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  1. LOL
    misterBee got a reaction from Abbachio in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    New emoji.

  2. +1
    misterBee got a reaction from Saikyotic in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    New emoji.

  3. LOL
    misterBee got a reaction from Bigtochiro in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   
    New emoji.

  4. +1
    misterBee got a reaction from BB_Hoody in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    New emoji.

  5. Love
    misterBee got a reaction from Daemos in MEGASHOCK Dev Log   
    Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
    Added new Bison emoji for @Daemos.  Select it from the MEGASHOCK category in the emote menu or type ":bison:" 
  6. Insightful
    misterBee got a reaction from BornWinner in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   
    New emoji.

  7. +1
    misterBee got a reaction from Jurassic in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   
    New emoji.

  8. +1
    misterBee got a reaction from KimuraLOX in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    New emoji.

  9. Insightful
    misterBee got a reaction from Jocelot in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   
    New emoji.

  10. +1
    misterBee got a reaction from DoctaMario in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    New emoji.

  11. LOL
    misterBee got a reaction from Emptyeyes_ in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    New emoji.

  12. Thrilling
    misterBee got a reaction from Reticently in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    New emoji.

  13. +1
    misterBee got a reaction from RSG3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    New emoji.

  14. Love
    misterBee got a reaction from Daemos in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    New emoji.

  15. +1
    misterBee got a reaction from Sonichuman in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    New emoji.

  16. LOL
    misterBee got a reaction from Bigtochiro in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   
    We will never get past this.
    Consoles are for plebs and most plebs are ok with 30fps.  They are also attracted to pretty graphics.  It doesn't help that console devs use resolution as a marketing salespoint. 
    Console devs will ALWAYS prioritize visuals/resolution over smooth/high framerates -- doesn't matter how good the hardware gets. 
    By the time 4k 60 is the norm (and it's not even the norm on high-end PCs yet), we will be onto 8k -- and those games will likely still run below 60fps.
  17. +1
    misterBee got a reaction from DarkSakul in The PC Gaming Thread, no console peasants allowed   
    It's a trap.
    I keep seeing people online saying stuff like "Fuck Nvidia!  I bought a 3000 series card instead!"
    Nvidia keeps winning.  😢
    More people need to buy AMD cards.  They're good -- and usually a much better price!
    What has happened is people buying Nvidia cards for no reason.
    Yes, Nvidia cards have more features and do better in production workloads, but I bet the vast amount of gamers aren't using those features or have cards powerful enough to take advantage of them.  People talking about Nvidia's superior RT performance and then buying a 3050/3060 make me laugh.
    FSR 2.1 is also very good -- I'm not missing DLSS at all.
  18. +1
    misterBee got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in The PC Gaming Thread, no console peasants allowed   
    It's a trap.
    I keep seeing people online saying stuff like "Fuck Nvidia!  I bought a 3000 series card instead!"
    Nvidia keeps winning.  😢
    More people need to buy AMD cards.  They're good -- and usually a much better price!
    What has happened is people buying Nvidia cards for no reason.
    Yes, Nvidia cards have more features and do better in production workloads, but I bet the vast amount of gamers aren't using those features or have cards powerful enough to take advantage of them.  People talking about Nvidia's superior RT performance and then buying a 3050/3060 make me laugh.
    FSR 2.1 is also very good -- I'm not missing DLSS at all.
  19. +1
    misterBee got a reaction from DoctaMario in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    That is the intended use. 
    It goes well with this:
  20. Thrilling
    misterBee got a reaction from DoctaMario in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    I messed around with this but I don't think it works well with our current reaction system.
    Currently 👎 is the only negative reaction.
    When posts get a certain amount of negative reactions they get hidden.  I have it set this way so you guys can remove posts without admin/mod intervention. 
    If I add angry/hate, it would probably also be a negative reaction.  I'm worried certain posts would get hidden by accident because people are reacting to an embedded twitter link they dislike rather than the post itself.
    I'm also thinking of removing ☕.  Does anyone use it?
  21. Thrilling
    misterBee got a reaction from IcyBlackDeep in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    I messed around with this but I don't think it works well with our current reaction system.
    Currently 👎 is the only negative reaction.
    When posts get a certain amount of negative reactions they get hidden.  I have it set this way so you guys can remove posts without admin/mod intervention. 
    If I add angry/hate, it would probably also be a negative reaction.  I'm worried certain posts would get hidden by accident because people are reacting to an embedded twitter link they dislike rather than the post itself.
    I'm also thinking of removing ☕.  Does anyone use it?
  22. +1
    misterBee got a reaction from Sonichuman in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    That is the intended use. 
    It goes well with this:
  23. +1
    misterBee got a reaction from RSG3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    That is the intended use. 
    It goes well with this:
  24. Thrilling
    misterBee got a reaction from Reticently in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    That is the intended use. 
    It goes well with this:
  25. Insightful
    misterBee got a reaction from Daemos in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    That is the intended use. 
    It goes well with this:
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