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MEGA Elite
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Posts posted by Vhozite

  1. 10 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

    I know this is a dumb question to ask on this board due to possible bias and the game literally releasing today, but is it good so far? Better than V? I'm thinking about picking it up just because a lot of reviews seem to be good for it and my gaming drought is real right now. I'm not liking the character designs and artstyle that much, but if the game is good I can overlook that.


  2. Last post then I’m turning in for the night.


    Juri’s dives can be made safe,  it for the most part the are unsafe. Best I could manage was -3. Anything above the waist can be punished. 

    Not a fan of light wheel knocking down here.


    Idk if I’m the only one who didn’t know but all Juri’s store kicks are unsafe up close. 
    L/M/H/EX are -4/-6/-8/-12 respectively. She does that shit in a block string her turn is over. 

    Her overhead is -3 on block and before you no she doesn’t get links from it in FSE. It is however +1 on block from a drive rush. 

    Her is +5 on hit, enough for her to link Tensenrin on hit if she’s close.


    Her dash travels pretty damn far. It’s 22 frames but it goes far. Two dashes from full screen buts her in throw range. Far as I can tell it’s not buffed in FSE tho. 

    Speaking of that, FSE in addition to the chain combos it makes every button besides overhead cancelable. She can do shit like sweep drive rush for pressure.

  3. Cammy’s dives seem ok. You can make the meterless versions plus as long as you’re hitting below the waist. Hitting them in the feet I could manage +3 on block and in the head it’s -5. On hit they are at worst +2, and perfect spacing they can be a whopping +9 on hit. EX has a tiny bit more advantage on block and is always safe (-2 at the worst). But advantage seems the same as meterless, tho it’s worth noting it’s cancelable into air SA2. So if you want to be cute Cammy can jump at you and do xx EX.Strike and hit confirm into super. On block she’s +2 or +3.

    As you’d expect her buttons are pretty good, though the only one that’s plus on block is cr.hp (roughly same animation as SFV).


    Spin Knuckle is legit. Light and medium are both safe on block, medium has fireball invul, and heavy has the fireball invul and is plus on block. 

    Also FYI the overhead from hooligan is safe but not plus. Take your turn if you block it.

  4. Ngl some of these trials are harder than I was expecting. Some of it is fatigue on my end, but you definitely need to be on point for some of these, especially if it’s your first time using the character. I’m doing Ken’s Advanced 4 right now and the timing on the combo is very tight even though it’s not hard to understand. Definitely had to watch some demonstrations. So far I struggle with the Drive Rush combos  from lights the most.


    As of this post I’ve finished Marisa, Manon, Cammy, and I’ve don’t all but the very last on Ken and Lily.

  5. 21 minutes ago, elliephil said:

    My friend told me that there is a way to get the game early on steam if you have a VPN.


    1. Activate the key in Americas/EU/etc

    2. preload the game

    3. close steam

    4. switch to Japan on VPN

    5. restart steam


    Worked for a bunch of people already after reading earlier posts lul

    As someone who doesn’t know much about VPN’s, is there any risk of the Capcom’s kicking in my door if I do this?

  6. 1 hour ago, mykka said:

    Goodbye to SFV and to the following characters which are unlikely to ever return:










    I talk shit on it but honestly shout out to SFV for all the new characters. Some of them were more popular than others but I appreciate them taking the chance on fresh faces a bunch of times and even for an entire season. 

    Also from that list wouldn’t be surprised to see Kolin back. Maybe hanging out here skews my perspective but but she seemed pretty popular. 

  7. 1 hour ago, delete_me said:

    Bit weird, I really love Manon's upper half in that costume but I think the lower half looks extremely dumb. I get the idea (model on top, ballet themed below) but boy it doesn't work for me at all.


    Edit: Marisa's has some great colours.

    This is exactly what I think about that costume word for word I thought it was just me. Hopefully I’ll like it more in motion, but if not I’m sure Capcom has a dozen more alts already in the pipeline.

  8. Man Luke seems kinda bland. In a game where Ryu can throw 3 hit fireballs and Chun is a stance character I can appreciate simplicity but Luke feels too far in the other direction. He felt actually incomplete to me, to the point where I was looking up his move pool online to confirm I wasn’t missing anything. Without the proper lab I can’t be sure I’m not overlooking something, but idk I expected more.

    That said I’d say he’s probably the most accessible, beginner friendly character in the game. Not a character I plan on using but I’m glad he’s here 👍🏽 

  9. 11 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

    JP can combo after throw sort of like aegis. 
    i tried to embed it but it didn’t work

    Not saying this to shit on my that guy bc I’m genuinely curious, but when would you ever do this outside of training mode/dizzy combo? The timing on that spike connect after throw seems extremely tight and JP is summoning that portal while he’s right next to the opponent. Surely that’s gotta be a -1000 on whiff gimmick. 

  10. 28 minutes ago, delete_me said:

    Battle Passes are just the worst kind of FOMO garbage you could imagine having in a game and I strongly dislike Capcom including something like that in SF

    My shilling aside, I agree this Battle Pass shit is whack…especially in a paid game. 

    That said, FOMO is one of those things that falls under self-control as a consumer. The reality is that companies (including Capcom) put shit like this in their games because gamers eat it tf up. Nobody needs all these weird cosmetics yet here we are.


    Edit: The only thing that matters is if ppl buy your product or not. Mfs keep spending money on battle passes it’ll only get worse.

  11. 23 minutes ago, Daemos said:

    Nah I’m not a capslut this game… Not yet. Big Daddy needs to come home first otherwise I am keeping my purchases to the bare minimum this year.

    Yeah I was thinking last night even if you replace Sagat with FANG none of the 4 kings are here. Bison aside I wonder what those characters are up to. 

    Vega is my boy but if he’s anything like he was in SFV I’d rather he just not be in the game tbh. Nash’s chances of making it in are basically 0% lol. 

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