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Posts posted by EvilCanadian

  1. 4 hours ago, KingTubb said:

    Watched @EvilCanadian's vid, well done as always, homie. 


    I'm gonna offer a counter point


    You suggested making marketable characters (i.e. TIG OL BITTIES and BOOTYBUTT GALOR) easier to play for newcomers, and making your less marketable characters the technical ones, but it had me thinking this:


    The person buying GG for baiken's boobs isn't there for the actual game anyway. Making the thirst character easier to play would most likely help with player retention, I agree, but on the other hand, if that player is going to pick up the game anyways for boobs, they'll only stick around if they actually like the game. It doesn't matter how easy Baiken is to play, they're only going to continue playing if they end up liking the game more than boobs. Otherwise, they'll just stay on twitter looking at lewd fan art.  


    Giving a character with unique mechanics sexy wrapping paper is a pretty ingenious method of bringing in new players with sex appeal AND stimulating seasoned FG players or existing players with interesting mechanics. 


    If a SF or KoF veteran player decides to pick up Strive as their first GG game, the fact that Baiken is an active defense character might be more intriguing than BOOBS which could be enough for someone who decided to make Strive their first fighting game. 


    Overall, baiken being a technically difficult character could boost DLC sales with this train of thought

    For me while the example isn't boobs, DBFZ proves the concept works


    UI Goku is ultra fan favourite game, his DLC brought in tons of DBZ audience that didn't already play the game yet, and due to the fact he was strong, straight forward, and easy to use, it kept those players, they didn't just immediately bleed away.


    Then once those players stay, they start buying more DLC etc etc etc. It shows the value of making the popular char that would bring in people that haven't otherwise shown up easy enough for babby to figure out.

  2. 33 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

    Yeah, BRC = Blue.


    also, you said BRC equals clockslow, but i figures i’d add in the other bit. I don’t think other RCs have a slowdown effect where it effects the enemies hit-stun recovery, but i could be wrong... I just remembered it because EC only mentions it with BRC in his video

    purple rc also effects hitstun like blue does

    although maybe not to the same effect? You can get new combos but they seemed harder to me but i duno that coulda been just in the moment confirmation bias


    in the end prc also allows for new links

  3. 22 hours ago, Pair of Rooks said:

    BTW thanks for the bare basics tutorial vid you did.  Literally nobody else explained Risc; I assumed it was an Aplha3 style guard break gauge. 


    Giovanna guide when?  I hear all kinds of conflicting things about her. 


    Also: juggle limit? Juggle system? Wall splat vs break?  I'm missing how all of these work


    Far as I can tell theres no juggle limit at all

    which is why there's like 3 infinites already

    but not 100% sure so not making video on it yet :-0



  4. 7 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    Okay that is lame 😑 Edit: @EvilCanadianCan't you talk to Ed Boon for us now that you are Hollywood 😉


    Only companies that care about me are Team Ninja and SNK


    everyone else spurns me, doubly so for warner bros cause im like 90% sure im blacklisted by them for leaking the S1 mk11 roster.


    well I didn't leak it, I reported on the leak rather. If I were to have the firsthand info myself I would never leak something that ain't cool.

  5. 15 hours ago, Vhozite said:

    Also, is there a character with a slow fireball like a sonic boom or something unorthodox like Kum tuning ball? There are lots of characters with projectiles but it seems like most of them are your standard fast ones that you flood the screen with to zone from far away. Basically something that lets me move with a hitbox on the screen. 


    The closest thing I’ve found is Frost cryogenic crown (I think that’s the name) , but that move seems kinda bad. 

    Best example is Sheevas fireball stance. For a bar she tosses out a mega slow huge mid hitting fireball she can easily walk behind.

  6. 5 hours ago, Vhozite said:

    Are they making big gameplay changes in ultimate? Someone told me they were but every time I try to look and see what they are it’s just stuff about the new characters and brutalities. 


    We will know the full extend this upcoming week but as it stands, on top of balance changes there is also system level/gameplay mechanic changes coming. I am honestly more excited for that than the new characters/character rebalances.


    Throws getting minor changes

    rework of how delay wakeup works, basically a direct buff to peoples oki/setplay because as it stands MK11 wakeup options so good sometimes the player who gets the knockdown too scared to do anything with it.

    variations changing in some unspecified way, waiting for big reveal this upcoming week

    & whatever else more

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