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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

No, it actually doesn't. The $180 also includes online play. So that's 60 dollar they were getting anyway. For the cost of two full priced games and an annual XBL Gold subscription, MS is giving people day and date access to all of their big budgret releases. That's on top of forking over massive checks to third parties for their game titles. $120 + $60 for XBL is a what casual user would spend in a year. So, they are at best breaking even with their casual user while cutting themselves at knees for any user that that buys more two games year or 3 games a year for users that didn't have XBL Gold. No matter their success level, the one thing the Xbox brand got correct was software sales. Xbox consoles always, pre-Gamepass, had a high attach rate. 


TLDR; They traded all the additional money from XB users that bought more than 2 games a year for nothing. $180 = 2 games+XBL Gold. Actually games are $70 now, so it isn't even that.

I'd bet the majority of those people spending $500 aren't going to stop spending that, but now you've got a bunch of people who might buy a couple games a year from whatever company forking over $10/month to microsoft. I don't see how that's a negative for them. If anything it cuts them in a second time on a bunch of games they'd have already made their pittance on and it softens up the market for not having to buy a console to play these games.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

I think if we didn't live in a time or hyper politicization where media companies are pushing pseudo progressive BS at every turn, most people would be like, "Oh cool, a black samurai in the new AC game" and move it along. But people have been trained to see this stuff as indoctrination, virtue signaling, etc even when it's not, so that's how it's being perceived. The horrible backdrop the game is being made/released in is more to blame than anything.

I agree, you've all been trained very well to see agenda everywhere, even places it doesn't exist. 


Also Gamepass is destroying their profit margins and their market share so very very clearly 180 from a lot of people isn't better then 500 from a few people. 


Gamepass is ruining them lmao. 

Edited by RSG3
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Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I agree, you've all been trained very well to see agenda everywhere, even places it doesn't exist. 


If anything, I find humorous that we have a lot of people still downplaying how absurd and prevalent the insertion of agenda is.

Or are we gonna sit here and say that changing characters like Angrboda, on GOWR for example was done because they really thought it was the best for the story?


Heck, just recently, Deathshot, a character that was already stablished on the Arkahamverse was changed from white to black, then to justify it, it was retconned that the previous appearances were made by an impostor.

And the person who made the change was then later celebrating on twitter saying that he was happy to finally have a black character on the cover of a game.

Like if it has never happened 🤣

Edited by Hecatom
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Posted (edited)

I didn't say none of them where agenda driven. I said you guys have been trained to see Agenda everywhere even places it isn't, like this Asassins Creed. Even had Mario saying "they should just make a Japanese person the main character" dude didn't look into it st all, just bought the "agenda" at face value. A Japanese person is one of the main characters, she's even in front of Yasuke in the poster. 


Some of you have been well trained. 

Edited by RSG3
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Posted (edited)

Hades---It's like the game knows and tries to keep the good stuff away from me now... I haven't seen the "Doom Damage" upgrade in quite some time now, so none of my latest runs have been as successful as yesterday....also, I guess from the 2nd time onward that boss fight against the bull is always the bull + Theseus?! is only "easy" the first time you get there, I guess.  It's been that duo as the boss of Elysium every time since for me.


...but yeah, I haven't seen even 1 "doom damage" upgrade in a while now.


*edit----or maybe it's just more common on certain weapons during the run...?  Then again that incredible run I had with Shield; I had Doom damage stacked up like crazy.

Edited by MillionX
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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I didn't say none of them where agenda driven. I said you guys have been trained to see Agenda everywhere even places it isn't. 

I say is the other way around.
Is more like you are apathetic to the subject matters, so for you since is a none issue assume that it shouldn't be a none issue for everyone else.

Is everything done due agenda?
No, but they make it very easy to see when it is.

I wouldn't go and say that this new asscreed is an example of agenda (yet), but its timing is on a bad place, since people have been asking for years for a game set in japan.


And here they come, and decide to make one of the protagonists a non native to the area.

Like I said before.
The push of agenda only serves to create derision and apathy.
Creating the opposite effect for subsequent projects, where even people who would have been on board with the idea, now are on the fence or outright turned off by the idea.


For example.
And is not only on the public.

I know for a fact that companies have passed over projects because they see the pushback and are less willing to pursue new projects that can be perceived as agenda driven, even if is nt the case.

After the fiasco with High Guardian Spice, various projects from latin america  and philipinas were dropped off.

Edited by Hecatom
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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

I say is the other way around.

You would bro lol. 


