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The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?

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On 11/10/2023 at 10:06 AM, Sonero said:

Bitch you got training mode just like I do, figure it the fuck out. Then the complaints about a circuit htat never existed so they can try and make profession out of something that isn't.

It should probably go without saying, but for all the clout chasers and wannabe pro gamers out there who want to make money doing this... get a real skill. Video production, editing, art, logistics, marketing, event co-ordination, even a YouTube channel are all more viable options than being the best at these games. I think a lot of them either don't get it or are lazy tbh.

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14 hours ago, TWINBLADES said:

My AKI is trash. Landed in gold for my placements. Don’t know any combos but gonna grind it out. Goodbye for now Lily.

My AKI is trash. Literally the worst character for me.....and I got stuck in Silver. I couldn't even remember my special move inputs half the time. Just fundamentals basically. At least when I got Gold with Manon, I understood. It was day 1 and no one knew their elbow from their asshole. 


@ShakunetsuThe "Reina at Home" tweet has me crying fam 😂😂😂

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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Made another video.  Wasn't expecting to be making tech or strategy videos at this juncture in my FGC life but here we are. @Darc_Requiemcan't thank you enough.


I'm honestly perplexed that I've spent a bit more time on making a strategy video than a lot of "pros". Still feels weird that with all of the information you need to get better at FGs, the conversations don't happen. Either way, stick to the end and it gets really funny:



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Question for anyone that knows the answer or wants to answer, so with ken I can do target combo into fireball,dp 10 out of 10 times, but when it comes to target combo into jinrai kicks it rarely comes out, its the same motion just using a kick button instead of a punch button, why is this happening? Like shouldn't both punch and kick buttons come out the same? Anyone else notice this? 

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That thing says privated now, bleh. Had to edit and fix a bunch of stuff.


Now its better.




After making two small strategy vids on a character I know...I'm highkey sad we don't really get more of these from actual good players. I get being the change you wanna see in the world but shit, it really bothers me how poor the conversation on strategy is in the FGC.


There was a guy who found that if you safe jump JP with lights, you recover in time to get some punishes on EX Amnesia and that was lost to the twitter aether. Absolutely blows.


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So yeah I'm having crazy fun with AKI. I boot up her intermediate trials with matches on just so I can run through the basics to warm up. It's funny as fuck being in Gold with my fundies and seeing people soy rage over this character. Ran into a Honda that kept headbutting into her poison ball. Dude was getting heated and started spamming butt slam. Still won to hahaha! I'm watching Hikarus replays to get a better idea for how to play neutral. Her combos routes are so fucking awesome but you have to be on point with capitalizing off every potential poison burst. Her corner loops are amazing. Also her stand heavy kick is probably one of my favorite buttons in the game. Just feels good to hit. Gonna grind this chick out for the foreseeable future.

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Seems like Capcom just threw all the staff to finish base game content first, it's weird how 4.5 months later 6 only released 2 additional characters 


I know it's a bit of an unfair comparison but by this time post launch for 5, that game added 3 characters, a dozen costumes, 2 stages, a story mode DLC, and revamped the ingame economy by removing the zenny currency and nerfed earnings from survival mode 

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2 hours ago, -PVL93- said:

Feels like SFV S1 all over again when half the pro tour was a bunch of Nash, Cammy, Chun, Mika, Necalli players 

Hold up,


Nash, Cammy, Chun, Mika, Necalli




Karin, Ken, Ryu, R.Mika.


Knuckle Du won Capcom Cup with Guile too. Urien was a bit lower than those guys but still competitive. Ibuki was robbing people too. Out of the first 16 characters, 9 were on a similar levle to each other.


6 Characters were DLC: Alex, Balrog, Guile, Ibuki, Juri, Urien. From those, 3 were pretty good out of the box. People thought I was trolling when I said the first season of SF5 was the best balance wise but them be the facts.



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