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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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2 hours ago, NinetiesArcades said:

Actually just finished watching that latest NDT video; the fact this man spent his own time peer reviewing that clown's 'thesis' is hilarious to me. Terrence Howard needs help. Badly imo.  


uh, no.

make  no mistake, terrence is a genius. but, like 100% of peeps...hes not gonna be 100% right about 100% of his ideas. hes def dead wrong about certain things. like his belief that we had civilization 200,000 years ago. etc. are just wrong. first of all, we know exactly when we discovered fire. it was 50, 000 years ago cuz after that our big jaws devolved due to fire making cooked food easier to chew. so. no way we had buildings pyramids etc before 50,000 discovery of fire.

and theres a few other things hes mistaken about. cuz hes human.



hes def right about gravity. that the em field and not the mass of matter being the direct cause of gravity. imo.

ive been studying the ufo how they fly thing. and from what i gathered of the 2 main dudes that explain how ufos create a time/space bubble aound them.

mark mcCandlish and salvatore pais. both engineers for the military. they explained the electro magnetic field focused and concentrated at a particular point in space which is in the mercury vacuum tube located in the middle of the conductor, pumped at a high voltage and at a particular frequency, causes a effect when the space/time folds over the ship. it makes sense because this explains how ufos are able to bend space time without expending alotta energy. cause our fucked up incorrect physics states we need either alotta mass or energy to create n maintain the time/space bubble..which would never be practical for space flight. our incorrect physics states we would need the mass or energy equal to the sun to create the bubble.

obviously no alien is gonna carry that much impossible to carry fuel to just reach the closest nearby star.

but if u apply quantum field theory into the equation, which is about the underlying em field supporting the gravitic field. all of a sudden it works n makes sense.

fields support fields. assuming quantum field theory=reality.

im not sure if it is or not but its alot closer to reality than other fields of physics. theres also freq theory.

but point is.

terrence is right. we are completely wrong about gravity.

and we are wrong in segragating physics, chemistry, and geometry math from each other while analyizing the singular universe.



i think what terrence was tryin t articulate. is this.

btw i watched that terrence jre interview like 10 damn times to figure out wtf he was talkin about. he jumped around so much. with his mind racing like crazy, and joe askin unrelated questions while hes talkin about his science didnt help the confusion. but this is what i gathered about what he was saying

1) we are wrong for segregating the 3 fields of science that describe our universe, namely physics chemistry and geometric laws.

all three haveta be applied since all 3 are working together whenever anything happens in creation. viewing a phenomenon that occurs in existence thru just one lens instead of all 3 simultaneously, is a mistake. one field of science influences the other.

2)his belief about how geometric mathematical law governing certain actions that take place in correct. hence why he whipped out the whole.."look how just geometry laws n rules create saturn perfectly without the app applying the laws of gravity".......was 10000000% correct.

he even proved it with the computer app they designed to show how the laws of math, geometry, govern the force of time space curvature in einstonian physics.

in the app, that they ran...geometric laws applied to einstein space time curve laws created a perfect replica of saturn, her rings, and her north pole hexagon. he lit explains perfectly that the nasa images we are seeing of saturns pentagon at the north pole, proves that geometric law governing our volumetric spherical universe plays a big part in how heavenly bodies pretty much everything is made.

and regarding geometry. hes right theres only one shape, the curve.

wherever u look u see just the curve. curve or spirals like in galaxies, tornadoes, etc...the curve of waves like all radiation/energy travels in waves aka frequencies, and all large bodies are spherical. just one shape. the curve exists therefore u gotta apply it to evertything including the periodic table. which is doesnt. again. hes sayin our viewing perspective is wrong. we haveta put on curved goggles to look at our curved universe. right angle rulers dont exist. in reality. its just our prejudiced monkey brains that invented the right angl ruler. God...did not create our curved universe witha right angle ruler. he used a 3.14 compass. the right angle ruler stayed in God's provebial closet.

