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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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10 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Why you surprised? She got publicly defamed by one of the largest companies in Hollywood. Johnny Depp, after proving his ex was an abusive lying PoS, isn't getting any roles in Hollywood either. She literally has nothing to lose and everything to gain in this scenario. It's Elon's money and lawyers. If she loses she'll still be in the same situation she is now but no poorer for it. People have been bringing up Pedro Pascal's tweets but the real big deal is the discovery phase. That's typically where large companies fold because they don't want internal dirt leaking out.


That's not even getting to the other factors at play. Disney is in the middle of a proxy war. One that Elon's seemingly getting on. Anything unscrupulous that comes out in this case will just help undermine existing leadership further. I'm curious about their next earnings call. Disney is doing terribly and are seemingly doing nothing to change course.

Good point. This could eventually lead to a huge upheaval in Disney management. If there ever was a time to attack and disrupt them, it definitely is now.

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6 hours ago, axeman61 said:

I look forward to this going forward (win or lose) if it has merit, but you're banking on the collective intelligence of Elon Musk and Gina Carano here. In all likelihood, Elon's posturing and/or being stupid again, and Gina's scratching for any bit of fame she could get now. If Disney has any solid proof they asked her to stop tweeting conspiracy shit and she wouldn't, then that's it. I can't imagine proof of justification in the firing of Carano will unearth secrets Disney just doesn't want to come out.



Man a lot of you guys here give Disney FAR too much credit. They've spent the last several years stepping on every rake in the yard like classic animated clueless antagonist. They been creating Ls out of thin air purely due to their own incompetence. I haven't seen this level of sheer incompetence from a company that should be making money hand over fist since console era Sega. I remember their was patent holder that went after every video game console manufacturer saying they infringed on his image display patent. All of them, Nintendo included, just paid the dude. Sega decided that everyone else was wrong and went to court and ended paying the dude like 6 times the amount.* That's the level of "I can't get out of my own way" tomfoolery that Disney has been on. A few examples of what I'm referencing.

  • The Scarlett Johansson debacle with Black Widow. WB renegotiated the contracts of their talent when they decided to do the simultaneous releases on HBO Max. They knew they'd be opening themselves up to lawsuits since actors got a cut of the box office take. Disney, like Sega, decided that nope we aren't going to do that and ended paying Scarlett more than they would have and taking a huge hit with from PR and talent perspective.
  • The Reedy Creek situation. Disney had a significant and technically illegal advantage other theme park competitors in Florida. Florida, because Disney was such huge employer,  basically looked the other way for decades. Then Disney decided they wanted to fight with the governor. Who got pissed, had their books combed over, noticed that Reedy Creek wasn't legal. So they revoked their special status. This L is so big it has it own gravitational pull. This will cost them money every year for the foreseeable future. They aren't going shutdown the parks and rebuild them in another state. It's not financially feasible even if they still a $215 per share stock price.
  • Disney +, this was is short and sweet. We can get millions of dollars for doing nothing from Netflix and VOD. Or, we can spend Billions of dollars to setup or own streaming service and lose two major revenue streams that make big budget films financially viable. Disney choose the later.

*Edit: I was wrong they ended up paying the guy 33 million dollars when he offered to settle for $2.5 million. I don't know what AAA development cost were like in 1992 but Virtua Fighter 2 had a 2 million dollar budget in 1994. So being generous and saying 16 bit games had the same budget, we know it would be less, they could had 15 high budget games by just giving 2.5 million dollars to the dude like Atari and Nintendo did. Yamauchi era Nintendo isn't giving up money when they didn't have to.

