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MEGA Elite
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Posts posted by Vhozite

  1. Interesting Notes:

    • Zangief has both the strongest level 1 and the strongest level 3 in the game.
    • Manon and Lily both have grab level 3’s, however they can be jumped on reaction.
    • Ryu (SA3) and Luke (SA2) are tied for fastest supers in the game (5f).
    • The overwhelming majority of DP’s are 6f startup.
    • Generally speaking, projectile supers are not projectile invincible.
    • Zangief and Lily are the only characters with non-CA level 3’s that hit for more than 4k damage.
    • Jamie is the only character without a SA that hits for more than 3k.
  2. Game Version: 1.0/Release


    Feel free to add or correct me on information in post replies. I'll update the OP as characters and patches are released. Please comment if there is a way I can make formatting better for readers 👍🏽 


    Key -  Move: damage, start-up, i-frames (if any), special properties/other notes (if applicable)



    OD.Vertical Rolling Attack: 1600, 7f, full invul,

    SA1: 2000, 8f, 1f full/7f strike + throw, projectile (1 hit)

    SA2: n/a, 10f (total), n/a, install

    SA3: 4000, 10f, full invul



    OD.Cannon Spike: 1500, 6f, full invul

    SA1: 1900, 9f, 1f full/7f strike + throw,

    SA2: 2800, 13f, 1f full, AIR OK, can hit without full cinematic

    SA3: 4000, 9f, full invul, travels full screen (full cinematic)



    OD.Tensho Kicks: 1400, 6f, full invul,

    SA1: 1700, 7f, strike/throw, projectile (5 hits), Air OK

    SA2: 2000, 11f, full invul, jump cancelable on-hit

    SA3: 4000, 8f, full invul


    Dee Jay

    OD.Jackknife Maximum: 1500, 6f, full invul

    SA1: 1800, 7f, 1f full invul,

    SA2: 2600-3000, 12f, full invul, can do less damage with poor rhythm

    SA3: 4000, 9f, full invul



    SA1: 1920, 10f, n/a, projectile

    SA2: 2800, 7f, full invul, arcing projectile

    SA3: 4000, 10f, full invul



    SA1: 2000, 7f, 1f full/5f strike + throw

    SA2: 2850, 12f, full invul, travels full screen

    SA3: 4000, 9f, full invul



    OD.Flash Kick: 1600, 6f, full invul

    SA1: 2000, 8f, 1f full/6f strike + throw, projectile (7 hits)

    SA2: n/a, 6f (total), n/a, install super

    SA3:  4000, 9f, full invul



    OD.ArrowKick: 1350-1650, 6f, full invul

    SA1: 1890-2310, 10f, 1f full, 8f strike + throw

    SA2: n/a, 6f total, n/a, install super that briefly gives max drink level

    SA3: 2340-2860, 10f, full invul, can juggle after the super



    SA1: 2000, 8f, 1f full/6f strike + throw, projectile, hits fullscreen

    SA2: 2000, 8f, 1f full, hits high>overhead>low>overhead, hits fullscreen

    SA3: 4000, 18f, full invul, hits fullscreen



    OD.Tensenrin: 1600, 6f, full invul

    SA1: 1800, 7f, strike + throw, 6 projectiles

    SA2: 300, 9f total, n/a, install super, without the dash attack total duration is 7f

    SA3: 4000, 10f, full invul



    OD.Shoryuken: 1600, 6f, full invul

    SA1: 2000, 7f, 1f full/5 frames strike + throw

    SA2: 2700, 6f, 1f full

    SA3: 4000, 7f, full invul



    SA1: 1800(2000), 12f, 1f full/10f strike + throw, does extra damage with can stock

    SA2: 2600, 13f, 1f full, AIR OK

    SA3: 4000, 8f, full invul, permanent damage and speed buff



    SA1: 2200, 13f, 1f full/11f strike + throw

    SA2: 2500(2800), 9f, full invul, AIR OK

    SA3: 4500, 7f, full invul, throw, can be jumped post flash



    OD.Rising Uppercut: 1400, 6f, full invul

    SA1: 2000, 6f, strike/throw, projectiles (5 hits)

