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The SF6 Thread: Akuma Incoming!

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2 hours ago, HeavensCloud said:

Me too.  The best SFV moment was when they revealed Arcade Edition and then showed the entire season 3 roster after Capcom Cup.  Was like an early Christmas present.  

Exactly. You watch tournaments over the course of the year that culminates in the CPT finals in december, then we'd get a balance patch and some confirmations on whats coming in the next year. It was perfect.

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2 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

A guest character feels inevitable at this point. As much as I don’t want that I’ll admit it does feel odd to have all these hyped collabs that don’t actually deliver any content that players would want lol. 


Except these collabs are selling. There's always a fightpit of people with their character creations in every lobby. There's a group of players who absolutely LOVE these collabs because they get to be creative. Think of it as the "minecraft" section of Street Fighter in that they hype part is what they are doing with the engine they are given.


So for all the bullshit people told me about how I was wrong about what casuals wanted  (I wasn't and they can still hold that), you get the actual people crying about not being catered enough after they've thrown everything at it.


At this point, and people can cry about the pricing of alternate outfits, we've seen these are not wack alternates. They spend time to add small details and make them look good. So people really have to take a step back and realize capcom isn't releasing slop like they were before.

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1 minute ago, Darc_Requiem said:

You know, if these bullshit collabs keep guest characters out of the game. I've changed my mind on them being terrible. Good, keep them coming.


What's funnier is the ACTUAL entitlement FGC people are having with these. Capcom put up a million dollars they didn't have to for a big ol' tournament. Instead of understanding what that means for the financials of the game, they complain about them monetizing the project as much as they can. If you want eSports support, you gotta fund them eSports in some way.


These guys have zero perspective about any of this. That prize money is basically a boondoggle that came with the game that benefits the tiniest of minority of players. Easily the most useless feature to come with SF6. So you could've had one million dollars worth of things added to the game for the modes you like or the tournament  prize pool. You wanted the prize pool? bet. Now all these other resources are allocated to the casual players who spend zero time bitching about being sold things.

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I'd get hammered on SRK for saying that as long as an FG has online versus mode and training mode, my needs were met. This is still true, my favorite part is playing with people. Casual players wnat their games to have a lot of modes so they feel like they bought stuff with "value" and "content". Doesn't matter whether they use it or not, it just needs to be there for them to be happy.


What's hilarious is to get mad when these guys get sold things. My content is new characters in the character select screen. That's already coming, there's two more and they come with outfits. As far as the FGC is concerned, they are already taken care of by great netcode, great training mode, and character passes. All in all they've got to chill. You want the franchise to be successful, stop conflating FGC needs with Casual needs.


This is what they need to do so they can eventually do SF7 or maybe CvS3. Hold that, more 10 dollar costume and collabs. Let these dudes who cook in character creator have dragonball stuff too. IDGAF.

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Guess it makes sense they show Juri wearing the Yor costume



Spy x Family Code: White and Street Fighter 6 collaboration

• A collaboration to celebrate the theatrical release of SPY x FAMILY CODE: White in Japan is now available. Be sure to go to the News section of the Multi Menu to claim the collab items before the collab ends.
- Collab Availability: January 9, 2024 – January 31, 2024

• Goods Shop Items Added:
- Twilight’s Suit
- Thorn Princess' Dress

• New Parts Added to Avatar Creator:
- Hair presets 46 & 47 added.


Battle Adjustments

• Fixed an issue that resulted in unintended behavior depending on whether or not an input was entered during the recovery period of Zangief’s SA2 on block.

• Fixed an issue where using Overdrive moves would not trigger Burnout appropriately.

• Warning Regarding Replays: After updating, you won’t be able to play back replays from earlier versions

• Fighter Profile: History data from earlier versions will not be displayed.

• Bug Fixes: Some minor bugs were also fixed.



Edited by AriesWarlock
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3 hours ago, Sonero said:


Except these collabs are selling. There's always a fightpit of people with their character creations in every lobby. There's a group of players who absolutely LOVE these collabs because they get to be creative. Think of it as the "minecraft" section of Street Fighter in that they hype part is what they are doing with the engine they are given.


So for all the bullshit people told me about how I was wrong about what casuals wanted  (I wasn't and they can still hold that), you get the actual people crying about not being catered enough after they've thrown everything at it.


At this point, and people can cry about the pricing of alternate outfits, we've seen these are not wack alternates. They spend time to add small details and make them look good. So people really have to take a step back and realize capcom isn't releasing slop like they were before.

I mostly agree with you but I still think the outfit payment method is BS. Capcom knows they can ass fuck us because they gave us a game that was basically the second coming of Jesus. So now they can just dangle that over us every time we bitch about DLC. Games like Granblue have something to prove much like SFV did so that's why they're going hard and Capcom is laughing to the bank. I still wish we got more shit like EX colors in the passes or even like what Granblue is doing like giving you special colors for reaching certain ranks. But I digress. 