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3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

The Reedy Creek situation. Disney had a significant and technically illegal advantage other theme park competitors in Florida. Florida, because Disney was such huge employer,  basically looked the other way for decades. Then Disney decided they wanted to fight with the governor. Who got pissed, had their books combed over, noticed that Reedy Creek wasn't legal. So they revoked their special status. This L is so big it has it own gravitational pull. This will cost them money every year for the foreseeable future. They aren't going shutdown the parks and rebuild them in another state. It's not financially feasible even if they still a $215 per share stock price

This has actually hurt the Floridians of Reedy Creek far worse then it has hit Disney, I dunno why your throwing this up as an W for DeSantis when it's been a huge fucking L, was a massive contributor in the downfall of his campaign and has cost Florida's millions for dollars. I dunno where on earth thats winning.  This isn't a a very big loss for Disney their parks are already set up and ready to go. If they where still trying to massively expand sure, but they aren't.  Yea they have to petition for future projects but they dont have that many of those in the works right now, and almost no ones gonna tell them no because as you already pointed out they are the largest employer in the state by fucking leagues they bring in incomparable levels of commerce and economic growth. 


I have more faith in Disney because Elon Musk and Gina Carano are fucking retarded and couldn't legal themselves out of a wet paper bag. Elon just lost a 56 Billion Dollar bonus in court ordered by the judge. Tesla is getting fucked by safety regulations because his cars are unsafe, his cyber truck is dangerous and cant 4 wheel drive and cost 40k more then he promised it would, Space X is getting fucked by regulations because he's too stupid to put a splash plate under his rockets and rained dangerously large chunks of debris down on Nearby neighborhoods.  He's not smart. Like this is the guy who lost 20 billions dollars worth of a companies value in like 9 months, a company he over paid for by like 20 Billion or round abouts and dudes hemorging his reputation shit posting on Twitter. Will this even hold his attention long enough to pay the bill? The Hyperloop never happened. Buncha Twitter offices around the world closed because he just stopped paying rent. Will he remember his promise to her in a weeks time?


Gina Carano is so fucking stupid she joined a movie network supported by people who hate everything she's ever stood for as a woman and human being and they let her know when they shit all over her movie she left the Disney Bag to make for them. 


So while Disney may not be in the best shape they've ever been in theyre still leagues smarter then those two retards and I tend to bet on horses with winning records, not horses that struggle to even make it around the 2nd turn. 


But good luck to them. They will need it. If Gina has proof of them treating her in some unfair way that isnt just typical corporate fuckery it better be iron clad or she's fucked way worse then she already is. 


Frankly if she had anything I think she would have come forward way sooner, she's not so broke she needs a billionair to buy her a lawyer. 


Just think we see this differently. Will be interesting to see how it all pans out either way honestly. 

Edited by RSG3
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Y'know, I've never seen an example of a face tattoo looking cool... it just looks silly and dumb every time to me.  Every time I've seen that fat singer "Jelly Roll" lately in the entertainment news cycle or on social media (fb) I can't help but laugh at how ridiculous the visual is.  21-Savage is another one that keeps popping up lately as well....speaking of which that was pretty funny that he got caught on a live-stream recently trying to scam a live-streamer in some card his buddy forgot there's obviously the camera right there and they were LIVE to a huge audience.


Also---for some reason facebook algorithm keeps thinking I want pictures of that weird looking girl Anya "TJ"....I'd rather not type out the name fully to avoid helping the all-powerful algorithm even more....but she just looks like a strange insect/human hybrid creature to me; best I can say is that her attractiveness is inconsistent.  There are some pictures where she can be "ok" or mildly cute but most of the time she looks odd.

Edited by MillionX
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6 hours ago, RSG3 said:

This has actually hurt the Floridians of Reedy Creek far worse then it has hit Disney, I dunno why your throwing this up as an W for DeSantis when it's been a huge fucking L, was a massive contributor in the downfall of his campaign and has cost Florida's millions for dollars. I dunno where on earth thats winning.  This isn't a a very big loss for Disney their parks are already set up and ready to go. If they where still trying to massively expand sure, but they aren't.  Yea they have to petition for future projects but they dont have that many of those in the works right now, and almost no ones gonna tell them no because as you already pointed out they are the largest employer in the state by fucking leagues they bring in incomparable levels of commerce and economic growth. 