    SA2: 2800, 5f, full invul,

    SA3: 4000, 10f, full invul



    SA1: 2000, 10f, strike/throw, low

    SA2: 2700, 7f, full invul

    SA3: 4000, 7f, full invul, throw (can jump post flash)



    SA1: 2200(2900), 19f, 1 full/17f armored, chargeable

    SA2: 3000, 9f, full invul, 2500 dmg without animation

    SA3: 4000, 13f, full invul



    OD.Shoryuken: 1600, 6f, full invul

    SA1: 2000(2400), 8f, 1f full/6f strike + throw, projectile (5 hits), Denjin buffs damage

    SA2: 2600-3000,(3000-3400), 12f, full invul, dispels up to 3 hit non-SA projectiles, chargeable

    SA3: 4000, 5f, full invul



    SA1: 3500, 11f, full invul, hits airborne opponents only

    SA2: 1100/3160, 18f, full invul, vacuums in opponent

    SA3: 4800, 7f, full invul, throw, cannot be jumped post super flash


    7 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    Everyone is Diamond? My ass is still Gold. Also let me when you guys set up a Megashock lobby. I can't play a whole lot right now but hopefully that changes after my surgery in a couple weeks. 

    I’m still in gold. I’ve played like 15 ranked matches counting placements.


    Im with Sonero right now I’m waiting on that spark to make me go ham. I’m chillin rn


    Edit: In fact if you go to my CFN I’m pretty sure it says I’ve spent like 90% of my playtime in training mode

  4. 56 minutes ago, Jocelot said:


    How does this work? Is there a group to enter or a password or anything? 

    Usually what happens is we pick a lobby to invade then gather around a couple machines. Idk if there is a better way 🤷🏽‍♂️ 

    1 hour ago, TWINBLADES said:


    Guile being that low is crazy. He was super popular in SFV and is basically even more powerful. I don't really understand how Ken can stay on top but Guile is so low unless people are just bored of Guiles play style. 

    Rant incoming:



    As someone who has played A LOT of Guile in the past (he was my sub in SF4 sand I won my shares of matches with him in 5) I think his SF6 design is one of the worst.

    If you already don’t like Guile his SF6 moveset isn’t gonna move the needle. He’s still a relatively basic character that hocks booms and anti-airs 90% of the match.

    If you are someone like me who has historically played Guile because he was one of the simplest characters in the game, 6 isn’t gonna resonate with you either. You don’t want to deal with trying to hit perfect booms, and you probably have 0 interest in learning whatever degen loops or combos he has like in 5. It’s extra layers of shit slapped onto a character you specifically play not to deal with stuff like that lol.

    Guile is now in this weird middle area where he isn’t as basic as what I want and he’s still too basic for your average player to enjoy.


    Also I’m sure it also doesn’t help that DeeJay, a character that has historically been “bad Guile”, is now one of the most hype characters on the roster. 

    Lastly, Guile doesn’t benefit as much from Modern controls as other characters since you still have to charge boom. 


    All of this is my opinion of course, but SF6 Guile seems like the perfect storm of why would any use this character. I think the only thing saving him from being bottom of the barrel is that beating bad players with him is still pretty easy and he’s definitely not bad tier wise even against good players.,

  5. 1 hour ago, elliephil said:


    Delay Throw/Parry OS


    This was in some other games but I made a video showing how to do it in Street Fighter 6.


    Input: block (wait) throw~parry


    Ideally you want to enter this OS during blockstun.


    True strings will be blocked.


    Non-delayed throws will be teched.


    Untrue strings (ones with gaps), will be parried.


    The main reason this all works is because the throw tech is input during blockstun which will allow it to only be used defensively and not be counter hit in these situations. If you are delaying it properly, you will block first, tech second, parry third. The parry comes out during gaps in pressure where the throw can no longer come out.