Your obsession with agenda instead of just moving on to other things is what causes division and apathy. You're all obsessed with what it might be instead of just what it is and moving on if it's not for you. You wallow in this content. I don't care about Deadshot in a dog shit awful that wouldn't be good if Deadshot white anyway game. I moved the fuck on to good shit instead of continuing to give attention to dog shit and the people who drive clicks and traffic by wallowing in this dog shit. 

Edited by RSG3
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15 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

Heck, just recently, Deathshot, a character that was already stablished on the Arkahamverse was changed from white to black, then to justify it, it was retconned that the previous appearances were made by an impostor.


What, really?

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3 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

You would bro lol. 


Your obsession with agenda instead of just moving on to other things is what causes division and apathy. You're all obsessed with what it might be instead of just what it is and moving on if it's not for you. You wallow in this content. 

You can bury your head in the sand if you want and be mad that others are "obssesed" as you say for adressing the problem, ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away.

You have been saying this kind of stuff since like 2012  when that cunt Anita Sarkessian came along, and shit just has gotten worse 🤣

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9 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:


What, really?

I really had never even questioned it because Deadshot has been both in various different continuities and I didn't even remember that Deadshot was white originally in the Arkhamverse.  I had to look it up to remind myself and yeah he was and it actually wasn't an "imposter" per say but they retconned it to say that a Floyd Lawton from a dif universe was causing trouble in the Arkhamverse while the Floyd Lawton from the actual Arkhamverse had actually retired cause of his daughter.  He went out to clear his name but in the process of them both coming to blows there was some collateral and the original Deadshot came out on top but got blamed from the destruction and arrested.  I hadn't even noticed it cause I my interested in Suicide Squad was minimal at best and Deadshot was in general a blip in the grand scheme of the Arkham story.  That being said it is still kind of weird and contrived that they did it in this manner but it also fits with what SS was at least attempting to do with multiverse stuff after the original story was done with the Joker...and...whoever else may or may not get released at this point since that game is probably deader than dead.

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11 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:


What, really?

It’s not that he was an imposter, the white Deadshot is Deadshot, but he’s from an alternate universe and operated within the Arkham universe during a time when the black Deadshot was imprisoned. Don’t get me wrong. It’s still a stupid thing to change just because of brand synergy with the Suicide Squad movie no one liked. It could have been a lot more ignorable if they didn’t set this game in the Arkham universe and had fought the white Deadshot in previous games.

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Posted (edited)

No I haven't. I shit all over Anita, don't fucking lie now Hecatom this has been a perfectly fine conversation, you don't need to make up stuffthat isn't true to try and miscredit me, that's not what this convo is. I used to be full on board until I realized how much of my time Iwas wasting on it. I self reflected. I looked inward and realized I was wasting a shit load of time and energy on a minority issue I can easily side step by doing the research I've always done and buying what I want and not buying what I don't. 


And my heads not in the sand, I read the same shit you do, I get all the same YT videos you post here, I just don't feel the need to make a big deal of it, in the grand scheme of shit going on in the world this isn't remotely important enough to warrant this level of coverage.


I come here to relax and talk games and get away from all the actual real world actually important actually effects my life shit that actually matters. 


This shit really doesn't, not to the amount you guys make it seem like it does. It doesn't. They're videogames. They're movies, they're cartoon. Buy it or don't. 


It doesn't matter to me remotely as much as it does to you because I look out my window and go "Oh yea, it's just videogames." 


My heads not in the sand, my priorities are just aligned with way more important shit to worry about. 

Edited by RSG3
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

I'd bet the majority of those people spending $500 aren't going to stop spending that, but now you've got a bunch of people who might buy a couple games a year from whatever company forking over $10/month to microsoft. I don't see how that's a negative for them. If anything it cuts them in a second time on a bunch of games they'd have already made their pittance on and it softens up the market for not having to buy a console to play these games.

A lot of those people spending $500 plus just dipped out on Xbox completely and went PC. However that started happening before Gamepass as a consequence of MS dropping Xbox games Day and Date on PC. Those that didn't leave are just gaming at discount now thanks to Gamepass. If MS actually follows through with dropping CoD on Gamepass their financials will be blood bath of lost sales. Gamepass has missed its subscriber targets for 3 years running their hardwares are dropping like a rock. How long until Xbox just becomes a 3rd party publisher?



Edited by Darc_Requiem
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Posted (edited)
26 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

No I haven't. I shit all over Anita, don't fucking lie now Hecatom this has been a perfectly fine conversation, you don't need to make up stuffthat isn't true to try and miscredit me, that's not what this convo is.