3)the flower of life. again he removes straight angles and sticks to curves. he uses the negative space between the circles. he discovers something about the flower of life showing him that the flower of life applied to both micro and macro sized connections between particles, molecules, and large heavenly bodies. that the geo math rules apply found in the flower of life show how these round spherical shapes in the micro n macro world interlock interconnect thanks to the main superforce governing space which is the force of the curve applying pressure to the formation of shapes and how objects interlock once assembled. whether its atoms or dust. till heavenly bodies on large scale are made.

lastly, he engineered actual flyin drones using his principles and make no mistake his "lynchpin" drones are beyond brilliant. their efficient, and easy in how they assemble to unite to create greater lifting teams is. a work of genius.

theres a reason why RAYTHEON was interested in his drones. the designs are THAT good. 

dare i say. the best in existence for a drone. or for a flying craft to  date.


im thinkin you didnt either watch the vid, or u didnt finish it, or you just dismissed it cuz of how difficult to follow that interview was.

remember. he did an interview, not a lecture. meaning he got interrupted by joe a bunch and the discussion was all over the place and very muddled which made everything hella confusing. hence why i had to watch it like 10 times before i figured out wtf he was trying to articulate but didnt manage to cuz joe was fuckin up his train of thought constantly.


like i said. like all of us. hes not right about everything and hes not wrong about everything. as for what hes wrong about, its actually not that important cuz its just a few things like history or math viewpoints like his 1x1=2 troll is more of a "hey lets look at our science of the past 2,000 years to see where we goofed cuz something about our perspecive on nature is wrong" can be debated. easily.

but. but..homboy is def hitting home runs and hitting the target when it comes to 

a)how geometry plays a crucial role in chemical reactions and in physics.

b)the segregation of physics chemistry and geometry when all 3 should be applied simultaneously while discerning natural phenomenon.

c)the answer is right in front of us. its our fucked up. scewed view and perspective thats causing the roadblocks in physics and chemistry. not the actual phenomenon itself.

for example. when people look and study ufos they say this "it defies our laws of physics!"

when what a ufo really is proving our math is wrong, and their alien math, is right. 

ufos dont defy physics. on the contrary, they prove it. its OUR knuckledheaded scewed prejediced incorrect view of nature that is defying physics. not the ufo craft.

aka our math is wrong. not the ufo. ufo is just fine. its us thats not fine.


lots of spelling errors as i speedtype. sigh. lastly.

i think over time he will be seen as a scientific genius. cuz he is. but its gonna take a while since his ideas need a lil time to settle into people's brain. he just needs to articulate his ideas better n stick his train of thougght into a clean concise lecture. where he doesnt get derailed by silly gossip questions or acting questions nonsense. it also doesnt help hes very passionate when he speaks n gets overly emotional. 



he was right when he said the universe has borders. an edge. hes actually god damn right. it does. if it didnt the universe wouldnt have the "swiss cheese" effect formation of galaxy clusters. only way to make the universe's galaxies cluster and ununiformed like it is.  if the waves. sound waves. gravity waves. and kinetic energy waves didnt bounce of the 360 degree all around borders of the universe. the galaxies. hell all dust n energy wouldve spread evenly and nothing would cluster. again that is what he was tryin to explain but had difficulty with his articulation of his recognition of reality that the universe has a actual spherical border around its outskirts.


hes def right about alot. hes also def wrong about alot. but what hes wrong about is miniscle compared to just how god damn right he is about really big stuff like gravity, the shape of the universe and how things interlink with one another due to geometric law of the curve of space time. phew. a novel. tiring.



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11 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:


I don't know if anybody else here applied, but I've just received a $31.77 check in the mail 👍

I got one of those too. Dunno if it was worth having my privacy violated, but $30 is $30.

10 hours ago, axeman61 said:

I saw that, and it baffles me those poor Waffle House workers were being paid 2.95 AN HOUR to participate in the King of Iron Fist tournament. I always think I've got it bad until I see how food and service workers live.

That's likely only the servers because they make tips on top of that, there's no way everybody else is making that. A good server could make upwards of $15-20 an hour on top of that $2.95 depending on how many tables they have, what people order, and how good the tips are.

