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The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!

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Well, I finally finished maxing out every Master's Mastery and Bond level.  Just in time for Rashid!



Earlier in the thread, when we were talking about whether your character's preternatural ability to copy styles was canon, or just a gameplay conceit, and it was said that none of the character seem to comment on it, so it's probably not real.


But after maxing out everyone's Bond, I can say that a bunch of the characters actually mention it as their bond gets higher.  Luke calls you a "technique sponge", Manon calls you a "genius when it comes to mimicking the styles of others" and "you make stealing skills look easy", etc.  So at the very least, your fighter copying abilities are an actual thing, and they seem unusual and noteworthy to them.


Edited by DarthEnderX
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Actually mentioning two and zero has put me in a math mood so let's prove why Bison is weak


You know they say that all street fighters are created equal, but you look at Gill and you look at M. Bison and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if Bison goes one on one with another street fighter, Bison's got a 50/50 chance of winning. But Gill's a genetic freak and he's not normal! So Bison's got a 25%, AT BEST, at beat Gill. Then you add J.P. to the mix, Bison's chances of winning drastic go down. See the Street Fighter 6, Bison's got a 33 1/3 chance of winning, but Gill, Gill's got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning, because J.P. KNOWS he can't beat Gill and he's not even gonna try!

So M. Bison, you take his 33 1/3 chance, minus Gill's 25% chance and you got an 8 1/3 chance of winning Street Fighter 6. But then you take Gill's 75% chance of winning, if they was to go one on one, and then add 66 2/3 per cents, Gill's got 141 2/3 chance of winning against the bosses. See @Daemos, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for Bison in Street Fighter 6.

Edited by YagamiFire
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46 minutes ago, YagamiFire said:

You know they say that all street fighters are created equal, but you look at Gill and you look at M. Bison and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if Bison goes one on one with another street fighter, Bison's got a 50/50 chance of winning. But Gill's a genetic freak and he's not normal! So Bison's got a 25%, AT BEST, at beat Gill. Then you add J.P. to the mix, Bison's chances of winning drastic go down. See the Street Fighter 6, Bison's got a 33 1/3 chance of winning, but Gill, Gill's got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning, because J.P. KNOWS he can't beat Gill and he's not even gonna try!

So M. Bison, you take his 33 1/3 chance, minus Gill's 25% chance and you got an 8 1/3 chance of winning Street Fighter 6. But then you take Gill's 75% chance of winning, if they was to go one on one, and then add 66 2/3 per cents, Gill's got 141 2/3 chance of winning against the bosses. See @Daemos, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for Bison in Street Fighter 6.


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I did Rashid story mode. Nothing special here. A recap of a shadow falls, deciding to become a streamer to showcase his fights as a way to find his place in the world.



He finds Ryu and asks for a rematch. The thought never occurred to him to stream the fight. He enjoyed fighting without distractions and can see himself walking down Ryu's path. But not before getting some use out of the drone camera he just brought.

Found Rashid in world tour. You have to meet Azam in Nayshall at night near the hideout.

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10 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

I did Rashid story mode. Nothing special here. A recap of a shadow falls, deciding to become a streamer to showcase his fights as a way to find his place in the world.


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He finds Ryu and asks for a rematch. The thought never occurred to him to stream the fight. He enjoyed fighting without distractions and can see himself walking down Ryu's path. But not before getting some use out of the drone camera he just brought.

Found Rashid in world tour. You have to meet Azam in Nayshall at night near the hideout.

You mean his arcade story?


I see. Let's see if there'll be anything interesting while you bond with him.

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Rashid to Luke: “Good game! We gotta do it again sometime, either in real life or with a controller!”

Luke to Rashid: “Good games, bud! Wait, you were recording that? Nice, I want to see!”


Rashid to Jamie: “You’re a peacekeeper? Good to hear it. We all must help people in need.”

Jamie to Rashid: “Bro, your wind is awesome. At helping me sober up.”


Rashid to Manon: “There’s something about you...Wait, you’re a model? That explains everything!”

Manon to Rashid: “Oh, you wish to film me? Sorry, but I’m fully booked.”


Rashid to Kimberly: “Wow, for a ninja you’ve got some STYLE. I bet your moves would look good on stream!”

Kimberly to Rashid: “You got all of my Ninjastar moves recorded? It’s all based on Bushinryu, you know.”


Rashid to Marisa: “You really know how to lay on the pressure. Good thing I have the wind on my side.”

Marisa to Rashid: “Not even the wind can stand firm against my fists!”


Rashid to Lily: “Your wind is also amazing. It’s like a mini-hurricane!”

Lily to Rashid: “I believe your answer lies within the wind. Perhaps start there?”


Rashid to JP: “I’ve decided I’m not a fan of you or your power. Real bad guy vibes from you.”

