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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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Demo is live


square and PlayStation talk about demo and what Carries over

You get a Kupo Charm and Adventure Item set for completing the demo. The adventure kit is  beginner items like potions and ethers.

Also clearing the demo gives you the option to skip the Nibel flash back in the main game. 

Juno section of the demo will be added on the 21st. 



Edited by iStu X
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400 pieces of music....god damn.   Remake's OST was 7 discs not including the music from the Jukebox.  That game was 156 tracks.  IIRC the OsT was like $50 when it released.  This thing is about to be atleast 21 discs and I would not be surprised if it was over $100.    Also just for comparison, Smash Ult has 1068 tracks in that game altogether with the DLC and most of those tracks run around 2 min each on average.  I can't wait to hear more from this game.





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Diablo III: Eternal Collection. Paragon level 100+. Playing on Master difficulty now. Doesn't feel too tough. But that Greater Rift I took on was kinda nuts. Died 3 times, including a death to the Rift Guardian. I go in there thinking I'm hot ish and those demons show me that I'm next in line for Fraud Watch. I came out on top eventually, but that Greater Rift was definitely a wake up call of what is to come once I eventually switch the difficulty to Torment.


F-ZERO 99: I was tired when I went into King League thinking I would get ranked out in the third or 4th race like I usually do. But to my surprise, I made it all the way through and finally got to race on Fire Field. I remember this track being so much more difficult back in the day. It didn't seem nearly as hard here.

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Hand-painted Japanese-inspired RPG Lost Hellden announced for PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, Switch, and PC

Featuring music and audio direction by Hitoshi Sakimoto, and illustrations by Takeshi Oga.



Astria Ascending and Super Neptunia RPG developer Artisan Studios has announced Lost Hellden, a hand-painted Japanese-inspired RPG featuring music and audio direction by Hitoshi Sakimoto (Final Fantasy XII, Tactics Ogre, etc.) and illustrations by Takeshi Oga (Gravity Rush, Siren, etc.). It will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Steam, Epic Games Store, and GOG in 2025.


Here is an overview of the game, via Artisan Studios:




Lost Hellden is a unique hand-painted JRPG from Artisan Studios, enhanced by dynamic lighting and weather effects.

Take control of eight unique highly customizable characters through an epic mature story where the 7 Deadly Sins guide your fate.

Witness a new Deep 2D technology allowing you to play in 3D in hand painted artworks with dynamic lighting and weather.

Introducing a battle system mixing action and strategy to allow you to play the way you like.


On a planet called Era, people are bound to one of the Seven Deadly Sins before their first birthday via a religious ceremony called the Nexus Ritual. All their life, the inhabitants of Era have to fight against their urges. Should they fail and succumb, they transform into mindless and aggressive beasts. The Unio religion representatives – the Arkhons – ensure that everyone follows the rules and put down any monsters that appear in the cities.

One day, a woman gives birth to twins, something that never happened before. The Prime Arkhon, supreme leader of Era, conducts the Nexus Ritual himself. However, something goes wrong, and one baby is bound to all seven sins, while the other receives none.

The twins are taken to the capital, Avilah, where they are brought up as Arkhon apprentices. They are never allowed to leave the walls of the sanctuary…
But one day, Leht, the twin bound to the seven sins, manages to leave the city. His brother Cyphel is sent on a mission to find and bring him back. He is accompanied by two seasoned Arkhons, Gram and Enki.

The journey of Cyphel and Leht is one of self-discovery, one that will allow them to grow and become the people they were destined to be.


  • Cyphel Fyrbrand – Since Cyphel was not bound to any Sin during the Nexus Ritual, his childhood was significantly easier than his brother’s. He grew up to be a kindhearted, yet naive young man. Cyphel is usually obedient but he willingly follows Leht when he is up to some mischief.
  • Gram Stoneheim – This strong woman taught the art of fighting to the twins. She can be harsh sometimes, especially with Leht, because she sees great potential in him. She is an Arkhon and works closely with Enki.
  • Enki Taillevent – Enki is an Arkhon and a teacher to the twins. He is less strict than Gram, sometimes he can even be seen as lax. His kind demeanor and his sense of humor make him a great person to be around.
  • More to be announced.