I am not trying to lie.
I am just pointing out what I remember.
Which, I can give you that I am misremembering, since it was quite a while ago.



I used to be full on board until I realized how much of my time Iwas wasting on it. I self reflected. I looked inward and realized I was wasting a shit load of time and energy on a minority issue I can easily side step by doing the research I've always done and buying what I want and not buying what I don't. 


And my heads not in the sand, I read the same shit you do, I get all the same YT videos you post here, I just don't feel the need to make a big deal of it, in the grand scheme of shit going on in the world this isn't remotely important enough to warrant this level of coverage.


I come here to relax and talk games and get away from all the actual real world actually important actually effects my life shit that actually matters. 


This shit really doesn't, not to the amount you guys make it seem like it does. It doesn't. They're videogames. They're movies, they're cartoon. Buy it or don't. 


It doesn't matter to me remotely as much as it does to you because I look out my window and go "Oh yea, it's just videogames." 


My heads not in the sand, my priorities are just aligned with way more important shit to worry about. 

Here is the thing.
As you said, is only video games, movies, series, comics, etc, tru.
But for many is an escapism from their real life problems and stuff.

They are outlets to relieve themselves and just disconnect.
Is not that people don't have their priorities aligned.
Is that they are getting the few outlets to just relax coopted and it becomes a problem.

Moving on becomes less and less of an option, when the next thing they moved on is now also targeted to push agenda.

Do you think that a poor sap living on Venezuela for example doesn't know that the political and economic situation on his country is more important than the last spiderman game having latinx spanish on it?


Of course he does.
But now besides having to deal with that, he also has to see the game he was waiting is now pushing some shit that no one here likes.

Edited by Hecatom
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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

I am not trying to lie.
I am just pointing out what I remember.
Which, I can give you that I am misremembering, since it was quite a while ago

Bro I roasted the fuck out of Anita, and still will because she's a grifter piece of shit. I was big ass on board in the beginning, you are misremembering. 


12 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

As you said, is only video games, movies, series, comics, etc, tru.
But for many is an escapism from their real life problems and stuff.

And there's more then enough of it for them to go around they don't have to hype fixate on this stuff. I don't buy that for a second anyones run out of stuff to play because of some agenda. I've been gaming my whole life, almost 40 years and there has never been a shortage of anything to play be it new or old. 


The energy spent on whining about this shit could be spent perusing console libraries for shit you never heard of but absolutly hits the spot. I was finding Indi games 20 years ago to play and the indi scene is 100x bigger and 100x more easily accessible now then it was then. 


There soooooooooo much shit to play that I don't believe anyone who tells me they can't find anything to play, its bulkshit, there's tons of stuff out there that appeals to you, you just need to find it instead of relying on media outlets to tell you what's what. 


I don't buy that moving on isn't an option because there's millions of games to play. Moving on is very easy, that argument sounds like when multiplayer bro bros say there's nothing to play. 


I have hard time believing you buy that argument, you know how many titles there are to play, in every genre. 

Edited by RSG3
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1 minute ago, Hecatom said:

Here is the thing.
As you said, is only video games, movies, series, comics, etc, tru.
But for many is an escapism from their real life problems and stuff.

I'll keep it 100. I've been a nerd since before it was cool and I've seen the systematic destruction of damn near everything I enjoyed growing up. Almost always by people who know fuck all about the property they are handling. "It's just [insert hobby here] what's the big deal?"  It was minor annoyance at first. I don't have the free time that I did as a kid. Then looked around and realized I'm stuck in some twisted version of musical chairs and I'm running out chairs to sit in. I see the same thing happening to things I don't follow. So I empathize with those fan bases.

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Posted (edited)

well this is surprising


So.... a final update will add the offline mode for Redfall; I just heard it mentioned in passing on a podcast I'm listening to at the moment.  Whatever the case; it's obviously too late now, as barely anyone plays and it forever will have the stink of "failed game" all over it.


...if it were offline-playable from the damn start, I might have forgiven the other issues and bought it day 1, actually.

Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I'll keep it 100. I've been a nerd since before it was cool and I've seen the systematic destruction of damn near everything I enjoyed growing up. Almost always by people who know fuck all about the property they are handling. "It's just [insert hobby here] what's the big deal?"  It was minor annoyance at first. I don't have the free time that I did as a kid. Then looked around and realized I'm stuck in some twisted version of musical chairs and I'm running out chairs to sit in. I see the same thing happening to things I don't follow. So I empathize with those fan bases.

