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Posts posted by Mattatsu

  1. 24 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

    What are your guys thoughts on other Capcom  game chars in SF?


    We already have Final Fight and Rival Schools.

    Would it be too outlandish to have a Darkstalkers char since Capcom will probably never make a new DS game?

    I don’t mind FF and RS, I guess because they’re more natural, whereas having vampires and werewolves in SF feels wrong to me… Then again we have Blanka so idk lol.


    great avatar gif btw, “Here’s a hint!”

  2. Digital Eclipse is doing the TMNT collection, so while it may not be perfect (have crappy menus/UI and lobbies, possibly), at least the online games should have rollback and have a somewhat decent netcode… The SF30A netcode isn’t great, especially when playing randoms (though we don’t know distances and if they’re wired/wifi, etc), but games with people on here in NA and have always been ok.

  3. 3 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    It is absolutely the starting area, right after you get killed by the Grafted Sentinel. You spawn and a ghost is in a chair you to your right. Talk to him and he tells you to jump into the pit. 


    She missed the tutorial area because she wandered right past the NPC that glows bright white pointing to it lol. 

    Are you talking about BOTW or Elden Ring?

  4. 32 minutes ago, Sonero said:

    It’s a decent read actually. I was expecting him to be more biased to Capcom, and while he’s gentler than most, he still brings up good points as to why this is a terrible idea (like events not hiring good photographers since Capcom will own the rights to the pictures).


    I think the most important line is:


    “TOs could probably survive without the SFV scene. I’m not sure the SFV scene could survive without TOs.”

  5. Been playing Elden Ring all day and am obsessed. I only had to take a break because my eyes and hands hurt.


    Interesting that someone earlier (can’t remember who) had no issues on their PS5 version on performance mode. I tried it last night and could not maintain 60 fps in the open world for more than a few seconds, especially when spinning the camera or looking at a new piece of the world. Also, the grass pop-in 10 feet ahead of me as I ran was annoying. It wasn’t too big of a deal to me, until I spent a few hours trying to beat the Tree Sentinel on foot, and realized some of my roll inputs were being eaten during the frame drops (which seemed extra common when the Sentinel was doing his dive bomb attack once he gets below 50% health). I died too many times without that roll coming out, and went to sleep pissed lol.


    I started a new game on the PS4 version  (on my PS5) and it seems like a stable 60 fps, the pop-in is somehow better, and I really don’t notice much of a difference in fidelity (though I do use a 1080p monitor, so that could be why). i’m definitely going to stick with the PS4 version for the time being.


    But I’m glad I gave it  a shot because I was not happy last night, but am having a blast today. I am still not very far story-wise (been exploring a lot), but I love running around to every crevice… And I just got my Uchigatana to +2 baby… Now I just need one for my LH and I’ll be in business (and no hints please).

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