JP to Rashid: “Don’t approach me with fairweather ambitions. Next time they may be the end of you.”


Rashid to Juri: “This isn’t some “you should be more ladylike” thing, but...shouldn’t you take it down a notch?”

Juri to Rashid: “You better upload this video of where I kicked your butt too!”


Rashid to Dee Jay: “Yeah, your beat’s a real crowd-pleaser! I’m glad I recorded the whole thing!”

Dee Jay to Rashid: “Dry wind drifting across a rolling desert...I like that vibe! Very ambient.”


Rashid to Cammy: “You were looking for your sisters, right? I hope you found them safe and sound.”

Cammy to Rashid: “I have matters to attend to. You’re filming fights for entertainment? Find someone else.”


Rashid to Ryu: “It’s always a sobering experience fighting you. I learn something new every time.”

Ryu to Rashid: “We need a rematch where you’re more serious. I know you’re capable of much more.”


Rashid to Honda: “It’s crazy that sumo wrestlers can fly like that when you’re double my size! Haha!”

Honda to Rashid: “Being light on yer feet is all fine and dandy...Until you get slapped away! Gahaha!”


Rashid to Blanka: “Your electricity broke my camera! What’s gonna happen to my vids!?”

Blanka to Rashid: “You took a video? Let me see! Am I there!?”


Rashid to Guile: “Your defense is on point, just like your hair. But this time, my wind was the deciding factor.”

Guile to Rashid: “Sorry, but that kind of wind can’t even mess up a single strand of my hair.”


Rashid to Ken: “Heard all the rumors about you, but I’m glad to see your fire still burns.”

Ken to Rashid: “Gonna have to ask you not to upload that one. I don’t need any more media coverage.”


Rashid to Chun-Li: “You’re teaching kids kung fu? You’re not teaching them THOSE kicks, are you?”

Chun-Li to Rashid: “You fought hard when we took down Shadaloo. But you’ve neglected your training.”


Rashid to Zangief: “No one can hold down the roaring winds of the desert!”

Zangief to Rashid: “Neither the wind, nor the clouds can escape my arms of steel! I’m just built different! Gwaha!”


Rashid to Dhalsim: “Your stretchy stuff always throws me for a loop, no matter how many times I see it.”

Dhalsim to Rashid: “Yoga is not just about stretching. Its essence can also seize your wind.”


Rashid to Rashid: “I leave it to the wind to see how far I can go.”

Edited by Doctrine_Dark
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Chun-Li to Rashid"You fought hard when we took down Shadaloo. But you've neglected your training."


Thoughts: I also think you owe Chunners an apology for beating her up when she was injured and stealing her Black Moon key, HUH RASHID?!?!


Interesting that Chun-Li would say this when I don't think that these two ever interacted together during the Shadaloo takeover. They all reconvened on to Karin's escape chopper.  But that's it. And Rashid and Azam were doing their thing while Guild, Chun, and Ryu went to take on M. Bison. So I'm guessing Chun-Li heard reports of Rashid playing a key role in shutting down the black moons. 

But interestingly, Rashid does seem to be going to more of the streamer route. So while Chun focus on daily training, Rashid setting up his brand and getting all the latest equipment for the views, likes, and subscribes. I def think this shows the different mentalities between the two fighters in the aftermath, as well as personalities. Chun more focused, while Rashid is more free-flowing like the wind. 



Rashid to Chun-Li: "You're teaching kids kung fu? You're not teaching them THOSE kicks, are you?"


Thoughts: This quote got me laughing really hard. I can just imagine it right now.



Chun-Li: Today, we are practicing the basic roundhouse kick


Kids/Students: Basics are boring! Teach us how to hover in the air, upside down with our legs split.


Parents: *starts contacting the Dept of Labor, and writing on yelp*

Chun-Li: No! No! Wait! It's not like that! Just the basics! I promise!

Li-Fen:  You're on your own with this one Jiejie.

But this is probably one of my fave win quotes against Chun-Li (probably 2nd to Ryu). It's a lot of fun, Rashid finds out what Chun has been doing these days. And a nice wisecracking joke shared between them. 10/10 in my opinion.

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4 hours ago, Chun-Li_Forever said:

And his discount store Kings of Shadaloo make an appearance during the Suval'hal Arena submissions

Fake Mike Bison/Balrog



Fake Balrog/Vega



Fake Sagat (wonder what's the story behind his scar LOL)



Low Rank Shadaloo soldiers



1 hour ago, DarthEnderX said:

Yep.  The ancient kingdom he's of the royal lineage of was wiped out by the Secret Society seemingly.

How original... copy/paste of the Thunderfoot's story. Interesting nevertheless.

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32 minutes ago, Lord_Vega said:

How original... copy/paste of the Thunderfoot's story. Interesting nevertheless.

