any others. CD Projekt RED is ditching the RED Engine for UE5. Square Enix has their own engine IIRC its used in FFXIV and FFXVI but they also use Unreal Engine. Both FFVII: Remake and FFVII Rebirth are on Unreal. There is Unity as well but after their shenanigans developers have begun to look elsewhere. 


TLDR: Unreal Engine is the most popular game engine used by multitudes of the developers, if they haven't resolved the issue, it's going to be a major problem. Game file sizes aren't getting any smaller.

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2 hours ago, -PVL93- said:

It's not a UE4 or UE5 issue, it's a packaging issue. There are many unreal based games that do not require full redownloads any time a patch is out. Capcom's SFV devs were just that incompetent 

It's a UE4 issue. It wasn't just SFV that had this problem. UE4 used module coding. You couldn't just download an updated line of code. You had to download the entire module that contained that line of code. That's why patches for UE4 games so large. You could literally have 5GB patch to address a single line of code. I don't know if UE5 is the same, so I can't speak on it.

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10 hours ago, Sonero said:




@elliephil Bro Ryan Hart's gaslighting of 3S parries might be one of the greatest post SRK troll moves ever. This man is working over time on this shit.



So the funny thing about parry in 3s is that if more than one hit connects within a certain amount of frames, the game will automatically parry the 2nd hit without any additional input (as you probably already knew.)


This is evident in parrying Remy's SA1.





When he tells us to listen to the timing of the inputs, there are too many inputs LOL


It's still tricky to get out of the unblockable setup but a lot of the time you downparry on wakeup to parry the first hit of aegis (which sometimes leads to autoparry of the second hit, in this case f+mk) and then utilize the screen freeze to make a decision of what to do next.


Parry always has been and always will be scrubby. Coming from me, a man who played 3rd strike, married a 3rd strike player, had 3rd strike themed wedding invitations, and continues to enjoy playing/dunking on 3rd strike.

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How bout this.


Enjoy 3S if you like 3S, enjoy SF6 if you like SF6.  It's okay if you like both of them equally.  One doesn't have to be better than the other one.


I don't understand this problem in our current society where everyone has to pick a fucking side, and if you are not on the same side, you are basically public enemy number one.


(and I am not referring to anyone specifically in this thread - I am just talking generally speaking about this stupid discussion)

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1 hour ago, purbeast said:

How bout this.


Enjoy 3S if you like 3S, enjoy SF6 if you like SF6.  It's okay if you like both of them equally.  One doesn't have to be better than the other one.


I don't understand this problem in our current society where everyone has to pick a fucking side, and if you are not on the same side, you are basically public enemy number one.


(and I am not referring to anyone specifically in this thread - I am just talking generally speaking about this stupid discussion)

I want to say it's something that's really started happening in the last 10 to 15 years. Where people weren't simply content to not like something, they had to try to make sure everyone disliked it too. This isnt just a gaming thing. This just it's goes for society, at least US society can't speak to the world, on the whole. 

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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I want to say it's something that's really started happening in the last 10 to 15 years. Where people weren't simply content to not like something, they had to try to make sure everyone disliked it too. This isnt just a gaming thing. This just it's goes for society, at least US society can't speak to the world, on the whole. 

Yah I'm not referring to just gaming either.  A lot of it has to do with the internet and everyone now thinks their voice is important and how easy it is to share their voice.


But let's be real - this has been happening since Nintendo/Sega days back in the 90's lol. 


But back then it was a bit different with games because you would have different developers making the same games on the different platforms and they would be COMPLETELY different than multiplatform games are now a days.  


Oh, and back then, it was a bunch of kids arguing over this shit.  Not a bunch of adults like it is now a days lol.

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I agree I feel like people loooooooove to hate more than ever these days. Nobody just quietly disengages from content they don't care about, which is weird. 


I'm just thinking of the new Suicide Squad game as an example. The comments and "gamer rage" videos appearing on my timeline honestly made me uncomfortable. 

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2 hours ago, Jocelot said:

I agree I feel like people loooooooove to hate more than ever these days. Nobody just quietly disengages from content they don't care about, which is weird. 


Honestly, this may not be the official start date of it but goddamn with The Last Jedi. There's a group of people whose sole existence is to defend some shit from their childhood and not let it go.


With FGs its weird because people aren't willing to actually get into the nitty gritty of stuff. There is a wide gulf between thinking something sucks and thinking something is actively bad. Unfortunately the FGC is in a weird spot because it isn't making the games (and when it does make games they kinda end....interesting). So you have to accept whatever ridiculousness some devs in Japan decided was appropriate with little testing and call it a life.


The funniest is when people say " oh this character sucks because he can't do X, Y and Z". And like...have you considered that maybe the character should hold some type of L somewhere design wise?


Bleh. Flaws are only for grapplers.

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I feel like I am in a god damn slump right now in SF6.  I don't know why but like my execution has gone backwards and I feel like I'm missing stuff that I'd get before, and I'm using Dee Jay so it's not like there is anything SUPER technical.  I also feel like I'm hitting the wrong buttons sometimes too, or like for instance, on his AA jackknife I am pressing MK instead of HK, and the HK one is the one for AA and the MK one will trade or get stuffed.  Shit like that.


I am facing better competition now but I don't feel like it's that.


How do I get rid of the yips?

