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Posts posted by Mattatsu

  1. 41 minutes ago, GetTheTables said:

    Let's dust off the lounges. Of all the games we ever played somehow we never played MK even though you are such a big fan. 😀 Also we can play a game with good rollback for once.


    Need to grab Aftermath but other than that I'm caught up. And it'd be nice to get back to it.

    Sounds good! It’d be great to play you again. Let me know when you’re free. I’m usually good in the evenings (though work has been killer lately so that doesn't always hold up).


    Also, if I remember correctly, I kept flip-flopping to find a main until I gave up and played something else lol. The problem was my heart was set on Kitana but she was kinda broken (in a bad way) at launch. They’ve patched her up a bit now though, so the flip-flopping is done.

  2. @KingTubbi just checked and the only time you need L2 and R2 is the access your Kombat Kard (mostly to see in-game notifications and your stats) and the store (not just the PS4 store but the im-game store to unlock some items).


    you will need the PS4 touchpad button to record training dummies though.


    Honestly, with this game, there will be times you will want to use your controller anyway (like running around the krypt, or some of the single player challenge towers), so i keep a DS4 not too far away (depending on what I’m doing). You wont need it during any online matches though, or setting them up. You’re good with the buttons you have on your hitbox

  3. 1 hour ago, KingTubb said:

    An MK11 purchase is in my near future. 


    Who should I play? I like good pokes and a character that has 2 really good buttons. Honestly, much more than that I start to get decision fatigue. 



    I don’t know the cast well enough to advise, but one thing i should mention is that the game doesn't quite revolve around pokes. There are some decent ones for sure, but neutral is more about using a couple different combo strings (usually 2-3 quick button presses) and confirming into a special. Most characters do have a decent D1 and/or D3 close poke but those are more for pressure (or getting out of it) and going for throw mixups.


    Most characters do have weapons though, so there are a lot of characters with decent ranges pokes (raiden, jade, maybe sindel, come to mind), but they can’t really convert from their longest pokes. Though they usually have decent, mid-range pokes that will convert into strings.


    Also, most strings do move your characters forward so you don’t have to be super close to get them going, but they’re reactable if you’re too far.


    projects are very quick, they usually don't clash with other projectiles, and the recovery is somewhat quick too. This isn't really a projectile/jump+DP kind of a game, but that’s why characters like Scorpion have teleports.


    throws have to be teched based on a forward or back throw, which is a guessing game in itself, but you can duck them completely  (if you’e not blocking) and go for an uppercut (D2). It’s a different throw-game than SF.


    Edit: i’m wondering if theres a way for me to stream it and VC with you on discord so you can see me play a few matches? My upload speed isn't great though. It’d have to be like 360p for any hope of working.


    Here is a set that me and Hawkingbird played a while back so you can see what it’s like at our level. I should note that Sub-Zero is more of a Ryu type with good mixups, and Kitana doesn't have great range and is more rush-down, but has some good mobility.



  4. I did all of the missions in my normal run at the beginning of the year. All that’s left is getting another 450 (or so) koroks and taking pictures of everything for the compendium... I do miss the game though. I’m just not sure if I want to run around for another month to get a gold turd or if I should start speed running or doing some sort of new challenge with it (like a deathless run?).

    I’m curious if any of you guys have replayed it and what you did differently.


    I did try master mode, but I don’t really like it to be honest. Not so much because the enemies are tougher, but they break all of your weapons early game and it honestly seems best to just avoid every fight you can, which sucks imo.

  5. 10 minutes ago, GetTheTables said:

    I think it is "firsties" syndrome.


    Like I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Jessica Rabbit making me realize cartoon women could be stupid hot.


    Some Mileena fans are doubtless attached to her because they had their first awkward monster girl boner due to her (probably specifically that MK9 outfit).


    Or they like how she plays but let's be real no one actually plays Mileena. 😏

    Lol, could be something like that. I really like X-Men’s Rogue for a similar reason....



  6. 2 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    It is... I gotta say, I have a hard time understanding Mileena’s popularity. I’ve always liked her and think she should be base roster in basically every game, but I never understood why she touched so many people enough to induce the levels of harassment she did, or to actually have people cry because she’s in the game. I’m happy Lostygirl got that moment, but I can’t comprehend why there’s such an attachment in the first place.


    there’s gotta be something about being an unwanted clone that maybe attracts people that weren’t their parents favourite kid or something? I really don’t get it. 

    and to clarify it,  I am happy she made it, I just don’t get the fandom.

  7. There’s a lot of Wiki pages right? Like multiple pages from nearly every somewhat-mainstream 2D fighting game up until at least CVS2, maybe later? Are 3D games covered as well?


    I’d imagine you could copy and paste the stuff into Google Docs but that’s gotta be a week of two of very solid work.


  8. 1 minute ago, Sonero said:

    Probably biding their time. Preppy immediately tried to spin it. At least until that one random dude pointed out that I couldnt have been harassing while also not mentioning his name in public. Then he basically cracked because he was caught on his usual bullshit. Dude loves using mod tools and then pretending it was just "jokes". He did that to that one Angelpalm thread about SRK still being ass. Closed it behind my back even though he wasnt supposed to be modding anything.


    Figure d3v is gonna be on the same trip hoping what happened in SRK doesnt make either r/kappa or twitter since its vile enough that troll FGC and SJW FGC would jump on it. Gotta keeo appearances on the twitters.

    Yeah, i kinda feel like if the news gets out of SRK, they’ll just shut it down. I wouldn't mind but i don't want the Wikis to be nuked along with the forum.

  9. Just now, KingTubb said:

    y'all are making it sound better and better...


    I'll probably pick it up once I build my new hitbox. I only played it once but I remember it needing 8 buttons 

    You don’t need 8 buttons to fight. There are shortcuts to get around that and i never use more than 6 buttons on my hitbox, except for maybe the menus... you may have to use L2 and R2 in them. I’ll check later today.

  10. 6 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

    Wait... SPAWN IS IN THERE??? 


    man. I know we're kinda ragging on guest spots, but MKs guests are pretty enticing 

    He is, and has some decent moves with his cape and chains... one thing you need to know is MK11 is a pretty neutral heavy game. You’d expect him to have crazy shit, but he’s basically a dude with a sub machine gun and decent ranged normals. Keith David does the voice though


    also, i realize the contradiction of saying “neutral heavy game” and sub machine gun in the same paragraph 🤣. MK11 does have pretty strong zoning that works very differently then games like SF.


  11. 6 minutes ago, Reticently said:

    You wouldn't believe the number of deer in my suburb.


    They literally just passed an ordinance allowing bow hunting in people's yards here to try and cut down on them.

    Thats crazy, but also sounds fun, lol. I’m not much of a hunter, but do bows do much to a deer? I’m sure it would in the neck, etc, but seems like it would take a bit more precision to kill... and thus, more likely to have a pissed off deer in your yard


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