The one way to piss me off as a fan of anything is being told "why do you care so much? it's just a movie/book/video game." if it was, I wouldn't have invested so much time to wanting more out of it and connecting with others who share the same interests. Some of you have a horrible habit of downplaying things but that's fine. I don't expect ya'll to be as invested as I am in whatever IP we're talking about. Just know passions run high and words get said when people who just jump in don't bother to understand things.


Again I don't play AC but I understand fans who are conflicted and frustrated with how things are going. It's not much different from what other fans go through (Like me with Star Wars) and If I as a guy brushed off any of ya'lls passions, that wasn't my intention and would apologize. Finally semi relevant but NO ONE is immune to propaganda. Doesn't matter what side or belief you have, we've all fallen for things big and small. 

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Posted (edited)


Thats funny, back then they said they weren't gonna do Japan because it was over played but apparantly they had an entire story and narrative drawn for Japan back then when they had no plans of doing that setting? 


Articles from 2014. "The most boring setting possible." 


But they had a whole Japanese narrative written in the same time frame?

Edited by RSG3
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29 minutes ago, RSG3 said:


Thats funny, back then they said they weren't gonna do Japan because it was over played but apparantly they had an entire story and narrative drawn for Japan back then when they had no plans of doing that setting? 


Articles from 2014. "The most boring setting possible." 


But they had a whole Japanese narrative written in the same time frame?

I wouldn't be surprised if is one of the many projects that were canned because the head at the time was not kin of to the idea.

The same as he canned a lot of projects because they were female lead.

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11 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I just think Redditor is lying lol. But thats me. 

But considering how many projects were canned due 1 sole producer having all the power on what to greenlit, it could be anything.

If it existed, it was probably not beyond some preproduction level.

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1 minute ago, Hecatom said:

But considering how many projects were canned due 1 sole producer having all the power on what to greenlit, it could be anything.

If it existed, it was probably not beyond some preproduction level.

It could be but when the head of the AC project at the time says Japan's fucking boring I have my doubts about some secret Japan AC project being written behind doors story from a random on Reddit. 

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4 hours ago, RSG3 said:

I didn't say none of them where agenda driven. I said you guys have been trained to see Agenda everywhere even places it isn't, like this Asassins Creed. Even had Mario saying "they should just make a Japanese person the main character" dude didn't look into it st all, just bought the "agenda" at face value. A Japanese person is one of the main characters, she's even in front of Yasuke in the poster. 


Some of you have been well trained. 

Except I never said that. Did you take your meds? You're on some dab00g shit here. And for someone who claims not to care, you sure make an awful lot of posts when this stuff comes up.

3 hours ago, Hecatom said:

You can bury your head in the sand if you want and be mad that others are "obssesed" as you say for adressing the problem, ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away.

You have been saying this kind of stuff since like 2012  when that cunt Anita Sarkessian came along, and shit just has gotten worse 🤣

"It's not happening, but if it IS happening, here's why it's GOOD that it's happening"

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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Except I never said that. Did you take your meds?

My mistake then. Edit: Looking back it was Infernoman and I will admit that for some reason I confuse you two a decent amount. I don't know why.  Either way my mistake. Sorry. 


12 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

It's not happening, but if it IS happening, here's why it's GOOD that it's happening"

Lol what? 

Edited by RSG3
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3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

A lot of those people spending $500 plus just dipped out on Xbox completely and went PC. However that started happening before Gamepass as a consequence of MS dropping Xbox games Day and Date on PC. Those that didn't leave are just gaming at discount now thanks to Gamepass. If MS actually follows through with dropping CoD on Gamepass their financials will be blood bath of lost sales. Gamepass has missed its subscriber targets for 3 years running their hardwares are dropping like a rock. How long until Xbox just becomes a 3rd party publisher?



I makes sense why people would dip to PC from Xbox if they can play all the same games without having to buy a new console.  I really think Microsoft is trying to cut consoles out of the picture. Maybe they will end up being a 3rd party publisher sometime, but I think they're up to something.

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1 minute ago, RSG3 said:

My mistake then. 


Lol what? 

That's basically the line "journalists" or other people use to try to act like you're the crazy one for noticing stuff like race swaps or other idpol stuff that gets jammed into places in hamfisted ways.

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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

That's basically the line "journalists" or other people use to try to act like you're the crazy one for noticing stuff like race swaps or other idpol stuff that gets jammed into places in hamfisted ways.