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6 hours ago, Sonero said:


I'm so sick of people asking for guest characters in SF6.  It has NEVER been a thing in SF.  There's so many awesome characters from the Street Fighter/Final Fight universe that aren't in the game.  There aren't even any alpha or 3rd strike characters in the game.  And yet people are still asking for fucking guest characters lol.  

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3 hours ago, Sonero said:


You know who the people are asking for guest characters in Street Fighter? The ones that claim the love NRS games and then proceed to stop playing the NRS games about 3 weeks in.



The lore is deep enough in SF that it will never need guest characters. For SF6, there is enough personality and guest characters would just throw off the narrative.


Funnily enough I actually avoided MK 1 because of all the guest characters that were previewed in the season pass.

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2 hours ago, TWINBLADES said:

I present to you the play: Coping and Seething.


I'm not sure whose side to pick here. On the one hand, it's pretty stupid that you can get to Master rank with a negative win rate, let alone 43%. On the other hand, if you can't get past Diamond 3 with Ken and Cammy you're in no position to criticize anyone and we should all just point and laugh at you.

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42 minutes ago, Volta said:

I'm not sure whose side to pick here. On the one hand, it's pretty stupid that you can get to Master rank with a negative win rate, let alone 43%. On the other hand, if you can't get past Diamond 3 with Ken and Cammy you're in no position to criticize anyone and we should all just point and laugh at you.

You could get to master in SFV with a 46% win rate. The reason why it was so fucking hard was because the ranks were super compressed due to lack of players. So being at 1400LP put you in the bracket of fighting everyone that was right on the cusp of Ultra Platinum all the way to fucking Warlord. Absolutely no one that wasn’t pushing 70% win rate was making any substantial gains. Because SF6 has way more people playing it and because the ranking system doesn’t go to shit till you hit legend 43% W/L is pretty viable for hitting Master. 

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I'd be fine with a guest or two from another FG franchise in 6 if the seasons were larger. At 4 faces a year and the uncertainty of future passes? Nah, each slot is way too valuable and if it's a chara I don't care about personally that's another 3-4 months of waiting for the next roster addition 

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15 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

You know, if these bullshit collabs keep guest characters out of the game. I've changed my mind on them being terrible. Good, keep them coming. Keep that shit in NRS and Namco games. Costumes? Sure. Although you'll have to give up your first born child to afford them...


I just hope Capcom wouldn't be convinced with guest characters on SF.


This protest is non-sense it's ruining the brand. This sound good if it is a crossover game like if this was Marvel vs Capcom with guesting TMNT or Capcom All Star with TMNT but not turning SF as a crossover would waste everything it establish might as well make it a Capcom FG allstar title.


Imaginge those franchise having 2 representative include in the main cast it very much mugen already LOL

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6 hours ago, Jurassic said:

The lore is deep enough in SF that it will never need guest characters. For SF6, there is enough personality and guest characters would just throw off the narrative.


Funnily enough I actually avoided MK 1 because of all the guest characters that were previewed in the season pass.

Plus it had a lot of interesting characters and background characters that deserve the spot that are already established fighters


I only like MK1 because of the guest characters and considered it that way and effective because of the world building already establish parallel and whatif version 

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22 hours ago, Vhozite said:

A guest character feels inevitable at this point. As much as I don’t want that I’ll admit it does feel odd to have all these hyped collabs that don’t actually deliver any content that players would want lol. 

SFV had collabs with Arika and still no non-Capcom guest in SFV


Beside that speak for yourself lol, i found Spy update cool and basically free (costed me 500DT x 2, and we get  a 500DT challenge every week iirc), hope to get much more like that rather the scam that has been TMNT one


Reality is has been probably the best quality/price collab so far


20 hours ago, Sonero said:

Except these collabs are selling. There's always a fightpit of people with their character creations in every lobby. There's a group of players who absolutely LOVE these collabs because they get to be creative. Think of it as the "minecraft" section of Street Fighter in that they hype part is what they are doing with the engine they are given.



21 hours ago, Sonero said:

What's hilarious is to get mad when these guys get sold things. My content is new characters in the character select screen. That's already coming, there's two more and they come with outfits. As far as the FGC is concerned, they are already taken care of by great netcode, great training mode, and character passes. All in all they've got to chill. You want the franchise to be successful, stop conflating FGC needs with Casual needs.

Yeah, we got years and years of SFV where part of FGC was mad at aesthetic stuff as if it was money "stolen" from balancement and shit (that's not how works, ironically hated aesthetic dlcs were making money for that development/balancement stuff lol), SF6 version is that WTM is getting too much aesthetic stuff and main cast not enough aesthetic stuff*😁


*reality is i wish we got more stages main cast costumes too lol... but not at WTM expense wich is still criminally crippled by Capcom itself.

People hating on creation mode would say it's getting too much, ask anybody who actually spent time on the editor and will tell you the current selection of items is incredibly poor and LOT LOT of already ingame stuff (what WTM NPCs wear basically) is simply locked for no better reason than Capcom holding back it to release little drops through months/years lol



If was so competitive gameplay focused as some are, i think i would be more mad at bizzarre cast balancement that will stay like that till summer 2024 with the start of S2.