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1 hour ago, purbeast said:

How do I get rid of the yips?

Are you playing in ranked when this is happening or is this happening all the time? When my execution starts being shitty, I go play arcade mode or battlehub, something where there is no pressure in dropping things. You might be subconsciously psyching yourself out.

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2 minutes ago, elliephil said:

Are you playing in ranked when this is happening or is this happening all the time? When my execution starts being shitty, I go play arcade mode or battlehub, something where there is no pressure in dropping things. You might be subconsciously psyching yourself out.

Well I've been dabbling in ranked a bit more recently and moved up from like 22k to 23.4k.


However I only go into ranked every now and then depending on how I am feeling.  I will do casual first and see how I'm feeling and I'm feeling good, go into ranked.


But I haven't been going into ranked much recently BECAUSE I'm feeling "off" when I am in casual matches.

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2 hours ago, purbeast said:

Well I've been dabbling in ranked a bit more recently and moved up from like 22k to 23.4k.


However I only go into ranked every now and then depending on how I am feeling.  I will do casual first and see how I'm feeling and I'm feeling good, go into ranked.


But I haven't been going into ranked much recently BECAUSE I'm feeling "off" when I am in casual matches.

Take a break or play for shorter periods. That's what I usually do if I feel my gameplay is going downhill. Play other games, even other fighting games. Watch replays of top Dee Jays like Fuudo. 


Sometimes coming back with a fresh mind and clean slate makes everything feel better for some reason.

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9 hours ago, elliephil said:



My game froze on this lol

I always wondered how they do the skeleton effect in 3d - is it a flash quick model swap, a special texture overlay, a visual effect? Like with sprites it's obviously a different set specifically for each character 

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2 minutes ago, -PVL93- said:

I always wondered how they do the skeleton effect in 3d - is it a flash quick model swap, a special texture overlay, a visual effect? Like with sprites it's obviously a different set specifically for each character 

I could have sworn that I read the character models actually have skeletons and layers of muscles below the textures.  If so I'd guess they just change the properties of the outer textures like opacity  and color, to show the inner skeleton.  The skeleton doesn't have to be hi-res either since it's only seen in those instances.

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38 minutes ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

I loaded up the PS1 version of Alpha 3 for a quick playthrough just to see how it felt. 


Not gonna lie, a lot of Capcom's fighters were ass on PS1, but Alpha 3 surprisingly holds up well. 


Mainly if you're just looking to play around with Arcade or World Tour Mode. 


Now to remind myself of how bad X-Men Vs Street Fighter on PS1 was...

Alpha 3 always had the best single-player content of every SF game until 6. 


You don't play XvsSF for a great game, you play it for a great time, flinging bullshit at your buddies until someone cries kusoge.

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3 hours ago, elliephil said:

PS1 Xmen vs Street Fighter frame drops are legendary. The game would really begin to chug when two Juggernauts played.




Kinda funny how PSone was chuck full of various 3d titles but would have slowdown in a sprite based 2d fighting game of all things

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19 hours ago, -PVL93- said:

Kinda funny how PSone was chuck full of various 3d titles but would have slowdown in a sprite based 2d fighting game of all things

Not really the PS1 hardware was built around 3D rendering and it had less RAM than the Saturn by default. That gap only widened with the RAM cart.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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12 hours ago, elliephil said:

PS1 Xmen vs Street Fighter frame drops are legendary. The game would really begin to chug when two Juggernauts played.






Now just imagine how my kid self felt when I turned on the PS1 version and realized I couldn't tag out.


That shyt was X-Men Vs Street Fighter: Street Fighter Edition (Rounds)


You could still do Team Hyper Combos but your first character stayed in.


I tried to find so many ways around it before I threw in the towel. 

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8 hours ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

Now just imagine how my kid self felt when I turned on the PS1 version and realized I couldn't tag out.


That shyt was X-Men Vs Street Fighter: Street Fighter Edition (Rounds)

I distinctly remember thinking as a kid "oh well maybe this game is just shitty the way that sf2 champion edition is shitty compared to later versions." I never played Xmen vs SF on Saturn or arcade up to that point, my first and only impression was from that PS1 version. In fact, the only marvel game I had played was mvc2 LOL

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9 hours ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

Now just imagine how my kid self felt when I turned on the PS1 version and realized I couldn't tag out.


That shyt was X-Men Vs Street Fighter: Street Fighter Edition (Rounds)


You could still do Team Hyper Combos but your first character stayed in.


I tried to find so many ways around it before I threw in the towel. 

My go to memory involving the console version of X-Men vs Street Fighter was when I pulled out my Saturn the first day of college in 98' and my dormmate started talking shit about it. I said nothing. I pulled out my two arcade sticks. His friends thought that was cool. I popped in my copy of X-Men Vs. Street Fighter.


Dormmate: "You can tag in that version? Can I play man?" 

Darc Requiem: "Nah man, Saturn's trash. Playstation better. Why don't you play the Playstaton version?"

Darc Requiem: turns to his friends  "Any of you wanna play?"


I eventually let him play but after letting all of his friends play first. I'll always remember that though. The look his face was priceless. 🤣

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16 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Not really the PS1 hardware was built around 3D rendering and it had less RAM than the Saturn by default. That gold only widened with the RAM cart.

As Saturn boy in late 90s remember "yeah, but 2D games are better on our console" was essentially our life mantra



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