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1 minute ago, DoctaMario said:

I got one of those too. Dunno if it was worth having my privacy violated, but $30 is $30.

That's likely only the servers because they make tips on top of that, there's no way everybody else is making that. A good server could make upwards of $15-20 an hour on top of that $2.95 depending on how many tables they have, what people order, and how good the tips are.

I made $15/hr at my old job that I just quit. That shit is unlivable, and I am on a full ride scholarship where my housing, food, tuition and insurance are paid for. I don't have a car, and yet it is still barely enough to get me by. Yes, I work less hours because I am a full time student, but how do you seriously pursue a life of fitness and happiness earning $15/hr? You can't. You just scrape by. I know you're not saying that it's justified, but I'm just adding on that it is criminal.


55 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

My wife asked how my colonoscopy went and I told her it was great,  I came three times! 


She was not amused. 


Sometimes I wonder if she forgets who she married.

Did you see that story about how this gangster went to go get his prostate checked and he came so hard that he turned around and shot his doctor for making him feel gay?

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3 minutes ago, Dayaan said:

I made $15/hr at my old job that I just quit. That shit is unlivable, and I am on a full ride scholarship where my housing, food, tuition and insurance are paid for. I don't have a car, and yet it is still barely enough to get me by. Yes, I work less hours because I am a full time student, but how do you seriously pursue a life of fitness and happiness earning $15/hr? You can't. You just scrape by. I know you're not saying that it's justified, but I'm just adding on that it is criminal.


Did you see that story about how this gangster went to go get his prostate checked and he came so hard that he turned around and shot his doctor for making him feel gay?

It depends on where you live. If I were living back in my hometown where things are fairly cheap, I could probably live like a king on a $15/hr 40 hr a week job. Where do you live and what are your expenses like?

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10 minutes ago, Dayaan said:

Did you see that story about how this gangster went to go get his prostate checked and he came so hard that he turned around and shot his doctor for making him feel gay?

For real?

Edited by Chadouken
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1 hour ago, VirginDefiler said:

hes def right about gravity. that the em field and not the mass of matter being the direct cause of gravity. imo.

ive been studying the ufo how they fly thing. and from what i gathered of the 2 main dudes that explain how ufos create a time/space bubble aound them.

Gravity is a force. People here that are more qualified can correct me, but forces are birthed from fundamental realities of the universe. That is why we only have 4 categorized forces in the Standard Model, and we can back both of those up through observations and rigorous testing against those observations. We can accept our current origins of gravity because, in general, they are testable, reproducable, and because relativity is consistent with the existence of matter being a fundamental scientific reality in our universe. To even accept the existence of the concept of an electromagnetic field is to accept - in some capacity - scientific materialism. That would serve to undermine the argument that EMFs produce gravity (which itself is vague and untestable), since the same parameters that enable the existence of EMFs must point to matter and its distortion of space to be a more accurate definition of where gravity comes from.


1 hour ago, VirginDefiler said:

mark mcCandlish and salvatore pais. both engineers for the military. they explained the electro magnetic field focused and concentrated at a particular point in space which is in the mercury vacuum tube located in the middle of the conductor, pumped at a high voltage and at a particular frequency, causes a effect when the space/time folds over the ship. it makes sense because this explains how ufos are able to bend space time without expending alotta energy. cause our fucked up incorrect physics states we need either alotta mass or energy to create n maintain the time/space bubble..which would never be practical for space flight. our incorrect physics states we would need the mass or energy equal to the sun to create the bubble.

There are plenty of issues with this, but I can start with your final statement which, I think, epitomizes the incorrect stance from which your points originate. First, "energy equal to the sun" is vague and ever-changing, since the sun is consistently in a process of burning energy. Moreover, the allocation of that energy isn't mentioned in your points, which leads the reader to believe that the sun is capable of creating this space-time bubble and begs the question of why the sun hasn't created this bubble already; that is a strawman argument though and I will not be relying on that since the bubble itself produces a larger issue. Given that reality is made of the 3 dimensions of space and the fourth dimension of time, what you are implying is that UFOs fly by creating their own pocket universes. This, though nonsensical on its own, does not explain how these pocket universes move, does not explain how they come to encompass the UFO alone, and does not explain how electromagnetism folds the plane of space, and, if so, how UFO is capable of surviving the weight of a universe on its walls. This whole paragraph, of course, is filled with nonsense because I've spent the entirety of it arguing against your point by attempting to be charitable enough to accept your initial conditions. Most of my counterarguments are flawed in nature because they're built on unprovable models.


