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3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I agree about Baby Yoda. He's literally eating the last of the woman's family line. Also...rough episode for anyone with arachnophobia.

I know I was like I get the kid likes other animals but he should be able to tell another sentient species . Kid is obviously spoiled rotten given he apparently will eat anything smaller then him raw. 

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4 hours ago, Thoth369 said:

The Dark and the Light are one and the same. They are only different in seeming. They both came from the same Source. Am I allowed to discuss the philosophy behind Star Wars in this thread? 

If it is Star Wars related and not a path to whining forever on why you hate a particular movie or aspect of the franchise I see no reason why not.

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34 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Disney Star Wars was a mistake


Lucas had great ideas but (as shown with the prequels), they don't have the greatest execution. The only reason why the OT hits as well as it does is because Lucas had a team of people that created the the movies that were willing steer Lucas when he was going astray. ESB is what it is because Lucas had the vision, but Kershner executed it.  My favorite moment in all of Star Wars was in ROTJ when Luke finally beat Vader. The setup, the music, the payoff were all from Marquand's execution of Lucas's idea. For the prequels, Lucas was supported by a team of Yes men that worshipped the ground he walked on. If you watch any of the commentaries of the prequels, you can see that. 


While the Disney saga may have been underwhelming to some, I can't say that his take was going to be the second coming of the OT. This resonates true for me with Colin Trevarrow's take on Ep 9. Really great ideas, but I had 0 confidence in him making a movie. Jurassic World was my benchmark. 

Edited by OPTIMUS124
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19 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Everything that's coming out about Lucas sequel trilogy sounds so good. The large focus of criminal underworld got me drooling. 

Maul building his crime syndicate was one of my favorite b-side stories in clone wars. I was mad when it was just suddenly dropped. I think we discussed that on the other forum though. When the series was cancelled for like the 80th time they moved that arc into the comics.


same with the republic occupation of mandalor 

Edited by iStu X
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58 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

The lack of any kind of plan is rather baffling. Like they really let Abrams do his thing and drop plot hooks that apperantly had no answers. It's fucking weird. I don't hate these movies but there is a a clear case of plan. 

Technically that is how most trilogies are made outside a select few where they are guaranteed that third outing. Movie does well you make a sequel and another.


That being said with Star Wars and the sequel trilogy it was weird because they seemed to have a trilogy planned from the jump but they had no plan besides bring it back with new characters and even one of their major ones was meant to die originally.

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Bruh this episode was the damn truth. I love how the Imperials shit their pants when they realized they were dealing with four Mandalorians 🤣


Side Note: It's so natural seeing Katee Sackhoff as Bo Katan in live action, she is her voice actor after all. 



Imperial Commander: "How many are there?"

Storm Tropper: "Ten!"

Imperial Pilot: "There are four life signs sir."



Edited by Darc_Requiem
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15 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

The incompetence of the imperials was fucking hilarious. I knew what was gonna happen when they locked them in at cargo control. You fucking dumbass!

The only competent people were on the bridge, from the looks of it. Even the Captain was taken aback by the stupidity.

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On 11/13/2020 at 1:37 PM, Hawkingbird said:

I laughed at how shocked he was when his fellow mando's took off their helmets like nothing. His house of mando's must have really been isolated from everyone else.

I appreciate them having no-chill with Mando. When he tried to reprimand them for taking off their helmets they just responded with “oh, you’re one of them. Sorry, you were raised by fascists. Too bad so sad” 


mando’s body language was just “ just happened.”

Edited by iStu X
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44 minutes ago, iStu X said:

I appreciate them having no-chill with Mando. When he tried to reprimand them for taking off their helmets they just responded with “oh, you’re one of them. Sorry, you were raised by racists. Too bad so sad” 


mando’s body language was just “ just happened.”

Bo-Katan's expression when he asked where did she get that armor was perfect. She was like...


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If Mando wants baby Yoda to be useful at starship repair he needs to not overload the kid with info. Take it slow and be patient with it. If he said nothing about crossing the wires he wouldn't have done it.


I laugh when the kid snatched those oreos with the force. Share next time so baby Yoda won't take your shit.


It was great to see Gina and Carl Weathers characters again. I need to know how much time as passed between seasons because that town is on a major upswing from the last time we saw it. It was cool they even brought back the bounty Mando handed in on episode 1. 

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18 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

I laughed when the kid snatched those oreos with the force. Share next time so baby Yoda won't take your shit.

I laughed hella hard at this too. I chalked it up to “The Child is an only child. Of course he’s gunna act like an asshole when he doesn’t get what he wants” 


The Child reacting to the mando vs the tie fighters was great too 

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