Oh. Eh sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad and most times it really doesn't matter that much imo. I think a lot of this is easy buzz for easy clicks. Most people don't care half this much. 


I have new people I've never heard of before in my feeds all the time becsuse checking these rage boxes off with your content is easy engagement. It's far far harder to build an audience around positivity. Rage farming is way way easier. 

Edited by RSG3
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9 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

The 3rd party rumors are super duper strong. Heard recent rumblings a MS Board member wants to see Halo and shit on the PS Platform which would be wild. 


All rumors at the moment tho. 

Is a supposed leak
The only credence it has is that the leaker has been right before.

I wouldn't be surprised if the goal for Xbox is to become a subscription service.
They have been using weird phrasing when talking about the future of their games.
Like paraphrasing here they plan to bring their exclusive games whenever Gamepass is available.
But the way it was worded and the context of the question it was being answered seeming as they were trying to sidestep the subject of if there were plans to bring more of their games to other consoles and if they planned to keep certain games exclusive just to their own ecosystem of consoles and PC.

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2 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

^context for this guy's post.



The story treatments were approved and made canon — added to the official AC timeline for all narrative designers to reference so as to maintain continuity. There was a lot of back-and-forth with the narrative leads to ensure we weren’t writing stories and characters that contradicted previous & current titles or damaged the brand. A lot of research went into ensuring a respect for the culture & history. I also remember being borderline-OCD about eliminating any equipment and term anachronisms referenced in the stories.

Speaking of this.
I find funny that on the trailer for shadows you can see what is clearly chinese arquitecture being passed as japanese buildings 🤣

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5 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

Is a supposed leak
The only credence it has is that the leaker has been right before.

Which is why I won't call it more then a rumor. Leaks are rumors until they aren't, for me anyway. 


And yea I agree, I think they are trying to move away from Hardware and to a model where they can have the software control they want without the hardware backlash they had gotten when trying it the first time. 

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Which is why I won't call it more then a rumor. Leaks are rumors until they aren't, for me anyway. 


I am just adding some context to the rumor 😅



And yea I agree, I think they are trying to move away from Hardware and to a model where they can have the software control they want without the hardware backlash they had gotten when trying it the first time.


It makes you wonder what will be the the future of Xbox Live and the games that depend on it if Microsoft decides to leave the console market as the rumors say.


Edited by Hecatom
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9 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

It makes you wonder what will be the the future of Xbox Live and the games that depend on it if Microsoft decides to leave the console market as the rumors say.

Not really, they'll probably just fold that shit into Gamepass somehow and call it day. They've kinda been trying to do that for a while now anyway. 

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Posted (edited)

Hades---- as usual, the "dynamic duo" boss situation is just a bad time all around... it tends to be lame and aggravating whenever I see it---- this combo of Theseus and the minotaur in Hades is straight up bullshit, man.  Fighting either one of these pieces of shit by themselves probably wouldn't be a big deal at all....starting to remind me of the hell that is the Godskin duo in Elden Ring....maybe not *that* bad but you get the idea.  If I could just skip over that bullshit to go straight to the fight with Hades I would.  One run I had all 3 "death defiances" and yep...burned all 3 on this fight.


...and so far, still no "doom damage" several runs later, no matter which boons I've picked lately..... like that particular thing has vanished from my game, I guess.



Edited by MillionX
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17 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Not really, they'll probably just fold that shit into Gamepass somehow and call it day. They've kinda been trying to do that for a while now anyway. 


I meant in the longrun.
Since it is very likely they will try to downscale their infrastructure.
specially with all the redundancies they very likely got with the ABK acquisition. 

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Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

I meant in the longrun.

I think thats what they will do long run. They didn't buy talent, they bought IPs. They didn't want ActiBlizz, they wanted COD and Candy Crush. They'll fold it all into some all encompassing app. 


I guess I'm saying that I think they don't want Xbox. They want Steam. 

Edited by RSG3
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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

I makes sense why people would dip to PC from Xbox if they can play all the same games without having to buy a new console.  I really think Microsoft is trying to cut consoles out of the picture. Maybe they will end up being a 3rd party publisher sometime, but I think they're up to something.

I think that's where they'll ultimately end up. Their incompetence basically leaves them no other out at this point. The Xbox Series X as a console is a bit of waste from two fronts. The Series S was always going to hamstring the Series X. However their Day 1 PC initiative does so from the opposite end of the spectrum. It's a middle ground that leaves it without games truly optimized for it. So whats the point? It's just the mid level spec for whatever 1st party game they are developing. No one is going to really leverage the hardware.

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