I'm not. I'm discussing Ls for Disney. This is about their stupidity. I don't have enough time or words to discuss DeSantis' idiocy. Moreover, I wouldn't try because I'm pretty politics are off limits per Misterbee. And Reed Creek is a massive L for Disney. They've just lost yet another court case over it and show no signs of not continuing to throw good money after bad. Disney was literally their own local government. Emphasis on the was.


6 hours ago, RSG3 said:

I have more faith in Disney because Elon Musk and Gina Carano are fucking retarded and couldn't legal themselves out of a wet paper bag. Elon just lost a 56 Billion Dollar bonus in court ordered by the judge. Tesla is getting fucked by safety regulations because his cars are unsafe, his cyber truck is dangerous and cant 4 wheel drive and cost 40k more then he promised it would, Space X is getting fucked by regulations because he's too stupid to put a splash plate under his rockets and rained dangerously large chunks of debris down on Nearby neighborhoods.  He's not smart. Like this is the guy who lost 20 billions dollars worth of a companies value in like 9 months, a company he over paid for by like 20 Billion or round abouts and dudes hemorging his reputation shit posting on Twitter. Will this even hold his attention long enough to pay the bill? The Hyperloop never happened. Buncha Twitter offices around the world closed because he just stopped paying rent. Will he remember his promise to her in a weeks time?

I've been shitting on Elon and specifically Tesla for years. He's not the genius his portrayed as. That said he's also a stubborn prick that won't hesitate to waste his money on his own person whims. The reason a certain bed shitter didn't get canned from Aquaman 2 is because Elon threatened WB. Did that make sense for him? Nope. Did it stop him from doing? Nope. Does Disney have the money to waste fighting an exceedingly rich debag with bigger pockets than them? Not really. 


6 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Gina Carano is so fucking stupid she joined a movie network supported by people who hate everything she's ever stood for as a woman and human being and they let her know when they shit all over her movie she left the Disney Bag to make for them. 

There is a lot of stupidity around Gina Carano situation. Her critics are stupid. They couldn't be bothered read a tweet and just went off what other people said. They would have you believe that ultra Zionist Ben Shapiro hired an anti-Semite. Their isn't a word in existence to describe the stupidity of that take. Disney has been bending over backward to find a strong female character that actually sells toys. They had one, fired her for politics, not tweets. I can roll out a dime length post of all the suss tweets coming  from Lucasfilm in particular to back this up if need be. Which goes back to my whole point about Discovery, because if Disney had a social media policy it damn sure wasn't being enforced. 


7 hours ago, RSG3 said:

So while Disney may not be in the best shape they've ever been in theyre still leagues smarter then those two retards and I tend to bet on horses with winning records, not horses that struggle to even make it around the 2nd turn. 

Disney just dropped six of the biggest box off bombs of all time in the past year. The amount of money their film division lost would be hard to surpass if you tried to do so on purpose. So I would say they are leagues smarter than anyone. They've been one of most braindead companies this side of 90s Sega. Or TLDR I don't just disagree. I hard disagree. I mean they had probably the worst year in the companies history and they increased Iger's compensation. Talk about failing upwards.


7 hours ago, RSG3 said:

But good luck to them. They will need it. If Gina has proof of them treating her in some unfair way that isnt just typical corporate fuckery it better be iron clad or she's fucked way worse then she already is. 


Frankly if she had anything I think she would have come forward way sooner, she's not so broke she needs a billionair to buy her a lawyer. 


Just think we see this differently. Will be interesting to see how it all pans out either way honestly. 

Given Disney's propensity for shooting themselves in the foot. They don't need luck. They just need to wait long enough for Disney to fuck themselves. This has literally been Disney as of late.



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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Disney just dropped six of the biggest box off bombs of all time in the past year

Disney bombs are like when Square Enix says Tomb Raider failed cuz it only sold 4 million units. 


