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Posts posted by KimuraLOX

  1. 10 hours ago, Chadouken said:

    So apparently you can buy the PS4 version of Forbidden West for $60 vs the PS5 for $70. But the PS4 version comes with a free upgrade to the PS5 version, so you can save yourself $10 if you want the PS5 version by purchasing the PS4 version and upgrading it immediately. This works for both physical and digital, but you need to buy it digitally from the PS Store through a browser to make it work. Can't do it directly from your PS5.


    I already preordered the PS5 physical version and used $50 I had saved in Best Buy rewards so I'm sticking with that. I do hope this doesn't come back to bite us in the ass if too many people use this exploit and Sony takes it away from us in the future, but for now it's an easy way to save $10.

    Horizon 2 is the last game thats gonna have the free PS4-PS5 upgrade, every 1st party game from here on out gonna be a $10 upgrade fee. 

    Thanks for the browser news, tho. I was gonna buy the PS4 version thru the system and be assed out lmao.

  2. 49 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

    Not nearly as huge as M$ buying Activision but still crazy nontheless.  Now M$ had to force Sony's hand in making a purchase to a company that they barely have a real relationship with.  I reeeally don't like this.

    I don't think that's ENTIRELY true. Everytime Destiny has new DLC coming out, PS is always getting something exclusive to go along with it, or it's something like "play this first on PlayStation." To me there's a working relationship there, it's not really out the blue.

  3. 31 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

    1.) Are people even sure that's his wife? All I've seen to "prove" this is one picture of them together in what could be just a "taking a picture" pose, at what looks like a club. Thing is, both of them are comedians from what I've read. Maybe they just know or are cool with each other.


    2.)  What does pledging a frat have to with picking up ladies? What's the juice you get after you've pledged a frat? Hell, what does a frat even do for you?

    If you go to her IG, there are no pics of them together. It looks like they're just comedian friends.

  4. 1 hour ago, Chadouken said:

    Should I play TLoU Remastered that's included in the PS+ library now, or wait for the remake? Never played TLoU, but I did play Uncharted and loved them for mindless wind-down fun when I want to just chill and not worry about execution so much.

    LoU is one of my favorite games of all time. Don't expect to wind down in that game, tho, that shit WILL stress you out lol.

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