1 hour ago, VirginDefiler said:

but if u apply quantum field theory into the equation, which is about the underlying em field supporting the gravitic field. all of a sudden it works n makes sense.

fields support fields. assuming quantum field theory=reality.

im not sure if it is or not but its alot closer to reality than other fields of physics. theres also freq theory.

but point is.

terrence is right. we are completely wrong about gravity.

and we are wrong in segragating physics, chemistry, and geometry math from each other while analyizing the singular universe.

QFT is extremely complex, and it isn't about "the EM field" supporting the "gravitic field." QFT is the quantized expression of the Standard Model of particle theory, I believe. Please, someone correct me if I'm wrong about that. In any case, if QFT is what I have been taught, then it, at worst, supports my points, and at best does not affect my argument, and certainly not yours.

Also, we don't segregate Physics and Chemistry. Chemistry is just applied physics, and any chemist will tell you that. Most high-schoolers will too. Physics relies very heavily on geometry as well, and any physicist will tell you that. Most high-schoolers will too.


1 hour ago, VirginDefiler said:

1) we are wrong for segregating the 3 fields of science that describe our universe, namely physics chemistry and geometric laws.

all three haveta be applied since all 3 are working together whenever anything happens in creation. viewing a phenomenon that occurs in existence thru just one lens instead of all 3 simultaneously, is a mistake. one field of science influences the other.

Absolutely! That is what we do!


1 hour ago, VirginDefiler said:

2)his belief about how geometric mathematical law governing certain actions that take place in correct. hence why he whipped out the whole.."look how just geometry laws n rules create saturn perfectly without the app applying the laws of gravity".......was 10000000% correct.

he even proved it with the computer app they designed to show how the laws of math, geometry, govern the force of time space curvature in einstonian physics.

I'd have to explore this myself to make a point about it, but I think you meant Newtonian Physics? Some elements of Newtons ideas of the universe were fairly comprehensibly proven incorrect. Look at fields! I believe it was Michael Faraday in 1845 who studied fields - indeed, he coined the term - and conclusively refuted Newton's action-at-a-distance theory. Science evolves! You can test against theories and when they are proven wrong you can move on and establish truths.


1 hour ago, VirginDefiler said:

wherever u look u see just the curve. curve or spirals like in galaxies, tornadoes, etc...the curve of waves like all radiation/energy travels in waves aka frequencies, and all large bodies are spherical. just one shape. the curve exists therefore u gotta apply it to evertything including the periodic table. which is doesnt. again. hes sayin our viewing perspective is wrong. we haveta put on curved goggles to look at our curved universe. right angle rulers dont exist. in reality. its just our prejudiced monkey brains that invented the right angl ruler. God...did not create our curved universe witha right angle ruler. he used a 3.14 compass. the right angle ruler stayed in God's provebial closet.

This was quite a difficult paragraph to parse through. First off, the reason we see curves in the way that I understand you to be describing them is due to gravity as defined by relativity. Technically speaking, the motion of celestial bodies is also done in curves! However, that is because we are observing them from a relative position. Elements like relativistic gravity and the expansion of the universe contribute to the relative distortion in our view of what is actually motion in fairly straight lines. A 3.14 compass isn't a thing. I'm not sure if that is some sort of metaphor for a divine tool of creation or if it is an analogue for His methods that humans are supposed to relate to, but as far as we are concerned, a 3.14 compass doesn't exist. Do you mean a compass open at 3.14 degrees? Are you referring to pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter? A diameter is a straight line. How does that play into Howard's ideas?