Even a Disney Bomb is still a win lol. Like people telling me a Disney movie only making 900 million is a flop is the funniest fuckin shit on the planet. Even their so called flops make tons and tons of bank. They are only failures to people who have lost touch with actual money, like CEOs and Board Members. 


And I know you're only talking about Disney Ls because talking about the other people's Ls makes their case look even more floppy then it already does. Elon doesn't understand the law one iota, he's been above it so long he can't even tell you what it is anymore. 


But as I said we'll see how nit all pans out. 

Edited by RSG3
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1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:

Isn't the North pole below us?"

This isn't a stupid question and presenting it as a stupid question makes you look stupid. 


There is not up and down in space, so The Poles geographical orientation depends entirely on the location of the person you are talking to. 


North is not Up. So the North Poles geographical position is relative to the person observing it. The Catalina Mountsins are north of me until I'm in Catalina and then they are south of me. It's all relative. 


Most people do not understand how the cardinal magnetic directions work because we have long since stopped teaching people how to use it. 


So yea depending on where she is the North Poke might be "below" her. 

Edited by RSG3
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1 hour ago, Chadouken said:

I'm actually hype for this because it's going to be my daughter's first time going to a theater this November.  She'll be four and a half. 


At what age have you all with kids taken them to the theater for the first time? 


I took my son to see the first Paw Patrol when he was close to 2.  Pretty sure that was his first movie going experience and it was awesome watching him get immersed (inbetween having to take him to the bathroom constantly).

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Hey @Darc_RequiemI've been hearing a lot about about Diseny putting bombs and flops  in the theaters the past couple of years and I hadn't really looked into it until you mentioned that there were 6.  Do you know which 6 these movies were? 


Currently the only notable movies that I've seen that didn't meet or exceed their budgets in the last 2 years were Strange World and The Marvels.  Strange world's budget was 135-180 and box office was 73.6 which is the lowest I've seen out of ever major film release I looked at.  The Marvels' budget was 219.8-274.8 and the box office was 206.1.   Even Wish with the budget of 175-200 managed box office of 244.1 and I thought that would have been lower.

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3 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Disney bombs are like when Square Enix says Tomb Raider failed cuz it only sold 4 million units. 


Even a Disney Bomb is still a win lol. Like people telling me a Disney movie only making 900 million is a flop is the funniest fuckin shit on the planet. Even their so called flops make tons and tons of bank. They are only failures to people who have lost touch with actual money, like CEOs and Board Members. 


And I know you're only talking about Disney Ls because talking about the other people's Ls makes their case look even more floppy then it already does. Elon doesn't understand the law one iota, he's been above it so long he can't even tell you what it is anymore. 


But as I said we'll see how nit all pans out. 

No, Square Enix bombs are we didn't make as much money as we wanted. Disney bombs are we lost several HUNDRED million dollars. You don't seem to be aware of how movies work. Your comment about a 900 million dollar box office movie being a flop tells me as much. If your movie has a massive budget and ad campaign. The studio will have lost their ass on the film. Let's use Avengers Endgame's budget as an example. It had a budget of $356 million dollars and an additional $200 million dollar for the ad campaign. So the total spend for the movie would be $556 million dollars. The studio gets half, the box office revenue after theatre takes their cut and after taxes are paid. So that $900 million dollars is $450 million dollars. So that would be $106 million dollar loss in this scenario.




  • Dial of Destiny
  • The Marvels 
  • Wish
  • Antman 3
  • The Little Mermaid*
  • Haunted Mansion


*Disney reported a $250 million dollar budget. However tax filings in the UK showed an actual budget of 297 million dollars. That's not including the marketing budget which was 140 million dollars. The movie made $569 million dollars. It cost Disney a total of 437 million. They netted 285 million (rounding up) from the box office. That's 152 million dollar loss.



Edited by Darc_Requiem
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Yea sounds exactly like a Square Enix failure, a failure to greedy bean counter investor idiots. Everyone else involved calls it the win it so clearly was. 