Maybe i would like to get a mid-year balancement patch, even just a softer one compared to the actual big New Season yearly one

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Random as fuck but since @Darc_Requiemmade the avatar thread, i stopped post CaC stuff in other threads (beside Badass Santa lol), so there's some new stuff i did


Enjoy it hate it, i can appreciate both 😆


(click on pics for full size)


Demitri  (2 versions)









Baby Head (Captain Commando)



Paul Phoenix (waiting for better hair)




Batsu (Rival Schools)



Bunch of faces getting fixed


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17 hours ago, TWINBLADES said:

You could get to master in SFV with a 46% win rate. The reason why it was so fucking hard was because the ranks were super compressed due to lack of players. So being at 1400LP put you in the bracket of fighting everyone that was right on the cusp of Ultra Platinum all the way to fucking Warlord. Absolutely no one that wasn’t pushing 70% win rate was making any substantial gains. Because SF6 has way more people playing it and because the ranking system doesn’t go to shit till you hit legend 43% W/L is pretty viable for hitting Master. 

Yeah, the problem with SFV's rank system was lack of players at the higher ranks.  Hard to make consistent gains when one minute I'm fighting a wild Diamond Kage and then next match I'm fighting Punk.  It's like, what is this lol?  

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1 hour ago, HeavensCloud said:

Yeah, the problem with SFV's rank system was lack of players at the higher ranks.  Hard to make consistent gains when one minute I'm fighting a wild Diamond Kage and then next match I'm fighting Punk.  It's like, what is this lol?  

That was always going to happen regardless of population. You would need an...insane amount of players to make it so that the closer you get to Punk's rank the game won't match you.


The general FG playerbase being what it is, the only way to prevent that from happening is to basically lock people out. This is what's more or less happening now and dudes are hating it.

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This a hot take or kinda legit?


As a Dee Jay main, I think his forward+mk should be an overhead.  BUT ... only if they make it have more recovery frames.


I'm slowly climbing up the ladder and I just play casual matches way more than ranked.  However, casual still matches you with people that are around your skill level, so I play a lot of mid/low masters and high diamond.  I am D2 with like 20500 points.  I think if I played ranked more and wasn't a bitch about it, I could move on up fairly easily.  I have like less than 200 ranked games I think and started in gold.


That said, as I've played better players, as Dee Jay, it is definitely much harder to open up people.  I get that most of his gameplay revolves around his sway and stuff, which is kinda gimmicky in general, but that is really the only way to open someone up.  But at the same time, if you miss one of those attempts, you can eat a huge combo.  Whereas most players that have the overhead mixup game, the overhead is safe.


His forward+mk already looks like an overhead too.  However it recovers deceivingly fast, and it's pretty easy to catch someone on block with a follow up, but I've definitely noticed the higher ranked people know that matchup and know not to attack after blocking that.


I think the only thing that would be fair, if it was an overhead, would be to give it more recovery though.  I don't know the frame data on it as I just play by feel, but I definitely catch people with counter hits if I jab right after, fairly often.


So this too much of a hot take and people think I'm crazy, or do people think this would be a decent tradeoff?

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1 hour ago, Sonero said:

That was always going to happen regardless of population. You would need an...insane amount of players to make it so that the closer you get to Punk's rank the game won't match you.


The general FG playerbase being what it is, the only way to prevent that from happening is to basically lock people out. This is what's more or less happening now and dudes are hating it.

I was just comparing 5 to 6.  There's a shit ton of people playing 6 right now to where I'm only getting matched with people within 200-300 MR of myself.  With SFV's matchmaking I'd be fighting 2000+ MR Legends.  

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39 minutes ago, HeavensCloud said:

I was just comparing 5 to 6.  There's a shit ton of people playing 6 right now to where I'm only getting matched with people within 200-300 MR of myself.  With SFV's matchmaking I'd be fighting 2000+ MR Legends.  

I do miss those legendary rank runs from the pros where they were hitting 60 game win streaks because it was so easy to farm diamond and early master players lol.

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1 hour ago, HeavensCloud said:

I was just comparing 5 to 6.  There's a shit ton of people playing 6 right now to where I'm only getting matched with people within 200-300 MR of myself.  With SFV's matchmaking I'd be fighting 2000+ MR Legends.  


That's it for now. But you're comparing the last few years of SF5 to SF6 at the moment. Whether those numbers keep up is a whole different question. If they don't, you'll end up running into the same thing in this game.

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Xiao Hai having such a reactions dependent gameplan makes him so swingy as an SF player. You're either getting a top 10 crazy person or he makes you wonder. But when the dude is on:


Whiff punished a with a stand fierce. Think that was more of a delayed button than some skynet levels of reaction but goddamn. Got beat beyond fair and square.

Oh brother,



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@TWINBLADESThat's the cheat code fam. If Alex Le wouldn't have saved Luke. He would have been replaced by his long lost sister Luciana in SF7. She'd have oversized calves, Sandblasts with Sonic Boom Frame Data, nothing but 7-3 match ups (including the mirror somehow), and the community would be too busy posting "Step On Me Mommy" memes and buying $20 swimsuit costumes to care.

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