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Disney already has been using UE for their shows and newer movies but I really don't know how I'd feel if they just flat out owned Epic

Overwatch apparently is doing a crossover with Cowboy Bebop.

Ed gameplay trailer tomorrow

Fortnite - Have a Laugh At JokeNite produced by Trevor Noah

Rocket League - Mandalorian Mayhem Ready the Hyperdrive!

Tenderfoot Tactics - Pre Order Trailer

Bandel Tale: A Leage of Legends Story - Food Stand Fiasco Animated Short

Dragon's Dogma 2 - Vocation Spotlight The Fighter


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Nintendo's financial report came out yesterday

Q & A hasn't been put up yet

Among the things to come up out of the report, Nintendo said that Switch is going to continue to be their main focus going into 2024.  Doesn't mean that an announcement of some kind isn't in the cards this year just makes it less likely


Switch has now sold 139.36 mill units world wide.  This puts it now within 14.66 mill of DS and 18.64 mil of the PS2.


Top 10 selling games so far for the Switch are MK8D (60.58 mil), AC:NH (44.79), Smash Ult (33.67), LoZ BotW (31.61), SMO (27.65), Pokemon Sw/Sh (26.17) , Pokemon Sc/Vi (24.36), Super Mario Party ( 20.34), LoZ: TotK (20.28), NSMBUD (17.20mil)


So far SMBW has sold 11.96 mill,  Pikmin 4 has sold 3.33 mill, and Super Mario RPG Remake has sold 3.14 mill. 


The console sold better than they thought it would.  It's possible that if sales stay steady this year it might actually manage to overtake DS by next fiscal.  PS2 is probably going to be much harder though.  They'd need to have something come out that isn't that rumored Pokemon white/black remakes to get it to reach that threshold by the time Switch successor is ready.

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Both of the Sonic movies are better than they should be.  I enjoyed them both quite a bit.


Knuckles looks better than I expected for a series as well.  I didn't even know it was coming out.  I saw the Sonic 3 teaser coming out later this year and that was all.


I don't have Paramount+ and won't be getting it to watch it, but I'd watch it if I had access to it.

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3 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

That checks out.  There are approximately 2.2 billion more people on the planet now than there was in 1996.

More importantly the Switch has outsold the SNES at nearly a 3 to 1 clip so far. If they hit the sales targets for the fiscal year, the only thing ahead of Switch in sales in 2025 will be the PS2. IIRC it took the PS2 like 13 years to hit those numbers. The Switch, if Nintendo hit their sales targets, will likely do so in just over 8 years.

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1 minute ago, Darc_Requiem said:

More importantly the Switch has outsold the SNES at nearly a 3 to 1 clip so far. If they hit the sales targets for the fiscal year, the only thing ahead of Switch in sales in 2025 will be the PS2. IIRC it took the PS2 like 13 years to hit those numbers. The Switch, if Nintendo hit their sales targets, will likely do so in just over 8 years.

They should just stick to software. 

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30 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

....*sees this news and looks a Squeenix*

black friday rei GIF

If it weren't Disney, I'd say Square Enix was the worst handled entertainment company of the last few years. I foolishly thought them closing Tokyo RPG Factory meant they had Acquire on lock. That's my fault. To top it off, HD2D isn't even an engine. It's an artstyle. So Acquire can just call it something else and use it for FromSoftware. The entire board of directors and SE should have been shit canned for the Embracer deal. 300 million dollars for all their western studios, IP included. Then Embracer turns around and gets double that amount for licensing out, not selling, the Tomb Raider IP to Amazon. Then all this nonsense with NFTs, which they used the 300 million "windfall"  from the Embracer debacle on, and now it's block chain. WTF Square Enix, WTF.

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