Your right tho I'm not a greedy investor accountant so my views on success are a little less retarded. 


900 Million a flop, what a joke. 

Edited by RSG3
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17 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Yea sounds exactly like a Square Enix failure, a failure to greedy bean counter investor idiots. Everyone else involved calls it the win it so clearly was. 


Your right tho I'm not a greedy investor accountant so my views on success are a little less retarded. 


900 Million a flop, what a joke. 

It literally has nothing to do with that. It has everything to do with them spending FAR too much money to make similar films to their competitors. Elemental has more than double the budget 220m to 100m of the Mario movie. The Marvels had a higher budget than s more known IP in The Flash. The Little Mermaid had a total spend, 437m, that double what it should have been, so instead of having a hit on their hands they had a massive bomb. They need somebody like Neil Blomkamp over there. He could make their movies for less money and they'd look better.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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I get what Darc is saying cause I was looking at Wish's and The Little Mermaid's numbers but the unfortunate thing is they don't include the marketing budget (at least on Wiki).  So that makes more sense as to why those are considered bombs.  I was under the impression that the marketing budget was included in the normal budget but it isn't which is weird. 


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5 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I get what Darc is saying cause I was looking at Wish's and The Little Mermaid's numbers but the unfortunate thing is they don't include the marketing budget (at least on Wiki).  So that makes more sense as to why those are considered bombs.  I was under the impression that the marketing budget was included in the normal budget but it isn't which is weird. 


Dan Murrell, who's estimates are on the conservative side, and can't be lumped in with the "anti-woke" crowd. Puts Disney's 2023 box office losses at 1.37 Billion dollars.




As I've said about Square Enix's management, Disney needs to boot Iger and it's entire board.

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Sure, Disney produced a few bombs in 2023, but it is hardly a dent in the Mouse's armor, considering its' parks generated revenue for the first time in a long time.



Disney reported $500 million in cost savings for the quarter and says it’s “on track to meet or exceed our $7.5 billion annualized savings target by the end of fiscal 2024.”

Free cash flow for the quarter stood at $886 million.

Broken down by segment, Disney’s revenue was as follows: $10 billion for its Entertainment division, comprised of TV, film and streaming businesses, which was down 7% from the year-ago quarter; $4.8 billion for Sports, including ESPN and Star, which is up 4%; and $9.1 billion for Experiences, including parks and consumer products, at an increase of 7%

Linear networks sales fell 12%, as direct-to consumer revenue increased by 15%. Content sales and licensing revenue, which includes box office results, dropped by 38%, a hit Disney attributes to poor performance for “The Marvels” and “Wish” compared to “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” and “Avatar: The Way of Water” in the comparable year-over-year quarter.

Wall Street forecast earnings per share (EPS) of 99 cents on $23.6 billion in revenue for Disney’s most recent quarter, according to analyst consensus data provided by LSEG, formerly Refinitiv. Disney reported diluted EPS of $1.04 on $23.5 billion in revenue. With some favorable adjustments, that EPS increased to $1.22.

With those insane numbers, $1.3B almost seems laughable

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58 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Dan Murrell, who's estimates are on the conservative side, and can't be lumped in with the "anti-woke" crowd. Puts Disney's 2023 box office losses at 1.37 Billion dollars.




As I've said about Square Enix's management, Disney needs to boot Iger and it's entire board.

Didn't know that they were behind A Haunting in Venice.  Wife dragged me to that movie and I was pleasantly surprised by it.  Shame it didn't make money.

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10 hours ago, Lantis said:

Sure, Disney produced a few bombs in 2023, but it is hardly a dent in the Mouse's armor, considering its' parks generated revenue for the first time in a long time.


With those insane numbers, $1.3B almost seems laughable

It would be laughable if it was their worst financial L. When the worst box office year in the history film isn't your biggest L, I don't know what to tell you. I don't feel like listing off their multi-billion dollar failures. They've been cooked by NBC Universal to the tune of tens of billions of dollars and how that's doubly bad because it's their direct rival but I digress.