I dunno, depending how they go about it, it could be cool. It's way too early to write off. It could be more than just taking the land, it could show some of the origins of the SS and Rashid's ancestors being stomped could be more than just a land grab, what if the wind element in Rashid's style was a threat to an early illuminati who hadn't gotten all the sacred treasures? What if there's another angle entirely?

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2 hours ago, BootyWarrior said:

Nothing on G but according to Rashid his ancestors got obliterated by invaders with "fair skin and golden hair, and flew banners split evenly in red and blue." After that you get artwork where you can see Gill riding a horse.

I don’t think it would have been Gill as we know him but an ancestor of Gill. Just like Rashid’s ancestor look like him the previous Illuminati leader that looked like Gill. 

The timeline is messed up as is but if they’re really saying that Gill is as old as Rashid’s ancestors than idk wtf is going on. 

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1 hour ago, ShockDingo said:

I dunno, depending how they go about it, it could be cool. It's way too early to write off. It could be more than just taking the land, it could show some of the origins of the SS and Rashid's ancestors being stomped could be more than just a land grab, what if the wind element in Rashid's style was a threat to an early illuminati who hadn't gotten all the sacred treasures? What if there's another angle entirely?

Still copy/paste of the Thunderfoot story😅. Vega and Shadaloo wanted the TF land because of the ore mines (at least that was the reason back in SSF2) present there 30 years prior SF2. I'm not totally sure if the fact that it's a sacred ground could have any impact on Psycho Power. I can't find any source confirming that.

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6 hours ago, ShockDingo said:

I dunno, depending how they go about it, it could be cool. It's way too early to write off.

I doubt it'll ever be important, because Rashid seems to give zero shits about justice or vengeance or restoration for the kingdom.  It's just an old story to him, and he doesn't care that he's not royalty.

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12 hours ago, ShockDingo said:

Yeah, it's an ancestor, Gill's under 40. The whole secret society leadership isn't a till death thing and frequently replace the leadership. Nothing's indicated that Gill's immortal and an old, pre-existing leader, he and Urien are young blood.



According  to SS laws Gill is supposed to be 23 when he reached the proper age to be President (or Emperor), so SFV/SF3


Did'nt played much yesterday, so did'nt reached the ancient Gill-look-alike part people talk about


My theory is that this guy may be  either Secret Society founder/Emperor or anyway SS greatest hero of the past that gave them apex power and glory, so SS keep doing hard eugenics on candidates in hope to "recreate" another him to guide them... would not be surprised if through bloodline all candidates descend from him too


May fit also why "president" is something SS will ever have as inevitable part of organization, but "Emperor" title is limited to few exceptional individuals, and there may be cycles/generations without Emperors

SS may reserve it to those who are seen worthy of hope to bring back SS to it's former prime


Maybe Gill looking so much like him (and having same elemental affinity) may be the reason since begin SS had so much hype for Gill, they may believe to have finally achieved to "resurrect" their hero


5 hours ago, Jion_Wansu said:

Will Capcom ever show us the true form of Vega? The Vega we see in the SF Zero series and beyond are just bodies. What was Vega's original body?

Yeah that's something i would like to see explored one day


Only hint we have is Bison true body is blond with blue eyes, as it's the trait shared by other characters that are supposed to have his DNA


6 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

I doubt it'll ever be important, because Rashid seems to give zero shits about justice or vengeance or restoration for the kingdom.  It's just an old story to him, and he doesn't care that he's not royalty.

I agree on giving zero shit currently, but also guess it's made to set up a motivation for Rashid to join people against Gill


Right now as you say is just ancient history, but when he will see a dude who's gaining global popularity as cult leader that promise peace while being identical to the warlord that destroyed his land in the past, he will likely recognize him as evil and feel the need to do something about it

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1 hour ago, Jion_Wansu said:

Piggybacking off of that. Maybe Vega's true past self was a blonde hair/blue eye woman similar to Cammy!

I doubt, he may use female body as emergency solution, but he seems to vision himself as male


See the bodies he usually use (SF2, SFA, SF4/V)


The thing that ever got me curious is that none of the bodies he used had that genetic blond/blue trait, but seem to have recurring traits between each others, being very similar

Similar facial structure, similar height (officially just 5cm difference from shortest to tallest), similar body structure even if some had heavier musculature


It's like for some reason Bison had that model in mind, but when they play with his -original body- DNA we ever get different chars with the blond/blue thing




Edited by CESTUS III
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Protips:  Rashid's +40 Bond gift is a reward for trying the new tournaments at Mike Haggar Stadium.


And JP finally got a +40 Bond gift(he didn't have one in base game).  It's one of the rewards for the new Nayshall side tournaments.


6 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

Most of these are bad, still we end up with very good design

The less he leans into the tech aspect, the better the design.


Edited by DarthEnderX
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