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Posts posted by Vhozite

  1. I used Ken almost exclusively for the beta since he is approachable and a character I’ve liked in the past. 

    Thoughts on him specifically 


    As mentioned I like how the approachable he is. He still has the shoto gameplay for vets and coming from SFV specifically a lot of his tools have carried over to this game. Very similar set of normals, similar combos, run, Dragon slash seems like an expansion of VS2, good corner carry, etc. He’s not 1-1 from SFV so you can’t play him exactly the same, but there are enough similarities to get you started. 

    His SFV look was my favorite for him so aesthetically I wasn’t a huge fan of the fugitive look, but he’s grown on me. His huge shoes look goofy but also kinda cool. Even while on the run he’s still cocky. His character theme isn’t too bad and like I said it’s grown on me a bit. Most important his hair is orders of magnitude better than SFV there is no contest. 

    I have 3 main complaints with him.

    1. Gonna sound like a nitpick but I hate his SA1. The final part of the animation looks goofy and has Ken flying through the air like he’s suspended by wires in a low budget martial arts film. Functionally the super is invincible but at least twice I tried to use it as a reversal against a raw super (Guile lvl one) and it lost clean. 

    2. His seems…not good. Extremely slow startup and recovery, poor reward on hit, punish counter can be difficult to capitalize on, very minus, etc. Other than a couple pixels extra range his seems much better. I started doing significantly better once I used less lol. 

    3. For a character that feels very much transplanted from the last game he did lose some buttons. There is a big gap where his old used to be and he doesn’t have a normal overhead (or the feint) anymore. 

    Overall he’s not my cup of tea but I could use him and still enjoy SF6 while waiting for DLC if by some tragedy I didn’t click with anyone else in the base game.

  2. 45 minutes ago, Sonero said:

    when you Air-to-Air people they seem to land a lot faster than they should so they usually come in mashing.

    There is definitely some funkiness with air to air stuff. Thankfully a few characters have ways to knockdown from that scenario (Ken/Ryu, air throws) so you don’t always have to deal with it if you don’t want to. 

    49 minutes ago, Sonero said:

    Gonna take a min to get used to not having any type of plus frames. Feels like everybody is always mashing (MR FUCKING BEE THAT SCRUB) whenever they get touched in any way

    I knew it was gonna be like this early on bc it’s real similar to MK11 where after blocking shit you know is minus you gotta be ready to take your turn. No priority system, almost everything minus, and super accessible frame data means mashing is a good bet pretty often and everyone knows it.

    Personally I really like it because it means hitting buttons in someone’s face needs to be much more calculated vs SFV where you get in their face and immediately go into the frame trap offense 90% of the roster has. You want someone to block your minus attacks you gotta condition them with something super tight like chained jabs or manipulate your spacing to catch their retaliatory button. You want plus frames you gotta burn meter or use an attack with some drawbacks like Chun which is plus on block but also has shit horizontal range. 

  3. 23 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

    This is what I’ve been doing except that no matter how empty a server I pick I get interrupted by people wanting to run sets forever lol.

    Go to an empty server, then go to the cabs in the back right corner (“extreme battle” I think?) then train there. Nobody ever goes over to those cabs and you can train uninterrupted. I did it for a couple hours yesterday and nobody bothered me.

  4. 1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

    Gotta say it takes some balls to put a preorder up when you haven't really shown much/any gameplay footage or talked at all about what modes the game will have. Being a Shang main has me considering the preorder but I just don't feel like I have enough information about the game yet to decide.

    Is the pre-order bonus time sensitive? If it isn’t I’d just wait until like a day or two before release and buy it then. That’s what I did for Anthem (lol I know). 

  5. Ah yes PC Guile hitting me with Drive rush combos into super and perfect SB’s literally every time 30 seconds after I’ve picked chun for the very first time XD


    Didnt even get a chance to look at the movelist all the way

  6. 3 minutes ago, Daemos said:

    I will get it if Reptile is in the base roster. Otherwise, I'll just watch all the fatalities, and story stuff on youtube.

    I’m literally watching the MK11 story on YT at work right now lol


    Idk I like MK but it seems like they’re already going balls to the wall with DLC and we don’t even have gameplay footage. Call me a boomer but these days I don’t have as much money or time to spare so I’m trying to focus on the few things I really like.

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