Additionally, it wasn't prejudice that led to the invention of the right-angle ruler - here I'm assuming you mean a square tool. It was because localised trigonometry was needed for construction. We needed a tool to help with the consistency of expanding infrastructure for people, whether that be for space management in architecture or optimal pathing for irrigation and postage.


1 hour ago, VirginDefiler said:

3)the flower of life. again he removes straight angles and sticks to curves. he uses the negative space between the circles. he discovers something about the flower of life showing him that the flower of life applied to both micro and macro sized connections between particles, molecules, and large heavenly bodies. that the geo math rules apply found in the flower of life show how these round spherical shapes in the micro n macro world interlock interconnect thanks to the main superforce governing space which is the force of the curve applying pressure to the formation of shapes and how objects interlock once assembled. whether its atoms or dust. till heavenly bodies on large scale are made.

This is a misappropriation of gravity, density, and the formation of celestial bodies in accretion discs. Additionally there seems to be a misunderstanding of the concept of dark matter here and it's been reappropriated as "the flower of life."


1 hour ago, VirginDefiler said:

lastly, he engineered actual flyin drones using his principles and make no mistake his "lynchpin" drones are beyond brilliant. their efficient, and easy in how they assemble to unite to create greater lifting teams is. a work of genius.

theres a reason why RAYTHEON was interested in his drones. the designs are THAT good. 

dare i say. the best in existence for a drone. or for a flying craft to  date.

No! There are actually competition drones that are significantly more efficient in their speed given their weight and their power use. Even besides that, there are fighter jets in commission today in the US military that are capable of doing more than the Lynchpin, but again, that is a strawman argument. Just talking about the Lynchpin itself, it is a proof of concept device that has an uncentered center of gravity, is highly draggy, produces a lot of dirty air, is noisy, requires a lot of power to run, and, if the demos are accurate, would require a significant manufacturing cost given the low tolerances necessary for collaborative initiatives. Plus, existing drones can do those jobs for cheaper, quicker and in a more power efficient way.


2 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

im thinkin you didnt either watch the vid, or u didnt finish it, or you just dismissed it cuz of how difficult to follow that interview was.

remember. he did an interview, not a lecture. meaning he got interrupted by joe a bunch and the discussion was all over the place and very muddled which made everything hella confusing. hence why i had to watch it like 10 times before i figured out wtf he was trying to articulate but didnt manage to cuz joe was fuckin up his train of thought constantly.

Very fair point and I will definitely rewatch it and take notes because I've already made clear that I have significant gaps in my knowledge about points that you made and that deserve exploration.


2 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

like i said. like all of us. hes not right about everything and hes not wrong about everything. as for what hes wrong about, its actually not that important cuz its just a few things like history or math viewpoints like his 1x1=2 troll is more of a "hey lets look at our science of the past 2,000 years to see where we goofed cuz something about our perspecive on nature is wrong" can be debated. easily.

Totally fair!


2 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

a)how geometry plays a crucial role in chemical reactions and in physics.

b)the segregation of physics chemistry and geometry when all 3 should be applied simultaneously while discerning natural phenomenon.

We already recognise the role that geometry plays in academia, and we already combine all three of those areas. They wouldn't work on their own and exist to work off of each other. Mathematics (the branch of academia) birthed geometry. Mathematics also provides a rigorous framework to express our observations of the universe. This is Physics. Chemistry is applied Physics.


2 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

c)the answer is right in front of us. its our fucked up. scewed view and perspective thats causing the roadblocks in physics and chemistry. not the actual phenomenon itself.

The answer to what?


2 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

when what a ufo really is proving our math is wrong, and their alien math, is right. 

ufos dont defy physics. on the contrary, they prove it. its OUR knuckledheaded scewed prejediced incorrect view of nature that is defying physics. not the ufo craft.

aka our math is wrong. not the ufo. ufo is just fine. its us thats not fine.

