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Posts posted by EvilCanadian

  1. 1 hour ago, mykka said:



    I wonder if they watched my video on the original leaks cause I specifically called out her clubs as not correct for the region she's supposed to be from (they are iroquois/great lakes native styled), but in the new art you only see a bit, but the style of the clubs has definitely changed.


    Its a thing I know 99.99999999% of the audience wouldn't know or care about, but I am really interested to see the change.

  2. 27 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    I think you found @EvilCanadianand @Bea_Iank 's main. I wonder if you she is a pure grappler or a hybrid grappler. If she's a hybrid, I may pick her up to get my Alex fix. Depends on her moveset though.

    Gotta see the moveset, but from a pure aesthetic look I am sold.

    Give me some armour and a grab and I am good to go.


    Lily is hard for me though. There is T.Hawk in her, which is good.

    But if there isn't enough T.Hawk, then there is no point 😞



    also everyone gets invited to view SF6 early but me its so tiring. A big part of your ability to get "out there" is where you live. I have managed to succeed despite living in Canada but being in Canada sure fucking means you will never get invited to any events


  3. 19 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    @EvilCanadianGood luck finding the time to make all the videos for the most recent announcements man. You should be eating good for a bit after this weekend.

    I find the time by not sleeping, I only slept 3 hours last night. Its my job so I will get it done.


    As for eating good, aint none of the videos for evo yet even broke 20k so I can buy a medium fry at the chip truck but not a large.

  4. 1 hour ago, Yiceman said:

    Some useless guesswork here but I was thinking about the rate at which we might get character "announcements" or trailers for SF6. I know the devs told someone they might be going a little dark after this weekend, but we also know they like their character trailers. So I was looking up when all of the base roster character trailers dropped for SFV, and found this handy playlist:



    The first individual character trailer, Nash, dropped on Feb 24, 2015, then a small gap, followed by the Bison trailer in May. After that, they released a new character trailer about every 2-3 weeks until Fang in December, then the game game out in February 2016, a year after the Nash trailer.


    If we're a year away from release, and the 22 character leak is the full base roster, we could be looking at a new character trailer about every 2 weeks.


    Pure speculation, but hey, speculation is fun.



    capcom should do the king of fighters character reveal trailer drip


    that shit was the only thing that kept me sane for a long time

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