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Posts posted by Vhozite

  1. 3 minutes ago, Pair of Rooks said:

    I've no idea who to main. In SF4 and Strive I knew even before I played the game who I was gonna play, and I stuck with them the whole time, but SF6... Shit I can't even fall back to basic boy Ryu cause he legit looks more complicated than most of the cast. 


    What looks complicated about Ryu? I haven’t paid much attention to him tbh. I definitely share your preference for simpler characters so I’m curious what you think about him.

  2. 34 minutes ago, EvilCanadian said:

    u watch da video like naend scusbrbficebe



    Fuck I hate you these breakdowns make me want to main every character 😭 


    You showed that low she has that’s comparable to Vega’s slide and I was all in after that lol. The spin before the hit-grab is also very reminiscent of his V-Skill 1.


    In all seriousness tho I really like this character because of your vid if nothing changes this might be my main. Her “function” looks fun and there are a lot of small flavor things I like about the character. 

    Now I just need to steal Twin’s avatar

  3. 1 minute ago, JustBooming said:

    Same re. Yang players, though I can't remember any. Always thought he was more interesting than Yun, and got battered too soon. 

    Obviously I’m not a big name, but I tried really hard to make Yang work in SF4 and I couldn’t I was so garbage with him. Only character I ever played that my mom commented on how much I was losing 😂

  4. 26 minutes ago, -PVL93- said:

    Do you guys feel that a bit too much stuff is tied to the Drive gauge in 6 as opposed to V gauge in 5?


    Meanwhile the Super gauge is used.... Exclusively for supers. Granted it's cool that you have access to all 3 levels at any time as long as you got the stocks required unlike SF3 where you had to choose one or 2/Alpha/IV where you were limited to the predetermined super, but still 


    I'm just not sure I'm entirely on board with the idea of essentially your match hinging one meter system

    The system in 6 seems like a direct response to criticisms of that last two games.

    First thing I’ll say is that I definitely like Super Arts being their own meter. One big issue with SF4 is that between FADC and EX moves you basically never got to use your super. In 5 it’s not as bad with the fast meter building, but you still have a lot of characters burning meter on DPs or on important character specific options like Kolin EX hands. As you pointed out, in 6 you’re already making a shit ton of decisions regarding how to use Drive Meter, so it’s nice that no matter what you’ll still get hype moments with super. It makes the game more fun to watch and more fun to play since you don’t feel hated off from your coolest moves. 

    On Drive itself, I think it’s so packed because Capcom really wants it to something for everyone. A big complaint about SFV is the lack of player expression. In SF6 you can have two people playing the same character but they utilize drive differently. For example I’m not big on using EX moves but I’ll still have plenty of use for my meter with reversal, rush, and impact. 

    I would write more but I’m busy 

  5. 1 hour ago, delete_me said:

    I dunno if I'm ageist here or something but even though JP has probably the most interesting moveset for me personally I can't imagine playing him. I don't even think he looks bad conceptually but I just don't want to look at a dude with a cane for a couple of hundred hours.

    Literally this x1000. In a game where every character has a cool martial

    arts outfit or some kind of cultural garmet suit and tie old guy is super bland. If he was someone’s world tour avatar I’d say they have no imagination lol. I didn’t care for G’s design either but at least he had the cool gold skin thing and an actual theme as an expy of President Lincoln.


    People who like JP are probably the same animals who play suit Urien instead of the far superior Hammock

  6. 9 minutes ago, Daemos said:

    The good news is that while he may have inherited many of Bison's themes, he actually plays nothing like him.

    That’s what I mean he communicates the idea of Bison being cool in this engine without replacing him. 

    Nash would’ve looked great in this engine too. Something about the “I teleport/move across the screen super fast” characters looks really clean in this game.

  7. Cammy’s hold specials look super cool her VT1 was my favorite so it’s nice to have those moves back. I can play her and live in Doctrine’s shadow lol.


    I hate everything about the way JP looks but his moveset looks so cool. If he gets a cool alternate costume I’ll have to give him an honest shot. Watching him actually makes me disappointed we don’t have Bison.


    Chun and Lily look like they have potential but I really need to see more footage it’s hard to get an idea of what they’re trying to do. 

    I was actually most keen on Marisa and Manon but the footage I’ve seen so far makes them look incredibly boring. Hopefully it’s just due to the players unfamiliarity and rushed circumstances.


    Ah yes hello character crisis my old friend.

  8. 3 hours ago, EvilCanadian said:

    all those vids suck imo


    this is the real good stuff 🤠



    This is a really good vid great so see someone actually answering the questions I have. 

    Some thoughts:

    * Ho Lee Fuk JP looks insane. OH/Low/Grab projectiles, Teleports, Full screen level 3, reversal with the hung projectile this character is nuts. If I didn’t find his look aggressively mediocre this might been my main. 

    * Mash inputs gone thank god. I’m sorry but I’ve always hated that mechanic.


    * Cammy’s combos look like pure sex. 

    * Manon level 5 grab 👀 

  9. 1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

    The Drive Impact/Parry thing is interesting, although I'm not sold on it. I think it would have been more interesting if they'd made you pick one or the other and maybe have a super art or moves tied to that choice. Even if there weren't moves tied to it, having to make some choice regarding that would have been cool. Although I have to say, repackaging mechanics from previous games as THE mechanic here makes it seem like they've run out of ideas, and I have to wonder what it's going to do to the footsies game. 

    I’m gonna give Capcom the benefit of the doubt and say that SF6 is an attempt to bring everyone into the fold. Casuals, SF3 players, SF4 players, old fans, etc. “Hey remember that thing from SF3, that thing from SF4, that thing from SFV, etc? Well it’s all here, with simpler controls and some extra fun modes to ease you in”.

    As for the system itself, I definitely have my reservations but again Capcom is clearly *trying* and the game isn’t even out yet anyway. If I absolutely have to pick something, Drive Impact costing only one bar seems problematic, but again I’m in “wait and see” mode.


    Hype train full steam ahead.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Maravilla said:

    I think playing 6 months of SFV is enough to know they crush counters/ the priority system was far superior than sf4 in that regards. Look at sf4 matches, every time two players were close to each other it was light+light+light+light until someone connected, this ain't a mike Tyson jab session. Y'all gon learn today' 

    Crush Counters and the priority system are related but if your problems are with the amount of jabs happening then those systems are functionally separate. The priority system is great. You can take out crush counters and heavies would still override lights hitting on the same frame. 

    Also the high amount of jabs in SF4 has a lot to do with a specific option select which doesn’t exist in 5. 

  11. 19 minutes ago, Maravilla said:

    Yes, but heavys were generally unsafe while lights were not. 

    On paper this might be the case but in practice outside of sweeps this wasn’t always true. Take the -4 that like a half a dozen characters have. On paper it’s unsafe but in practice you hit it at max range and unless your character has a button like Sakura well you’re SOL trying to punish. 

    Then you have other specific non-sense like Ibuki being safe and hopping over low buttons, or Bison being plus on block. 

  12. 10 hours ago, Daemos said:

    Is there anyone here who actually enjoyed and liked both SF4 and SF5? They were both great games when it was all said and done.

    Not trying to be rude but every time this topic comes up one y’all makes a post like this as if it’s some kind of hot take or you’re trying to virtue signal (for lack of a better term) about liking those games. 

    Why do you (y’all) need constant reaffirmation about your opinion? Again not meaning to be rude but “DAE enjoy this extremely popular thing” internet posts bug the hell outta me. 

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