I definitely disagree with your final sentence because we can rigorously prove that we are correct. Still, I am of the belief that, if real, UFOs and aliens that have access to that technology are able to use something and are able to apply some universal framework that we do not understand, have not yet experiences or do not have access to in order to run their spacecraft. This may discredit my entire post, but while I don't believe that aliens are real or that UFOs are the way that we think they are, I do frequently entertain the idea. I do think that if they exist that they just apply more universal concepts and use the kind of materials that we don't yet have access to. They know things that we don't that - I believe - do not conflict with what we already know but, rather, build on what we already know.


2 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

he was right when he said the universe has borders. an edge. hes actually god damn right. it does. if it didnt the universe wouldnt have the "swiss cheese" effect formation of galaxy clusters. only way to make the universe's galaxies cluster and ununiformed like it is.  if the waves. sound waves. gravity waves. and kinetic energy waves didnt bounce of the 360 degree all around borders of the universe. the galaxies. hell all dust n energy wouldve spread evenly and nothing would cluster. again that is what he was tryin to explain but had difficulty with his articulation of his recognition of reality that the universe has a actual spherical border around its outskirts.

The universe's border is expanding as of now. I think the hard line that you might be talking about is the cosmic horizon, which is the edge of the visible universe.

This "swiss cheese" effect is a remnant of the Big Bang, if you believe in that. I don't since I am a religious person and believe that God created the Universe, but scientifically speaking, the purported explosion of matter would have scattered it over space. This random assortment of matter would naturally be dense in some regions than others given its randomness, and the effects of gravity as defined by Einstein would have led to the creation of accretion discs and so on as per established models. The fragmented placements of galaxies and clusters is the result of the random placement of clouds of matter after the Big Bang. I should note here that this "swiss cheese" emphasis is an entirely arbitrary assignment of value to tangible-matter dense regions of space, when the "flower of life" that you pointed out is a misappropriation and misinterpretation of dark matter. If this flower of life (dark matter) is so fundamental to his theories then why does he assign arbitrary value to the regions of space where tangible matter collects per theories that oppose his own? Even if this matter were to collect per his theories, there would still be an argumentative flaw here where he asserts his conclusion per data that the conclusion itself would purport to be accurate.


2 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

hes def right about alot. hes also def wrong about alot. but what hes wrong about is miniscle compared to just how god damn right he is about really big stuff like gravity, the shape of the universe and how things interlink with one another due to geometric law of the curve of space time. phew. a novel. tiring.

I disagree, but I appreciate that you put a lot of time and effort into this post, something that I concede I may have entirely misinterpreted myself. I will take your advice and give the episode a rewatch. I just hope you don't take offense at my rebuttals and treat them the way that Neil deGrasse Tyson wanted Terrence Howard to receive his peer review.


Additionally, those that are capable and willing to comment on my understanding of QFT (among other things), please feel free to address it here, in DMs, or to email me a video of you ripping a page of my profile picture in half.

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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

It depends on where you live. If I were living back in my hometown where things are fairly cheap, I could probably live like a king on a $15/hr 40 hr a week job. Where do you live and what are your expenses like?

Twin Cities, MN. Hospital bills, occasional Ubers to places, off the shelf meds, food when the dining halls close, taking people out for networking, etc.


54 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

For real?

Dude. How have you not seen this? I mean how have you not seen this? It's incredible. The doctor was even fairly good natured about it.


I can't find a more credible outlet for this since it's an old story, but this page has some ridiculous quotes you might find funny.

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I watched NDT's entire response vid, not Joe Rogan's interview with Howard and will never watch it ever lol . My sane mind just can't comprehend his 1x1=2 clownery. 


How about the fact that 1x1=1 literally means 'one, ONE time, is just one.'

Like, 2x2=4 is 'two apples, two times, is four apples'.


 The man does not understand basic algebra and you expect me to actually read up his other 'discoveries'?  Would you fly the plane built on Howard's math🤣

  Anyways I need to get going, I have scientific visual research to do myself.