@TheInfernoman, hopefully by some miracle they'll get some people running the company that know what the Sam Hell they are doing. Because handing your direct rival billions of dollar (NBC Universal) when they are targeting the heart of our business (theme parks), spending tens of billions of dollars on acquisitions, running those acquisitions into the ground, and getting earnings on earnings calls to announce more acquisitions to hide the fact that you've run your previous acquisitions into the ground, aint it.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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7 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

@Darc_RequiemLet's just say with the new announcement in Florida of the Epic universe theme park expansion, Disney continues to appear lacking

NBC Universal has played Disney like a fiddle. They had no interest in Fox yet got Disney to over pay for it by 30 billion dollars. Then they forced them to buy out their state in Hulu for another 9 billion. You may want to put your resume in at Universal before Super Nintendo World opens.

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CNN Cuts to Commercial as Wolf Blitzer Looks Like He’s About to Vomit: ‘Wolf Wasn’t Feeling 100%’



Nearly a full minute later, CNN producers appeared to catch on to Blitzer’s situation and cut his feed, leaving Raskin to continue with his remarks on his own.

Seconds later, vomit-like sounds could be heard before Raskin was cut off mid-sentence and the show abruptly jumped into a commercial.



The Saudis Paid WWE Superstar The Undertaker to Unveil a Soccer Trophy

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10 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Dan Murrell, who's estimates are on the conservative side, and can't be lumped in with the "anti-woke" crowd. Puts Disney's 2023 box office losses at 1.37 Billion dollars.




As I've said about Square Enix's management, Disney needs to boot Iger and it's entire board.

The damage to Disney's rep as a company that fulfills the expectation of quality every time around is, I would argue, the more damaging ramification. They're headed for Konami territory if they keep on the way they have been.

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5 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

The damage to Disney's rep as a company that fulfills the expectation of quality every time around is, I would argue, the more damaging ramification. They're headed for Konami territory if they keep on the way they have been.

Oh yeah, the funny thing to me is that there was a time many years ago...when I saw their acquisition of Star Wars as a good thing since it would mean more Star Wars stuff was on the way......wooo boy look how that turned out.  Now if Disney is involved with something it's like a "stain" on that thing, imo.... almost as bad as that little consulting company "Sweet Baby Inc." in the games industry.  haha at this point some gamers have taken to checking their official website on occasion to see what games to avoid 🤣  


*On another note, I didn't know until now Disney had any involvement at all with the recent Boogeyman film.

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56 minutes ago, Lantis said:

LOL no he doesn't. Putin was talking down and making fun of him the entire time



You laugh, but how many American media figures actually took the initiative to try to talk to Putin and get his take on why he's doing what he's doing rather than just going along with the "Lol Putler" narrative? I haven't watched the interview yet so maybe he lives up to the narrative but at least getting to hear it from the horse's mouth lets us know for sure, especially since it's probably going to cost us untold billions for the proxy wars we'll inevitably fight against him because the political class needs an enemy.


Edited by DoctaMario
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Just now, DoctaMario said:

You laugh, but how many American media figures actually took the initiative to try to talk to Putin and get his take on why he's doing what he's doing rather than just going along with the "Lol Putler" narrative? I haven't watched the interview yet so maybe he lives up to the narrative but at least getting to hear it from the horse's mouth lets us know for sure, especially since it's probably going to cost us untold billions for the proxy wars we'll inevitably fight against him.


Interviewing him isn't the problem. Doing it in person is the issue. That's indescribably stupid. Interview him via satellite or on Zoom.

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1 minute ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Interviewing him isn't the problem. Doing it in person is the issue. That's indescribably stupid. Interview him via satellite or on Zoom.

I think it's a show of good faith being willing to meet him on his home turf. It's why I supported the idea of Trump going to North Korea to try to have some talks with Kim Jong Un.

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