    This very obviously will lose to delayed attacks that target the OS inputs (shimmying).

    You, an intellectual:



  6. 29 minutes ago, FengShuiEnergy said:

    Just so I'm up to date. The only new mechanics are DI and DP right? Backdashes have no invincibility still or give no CH property and are only throw invincible AND grounded the whole time right? Also no I-frames on regular specials?

    Drive Gauge abilities are Impact, Parry, Reversal, and Rush. These abilities bear a resemblance to key abilities in past games but there are significant differences here in 6 that make them work differently. 

    You’re correct on backdashes afaik. 

    Yes generally reversals are limited to overdrives and super arts. Meterless DPs still beat jumpins and there might be other niche examples like i think Ken’s run DP has i-frames.

  7. Slept on it and ready to give a more in depth analysis.





    As mentioned the movie feels rushed, and that’s because several potential story beats are under explored or just straight up glossed over and left out. Scourge gets unmasked at one point and the camera pan makes it seems like it’s a significant reveal, but it’s just his fairly unremarkable face. There are a couple lines that imply potential time travel shenanigans involving the Maximals, but it’s never actually explored. 

    Speaking of the Maximals, for a movie called Rise of the beasts, the Maximals really feel like unexplored side characters. Outside of the opening where Unicron shows up to eat their planet, they have basically 0 background. Idk if the budget ran out but the Maximals spend 99% of the film in their alt forms, which feels jarring because the autobots all get multiple cool transformation sequences. Cheetor and Rhinox have like 3 lines of dialogue combined, and the scene with their robot forms is so poorly edited that you don’t get a single good look at them. Airrazor never transforms at all. 

    For all the hoopla about these movies being better than the “trash” Bay films, I’m really disappointed with how “design-by committee” this movie feels. Say what you want about the Bay films but at least they had a sense of ambition and spectacle. This movie has a plot just as thin as those movies while lacking in those aspects in world that feels more empty in comparison. They go to a lot of trouble to make the bots look and feel more like living beings just to completely phone in every other aspect of the film.


  8. Just saw it tonight. As a TF fan I thought it was ok but as a movie guy I thought it was mid at best. The Cybertronians themselves look amazing and they are very fun to watch and look at. However besides that and the scenery the movie is not good imo. First Bay film is still the best live action TF movie. 

    Edit: Biggest thing I’ll say is that the movie feels rushed

  9. 46 minutes ago, delete_me said:

    One character I just don't see the strength yet is Cammy. I don't think she's bad or anything but I've yet to see someone prove that she's indeed one of the better characters in the game. I think Punk played her some, might have to watch those matches.

    Idk Cammy seems pretty good to me. Her buttons have good range, she has multiple options to generate plus frames without using drive rush, ez mode oki off spiral arrow, reversal, jiggle, air super, level 3 that goes full screen in less than 20 frames, like 3 iron clad anti airs, 18f dash (fast for this game), light>medium link, 3 hit light confirms. Also, unlike other games where she has stuff like this Cammy also has standard health. Only thing she really doesn’t have is a command grab or fireball.

    Not saying she is the best character in the game or anything but she is a very complete and robust. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, delete_me said:

    Do you think they'll show/tease Rashid on their showcase on Monday? I feel like it's a bit too soon, but on the other hand it would be a good way to keep the current momentum going.

    Why do they need to keep momentum  wound what’s already happening? The game has been out 1 week and everyone loves it.


    I wouldn’t be opposed to a Rashid showcase but that feels unnecessary right now.

  11. 21 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:


    (edit to add) also, since the assists seem to be able to come in with different attacks, it will likely use the right analog stick like MK11 did, so RIP stick/leverless players - which if true, will probably prevent me from buying this on a flash $10 sale in 3 years

    They’ve could’ve changed the control scheme. Maybe they’ve finally ditched the useless stance switch button 

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