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hey i wanna respond to u @Dayaann i will but later. cuz its gonna involve alotta writing but ill do that later.



terrence reminds me alot of john nash. you remember him. the guy A Beautiful Mind movie was based on.

meaning. sure he has mental issues but that doesnt mean hes wrong about everything. including his theories. 

um. in the meantime  watch these vids. cuz theres too many things to discuss in detail right now. 

knuth analized a pic of a ufo where a filter was used where he was able to measure n deduce how much energy is needed for em lift. as stated here. 


the more pais vids the better 





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its hella cool. but the fact the air friction the holes create around it making it harder to shoot is no bueno. plus after spending 2,500 dollars. i would never take it outside n play outside with random strangers. hell no. let alone if u break it. i do like how quiet it is tho.



a baseball made like this tho would be interesting. with the extra air friction..your breaking n curve balls would be prob unhittable.

Edited by VirginDefiler
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2 hours ago, RSG3 said:

So...not like regular weed then? 


30% ratio is fucking awful to, like the bud I buy is 75%+ TCH by volume. 


Hope you didn't pay much for that.....

Weed in herb form can only go up to usually 30 percent THC. Resin concentrates can go up to 90 percent THC. The Delta 9 joint was only 3 dollars.

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12 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

thc past 30% stops being a liquid n crystalizes is what he means. you can still do it. mind you. but the plant will die before it ever reaches past 30%.

the thc in the plant's veins will stop being a liquid, crystalize, n suffocate the circulatory system of the plant. thts why it cant go higher.

I saw 34 percent once.

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3 hours ago, Haldol616 said:

I just smoked some delta 9 thc. It’s like regular weed with 30 percent thc.

People like to talk about the THC content, and growers and dispensaries use it as a selling point,  but in reality it doesn't matter all that much whether it's 15 percent or 30 percent. The bigger impact to the effects you'll get have to do with the terpenes like limonene and myrcene, as well other cannabinoids present in the bud, like CBD, CBG, CBN, etc. This is why even when looking at strains, being sativa vs indica vs hybrid, you should really look at what terpenes are present and that will tell you what type of high you'll experience. It's true that generally sativas will have more of an energetic buzz vs indicas being more sedative, but that's not true across the board, and it affects people differently based on your own chemical makeup in your brain.  


Also,  I believe 35 percent THC is the biological maximum a pot plant can achieve.

Edited by Chadouken
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5 minutes ago, Haldol616 said:

You have to genetically engineer it to go pass 30 percent.

Pretty much 100 percent of the herb you get these days has been genetically engineered. 


Actually that's probably a false statement.  I meant more in terms of crossbreeding strains when referring to genetically engineered 

Edited by Chadouken
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Just now, Chadouken said:

People like to talk about the THC content, and growers and dispensaries use it as a selling point,  but in reality it doesn't matter all that much whether it's 15 percent or 30 percent. The bigger impact to the effects you'll get have to do with the terpenes like limonene and myrcene, as well other cannabinoids present in the bud, like CBD, CBG, CBN, etc. This is why even when looking at strains, being sativa vs indica vs hybrid, you should really look at what terpenes are present and that will tell you what type of high you'll experience. It's true that generally sativas will have more of an energetic buzz vs indicas being more sedative, but that's not true across the board, and it affects people differently based on your own chemical makeup in your brain.  


Also,  I believe 35 percent THC is the biological maximum a pot plant can achieve.

Read this whole post waiting for the punchline. It never came. Possibly your worst post. To add insult to injury, you're correct on all of your points. I don't like this.

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this part, imo, is sorta what terrence was referring to regarding the bordered universe. the force. the force that causes curvature. n the curve dictates how matter assembles. aka via a spiral collapse into itself. at least the initial stages. before enough matter/em field results where gravity kicks in where gravity takes part in drawing matter in at a later non initial stage in planet/star formation. i think the force terrence is thinking of is and the force pais is thinking of. same thing. worded differently.

Edited by VirginDefiler
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Random question, but anyone get a doctor's degree? Not a doctor's degree in a specific subject but a generic doctor's degree like philosophy or something? Reason asking is because I don't know if I should get one, didn't like writing those 40+ page papers at the end for master's and this was way before AI writing papers for you, etc.

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