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The Streaming Thread: Let's Be Real, Not Everything Is On Netflix

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5 minutes ago, Maxx said:

Heard carliton is 10x worse in this version where you wanna murk 

Oh, Carlton is the very definition of a fuck boy in this version. In the old show, even tho he and will were constantly competing and bickering, there was still love and respect deep down, u don't get that with them right now 


But I'm sure over the course of the series Carlton will come around but man.....oh, and in the first episode Carlton does some pretty WILD shit you won't expect





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I've been watching Cuphead with my daughter, it's a pretty decent cartoon.  It's made to be similar to the old timey cartoons and didn't have any concepts that a child wouldn't understand.  It has that 1st three seasons of Spongebob kind of vibe and the devil in the show isn't scary, he is a caricature of mustache twirling villainy from the 30s cartoons.

Edited by J-ride
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 what the caption and picture hints at


Obviously they’re going to be getting powers but I’m surprised it’s taken this long.

in the comic Before even the comic even begins all of The Boys except for Hughie have been exposed to or have taken Compound V to help them fight against the super heroes in the world. 

Hughie is the last to be exposed to Compound V and it’s by force as Butcher injects him with a vial without his permission shortly after their first meeting/Hughies first mission with The Boys. 

So the third season will likely be about them taking V to finally be on the same playing field as The Seven. And I hope when/if they do they give The Boys are a variety of powers. In the comics they all had the same powers. Super strength, super durability and healing factor. 

Please give them powers that match their personalities or underlining personality traits/desires


Edited by iStu X
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2 hours ago, Wellman said:

You never know, there have been a few Netflix Originals that have managed to come to physical in the past. Granted I can't think of any movies but I know for shows it has happened before.

Very rare. I hate the concept.. I get it buisness wise.. Makes you keep coming back to the app but i would have liked to have daredevil series on dvd. 

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20 hours ago, Wellman said:

You never know, there have been a few Netflix Originals that have managed to come to physical in the past. Granted I can't think of any movies but I know for shows it has happened before.

It does happen as occasionally shows have had their seasons released along with a few movies. This current batch though, I'm seriously doubting that it'd ever happen. I wonder if there will be a company that starts doing a "Limited Run Games" approach to films/tv shows. 

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I binged the available episodes of Bel-Air. It's a great show. How it reinvented the characters from the sitcom has been excellent. Special props goes to Hillary as the new show actually makes her a likable character with a passion toward her career goals. Though I'm still processing that they turned Carlton into a supervillain. 

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For me what they made of Carlton made me lose the interest on the show.

Even when it was a dumb sitcom, one of the highlights for me was the emphasis that was put on family as the rock that serves to elevate you.


Every one of the cousins gained by their relationship with Will the same as Will from them.

Specially the relationship between Will and Carlton since it was the one that got most focus.


Making Carlton a supervillain feels like a cheap cliche of many shows aimed to young people where you can't have a series without an over the top antagonist.


The whole idea of Fresh Prince was that he was a fish out of water learning how to adapt to his new surroundings the same way as the people around him learning and even improving at times from his outside the norm way of thinking and behaving.


Adding this new dynamic only is a detriment, at least for me.

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You gotta get a lil further in the show, Carlton isn't really a super villain, it's a pretty clear arc they're going through. His relationship with Will is adversarial at first like in the original show, albeit played with a high level of seriousness but ultimately it'll end up with Carlton and Will eventually becoming close or atleast having an understanding 


I get why the new show turns ppl off but it's really damn good on its own merits

Edited by HD-Man
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3 hours ago, Hecatom said:

For me what they made of Carlton made me lose the interest on the show.

Even when it was a dumb sitcom, one of the highlights for me was the emphasis that was put on family as the rock that serves to elevate you.


Every one of the cousins gained by their relationship with Will the same as Will from them.

Specially the relationship between Will and Carlton since it was the one that got most focus.


Making Carlton a supervillain feels like a cheap cliche of many shows aimed to young people where you can't have a series without an over the top antagonist.


The whole idea of Fresh Prince was that he was a fish out of water learning how to adapt to his new surroundings the same way as the people around him learning and even improving at times from his outside the norm way of thinking and behaving.


Adding this new dynamic only is a detriment, at least for me.

Will and carlton took time to be super close. Season 1 they were at odds and were cool.. By season 3-4 they were basically brothers

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4 hours ago, Hecatom said:

For me what they made of Carlton made me lose the interest on the show.

Even when it was a dumb sitcom, one of the highlights for me was the emphasis that was put on family as the rock that serves to elevate you.


Every one of the cousins gained by their relationship with Will the same as Will from them.

Specially the relationship between Will and Carlton since it was the one that got most focus.


Making Carlton a supervillain feels like a cheap cliche of many shows aimed to young people where you can't have a series without an over the top antagonist.


The whole idea of Fresh Prince was that he was a fish out of water learning how to adapt to his new surroundings the same way as the people around him learning and even improving at times from his outside the norm way of thinking and behaving.


Adding this new dynamic only is a detriment, at least for me.

To be fair, Carlton was antagonistic towards Will in the early seasons of the show and was jealous of him. Biggest difference is Carlton is more malicious in his actions compare to OG Carlton who was harmless. 


Fish out of water element is still there. It took a few episodes to adapt to his new environment. Carlton and his boys definitely didn't make that easy for him. 


Though I do want the show to develop Will's relationship with his other cousins. His relationship with Ashley is one of my favorite aspects of the first three seasons and she barely on the new show. The relationship she had with Will was given to Hillary. So the characters will likely have to connect in a different way.

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